
Espionage Quotes

There are 1025 quotes

"The Watergate bugging incident stemmed from a massive campaign of political spying and sabotage conducted on behalf of President Nixon's re-election."
"Black Ops is famous for its well-written tale of espionage and action and features some of the most profound twists in the whole of the Call of Duty franchise."
"Sip 6 introduces this gossip item system where the more relationships you have with another empire...means you will get this trickle of automatic spy information."
"Our family is a little unique; we've been spies for many generations."
"Beijing's willingness to use espionage, subsidies, trade policy to give its firms a competitive advantage represents not just an ongoing challenge for the U.S. economy and its workers but also advances Beijing's ability to assume leadership in the world's technological advancement and standards."
"Honeypot operations use sex to recruit somebody."
"Pigeon was cleared of being a Chinese spy, but served eight months anyway."
"China poses a very serious threat to the United States in terms of economic espionage as well as classical espionage."
"Secret alliances are part of this, shifting allegiances, traitors, double-dealing, spies."
"Espionage lets you spy on other domains, which is obviously useful."
"He was a self-proclaimed magician, scholar, writer, and even an undercover spy."
"I did kind of get to be a spy for a bit, so that was cool, you know, a plus five experience for me."
"A Chinese spy... was caught stealing nuclear secrets. This is very serious nuclear secrets."
"Espionage is all about finding the weak spot and the most vulnerable point and entering through that vulnerable point."
"Use the spies' knowledge of the enemy's dispositions can be obtained from other men, hence the use of spies, of whom there are five classes: Local spies, Inward spies, Converted spies, Doomed spies, and Surviving spies."
"For the last few decades, China has been waging a covert economic war through state-sponsored hacking, corporate espionage, and market restrictions."
"Chanel was the perfect target for recruitment by the Germans." - Hal Vaughn
"There's no way that American intelligence is going to let Israeli intelligence compromise American politicians without getting a cut of that intelligence there's just no way."
"That allowed the cia a giant mapping system to which they could literally look into any bank anywhere they could control who could have money who couldn't have money."
"The Chinese government, all too often, has exploited those joint ventures to then use them as ways to get improper access to companies' secrets and information."
"If Columbus was indeed a secret agent then this is the smoking gun: a safe conduct letter issued by King John II of Portugal in the same year that he arrived in Spain for the first time."
"Secret Invasion: Nick Fury recruits for a threat nobody can see coming."
"The heart attack gun: pretty James Bond, right?"
"For almost 10 years, the Cambridge Five had escaped detection."
"Philby's career as a spy was over... he took measures to ensure that there was no proof against him."
"The greatest long-term threat to our nation's information and intellectual property and to our economic vitality is the counterintelligence and economic espionage threat from China."
"He was like the infiltrator... that was their ground zero."
"Anna Vasil Yevna Chapman, a name that stands out for its mystery and fascination in the pages of international espionage."
"Because everybody spies, every society that has a sophisticated and large bureaucratic intelligence service, their citizens are human beings. They react to that stimuli in kind of a human way."
"This, then, isn't just a virus; this is a piece of expertly choreographed espionage."
"Epstein himself used to tell people that he was something like a bag man for the CIA."
"A tale of mystery and espionage in treasure hunting."
"Planting spies is a really cool and really fun way to get ahead of a character that you're at war with."
"Now that MI6's most valued asset was safe, his intelligence could be freely shared."
"The idea was to secure a DNA sample from Bin Laden or a family member."
"Nations will always endeavor to keep secrets and other nations will endeavor to learn those secrets."
"Perhaps the best lesson is that gentlemen do read each other's mail."
"Imagine going through multiple operations with your close friends only to find out that one of them was a double agent."
"At many of these International conferences spy agencies from around the globe are often very active."
"Half a century's worth of super spy adventure."
"The CCP has launched an orchestrated campaign across all of its many tentacles in Chinese government and society to exploit the openness of our institutions in order to destroy them."
"He appreciated the value of secret information and he went on getting secret information from all sorts of sources throughout the 1930s."
"She was a damn good spy if we don't even know who killed her."
"If you guys get a chance there is a a series on Netflix that is actually pretty interesting it's called Spycraft if you get a chance to go watch that I would highly recommend it because it does kind of segue into the stuff that we talk about."
"Norway expelled 15 Russian diplomats over allegations of espionage."
"People hate them, I hope so, I hope people remember that they're supposed to hate the CIA and the liars for imperialism."
"Area 51 was established during the Cold War to aid the United States in spying on the Soviet Union."
"Hackers linked to the Chinese regime have been trying to steal virus research from the US."
