
Game Appreciation Quotes

There are 451 quotes

"Link's Awakening is phenomenal; I love Link's Awakening."
"It's not like we have an Ultimatum that just wins the game on the spot; it just goes longer and longer and grinds and grinds, which is what I love about it."
"Dominion is clearly one of the best games ever made, one that started an entire genre based on it, and I still play it today, and many other people do."
"If you love this game and don't get goosebumps hearing that, you're in the wrong game."
"People really loved was the potential of Artifact."
"This game, I believe, is a true masterpiece."
"The closest we've ever gotten to this perfect, impossible game is enshrouded, made by a smallish team based out of Germany."
"As a neutral, I loved it. It was an amazing game."
"Football is a glorious game. Moments like this, I know it's only one-nil, but coming out of nowhere."
"I just love how creative people get with this game. It's one of the reasons why I love Mario Maker so much."
"He was in charge, nobody else. No god or human nature or society. Only him. Him alone."
"This is why I love Fire Emblem, what the actual heck."
"They've thought of so many things! This is one of my favourite horror games of all time…"
"Every time I've seen this game mentioned people always say how much they miss it."
"Skyrim is not a bad game, let's get that out of the way right up front."
"What a game it's been, we can't not rejoice in this Premier League."
"The reason why Dead Space has resonated with me so much is because it embraces things that feel lost in the modern AAA World these days."
"Give the game the opportunity it deserves, the chance it deserves."
"Finding negatives in Bloodborne is kind of like pointing out the faults in your best friend."
"This game is absolutely incredible. I love it!"
"Sometimes the best thing is just to let the beauty of the game, the music, and the characters and the voice acting come out and tell the story."
"It's everything we cherish about Zelda and much much more."
"Bayonetta is a game that I don't want you guys to miss out on."
"I really liked the combat in it, the combat is absolutely awesome" - Praising a specific aspect of a game.
"Thank you, everyone who worked on the Jak games at Naughty Dog."
"Damn, I am absolutely beyond blown away by this game."
"It's actually good to be playing the game again, isn't it?"
"Sometimes you do feel like a card is made for you, and that's why I love this game so much."
"Wind Waker shaped a lot of my views on what a video game could be."
"There’s no other way to describe Terranigma than to say it’s a masterpiece."
"It's really the most beautiful part of the game."
"What a great idea well and truly love what they did here with the exploration."
"This is the Witcher 3 and its entirety, on-the-go. That is unbelievable."
"Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair is a beautiful love letter."
"There's just a different energy to Bethesda."
"It really is this beautiful fusion of the Souls-like franchise with Armored Core."
"I really enjoyed the story, it had some great moments, I was interested in the world, I think the story is well told, they handled choice and consequence exceptionally well, and combined with the game's atmosphere I think they did a fantastic job."
"I really think that this is going to be game of the year... it really do think that this is this is game of the year." - "I really think that this is going to be game of the year... I really do think that this is this is game of the year."
"It's a good game with plenty to like. I'm not saying it's bad by any standard."
"The core foundation, the heart, the soul of the game, in my opinion, is good."
"I love Shadows of Evil more and more... Shadows of Evil is essentially Treyarch's Mona Lisa."
"2020 has been a pretty awful year... but there's one thing that has made it very special, at least in my heart, and that, ladies and gentlemen, is Lily's garden."
"Outer Wilds is one of the most beautiful games I've ever played."
"It's its own unique offering that I think will find a very strong following because it absolutely deserves one."
"One thing that I have to praise that I feel like this game does a really good job of is like the gun realism."
"Sure, Pokemon Colosseum is a bit unpolished, but if you can get past the small inconveniences, Pokemon Colosseum is a gem."
"This is awesome. The visuals are like so well done in this game."
"It's hard for me to find anything wrong with thousand-year door."
"This update is amazing, thank you Brookhaven!"
"It's a fine game. It's good. I mean, Spider-Man, right? So you can only like it."
"This game actually seems pretty cool though."
"Metroid Dread brought me back in, made Samus a badass again."
"Each area is just incredibly fitting for the whole cast so it gets big love from me."
"And that's gonna do it for our 100 mod showcase in All-Star Battle R."
"Larry Fitz, one of the best games I've ever played. That was such a sick game."
"I'm gonna enjoy the game for what it is and not what I wish it was."
"This might be the dream game come true for many."
"Some games get all the coverage and attention, many get lost, missed, or forgotten despite how great they may be."
"The reception for this game has been great, thank you guys so much for enjoying it."
"I mean concrete genie is somebody's game of the year and it's a pretty good pick."
"I actually liked what they were trying to do that game."
"This game is fantastic, by the way... love it!"
"An absolute hidden gem of a game that a lot of people are starting to appreciate in the modern era."
"It's the fact that it concludes this Saga so masterfully that you'll immediately want to go right back to the start of it to experience it all again."
"This is apparently the only official sequel Star Fox has ever had, and I kind of love that we're finally getting that."
