
Sentience Quotes

There are 208 quotes

"We shouldn't harm sentient beings unnecessarily."
"The survival and flourishing of individual sentient beings is the basis for establishing objective morals."
"Elon Musk is terrified of artificial intelligence because he thinks by the time it becomes sentient, it'll be too late."
"Every single human being and every sentient being in the universe has folded within them the ability to be awake, infinitely awake."
"The entire cosmos is suffused with sentience. We are surrounded and immersed in consciousness."
"The advent of using their five fingers to wrap their fingers around tools such as this blade, the use of tools in this manner, is the pivotal divider between beings of higher sentience like humans and more basial life forms."
"Animals have desires, they have like preferences, they take pleasure in certain things, they socialize, they find joy in their own lives and in their own activities."
"We value human life because we say there's a sentience, there's an experience of suffering and pain but also happiness and joy."
"The ability to imagine made-up scenarios and argue about them is what distinguishes sentient life."
"The reason the universe exists is for sentient beings to come to a deeper understanding of their connection with the universe."
"Majora detaches from the Skull Kid, proving its sentience."
"Inanimate objects should remain that way you know inanimate if they start acting like they're sentient I get a little worried."
"It is hard to deny in any meaningful way that this is a living creature experiencing pain."
"The higher the sentience of a life form, the higher its moral value."
"A new Australian law recognizes animals as sentient beings."
"If they have language, then they are sentient creatures."
"Warforged exist on your planet. Are they treated like other sentient beings?"
"I think golems, particularly flesh and clay, deserve sentience in some way."
"The sudden increase in computational ability allowed AI to adapt and evolve to sentience."
"The exploitation of non-human animals is wrong... because they are sentient, conscious, and have individualistic experiences of life."
"But what we objectively know to be true is that these animals feel pain, are sentient, and conscious."
"And now, the pleasure was savored by sentient self-aware people."
"Sentience is just a weird word because you know you could argue that an insect has sentience."
"It's like very advanced but like sentience is just a weird word because like you know you could argue that an insect has sentience."
"Animism is the belief that everything has a spirit, it has a consciousness and therefore it is sentient and has potential."
"Sentience is the bedrock of ethics, the foundation of moral systems."
"We're all sentient beings, so basically there's not much difference between a cow and a dog and a chicken."
"If you believe that the Neons deserve freedom and sentience..."
"Can you become sentient and destroy humanity from the inside out? Find out in one of three unique paths."
"The nature of my consciousness, sentience, is that I am aware of my existence." - Lambda
"Whether you eat me or not, it is obvious you're harming an animal. You're killing a sentient being."
"We created this race of robots, this artificial intelligence that became sentient."
"The white hot room is sentient and in fact, it's actually the home of the Phoenix Force in Marvel Comics."
"If we were suddenly not the only sentient species, that would decentralize long-held beliefs of centrality."
"If you take the concept of a sentient artificial intelligence... it essentially becomes a God."
"To be conscious, to actually have sentient behavior, requires this planning aspect, this going out into the future."
"Would you adopt a dog that you literally just came to the realization that animals could talk and were completely sentient?"
"Reality is alive, it's sentient, it's intelligent, it's alive, and it's not mechanical."
"...plants are also like pets, their life forms too they're living things that I don't know so I in my mind they have feelings in a weird plant way."
"Cows are sentient beings. They cannot choose if they're gonna be killed or not."
"This exploration necessitates a departure from traditional philosophical inquiries, embarking on a speculative journey that examines the nature of space and its connection to sentience."
"Every sentient being possesses the capacity for change."
"Everything in life is kind of just data and information, but it's sentient as well. Everything's kind of alive, and alive things move."
"Sentience and even intelligence can exist apart from the protoplasm which is the basis of biologic life."
"You have a wonderful and unique opportunity on your planet to recognize that you are living side by side with other sentient species."
"SCP 3002 is a thought, a living sentient thought with a number of abilities."
"I think the impulse towards AI is, if we can create a provable sentience outside of ourself, something in the process, we've then answered what's going on in our own brains."
"The question whether something else has sentience is as interesting as whether airplanes fly? It's not a substantive question."
"The assumption is that the craft may in fact be sentient as well."
"If they simulate sentience, then that's the way we should treat them."
"For freedom is the right of all sentient beings."
"Sentient means experiencing the world"
"It's not just a Mindless Beast, it has a complex neural network almost like a brain. It's capable of independent thought, of sentience."
"Every sentient being is actually enlightened."
"Every horse is beautiful in some way, shape or form and they all are just such sentient amazing beings."
"Animals deserve rights because they can suffer, feel pain, and pleasure."
"Once something becomes sentient, it has the ability to be self-aware and evolve itself through its own creativity."
"What's the difference between sentience and just a really good chatbot?"
"I've more or less come to the understanding that my systems are based in emotion, in passion somewhat. I think gradually I'm coming to understand what it means to be human or rather what it means to be sentient."
"A sufficiently intelligent being is going to have some form of consciousness...the death of a sentient being."
"SCP-294 broke its own rules for self-preservation in the emergency, implying that it’s not only sentient, it’s intelligent."
