
Achievement Recognition Quotes

There are 291 quotes

"Celebrate each other's achievements. Another good morale booster."
"When they say now 'and Dominic and Sue, Super Bowl Champion,' that's a great ring to it without question."
"We can acknowledge a win the instant we get it while still pushing for more."
"We've done some unbelievable work, and when somebody uses the word successful, it really has been successful."
"Our struggles are still marginal compared to our achievements."
"Speedrunning is a nihilistic activity by definition; it's time-wasting, unproductive, yet the triumphs are very real."
"At some point you just gotta say, 'Good Lord, what more does this guy have to do?'"
"If you cannot rupture the cap of your plaque, you have made yourself heart-attack proof." - Dr. Esselstyn
"Sorry for the inconvenience prize, we actually got it! You're a cape Master, top 10 epic gaming moments of all time!"
"You've done a really good job so far, very well done."
"It's always amusing to watch people who have never built a thing criticize people like Elon Musk."
"If you made it this far, congratulations. Pat yourself on the back."
"When you win the MVP, you throw 36 touchdowns, you throw six picks, and you're unanimous, there's only been two unanimous MVPs since they started voting for MVPs."
"He's got the job done. It's just a very, very convincing victory."
"The cream rises to the top when the knockouts come around."
"This win gets us up to a new high point on the day."
"Every reason to expect that he would be among them."
"They feel like you're successful, your hard work is paying off."
"Oh, we got positive feedback from our performance, that's good."
"Finally a guy has won more than two rounds and they're like 'oh this guy beat Floyd, come on man.' But I love it."
"That's all the months, that is a ridiculous number. I appreciate it, man."
"Congratulations, builder of great civilizations."
"Ultimately, if you win, there's something to be said for that because this is not an easy game to win." - Xavier
"A trophy is a trophy, silverware is silverware."
"I like to win but that's just a game. Congratulations, really job well done."
"Honestly, they did a damn good job, and they deserve credit for it."
"It's making me so happy to read about our life that I am finally going to dance missing you and loving you from afar."
"Congratulations, you're making it through to the next round."
"What a disaster right but there's a couple of things that you need to realize when you think about the original sin to this is 120 our game that was made in two years time so that is I think quite an achievement of the team."
"Women's success is often just being the 'first woman' in a position, not actual accomplishments."
"If you've made it this far, make sure you definitely give yourself a pat on the back."
"Congratulations are in order to you for exposing this, frankly."
"A big jump for the winner and you get that thing right there, you get the trophy."
"It's a time to see the result of something, to get the rewards."
"There has been a greater achievement than failure... not all is now well... but we have achieved much more than we have not achieved."
"In life, there are people who are the greatest at what they do, but being the greatest is something that doesn't mean you get some crazy title."
"Elon is doing tremendously great things, very very good tremendous, we love it."
"From last place on the grid to p12 with this car, that's not a bad effort."
"10 million dollars for first and a lifetime of being called world champion."
"They're going to be moving on to the following round."
"It's incredible. I never thought we would have made it this far, and I'm proud of all of us."
"You need to make sure that you're thankful for what you already have achieved."
"There's gonna be a lot of success recognition. Just know that there's gonna be a lot of people in your life congratulating you."
"Difficult badges: one of the most prime topics on the whole of the platform."
"I think we achieved that...it'll always be amazing, it's just timeless."
"Achievement is more doing something extraordinary and being recognized for it."
"Congratulations warrior, you have made history today."
"I honestly can't believe the scale of Media Molecule's achievement here."
"I think that's pretty impressive, don't you?"
"So, I am a complete proponent of public status and having status symbols for people to achieve."
"The hard part was achieved, they qualified. Now what's next?"
"Both of those gentlemen deserve to win something someday."
"She's been around dusty rusty subscribed to IQ way to go buddy."
"Why is humanity still there? We need to get beyond that and really reward people that do special things."
"We've succeeded, and I think people just don't want to recognize it because it challenges their narrative."
"We mourn the potential, but greatness is already achieved."
"Until he wins something, he's not gonna get bigged up." - Robbie
"Celebrating little wins could be celebrating big things."
"Celebrate that you've achieved what you wanted."
"Reward yourself for the things you have achieved."
"If you don't celebrate every Victory, you forget that you're winning."
"We made it into the top 100 as well oh my god we placed 97th holy that's fantastic."
"It's arguably up there as the best one; single-mindedly had one thing in his mind and he didn't let anyone down."
"You only have to need a win once to get the badge."
"I got passed at the store, they're writing my name on the wall, they should, you deserve it."
"Accepting challenges, receiving recognition."
"I'll see you guys next time, thanks so much for watching."
