
Sabotage Quotes

There are 169 quotes

"When you put too many people on the boat, there's some trying to put holes in it because they don't like that you're sailing."
"A hundred people can build a machine; one person can throw a wrench in the gears and break the whole thing."
"Women are actually out there to sabotage each other."
"Slave labor typically will be malingering, foot dragging and will find all kinds of ways to interfere with production and be less productive than it might be."
"It's not a normal customer troubleshooting experience, it's like a saboteur experience."
"Step three: Ruin Gabby's relationship with her kids."
"Every time we get something popping, they find a way to sabotage it."
"Was this really sabotage? It seems likely...whoever did this did not have control...we have no idea who did this or why."
"Jade was so mean to her sometimes and was mocking her, making fun of her, going out of her way to ruin Tori's opportunities."
"They'd rather see the boat sink than see you sailing."
"The joker's tainted hundreds of chemicals at the source."
"We have to learn how to counter all of these saboteur groups out here. There's always somebody coming in the mix trying to sabotage foundational black Americans."
"In his speech this morning, the president called the Nordstream pipeline attacks 'a deliberate Act of sabotage.'"
"Every last detail, from hiding the ladder to sabotaging the trucks, appears to have been meticulously planned."
"Pro-Ukrainian militants have just blown up a railway shipping route utilized by the Russian army, preventing the Russian army from making supplies to Ukraine."
"Damn that [__] out here, the VBC trying to sabotage."
"Sue transforms using her wand into a much more elaborate princess dress, thwarting Lia's sabotage."
"The Vemork facility was destroyed, and while the Germans had it up and running again within months, it effectively slowed down their nuclear ambitions."
"For the rest of the war, the insurgents mostly engaged in sabotage missions, cutting power lines, blowing up radio stations, and attacking critical communication and supply lines."
"Their objective is to wipe out the power grid and they are clearly, demonstrably wiping out the power grid."
"Sounds like somebody was out there to sabotage everything that she worked hard for."
"You got to realize who's really your friend and who's just there to sabotage you."
"You're actually sabotaging your financial security, which sabotages your emotional security and even threatens the roof over your head."
"That definitely seems like people that have had it out for you and want your brand to fail."
"SOE's goal was to 'set Europe ablaze' and strike back at the enemy."
"The big discussion around what Atreides inherited when he took over the planet is how the Harkonnens sabotage their equipment."
"How are you talking about I'm doing this to you and I'm glad you're doing it what are you talking about dude you're doing this on purpose what Compton how to sabotage Our Lives."
"You're self-parenting in a way to keep yourself from sabotaging yourself so you don't want that little bit of time to sabotage the rest of your day or how good you feel."
"Someone was trying to sabotage another person."
"Families are the worst when it comes to betrayal and sabotage."
"The imposter was terrible. He successfully took out the whole crew."
"The saboteur can't make things for themselves, they're dependent."
"They want you to themselves or want to sabotage something."
"The tire had definitely been tampered with."
"Sharpe gets right back to being the second worst person in this universe and thinks up a plan to sabotage Troy and Gabriella."
"Nobody wins if a beautiful relationship is sabotaged."
"Procrastination is also a form of sabotage."
"The secret killer is actually able to sabotage the group during these challenges."
"Matriel was the next angel to attack, taking advantage of a sabotage power outage to Tokyo-3's electricity."
"There's always a saboteur, someone who wants to wreck it, hijack it."
"Be cautious cuz someone here wants to sabotage you in some way."
"Your entire family is trying to sabotage your happiness."
"Praying on his downfall every day, waking up, smoking a stogy, and then telling God, 'Man, I hope Jimmy fails. If there's anything you can do today, just make sure Jimmy fails.'"
"No amount of sabotage or even straight-up torture is too far for Randall."
"I was trying to destroy that technology," he explained. "If that falls into the wrong hands..."
"That would be a special kind of scum to sabotage a kid because he knows he's probably gonna beat him."
"Was it possible that one of us had sabotaged our own life support?"
"This is the beginnings of hypocrisy. You're trying to get some people from within the group of Muslims to start sabotaging."
"Sabotage, sabotage, how, when, to drive away visitors from the ghost town."
"I need something to sabotage. I only have an advantage right now. This is gonna be the best sabotage. I'm beating these boys."
"When you overcome that unworthiness and you come to a place of self-love, the sabotage will just cease to exist in your life."
