
Community Response Quotes

There are 400 quotes

"We are marshalling all of our resources, but we need New Yorkers to do their part."
"It took so long to finally implement anti-cheats but because Bungie has gone the extra mile here, they actually get a huge win."
"Not only did this anonymous person receive no support here, hundreds of thousands of people on Tumblr are condemning them."
"In recent times, a series of peculiar events have left communities puzzled and with more questions than answered."
"Games Workshop has phased out the old Start Collecting boxes for Combat Patrols, and this is both a good and bad move."
"I'm proud to be a part of this community and how it responded so well to the needs of these kids."
"It's a big moment for sure, now the people are going to go crazy."
"The American people are responding with common sense, compassion, and generosity."
"The good news is Blizzard have saved the expansion, finally fixing it with Alexstrasza now being on the login screen, meaning that all is well in the world."
"The tears of grief that consumed Nashville, Tennessee, just 10 days ago over the murders of young children and school staffers are replaced tonight by cries of anger and accusations after an extraordinary move by Tennessee House Republicans."
"The moment where any critique or questioning of an ecosystem or a mechanism is met with 'that's FUD... you're just a bunch of shills' rather than reasoned responses, that's when you should get worried. Those are some warning signs."
"We're going to be seeing this more and more, this grassroots pushback."
"You would never think that that could happen here."
"We don't find pleasure in this. We don't celebrate a man going to jail. We would have rather George be alive. But we celebrate that we, because young people, white and black, some castigated, many that are here tonight, marched and kept marching."
"Forcibly unemployed desperate to feed their families and crying out for help Californians are revolting across the state."
"I think it's a little bit more advanced than it is in the rest of the culture, which is why you see the uproar at our school board meetings."
"Everybody pissed off, everybody angry. Recriminations everywhere."
"Empty jar is a deck that has shown up while library FTK. I don't know if it's so good that people just don't want to play because it's so boring or if it just actually loses to things that empty jar doesn't."
"There is no other way to put this: the entire situation with Spock derp has been a complete dumpster fire."
"We've seen Americans of all backgrounds and beliefs uniting together to answer the challenge and rise to the moment."
"What kind of happened is that yesterday when she was beefing... a lot of people were saying, 'Where's Kisha?'"
"What is it they expect us to do when police keep killing us?"
"This is the story of six boys from West Memphis, Arkansas, three were brutally murdered and stolen from this world far before their time."
"It seemed like the entire population of West Memphis, Arkansas, was out trudging through Robin Hood Hills yelling the names of three little boys who had gone out bike riding and had not returned home."
"I think these kind of random acts of violence, in a very odd way, unite us."
"People became edgy. Some more than others. But after another couple of weeks, then things began to rip, and anything could set off a big fire very quickly."
"The American people are all responding to look after not only their own health but their families and their communities."
"It's because the American people are putting into practice the social distancing, caring for their neighbors."
"That really shows the power of the American people."
"We'll be incredibly proud for a long time by the way people all across this country responded to this moment."
"In Mojang's eyes, it was a coding error, but in the communities, it was a downgrade."
"We were very fortunate that most of the people in our lives reacted in a very healthy and respectful manner, which is not the typical case for a lot of people that come out of Christianity, yeah, especially evangelicalism like we did."
"If you're scamming people, don't piss off your neighbors. You never know what they might dig up."
"We have listened: ogl 1.0a will remain untouched."
"Every citizen is being called upon to make sacrifices, every business is being asked to fulfill its patriotic duty, every community is making fundamental changes to how we live, work, and interact each and every day."
"Just want to thank Floridians for how they've responded. God bless you all."
"You're gonna get a lot of people angry when kids lose their lives and police do nothing."
"Maybe it works, maybe it doesn't. Maybe it will, maybe it won't. But I'm certainly honored by the way the American people are taking this so seriously."
"Our city is calm now... thank you all who came out to peacefully protest and then went home."
"Let's all take it upon ourselves within our families within our communities to respond to the efforts made by Russia."
"The choice we make, the precautions we put into place, are critical to overcoming the virus, reducing its spread, and shortening the duration of the pandemic."
"What I saw out of chaos and tragedy was heroes first responders in the community coming together and working together."
"The Linux community really did respond to us putting it on there."