"Is Hunter Biden effectively a Chinese operative?"
"Spies’ Families Often Don’t Know Their Real Identities."
"Spies May Kill Their Own to Protect Their Cover."
"Critics of Huawei and ZTE have claimed that their networking equipment could be used by China for espionage."
"An event so intensely damaging that it might as well have been an active industrial Espionage."
"An ordinary businessman turns Cold War spy in a new film based on a true story."
"Edward was saying that William Burns head of the CIA actually picked up the phone and called Sergey narishkin head of Russian foreign intelligence and told him, 'look, uh Biden and Putin are going to make a deal.'"
"One of my favorite things that relate to the idea of how weird espionage was is there was a body found on the shores of France I believe that was supposedly a German spy."
"Fallout has it all: thrilling stunts from Cruise, a wonderful ensemble cast, and all of the espionage thrills that fans had come to expect from the franchise."
"How long did it take Regina to get accustomed to being a spy ninja?"
"When you censor freedom of speech, those are the biggest threats to American democracy."
"China and Russia are always looking to get our stuff, our intelligence, our personal information."
"I love everything about it: the espionage, the intrigue, the double-cross."
"I regard both of these people as an important intelligence operation."
"The film is both a love letter to the high-paced attitude of New York City and a thrillingly intense and beautiful maze of counter-intelligence."
"Fiat begins supplying the partisans with weapons, providing important intelligence to American and British intelligence operations."
"It's about espionage, mistaken identity, and a headless parrot."
"China has apparently been infiltrating US companies with a tiny spy chip."
"British intelligence took advantage of Senator Arthur Vandenberg's weakness for exotic women by sending over Cynthia, one of their most famous women spies whose specialty was jumping in bed with men, changing their minds, stealing their codes."
"And Cyber Espionage is one of the most powerful weapons."
"Chinese spies disguised as tourists have reportedly tried to infiltrate American military bases as many as 100 times. Washington is on high alert now sounding."
"A new investigation every 12 hours. That's the rate of Chinese spying in the U.S estimated by FBI director Christopher Ray."
"People who think we can be friends with China really need to take a deep breath though because the Chinese are the most aggressive Espionage agency in the world."
"The FBI says China steals up to 600 billion dollars worth of U.S intellectual property every year."
"Your husband was involved in illegal spying against candidate Donald Trump to try to help Hillary Clinton get elected in 2016."
"The fact that all of this information had been scrubbed from her belongings led many people to believe that the Isdal Woman was a spy."
"Espionage is the quintessential example of a political offense."
"I could imagine that President Biden would not be interested in having an espionage trial for a publisher."
"Who were the ninjas really? Ninjas actually had a lot more in common with modern CIA or MI6 agents."
"The conflict in Ukraine is rapidly evolving into a war rife with spies and deserters on both sides."
"The art of subterfuge has never been more streamlined."
"Being a spy and being stylish are like two sides of the same coin."
"We should probably gather some intel first. Let's spy on the superheroes."
"What's the real problem: that China may spy on us, or having a Chinese company compete at the top of the field?"
"The CIA tried to train cats to be spies... operation acoustic kitty was abandoned."
"Why can't we get someone in there under deep cover? We should be doing that."
"DJI drones are allegedly used to spy on the US by China."
"When an administration sends people in to spy on the opposing campaign, I mean, something stinks."
"Time to call out WikiLeaks for what it really is: a non-state hostile intelligence service."
"The very concept of an MI6 agent being killed under suspicious circumstances drew massive public attention."
"There is something really terrifying about having a villain that can constantly spy on the party."
"He showed great courage behind Enemy Lines and Devotion to his duty."
"I risked my life. If I was caught, there would have been a bullet in my head."
"Russian spies, it all sounds like a movie, but it's not."
"Support each other, especially in tough times."
"Our nation faces a growing security threat from the Chinese Communist Party's attempts to infiltrate and undermine the United States government."
"At almost every turn, Hannibal outwitted the Romans, infiltrating their armies with informants."
"Former Russian spies Sergey Skripal and his daughter Yulia were left hospitalized after being poisoned by nerve agent Novichok."
"And that is the full story of Mama Dolce's in Fallout 3, a front for the Communist Chinese engaged in covert operations on American soil."
"The meat of this is they had this meeting essentially a Russian agent, somebody with ties to Russian intelligence."
"The holographic shroud masks not only your clothes but your face and fingerprints. It modulates your voice and sweetens your breath."
"Putin became very sophisticated in using misinformation, and/or even using information that it had acquired through traditional spying means."