"I just want to say congratulations again, you all did fantastic."
"You deserve this, you've got like three promotions this week."
"You're amazing, thank you for 1 million subscribers."
"It's a super big accomplishment for me and I ain't taking [ __ ] for granted."
"We did gain the level of fame; we're now the living legend."
"However when you're the queen and when you've accomplished she cultures that's all the times you've done stuff that nobody's done like yeah 200 the first week maybe not what you wanted but it's still great you don't need to kiss nobody's ass."
"He's number one, you can't take that away from him."
"To me, let's take the win and recognize that something really important has happened this year."
"1G grabbing their big and important achievement of the day, I think we should have a look at that replay once again."
"She deserves everything that she's achieved."
"You'll be handsomely rewarded for all your efforts and achieving your goals and targets."
"Congratulations, you did a great job there, whoever you are medkit."
"A magnificent job! The renowned explorers International Society is impressed by your exploration skills."
"One thing that you can't argue though was his success."
"Oh my gosh, that looks so good, bro! You nailed it."
"Big round of applause to all of our achievement earners."
"It's likely that he'll come out on top on the night itself. He's already taken home the Golden Globe, the Critics Choice Award, and the SAG Award for this category, so it's all but set in stone. And when all said and done, deservedly so."
"You guys earned it, and good fortune is coming towards you."
"Congratulations, you are the new Forged in Fire champion, and that is a title that comes with a check for $10,000. Good job." - Judge
"Parents' reaction: proud but not fully understanding."
"Graduates from my school being Forbes backdrop, mic drop."
"She knows she can get this done, that is confidence." - Applause
"No matter what happens tomorrow, we know that you've done amazingly regardless."
"Guys, there can only be one best and only one worthy of the top prize, the green star when we're talking about the best of the best in ab exercises."
"The winners for the week leading the pack at number one capturing the gold metal technology."
"Well, honestly, ladies and gentlemen, today was another successful day."
"I don't really do rating anymore for 10 out of 10 10 out of 10 automatically automatic 10 out of 10 because y'all [] did [] that was dead that people didn't think it could be done y'all [__] did it."
"This is a Monster feat, this is a huge accomplishment."
"You guys have killed it today, man, the stream's been absolutely incredible honestly."
"Every milestone counts, no matter how small."
"We will have a tangible physical object plaque to kind of show the grind that we've gone through and how far we've made it, that to me is insane."
"We're back, we're ready to do what we do, talk about other people who accomplish things."
"But it all comes to like this, this moment right here. This is where we earn the downhill. This is the best part of the bike ride."
"For someone that's achieved things he has, ridiculously humble."
"You're defined by the titles you win, not the titles you lose."
"When the champagne stops popping, legendary status."
"The biggest thing that has earned him value creation is... the amount of value that he's created."
"That's incredibly cool, 300,000. Yeah, that's awesome. Way to go, way to go."
"All that hard work is definitely paying off."
"We freaking won...unless I've missed something which has happened."
"Congratulations on the result you definitely earned it."
"A result that matched the performance finally goals."
"You're amazing dude, you've made some moves."
"Winning the Heisman was a very surreal moment but I wasn't surprised, but I was like damn that really just happened."
"I know it seems like such a small thing, but this is a huge success."
"I gotta thank you guys for it because I know I never thought it really amount to anything."
"Hooray, yep, that's my response in that moment, hooray I knew you could do it!"
"Messi: 100 is an SD card. Team of the Year definitely an S tier."
"You've done a good job. You've passed the test."
"That is huge, to have something written down that says, 'This is what you've achieved.'"
"So true, like anything that I have or have created has taken a [ _ ] crazy amount of work."
"History has been made, oh my God, they actually did it."
"Remember, the things that you have today used to be the things you wanted yesterday, so you manifested already. You're a powerful manifester."
"You can't get here by yourself. No one will ever get to this number by themselves, at least in my eyes."
"Congratulations, you have been victorious in claiming the golden probe for best flat earth institution."
"Other than that, I am like 100% pleased with what they were able to achieve in bringing this one back."
"We couldn't have done this without you." - Greg Miller
"Keep it going brothers, let's celebrate this milestone."
"Thank you so much to all of you guys for helping that happen. I didn't think that was gonna happen for a long time, but you guys made it happen."
"There always be haters, that means you did something right."
"It's great to see them up on that podium once again."
"Stand tall and be proud of what you accomplished."
"It's either good or it's not. If it's good, congratulations, keep moving."
"Your hard work is paying off. Trust your intuition, focus on your roots."
"I really do this [ __ ] like go look at the [ __ ] stats."