"It's legendary, it's good for white, it's good for black, it's good for everybody, it's good for chess."
"It's definitely one of the best games on the Game Boy Advance."
"The colorful palette was one of the reasons people loved it."
"We do not spend anywhere near enough time talking about the games that we actually do like."
"Straight up Among Us, I'm giving this an A, bro, I love that so much."
"Halo 3's biggest achievement wasn't its campaign or its multiplayer. It was how it fostered one of the biggest and yet most tightly knit and friendly communities in the entirety of gaming."
"Absolutely incredible, what a game! This is why we love the game."
"Nobody talks about Link's Awakening, that game is freaking awesome."
"This game is awesome. I absolutely loved it." - Pax Pamir Second Edition
"Some of the best outfits in the game are right here in Forli."
"Massively multiplayer online games: one of the greatest genres ever created."
"Everyone can feel that we finally got something uncomplicatedly great."
"The entire Riven sequence is truly a masterpiece."
"There's just something magical about it that just kind of takes it past a game that we really liked into a ten out of ten game for me."
"I bashed the game a lot, don't get me wrong, but it is one of those 'bash because I love it' kind of things."
"Spirit Island is a very, very good game. Very special game."
"Personally what I loved about this game the most was just the overall theme."
"The minute the song started it was just like I knew it was gonna be special."
"We are all here because we love fallout and we love talking about fallout."
"Alan Wake was and always has been a great game to me; it's a one-of-kind piece of work and I hope this video proves why."
"I've said it a million times before and I'll say it a million more: I love Alan Wake."
"Undertale doesn’t beat you over the head with a message, yet it’s left us with a deep admiration of the characters regardless of who they are or what they’re into."
"This entry is fantastic and one of the best reasons why you could have owned a PlayStation 2 back in the day."
"The lead up to the dungeon is often very impressive... frankly for me the best content in the game is the content that surrounds the actual dungeon."
"Sonic has always meant a lot to me... Sonic Adventure 2 is one of my favorite video games."
"This mount is real, really cool looking overall."
"Tetris has no need to be overwrought with details in context; it just offers an addictive gameplay loop."
"Super Mario Odyssey acknowledges and respects the time and effort of the player playing it."
"The more kind of interesting and complex mechanics they add, I'll be singing their praises so much."
"We need to all go back a little bit and remember how good this game was, is, and can be."
"Dragon Quest 11 represents everything good about the great Dragon Quest series in the best possible ways."
"It feels like it comes from such a place of like genuine love for all of these different styles and for old arcade games and stuff."
"By the end of this video, not only will you learn endless new things about Grand Theft Auto 5, you'll come to appreciate it more than you ever have before."
"The game's gonna evolve and I think the media is doing a bad job pushing out the narrative of how great the game and how great these players are playing because you're not understanding the beauty of the game."
"Battlefront 2015, now looking back on it, I love this game, I really do."
"Final Fantasy VII is an amazing game. It took bold steps forward into unexplored territory."
"It's the valuing of these things above human life that leads to horrific violence."
"Muramasa Rebirth is one of their best, but it seems like it's slowly becoming more and more forgotten."
"You've got to admit, Mario games are awesome."
"Sincerely, this is probably one of the best looking games I've ever seen."
"I don't think there's a time when it isn't appropriate to just talk about how lovely Breath of the Wild is."
"Elden Ring remains a glorious game, one that established fans are going to savor for some time to come."
"I like Deadly Premonition a lot and stand by that a game should be entertaining even if potentially unintentionally."
"Even I find this game to be very compelling, and I, you know, I made it."
"I mean, just what a game. I mean, the end game was amazing, the entire game was amazing."
"You have picked the greatest game ever created."
"Sunset Overdrive is a testament to the need for some games to just be video games."
"I hope that you guys really love this game as much as Honey and I do."
"Excellent game thus far, excellent game thus far. I'm really impressed, I'm just happy it exists."
"Mad Max: If gamers had just given it a shot, they would have liked Mad Max just fine."
"If you love city builders, especially ones that push your skills to the test, you'll love Farthest Frontier."
"It has been a fantastic year of awesome games."
"Good games are good games, doesn't matter how old they are."
"Don't always fixate on what shouldn't be there...celebrating some games that stand out amongst the rest."
"I think this whole game is actually really pretty fantastic."
"I miss these old tiny games. Baldur's Gate seems good so that's nice."
"Witcher 3 is an exquisite game you can't help but play and just marvel at."
"Final Fantasy VII Remake... they just nailed everything about it."
"We brought back skate! Thank you to EA, thank you to Coz, thank you to Darren!"
"The gameplay loop is still addictive. I still love the moment-to-moment gameplay of anthem."
"This game looks awesome. I'm a sucker for post-apocalyptic."
"In about 11 days time, Call of Duty Cold War is going to become one of those underrated COD titles that fans look back upon fondly."