"Jack was arrested by heavily armed FBI agents in his home in Massachusetts last Thursday and was formally charged with various crimes including violating the Espionage Act."
"Black Widow: less like a typical superhero movie, more like spy espionage."
"Russia was paying cash, literally cash dollars, for the murder of Americans in Afghanistan."
"Lawrence was selected for a small team that claimed to be looking for archaeological remains and the biblical exodus from Egypt but in fact the map served military plans."
"Operation Rubicon turned the traditional concept of War completely on its head."
"What the CIA and their allies achieved with Crypto AG has been copied time and time again."
"It kicks ass, CIA agents capture the mercenary known as Bane."
"The Democrats know they are busted, the Spygate controversies have been exposed."
"If you bring me gossip related to the bourgeoisie, I'll tell you where to learn more about your estranged Armand."
"The Cold War became a war fought through symbols, words, and propaganda."
"Secondary objectives completed all of our agents were exfiltrated equipment acquired five-on-five classified documents acquired five-on-five beautiful start let's rock and roll now chapter one."
"In June 2016, former British intelligence officer aptly named action hero Christopher Steele is hired."
"Astral projection... maybe we could use this as a form of espionage for intelligence."
"The American agent's mission was completed when the colonel of the enemy Army looked at the contents of the packet."
"The Romulan intelligence was no longer a mere asset of foreign policy."
"Burkina Faso's response to Western Espionage highlights the importance of recognizing the agency and capabilities of African nations."
"There's something big going on when it comes to rooting out Chinese influence here in the United States."
"If you wish to remain anonymous, you should have a code name... what about the Jackal?"
"I'm plain, I don't have much of a presence, that's why I'm an international spy."
"Not only is she incredibly physically fit but also extremely proficient in combat firearm handling and much like caviar she's very sneaky and excels when going undercover."
"This is probably the coolest spy gadget I've ever seen in my entire life."
"Myra tells Sebastian that she's staying behind in order to take Mobius down from the inside."
"The stock cloak is better in most situations."
"It's clear from these recent indictments that the US government is no longer taking a passive stance on the theft of our IP or espionage in general, especially not from China."
"He and I are alike. We both were serving our country, honorably, we thought. We both were schooled in tradecraft. But there's a big difference between the two of us. What's that? You got caught, and I didn't."
"If catching spies is hard enough, prosecuting them is almost unheard of."
"Hoover's suspicion: CIA planting evidence of an Oswald-Soviet plot."
"If we escalate our tension with China and and I think that they're the ones escalating the tension with the Chinese spyberland flying over half of our United States so these are the questions we have to Grapple with."
"I saw his name in files in 1992 on an operation that I was working on, and he worked for mi6 right until his death."
"She is trained to be a sex spy so that's a very very different thing which isn't to say that black widow doesn't use her Wiles um as sort of like a distraction technique but that is 100% what the sparrows are."
"We're playing as Arthur infiltrating myth OS using the technology of Madigan's competitor he's a double agent."
"They certainly had no idea their parents were Russian spies."
"Ada's involvement in the Raccoon City incident made her a legend in the espionage world."
"The combination between high technology and courageous people - this is the secret of the Mossad."
"China from a counterintelligence perspective... represents the broadest, most challenging, most significant threat we face as a country."
"I assume the United States does spy on China, do we send balloons? We do not."
"This covert op aims to infiltrate at the highest level to destroy from within."
"People who don't wear camouflage can work undercover behind enemy lines."
"I was waiting for the right time to come out and speak my truth."
"Undetectable spies, the best example of that is a KGB or Russian spy."
"Finally they have their man, the mole is Ian George Peacock, a senior operations manager in ASEIO Sydney office where he was the head of counter-espionage against the Soviets."
"Popov's life was every bit as outrageous as the film icon that he inspired."
"Popoff's combination of intelligence bravery and a desire for Danger made him perfect spy material."
"The assassin considered the organization her family and was used to do things the government would never be able to admit to."
"As they strode confidently across the Bridge of Spies to their freedom, American authorities could not help but feel that an American traitor had slipped through their fingers."
"China's hacking and spying revealed in bombshell leak."
"Aldrich Ames: the notorious CIA mole who shook American intelligence."
"I love a good spy story, it's so intriguing for me to think that someone among us might not be who we think they are."
"Snape was trying to be a double agent the whole time."
"They've been doing a phenomenal job at identifying Russian facilities and passing on the info."
"The Communists regarded Philby so crucial that in 1990 he appeared on a postage stamp."
"I wouldn't call her just a lawyer. What I would say is that she's a Russian operative."