"Nobody is saying we peaked. We have flattened the curve."
"Our willingness to answer the call was exactly what we expected. It was remarkable, inspiring."
"It's really nice to see like the response to it."
"The majority of the response so far has been overwhelmingly positive. I am part of that positivity."
"The best thing for Italians to do was to stay at home. Our future is in our hands."
"Games like No Man's Sky that ultimately initially maybe failed and just disappointed people got their [ ] together and fixed themselves."
"Fed up with every time that there's an incident like this that the black community yells out and screams racism."
"It's definitely a sense of relief here in Brooklyn Center."
"What New Yorkers did nobody could have imagined if they show that same resolve and intelligence in this next phase, it's up to them."
"Together we're going to figure out why the chaos is happening in the country, anyone who wants should join."
"If we work together, we're gonna get through this a lot easier and a lot quicker."
"Youtube listened to us, the community, and ended up reversing a strike that they gave hours ago, literal hours ago."
"This war unites us. I'm just so amazed by people in our city, how this war unites us."
"I think if more leadership to be honest with you was shown on their side they probably should have pulled the plug on this given the current community thoughts."
"Imagine your nine-year-old son going missing and it seems like the police aren't willing to do anything to help."
"The good news is, with the price of gas right now, they're probably going to get a lot of volunteers to clean this mess up."
"Wow, they're actually removing the content that's bad."
"When nobody is talking about the bad things anymore, the hate train loses steam and eventually grinds to a halt."
"Y'all wanted to, y'all think that this is just started official beef?"
"OverWatch 2 is the new thing. Do you think it's okay that they deleted OverWatch one?" - Jake Baldino
"Vigilante justice as long as they don't kill the egg throwers, it could actually be useful."
"Few studios would have taken the time to respond to a little like that, let alone update their game on the back of it."
"Someone come quick! He Fenghua has fainted! Help!"
"Many in the community are understandably angry about the decision."
"When there are tremendous acts of evil, then we should at least grant the credibility that the vast majority of human beings in the West are saddened by an act of evil and are not sympathetic to the killer."
"I think it's a better system when we can include the public and listen to the public and respond to what they want."
"Thank you, America, for responding, for putting other people's lives in the forefront of your thinking."
"What's crazy is when they looted and destroyed everything they didn't touch ours i like to think the looters went we liked that guy"
"It seems to me that no matter the outcome with the police, looting the local Walmart is not the solution."
"The loss of Kendall's light causes us pain sadness and anger."
"Despite William Cornick's horrific crime, in the aftermath, there was one enduring feature: the resilience and spirit shown by pupils."
"New Yorkers, God bless them, went from the highest infection rate in the United States to the lowest. And that was all New Yorkers."
"Pokemon fans are upset that pal world has copied the monster designs."
"I think Diablo Immortal is not the problem, I think the way they set up and presented Blizzcon is the problem."
"Look around us, the response has been incredible."
"The successful conclusion of the case in Lodi California together with the legacy of poly class and the foundation for missing children became the models by which child abduction cases across the country are now handled."
"This is a real example of the country coming together."
"Poop Patrol: tackling San Francisco's streets."
"People couldn't find a way out of lockdown. So part of me was sympathetic to... the Black Lives Matter uprising from the point of view that we needed a way out of lockdown."
"Everybody's rising to the occasion. It's been incredible to watch."
"I think our community can find solace in the fact that while this really horrific act happened, our officers were out there responding and taking action."
"It's massive and look, it's something we've been waiting for nearly eight years."
"This virus is an all demographic kind of disaster."
"Whether or not we’re going to choose to live together, we will die together unless we solve this and stay home until we find out how we deal with this."
"People have a legitimate reason to be upset and the game is being panned."
"Already overwhelmed by the response... this is how we challenge a broken status quo."
"To the people of America, there is no lens big enough to show you the extent of the damage here in Graves County or in Kentucky. Nothing that was standing in the direct line of this tornado is still standing."
"There is a silver lining to it because it means there are a lot of people in Australia who are very keen to get vaccinated."
"We need to do better. A black man hit a dog and he's going down, believe that."
"Every time this comes up in the news cycle, every time that there's a big day for Labour anti-Semitism, Jewish people think, 'Well, it can't get any worse than it already has,' and we're continually proven wrong."