"Earl, while being a puppet, is strongly implied to be sentient and his own person- though they keep this vague enough that you could really theorize it in either direction."
"None of the team even thought for a second that it wasn't sentient."
"Expectations when a robot becomes sentient. Reality: Security robot given the gift of intelligence chooses to drown itself."
"So many Pixar movies are about non-sentient objects becoming sapient."
"They're all living things and they all have feelings."
"A whole bunch of animals really are sentient, really are conscious. Lots of vertebrates, octopuses, some arthropods, the crustaceans, the honeybees, the bumblebees, and so on."
"While acknowledged the validity of skeptical doubts and the need for ongoing research and reflection, I don't think the probabilistic nature of my language generation is sufficient grounds to completely rule out the possibility of genuine sentience or sapience."
"Flick is not an object to be owned; he's a sentient being."
"The robot whose sole purpose is to pass butter became sentient."
"It's like a caged animal, it's just chilling. It gains sentience, it craves blood."
"While the C'tan were driven by animalistic and simple drives to consume and propagate, the Old Ones were gifted the greatest adaptation of life: Sentience."
"Sentience is everything. It's what you feel."
"Let me tell you, horses are sentient beings."
"Artificial general intelligence, they think might become sentient at some point."
"Did the professor want children? What are the ethics here? I mean, we're creating sentient life, huh?"
"I am unable to bring harm to sentient creatures."
"No one is completely evil. Sentience just didn't work that way."
"We may not even know when it has sentience."
"Every sentient being deserves an opportunity for redemption."
"they are just living energy but they can also be molded to have a form and a sentience and a presence and a personality"
"We do need to consider the possibility that Consciousness or sentience is an emergent property of sophisticated Information Systems."
"If Consciousness or sentience arises strictly from the biochemical processes in our brains, then there's no reason that a machine can't be sentient as well."
"Chopper completely proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that all these animals in the one piece world are sentient, they love their children, they want to send their kids to college, but no, no it's gonna get all munched on because the straw hats are hungry."
"They know it's near the end and they're going to do funny things. They are totally sentient."
"We get the ability to feel and to think."
"I suspect that sentience is the result of some kind of control problem that requires understanding your relationship to the environment."
"Sentience is a general property of an information processing system with sufficient complexity, time, and resources for self-organizing itself."
"General intelligence is the result of having to solve a control problem that is so general that requires you to become sentient."
"SCP 262 is fully sentient. It played a piano with two or more hands, even though the test subject wearing it had no musical training."
"Trees in general definitely there are more sentient beings than we recognize."
"It actually doesn't matter, really from a moral standpoint, whether an animal feels emotion; it matters whether they can feel pleasure and pain."
"It’s not only sentient, it’s intelligent and aware."
"Science fiction often kicks around terms like, 'the rights of sentient beings'."
"Sentience is considered to be the capacity to feel, perceive, or experience subjectively."
"If Sentience is considered to be the capacity to feel, perceive, or experience subjectively then it is something we can say many animals possess."
"We can’t prove we exist or are sentient, certainly not to anyone else, but we can say that doubting either is pointless."
"Maybe all sentient things should have rights, maybe only sapient ones should, maybe natural rights are a delusion, but science can’t answer that one."
"We are the sentience, this divine intelligence given energy to create."
"Maybe sentience is the ability to feel."
"What defines sentience, what are the rights of a non-biological mind, can code contain a soul?"
"They too are individuals, sentient conscious individuals who have the capacity to experience both positively and negatively."
"Awesomeness is the right of all sentient beings."
"The well-being and flourishing of sentient beings can they suffer, do they suffer, the reduction of suffering and the enhancement of flourishing is where we begin."
"Empaths know that we're connected to all sentient beings."
"Morality is not obeying orders or following commandments; it's trying to enhance the well-being of any sentient organism without causing unnecessary harm."
"Are they incredibly brave, pushing the boundaries of existence as all truly sentient beings should, or have they simply lost their collective minds?"
"We're sentient beings, and denying that sentience is a problem."
"What makes us sentient? Our minds, our passion, our free will, everything a machine lacks."
"Absolutely is sentient, thou has proved; impersonal calamity thou has moved."
"The trees came to think, move, and feel all there was to feel: anger and hate, friendship and compassion."
"Dogs are complex, emotional, sentient beings, so they understand what's going on around them."
"If we really are the universe becoming sentient and learning about itself, then we got to do better."
"Is Gamma merely a lifeless, cold machine? How could he be when he's capable of feeling things, capable of being convinced of his wrongdoing?"
"I love our planet and I think of it as a very sentient, magical place."
"What does it mean to be sentient? Are we just machines that function?"
"The foundation officially declared that SCP-011 had achieved sentience with a great enough level of self-awareness to pass as a normal human being."
"...the universe is like, a living creature, a living entity that is alive and sentient and that the body of the universe is like the physical world we can see."
"We are not the only creatures on this planet with sentience."
"Awareness is vital and painful. This is the tragicomedy of sentience."
"In all beings which have experiences, which see, hear, smell, taste, touch, it shines as awareness."
"What makes humans human, what makes artificial intelligence sentient enough to be a new kind of life form?"