"I was actually quite blown away by the realism of the clouds I don't think I've ever seen clouds that look quite as real as they do in Microsoft flight simulator."
"Race for the Galaxy opened my eyes to a completely different kind of gaming."
"I strangely have a lot of memories with this game, Toe Ball number one."
"Shinobi, without a doubt, one of the greatest games ever made."
"Mario 64 is one of the most satisfying games on the planet to get good at."
"The game still plays like a hard-hitting survival Metroidvania."
"Shodan is easily one of the best antagonists in a video game."
"Wow, this game is epic, guys! I like this game a whole lot!"
"Sonic battle though now this is an underappreciated gem."
"The more I play around with this ash the further I fall in love with it, the fact that this is both a single heavy attack and a multi-hit combo makes it compatible with so many different talismans and physic combinations."
"Man props to the writers of star force 3 it's moments like these that push this game above the rest as one of the best mega man rpgs ever made."
"Fez still manages to feel like an essential entry in the indie game pantheon."
"Let people who still enjoy the game enjoy the game."
"I hope that I can try and guide some skeptics into at least giving this game a try because I think it's a [ __ ] awesome game."
"There's just something about the Mega Man 7 run that was always appealing to me."
"Yes, I love Gris. Almost voted for it in the Game Awards."
"Still fantastic game yeah still my top 100 this year yeah."
"There is just so much content, that's the thing that I loved the most about this."
"But you're a fascinatingly weird game, and we love you."
"She's doing a lot behind the scenes to keep the Reds and Blues alive."
"This is amazing! I've missed this place so much, my favorite quest in the entire game, Breath of the Wild."
"Those are the two best games this year by far."
"Seeing God of War Ragnarok again after all this time, beautiful."
"Welcome to rogue lights aren't they bloody wonderful."
"No, this was solid. This was really, really cool."
"This gives me some of that [Twilight Struggle] vibe."
"Why Shovel Knight stands out among the classics."
"Super Mario Odyssey is just hand down the best Mario game ever period."
"It honestly feels like a true proper follow-up to games like Turtles in Time, the Manhattan Project."
"There’s just so much to like about this game."
"Elden Ring is a masterpiece tarnished only on the tiniest level."
"This is the best we've ever seen, just love how the players are stretching each other."
"Sea of Stars through and through is one of the greatest games that I've ever completed."
"I really did not expect that from a game from the time, but it felt like I had so much freedom."
"DMC 5 feels and fills me with that level of excitement of just like holy shit this is so polished this feels so good I can't believe they're doing this."
"What captures the original Dead Space and why it's so special."
"It's that beautiful audio based attention to detail that made Dead Space one a true game changer."
"Thank you, Wizards of the Coast, for reprinting fetchlands finally."
"Despite the technical issues, there's still something special about the game."
"Mario Party Superstars looks lovely, and as a celebration of the entire series, it’s clear a lot of love and attention was put into the experience."
"I love this game so much, and I worked so hard."
"Matt Ryan's got no quit in them. He can score a 14-point touchdown right here."
"I'm having freaking so much fun with this game."
"I think Yasuo's kit is perfect the way it is. It is honestly one of the most interesting and well-designed kits in the game in my opinion."
"Recognize and applaud the perfection of form in games like Tony Hawk 3."
"Octopath Traveler is more than its art style, it's a love letter to everything players love about the role-playing genre."
"Here's the good news. Recently It dropped on Steam and people are realizing how much this game bangs."
"I completely believe what I said I was just like this game is fantastic."
"That game was the first to make web traversal very fluid."
"I love this game, I had such a blast with this game."
"He genuinely seems to love League of Legends."
"That was a really, really good match for sure, I eyed that mammoth and the chariot play was solid."
"Bloodborne kind of broke me... it completely raised the bar."
"Thank you, Minecraft, you're such a good game."
"Paper Mario Thousand Year Door may just be the best Mario RPG."
"Celeste is an indie masterpiece, and just about as close to a perfect game as you're likely to find."
"We finally have a game that's specifically showing some love to bloodborne."
"I love secrets and levels and I think they're great for expanding upon a level's value."
"Trying to build these houses in The Sims 3 really gives you an appreciation for what we have in The Sims 4."
"I have a newfound appreciation for The Sims 4."
"But it was a great game, I had a fantastic time."
"Ape Escape is a wonderful game that will have you wanting to play it again and again."
"Star Fox is a very special series... it is a strong start to one of my favorite franchises..."
"Some games are just works of art despite their flaws."
"I'm just so impressed with Beyond... putting out some top quality play."
"Final Fantasy 7 has always been pretty relevant and relatable."
"I still think Colors DS is a really good game."
"This is a special one, a truly magical experience to have in Fallout 4."
"We must make some radical changes in our way of thinking."
"Such a fantastic game, completely unplayable until now!"
"Thank you so much Super Bell power-up for all that you have done for me."
"I was running around trying to find all the locations from the Henry Stickman games."
"The production value was very high for an ARG and that was not unnoticed."