"This is great and they're kind of upset because they had no power, that's okay though."
"People actually begged for it so much that they went and actually did it."
"Friends and neighbors left lilies and toy rabbits where Jessica Knott's body was found..."
"Even though it's a horrible situation, it's brought people together."
"Seeing you happy about the gym rework is awesome."
"We saw it after 9/11, people just come together."
"The outpouring of support has absolutely floored me."
"But in terms of other stories, I gotta highlight the fact that 'Dead Island 2' is not delayed for once."
"It wasn't about no praying, none of that stuff. The reason that dude got convicted is because they knew the streets was hot and it was about to be a pull-up summer."
"It's frustrating, but we are coming together as a people."
"Scientology got banned in Victoria, so the whole family and a hundred other families all moved to England."
"The most positive and the most surprising to me has been how people have responded."
"These policies, which are difficult, which are life-changing, they are being implemented by people because people are choosing to do the right thing."
"Antares broke the scrub streak! Yes!" - John Galloway
"We're not getting any answers, and we're not gonna settle for that."
"It's just such a heartbreaking situation for everybody involved."
"Blizzard's like hold up wait a minute and now they change it good I'm happy this is great."
"It's very clear that everybody's really upset about it."
"As he emerged from the cave a wave of shouts he's alive spread down the banks of the river to the incident command post area and David's family it was a miraculous rescue in reunion."
"This individual came here with the expressed purpose of taking as many black lives as he possibly could."
"We see now that many of you are incredibly passionate about being able to continue purchasing classic games on PS3 and PS Vita for the foreseeable future so I'm glad we were able to find a solution to continue operations."
"Everybody needs to prepare. You guys need to drill, you have to get together, you have to think about it."
"Somebody's been hurting our people it's gone on far too long and we won't be silent or unseen anymore."
"This tendency towards kindness and community can be seen from the very beginning of Covid-19."
"That's amazing, it's actually phenomenal, the changes that have been made here."
"Players began chanting phrases such as Jagex ruined RuneScape, ruined scape."
"Massachusetts, you are not forgotten. It was absolutely disgusting what happened to Massachusetts, that was downright disgusting."
"That's the type of unity that is gonna come out of this."
"Mana Lords better be good because what's been shown off has hyped a ton of people."
"Blizzard seems to be listening and responding."
"The Tesla community's reaction to Plaid Plus cancellation was a rollercoaster."
"YouTubers big and small have made videos on this situation, bringing light to her actions, past and present."
"We've saved lives already with people going."
"Overall reception for Sonic Forces so far has been fairly positive."
"All functions by default return the none value."
"So many people who had never fostered a kitten before felt this sense of urgency."
"This next series of clips have left the TikTok community on edge with some calling it the most genuine haunting they've seen in years."
"We did not see that coming, did not expect that level of support."
"Elite 2.0 was a betrayal to the Nerf Community."
"Team humanity versus the COVID-19 killer virus."
"American people have great resiliency and I'm so incredibly proud of how the American people have responded."
"Once we start doing that, you will see more and more people willingly get vaccinated."
"I hope we all have the same energy for when a young black woman is dead at the hands of another black man."
"I'm happy that everyone's taking this seriously."
"I just love that idea of when Loomis shows up and he goes to the sheriff the sheriff actually takes him seriously and the town goes into a panic."
"If nothing else, Barnes has awakened people to what needs to be done."
"This is what the crime scene looks like. You can see that community members continue to bring flowers and photos and notes here as a growing memorial out for the home."
"There's a lot of people who are hated in this town, but by every measurement, I don't know of a single person who likes Dan Snyder."
"It was just crazy and everybody was super hyped about it."
"I think what we just watched and what we just read was in fact the quote-unquote Evo announcement."
"Let's give God praise right there. Hallelujah!"
"The turbulent rollout even inspired the creation of a playable parody, Clownfield 2042."
"I think this should be a massive wake-up call."
"Black America has kind of woke up and said I'm not saving nobody no more, I'm done."
"This is not just a small thing. These guys were one of the last few literal few Bandai Namco Arc System Works SNK that have not jumped on the rollback bandwagon and the fact that so many people said all this stuff they're actually doing it."
"With everything Fallout 76, it's just a wait-and-see."
