
Holy Grail Quotes

There are 68 quotes

"It is the Holy Grail of missing historical artifacts."
"The healing power of the Grail is the only thing that can save your father now."
"They think they may have acquired the Holy Grail, which is the holy fucking Grail guys."
"The ultimate destination for the Holy Grail was the famous money pit on Nova Scotia's Oak Island."
"King Arthur's quest for the Holy Grail symbolized restoring fertility to a blighted land."
"The Holy Grail remained an elusive treasure, even amidst the chaos of war."
"This hunt for the Holy Grail for me was a search for certainty."
"Perhaps the Holy Grail is going to be your ability to develop a true sense of pattern recognition."
"This is one of my personal holy grails."
"I would rather have one foundation that suits me really well and works for me and is kind of a Holy Grail."
"The Holy Grail: one of the most sacred objects that may or may not exist."
"I'm gonna be talking about my Holy Grail Taurus."
"PPC is the Holy Grail to marketing."
"This here is one of the Holy Grail LEGO sets."
"A reason a lot of people like the Holy Grail."
"I wanted to be even with the original Holy Grail which is a system that originally was played on American tables."
"This is a real Holy Grail, and compared to what we've seen already, it's just hilarious how some are just so underrated."
"Do I really need to talk about this serum? I don't think I do. It's my Holy Grail."
"The search for the Holy Grail is the search for a myth of rebirth, the most important myth in any society, whether it's traditionally religious or secular, and even naturalistic."
"The Holy Grail process is not a green dot or a red dot."
"Whenever an apostle is holding the Holy Grail, it's probably John."
"There's no such thing as a Holy Grail in investing."
"This is my Holy Grail, if I could choose one skincare product for the rest of my life."
"Easily a new holy grail, it is absolutely phenomenal."
"Sir Lancelot went to find a magical cup called the Holy Grail."
"If you drink out of the Holy Grail, you get eternal life."
"Galahad gets carried up to heaven by a choir of angels and the Grail is never seen again."
"Whoever finds the answer will have found the holy grail."
"The Holy Grail is one might say the Holy Grail of legendary artifacts."
"Some say the Holy Grail is attributable to this group."
"Fair sweet father, I know not if I shall see you more till I have beheld the Holy Grail."
"The Rosslyn Chapel has been described as the most superbly carved eulogy ever craved to the Holy Grail."
"The quest for the Holy Grail could continue."
"His Knights go in search of the Holy Grail."
"I'm going to be sharing the Holy Grail tonight, so I hope you guys and girls are ready."
"This is the closest thing to the Holy Grail for long-term sustainable results that you will ever get."
"The search for neuroprotection has been really quite an effort, likened to the search for the Holy Grail."
"The truth of the Holy Grail is the likelihood that it never actually existed."
"It's happened at last. I hit the holy grail of animation gigs."
"The word 'Holy Grail' gets thrown around quite a lot, but when I call this thing a Holy Grail, I really don't say it lightly."
"The splendor of the inner world, it is indeed the Grail castle where the Holy Grail from the Last Supper is kept."
"The most beautiful thing in something, this is the holy grail."
"The Holy Grail... represents the chalice that was at the Lord's last supper."
"It's not the actual finding of the Holy Grail that's so important, it's the actual looking for it."
"That's sort of like the holy grail for someone who does what I do."
"Netzach is in one tradition the source of the Grail."
"These properties coincide remarkably with those ascribed in the romances to the Holy Grail."
"Upon the defeat of all servants, the remaining master and servant will touch the Grail, granting them access to the void which leads to Akasha."
"If the guardian of the Holy Grail, the king of the Lion Heart, was considered a demigod, then the Knights Templar were Saints."
"In symbolic terms, the Grail is often portrayed as a chalice that contains the blood of Jesus."
"She's the vessel for the Holy Grail."
"That's the holy grail, that's the type of quality for quality software detection mechanisms."