"I don't get people who go out of their way to actively ruin other people's fun."
"This actually is incredibly sad guys because a lot of these women they say that their friends are there for them but truthfully their friends oftentimes sabotage their lives."
"That's incredibly sad. A lot of these women think they have friends, but their friends are sabotaging their lives. Women accept terrible advice from their friends, it's actually crazy to watch."
"What's wrong with the wrecker? Letting the air out of the lockers?"
"The biggest reason people fail is the pressure they get from their friends and family trying to sabotage them."
"You idiot. I'm going to win. You idiot because I hate you and I'm sabotaging this whole thing."
"They make it their job to smear you to key people in your life."
"From Charlie sabotaging, bro, Alistair did nothing to sabotage the hotel literally nothing."
"It is all very elaborate, isn't it? If the purpose was simply to damage Leed, the whole program could have been erased."
"She made sure that you had enough money to make the business possible but not enough to make it a success."
"I still might have gotten my hands on him, but as I went by Amy, she stuck out her foot and tripped me."
"There is an unseen spiritual force that comes at the most opportune time to literally sabotage your success and your future."
"There's a conspiracy theory that the armory and all of the props and everything was sabotaged."
"These people don't want you to ever be happy, healthy, and move on."
"The minute the world sees talent and sensitivity they sabotage it and call it technical."
"Somebody feels guilty because they feel like they sabotaged the connection."
"The power outage was just the beginning. The brother archaean who sabotaged the power programmed the nuclear reactors to melt down."
"I wouldn't do anything to sabotage any of your segments."
"Great policy is undermined by political sabotage."
"The vineyard has been sabotaged, and Jezebel is ruling and reigning."
"I might have to start thinking about the plan to sabotage."
"She's basically trying to take this opportunity away from you and in a roundabout way ruin your entire trip."
"There is nothing that can sabotage you in your destiny."
"Eric has a new plan: buy all the dominoes to sabotage the ritual."
"Icarus one's coolant system was sabotaged."
"I realized then that you won't let someone love you more than you love yourself. You'll sabotage your relationship with anybody who loves you more than you love you."
"Not just sabotage, attempted murder."
"There's always going to be people like Nathan out there trying to bring you down, trying to sabotage you."
"How to push the one button that destroys freight transport by train?"
"Not everyone around you wants to see you win, so they are willing to crash your [__] on purpose, bro. 100%."
"Do you sabotage life or relationships when they're going too smoothly?"
"Don't let sabotage and envy keep you from winning, period."
"They will try their damnness to ruin your entire new relationship."
"Each Commando was given a specific target to make sure all the machinery of the dry dock was destroyed."
"They sabotage everything, basically making sure people just don't advance at the top and then come need them at the bottom."
"The mission is to at minimum expose the presence of unauthorized military support in the form of high-powered ordnance, and destroy or confiscate said ordnance if we can hobble the syndicate forces at the same time more the better."
"This is getting to a point where the killers are just flagrantly setting themselves up for failure, as they're leaving a lot of it up to chance, and then self-sabotaging their own efforts."
"A tragic story of how the greatest Tale in American history in terms of film was sabotaged."
"Somebody was really trying to see your downfall."
"The servers are all offline still, but he finds a few more things that are still up, and he logs into them and uninstalls some key software on those systems, too."
"The Bruins have a problem with their bench door. It won't close, which I 100% am full-blown conspiracy believe is on purpose."
"He was planning to scramble the reputation of Minuteman tobacco."
"By dropping a bomb down the inside wall of the dam, an underwater explosion would combine with the force of the water and break the wall."
"Uncle Claw, Gadget is here. Perfect! Now we can ruin Broadway and make sure Gadget's performance brings the house down on his head."
"So, you know, when you do any starch like this, you know, whether for the sugar, yeah, I mean, it, yeah, yeah, sabotage, okay."
"The examination takes place tomorrow. The examination papers have been tampered with."
"I'm afraid last night Mr Banks had a car accident. His brake lines were cut he plowed into a tree after he lost control of his vehicle."
"He was responsible for the destruction of over a hundred different operations for the United States."
"That's true, you are literally the queen of sabotage."
"Another not-so-great moment of hers was when she tried to sabotage pop-star Alisa’s day of normalcy so that she wouldn’t quit the music business, all because Carlota herself wouldn’t lose her celebrity connection."