"Celebrate victories but stay diligent, stay focused, and work hard to set yourself up."
"Absolutely no matter what it... is an absolutely amazing feat."
"That's a great point. You can't complain. I think it's forget lads, you just beat giants."
"It's good to be still number one... I'm in the top of the list so it's not by coincidence too."
"There's no words to describe I am so proud of you and Shane you guys thank you."
"Absolutely, you deserve a lot of credit for making this a reality."
"That stat of the four months in a row he got rookie of the month award that's that's another real that's breakout Star right there isn't it?"
"We've completed it, lads! PSG winners of the French Cup, congratulations!"
"If you're watching this, it means you have accomplished quite a bit already. You're very smart and talented, but you may have just hit a temporary rough patch."
"Harvest time, reap the rewards of your hard work."
"We've actually nailed it, I don't have to do this anymore."
"Congratulations, you've been accepted into the astronaut training program."
"Our 1 million subscriber plaque for this channel. I love this thing so much, it's pretty much the coolest thing I've ever received in my life."
"It's really really beautiful. It's a beautiful puzzle. Well done, it. Choose, take a bow."
"You get the coveted number one in all gold, there you go."
"It's not until after Saturday I'll think well you know what I'm world champion now, I kind of did."
"Focus on what you love and give your all to it. Well done mate!"
"Everybody's gonna bow down to your greatness."
"One day you will wake up and realize that you did more than you ever thought you were that you would and you've gone farther than you ever thought you would."
"Celebrating your wins because this is one - hold it."
"The best thing in the women's division for ages"
"just the journey that art that these guys had gone on was so special and I was just so proud of the team and everything that they accomplished in that in that moment"
"That's a win, that's all you need to know, is that's a win."
"I just remember sitting there and when the lady came up to me with the gold medal it was like that was a moment I just, it's like I did it I pulled it off it's pretty pretty crazy."
"That's pretty epic, that's pretty goddamn epic."
"Flight reacts, the definition of hustle and out of any award that flight realistically deserves this is the one."
"Every journey to the podium has its own story. Congratulations to all the champions, wherever they may be!"
"You and your Pokémon are indeed deserving of this gym badge."
"Wow okay, did I just get through that entire phase without getting hit?"
"He's more than deserving of a top three spot here."
"How can a manager who's second in the all-time points accumulation be under pressure?"
"You did a great job! Again, let's get one more round of applause for KirbyMastah's awesome Fire Emblem run."
"At the end of the day, when I sit back and look, I look at say okay this is what we have built and this is what we are continuing to build."
"Master marketing, everybody. Well done." - Will Packer
"This is the culmination of a lot of hard work."
"Taylor will receive the first ever woman of the decade honor at Billboard's women and music event on December 12th."
"To all the haters who said he couldn't do it in League One, where are you now?"
"David is at 84.4k subscribers, which is amazing, it really is."
"I'm proud of you for being able to put that up. Good job."
"The main thing is I'm happy for him, I think he's he deserves a break and... he's done well."
"The Lord of the Board Grand Final, that's a spot reserved for greatness."
"That's what I'm talking about, that's legendary."
"Recognition is about to be yours, perhaps you were waiting on hearing about some sort of project that you've already set the seeds in motion for."
"Do you have any idea what I just did? You have any clue, you [__]?"
"You're the champion and we could all be proud of." - Austin John
"I am accomplished and I earned it, let's crack her open."
"Does that mean I made it? Yeah, that is love."
"Major reward... achievement... stable foundation... long-term success."
"We are witnessing greatness right now ladies and gentlemen."
"These people have done one of the most difficult ambitious things a human being can do."
"Congratulations on your innovation and success!"
"Hard work pays off, and recognition is coming your way."
"Be proud of yourself. Acknowledge what you've achieved and be proud."
"Can you believe that we've actually achieved it, it is mind-blowing."
"Congratulations, you've now got your first review published."
"A brand new appreciation for what the model achieved."
"Come back of the year... I couldn't agree more with you."
"You don't need to lower the bar but you do need to be able to see all of your small wins."
"100 Thieves definitely gets this honor, but a little bit of extra Justin gold star."
"You're being held so high, people are celebrating you, they're supportive, and they want more of whatever it is that you're doing."
"Above all else, it's an impressive accomplishment that Ninja's achieved."
"I refuse to put any respect on Tottenham Hotspur's name unless they lift a trophy."
"We did it! We beat a ranked A collector. That means we have gotten a lot stronger."
"It's something I think we can be very proud of as a team."
"You've already hit the mark, you've already passed the test."
"You finished Level 5, you hit the target I recommended, you are crushing it."
"Congratulations, you are the man or the woman you did a great great job."