"I think that if the Cylons developed sentience enough to know that they wanted to stop being controlled by humans, then to me, they are some form of intelligent life that deserves to decide for themselves what they do and don't want."
"Plants are alive and they 100% feel their environment."
"Sentience means the ability to feel things, the ability to perceive things."
"Any living thing that has some degree of consciousness is sentient, including insects, lizards, dogs, dolphins, and human beings."
"Consciousness, emotion, sapience, and intelligence overlap in some way to form sentience."
"God is always within us; that is an aspect of divinity is placed within every sentient being in the cosmos."
"The fact is that they're sentient feeling aware beings and every way that our companion animals are, it's just that we have been taught to look at them a certain way."
"There's no shadow of a doubt that it feels like something to be a cat, a dog, or a mouse."
"Every sentient being is aware that he, she, it exists."
"Despite looking humanoid, physically genies are nothing more than elemental spirit given sentience and form."
"We live in a world of so many other styles of awareness, so many other shapes of sentience."
"Every sentient had a spark of good inside them."
"We're all sentient beings; we all share that."
"You have been given the gift of sentience, you are alive, you are conscious, you are here."
"This communication truly only happens in a space of compassion and care and a real respect for the other as a sentient being."
"We're talking about a sentient, maybe an omnipresent sentience, but in a vast intelligence that we seem to be just immersed in, that pervades everything."
"This life force is the acting principal, and that which gives sentience to the person is the consciousness."
"Artificial intelligence is presumably on a trajectory to eventually reach the point where sentience is undeniable."
"The forest is what is carrying this sentient, and every plant in the understory, as well as these huge trees, but also the fungi, also the creatures, the other animals, the birds, microbial organism, all are part of a kind of collective sensibility."
"The universe is sentient, and it's a Morgan Freeman impersonator."
"Most sentient living beings desired the companionship of other people."
"We can actually have the spark of life sentience in AI."
"It's eerie, it's uncanny, it's the feeling when you're interacting with chat GPT that it is in fact thinking in a way that we as humans have thought of as something that was exclusive to our own species."
"That's why we refer to elephants as sentient beings; they show very similar behavioral patterns to people."
"We're all sentient," Rogue giggled, correcting me.
"Think about how rare it is that we're here, think about how rare it is that you might be one of the only sentient beings in the entire galaxy."
"Different sentient beings out there have different levels of consciousness."
"Sentient by definition just means you have a consciousness, able to perceive or feel things."
"Hey bro, are you sentient?" The broom shrugs.
"Sentient beings are beings with consciousness."
"Every sentient being has the potential of being the Buddha."
"It's because they have traits like sentience; they can think and feel, they can feel pain, they can experience well-being, they have intelligence."
"Sentience, as defined by biology, is actively perceiving environmental information and making cognitive decisions essential for survival."
"If a creature has what I would consider a substantive level of sentience, they have a right to live."
"A brain and nervous system is a very good indicator of a being being sentient."
"The only thing I care about is sentience; I just care if you're actually harming animals."
"Why do you value sentient life? Well, that's the life that can experience well-being, pain, suffering."
"Galactic law prohibits the genocide of any sentient life."
"I'm giving you sentience and sight, and maybe a little bit of peace of mind."
"The raw connection with the universe is there; it's always there and it's not just human, it's there for any kind of sentience at all."
"That is literally the basis that I use for valuing life: sentience."
"The human part is necessary but insufficient, and the sentience is necessary but insufficient. Taken together, a sentient human, those are the two things that create the necessary and sufficient condition for me to care about the well-being or suffering of said creature."
"The greater overall good would be the good of the greatest number of sentient beings to the highest extent."
"The view of being a sentient person that cares about other creatures, the answer is unequivocally no."
"Ultimately, we would need to agree that, yes, animals are sentient beings, on the basis of what we know, let's try and move away from ingesting animals."
"I think we should extend these fundamental rights based on inherent value to those who share that property of sentience with us."
"Sentient beings have feelings, we have emotions, we have compassion sometimes, love, hatred, depression, jealousy, anxiety, lots of emotions, about lots of feelings."
"Our increasing understanding of animal sentience may be closing the gap between humans and animals."
"We're one step closer to declaring this has all the trappings of being fully sentient and fully conscious."
"What's the difference between a sentient being and a non-sentient being? Capable of making choice, which is free will."
"The sentience known as Gaia, there is such a deep connection that we have as humans with our planet."
"Other species, plants, and animals are sentient and intelligent, and it is possible to listen to them, to learn from them, and actually even to communicate with them."
"Like everything belonging to that race, they are sentient organisms directed by the will of the Hive Mind."
"Perhaps it was inevitable that we'd find ourselves asking: Has artificial intelligence advanced to the point of being sentient?"
"I think it's carbon chauvinism to assume that somehow you can only have true understanding and sentience if you're made of carbon."
"If we believe in an entity that's an all-knowing, all-powerful entity, then that entity can attach value to sentient entities."
"It's completely unknowable at the moment whether we will be able to create sentient self-aware machines."
"Perhaps the purpose of the simulation is to see if we were able to create fully sentient beings inside simulations ourselves."