"They tried to sabotage the cattle in Cuba because Castro was famously a big fan of ice cream. So they were like, 'If we can get rid of ice cream...'"
"It's dye. They planted it. They ruined it. Son of a bitch!"
"When you know how things work, you can tell how to break them."
"Some of us have a distorted identity that sabotages our success."
"Some of y'all going to get this love and end up pushing it away or sabotaging it... y'all about to get a soulmate connection."
"I want to sabotage what you two have that is special."
"Ask yourself, are you letting little things slip here and there that are actually just sabotaging you?"
"They'll try to hijack the hero's shoe."
"It's lame for someone to go out of their way just to mess things up."
"The narcissist needs you to fail, encourages you to fail, creates situations in which you are liable to fail. Anything and everything you do or say, or don't do and don't say, can and will be used against you."
"They torched it and sent it down the track."
"The only problem with that is some of these fire extinguishers, the handle for it was on the outside, and if you knew where it was, you could just run up to a military vehicle and pull the Halo thing and then suffocate everyone inside the vehicle."
"she sabotages these relationships herself"
"Oh, my God. This is rough. Yeah, he's sabotaging this interview, yeah. And physically, he's like, I don't want to be here, you know what I mean? He's like, oh, this [ __ ]."
"Somebody has been actively trying to attack their health or confidence."
"It's the bloke who got fired, Jack," he's so insane from rage that he tried to sabotage the helicopter to murder Christian.
"He finally had a shot at being happy, and he let his father destroy it."
"Sometimes we actually sabotage God's will for our life, and then God salvages what we sabotage."
"One bad cartridge, one chance in a million to get by undetected, one second in sixty, one girl out of a hundred who is an honest, patriotic, intelligent saboteur."
"...the resistance were working with the Allies... telegraph poles destroyed, train tracks blown up, trains misdirected... anything to disrupt."
"There are people in this world who are so unhappy, they can't imagine somebody else succeeding, so they will take every ounce of their strength and energy to tear them down."
"Churchill wanted the heavy water plant to be destroyed."
"Look, Dollar, look there! Somebody opened the seacocks; somebody left them wide open. So one thing is certain: it wasn't an accident; she was sunk deliberately."
"Don't let anything sabotage your future."
"You can either build a building's building or knock down everybody else's."
"If you think your friends and even family are trying to sabotage your weight loss efforts, you're not alone."
"You sabotage potentially good things in your life because somewhere deep down you don't believe you're worthy."
"If you think all of this sounds impossible, remember that Russia has threatened to sabotage underwater cables frequently."
"The enemy loves to use the smallest things to wreck our lives in the biggest way."
"The original logic bomb, during the Cold War in 1982, the CIA found a way to disrupt the operation of a Siberian gas pipeline in Russia."
"They infiltrated a hydroelectric plant held by the Germans."
"He eventually made it to the town's power substation which he blew up with thermite."
"The steps they take are rough; my job is to find out who's behind this sabotage and stop them."
"Your happiness is something that someone has been trying to destroy."
"The Germans had rigged the bridge with explosives and they were ready to destroy it if needs be."
"The only thing that could sabotage you right now is to give in to worries or give into doubt."
"Archangel Michael is protecting you... their plan to sabotage you, to hang you out to dry for something, did not work."
"Don't let your own fear sabotage your relationship."
"Resistance is one of the biggest saboteurs and it's a trick of the ego."
"Why would the earth government sabotage a mission to meet the Kryptonians? Fear."
"Someone had murdered the crew, dumped their bodies overboard with weights attached, taken all the money on board, and tried to destroy the ship along with all the evidence."
"Mission control was stricken with horror and grief as the carefully orchestrated cull of the Sarkic saboteurs began to throw the entire Moon Base plan into jeopardy."
"Sometimes your own thoughts can sabotage you."
"Someone's trying to sabotage this healer, very divine, an innocent person, very pure and redemptive."
"She uses a phone recording and throws it inside the command unit, causing all of the drones to petrify and crumble."
"The game actually comes with four different game modes: Sabotage, which is basically what I've set up."
"You may have been self-sabotaging your happiness and you're not seeing it."
"A lot of people push good things away, a lot of people sabotage great relationships because they feel like they're not worthy."
"Holding on too tightly to a desired outcome can actually sabotage it."
"People loving you gets some folks' nerves here and somebody really wants to sabotage that."
"He may have sabotaged this connection because he was afraid of it."