"The story of Frank Amadeo is part Tom Clancy, part Ian Fleming novel, and 100% insanity."
"It's very cool that she's such a fantastic spy even after retirement."
"Nathan Hale was a 20-year-old captain in the Continental Army when he volunteered to sneak across enemy lines and spy on the British."
"The US got the idea of remote viewing from discovering that the Soviet Union had a remote viewing program up and running."
"So what's not to say that he infiltrates the underground and leads them to believe that he's on their side when in actuality he's serving as Roxanne's mole to get information on what they could be up to?"
"Spies and military movements, the power of information."
"We've have a history of the intelligence agencies freaking out whenever the American and Russian counterparts meet."
"Undercover agents is all about perception management."
"Pauline Cushman was an American actress who led a double life as a spy during the Civil War."
"Vladimir Putin is an old KGB agent. The guy doesn't go to the bathroom unless it provides a tactical advantage."
"Putin, a petty KGB officer who now masquerades as a great spy, came to Dresden in 1985."
"The essence of espionage is access... you need to get an agent or some kind of device close enough to the target."
"Grooming illegals takes a lot of resources and time... deep cover agents... with new fictional backgrounds through years and years of training."
"Turning a double agent is surprisingly pretty easy... many spies will gladly take a deal over two decades in prison."
"The reported shift from traditional espionage to supporting terrorist groups marks a departure from conventional intelligence gathering methods."
"What do you think should be done with the French spies caught by Burkina Faso's military?"
"Once he stole a copy of the documents he traveled north to DC where he made a stop at the Soviet embassy."
"The boss was not a traitor, her defection to the Soviets was a plot, a falsity in order to infiltrate Volgen's ranks."
"The man who came up with a new plan was MI6 spymaster Colonel Thomas Kendrick."
"I'm a secret agent, I changed my appearance so no one would recognize me."
"Snowden provided documents that showed that the NSA and GCHQ had hacked into a Dutch company responsible for manufacturing SIM cards."
"What if you could be a fly on the wall of some of the most top secret conversations and actions of a president or a vice president?"
"Miller was in contact with Cipher nine years ago, he was working with them, typical."
"It's about time we crack down on Chinese Espionage."
"While many viewed him as the bringer of light to a repressed people, to others he was simply a Communist spy planted by the Soviets."
"He could be a spy, we will need some more background, a complete dossier."
"Once Barry Seal arrived back in the United States, his mission had changed."
"Spy Classroom is about a group of cute anime girls in training to become professional spies."
"Remote viewing was developed by intelligence services because it's a really cheap way to get intelligence."
"This Russian guy being attacked with a nerve agent developed by the Russian military in broad daylight on the street in Britain, this is a bizarre and serious and scary thing."
"Their curiosity spilled into all forms from scientific to being what others would just call nosy and later even Espionage."
"Master Mathias Shaw: You know as well as I that a true spy never rests. There is always a new conspiracy to uncover."
"Pose as a friend, work as a spy. Knowing about your rival is critical. Use spies to gather valuable information that will keep you a step ahead."
"His rise to spymaster is the thing of legends."
"Spies recording and watching our military bases - this isn't just like satellites monitoring our stuff, this is people going physically in and trying to see what's going on."
"It was the brainchild of CIA director Allen Dulles who apparently got the idea after hearing reports of American prisoners being brainwashed during the Korean War."
"Orbis business intelligence funded and paid for many of these red sparrows." - Commentator
"KGB poison pistol disguised as a pack of cigarettes, 1950s."
"Naomi figures out that Marco's rocks are being guided by a spotter ship called the Azure Dragon."
"Skilled at martial arts and espionage, aka spy, Natasha Romanoff is the powerful Black Widow."
"Yoshiko Kawashima is most well known for their career in espionage, military exploits in Manchuria, and becoming a sort of androgynous propaganda symbol for the Japanese Army during the Second World War."
"He was the only American ever to carry a US government manufactured poison to another country with the goal of assassinating the leader of that country."
"The relationship I had with the KGB was based on trust."
"Britain had a very sophisticated system whereby there were scores of people around the country whose job it was just to sit in bars, coffee bars, talk to people, go to clubs and spread your rumors."
"Shinobu disguises herself as an alluring barmaid to gather information from the Buckwald soldiers."
"Hello, my name is Jack Barsky. I spied on behalf of the KGB for 10 years, 1978 to 1988. And in 2014, I became a US citizen."
"We have some extremely active espionage going on."
"It's about this... supposedly a true story where there's a team trying to infiltrate the Nazis."