"News of the Norris murder spreads quickly. Local residents were afraid. Who did this and why?"
"The discourse around the last Jedi is so goddamn toxic that it's kind of hard to ignore."
"There is no reason this should be banned: Coalition Victory."
"As much as I want to say dead game dead promo just like everyone else is gonna be saying undoubtably this is cool."
"The vast majority of people are rising to the occasion, doing their part, and sharing positive messages."
"This feature has been requested for so long and I'm so thrilled that it is now in the game."
"I think the reaction is overwhelmingly positive from the community."
"The entire Community stands shocked at your actions."
"The devs themselves just don't give a [__], they're like 'ah who cares, we'll fix that camo eventually.'"
"And we're just very proud, that the fans responded, and pleased and relieved, the fans responded in the way they did."
"Events like this bring the worst and best out of people."
"Within days of the Uvaldi elementary school shooting, the Mr Ballin Foundation sent 150,000 to support victims and their families..."
"The reaction it just really shot up this week too with my open letter to Joe Biden and the response that all of you have had to that."
"The fact that I see people being shut out of church because of their vaccination status... it's time for all of us to repent of our paralyzing fear and anxiety."
"People are just dumb for Blizzard's latest entry into the legendary Diablo series arrived amidst a whirlwind of anticipation promising to usher in a new era for the franchise."
"There's nothing more important than the families. We have eight families who lost loved ones."
"Not just like geeked out fans, like BTS donated a million bucks to Black Lives Matter and the army was like, yo, if they can do it, we can do it."
"There were problems, but the community rallied and proved that they would not be disheartened by a couple of hours locked out of a video game."
"This is awesome, this is a great development."
"I was kind of surprised to see a ton of Gamers responding with cheers."
"Jim Ryan's departure is being celebrated by fans, by The Gaming Community."
"Overall, I think this is a net positive for the game."
"Destiny's actions and his way of responding to situations that do not favor him are the sole reasons as to why he is the number one disliked figure in the commentary community."
"Take time to be creative, it can be a great uplifting part of the day."
"Diablo 2 Resurrected: login queue implemented, a good thing."
"We have to start thinking about how we have less reliance on a police response and more of our reliance on a mental health response."
"Frontiers is getting really good press, which Lost World did not, and for that reason, it’s been really fun seeing people happy about Sonic again, we don’t get to do it very often."
"The disaster caught the residents by surprise, apocalyptic scenes saw them leave their houses running through smoke and flames."
"Remember we're all in the middle of a lockdown and the only way that we should greet that is by saying good."
"If people unsub and it's not fun, Blizzard gets that message."
"Dark-skinned women calling out the colorism."
"What are they saying? Like the hell with this black-owned business? Is that what they're saying?"
"Large sections of our country are really looking at other sections and saying wow that looks bad but they don't have the problem. I salute the American people for following our guidelines and social distancing."
"This is good, because what Black Folk have demonstrated is that if these people don't become so blatant, we're just going back to sleep."
"We just had the best time ever and the response has been so positive and so full of love and memories and like stories that I just, I'm so grateful."
"Let's mourn this life and let's figure out how to fix it."
"I salute the American people for following our guidelines in social distancing. Your devotion is saving lives."
"The Asheville Police Department won't be responding to some calls anymore after losing 84 officers since 2020."
"There was a genuine panic," Tom Drogalis, member of the Schuylkill County Historical Society, said. "Everything closed, schools, hospitals, the only thing left open were drug stores."
"So if gay people are being murdered on the streets... I totally expect that gay people will come together."
"The mob game developers would actually release a full-blown apology statement."
"Thank you for all the love, concern, genuine offers of support that you have posted over the past few days."
"Tonight we're hearing about people in the club who tackled and stopped the gunman, as a makeshift memorial for the victims grows by the hour."
"Thankfully that wasn't all of them multiple cities and churches opened up locations where people who had no place to stay could stay during the event."
"Blizzard finally making the game good for us instead of just for PR."
"The overwhelming response was that Sean was murdered."
"A storm of Revival is coming, storms can look and feel scary but it's me working."
"The brutal murder of Dale Claxton is beyond tragic."
"It took hundreds and hundreds of people to report Andy Kosher's abuse over years for them to finally do something."
"Trump visited grieving cities as gun control debate boils."