
Government Power Quotes

There are 152 quotes

"Every power the government takes it will ultimately abuse to the maximum extent possible."
"The government should not have the authority to determine what is true and what isn't."
"Most protests demand that the government exert more power. The truckers demanded the government exert less. That's why it was a threat."
"You have to change people's minds. That's where the legislation comes from. That's where your government gets its power from."
"The more things you allow the government to take away, the more things they will continue to take away."
"When the government is seeking to expand its own liberties at the expense of the public's, that should be something that alarms all of us."
"The Supreme Court knows no bounds and there's nothing to stop it from destroying these fundamental constitutional principles."
"If you have a government that can silence its opponents, it has license for any atrocity."
"What we see here is the government trying to use sort of clever terminology to give themselves powers that aren't actually in the legislation."
"The notion that the Biden administration is going to be elevating to high position as the head of the bureau of land management there are all these government agencies that honestly have so much unbelievable power that you've never heard of."
"Every government is unlimited, every sovereignty is absolute. Sovereignty is conserved."
"The power should be with the person, not the state."
"We're closer than we've ever been in recent history to actual martial law."
"Debasement of society is due to expanded government power, lack of critical thinking, and moral decline."
"You think you're gonna fight the government with nukes and drones? 100%."
"This case is about whether the government has the raw power to tell us what to think and what to say."
"Covet has exposed the awesome power that can be misused by government officials."
"War is government at its worst and war is what allows governments to do the absolute most depraved things."
"If the government can give you something, they can easily just take it away."
"Even the notion that the government can shut down your bank account for giving 50 bucks to a protest is absolutely crazy."
"Freedom of speech... if a government can silence criticism it has a license to commit any atrocity."
"We should have seen it earlier. If you empower the government to violate civil liberties in pursuit of a foreign terror organization, it's just a matter of time before ambitious politicians use those same mechanisms to suppress political dissent."
"Unleash the full power of the federal government. I am officially declaring a national emergency."
"The power is in the people not a federal government."
"The First Amendment is the most important... if you have a government that can silence its opponents, it has license for any atrocity."
"Why does anyone want a government capable of censoring information from you?"
"The whole idea of the Second Amendment was to give us power against tyrannical government. Right now, we have a tyrannical government."
"This proposal, like a lot of proposals in my democratic friends bill, it's not about public policy and it's not about taxes. It's about control."
"Empowering armed agents of the government with nearly unchecked power to demand your ID or face legal consequences sounds pretty dystopian to me."
"Give the government an inch on one issue, and they'll take a mile on another one."
"This will give the U.S government more powerful lethal tools to destroy the cartel."
"Somebody's going to get hurt because this ain't America anymore when the ATF has that kind of power."
"Once you give the government a little bit, they're going to take a mile."
"I think the constitution is suspended during a virus, during a pandemic."
"If you don't have the ability to defend yourself and only the government has firearms, it's no longer a fair fight. You might as well just submit to their will."
"You're not going to repair this country by giving more power to a government that only seeks more power."
"It's dangerous to give the president that kind of power to decide what Americans can see on their phones and their computers."
"If there is no creator, your rights come from the government."
"A government big enough to give us everything we want is a government big enough to take from us everything we have."
"Granting power to government officials always proves the adage that power corrupts."
"Don't give the state too much power, they're not going to use it to protect you."
"The federal government is not using this pandemic in order to seize ultimate power. That is a good thing."
"No more deference to the executive branch... no more expansion of second amendment rights."
"Governments regularly deal with difficult situations and do so using powers granted to them by democratically elected representatives emergency legislation should not be normalized it threatens our democracy and our civil liberties."
"It is dangerous to allow the government to control the classification of speech." - Ben Shapiro
"This exemption could give the government alarming control over online interactions with little transparency."
"You cannot have the abuse of emergency powers like this."
"We don't want an unlimited arbitrarily powerful government but corporate concentration of power is equally dangerous."
"Fear is the root of aggression; government is force."
"Never surrender the power to government in the first place."
"When you give the government an inch, they take a yard and they never give it back. They never give it back."
"ATF bureaucrats don't get to write laws they don't get to redefine federal law to expand its scope."
"With the amount of power that the government in Canada and America has been building for hundreds and hundreds of years, you might not have to imagine it because it could become a reality one day."
"Government has no power to restrict such activity because of its message."
"Our money or what we call money is not backed by gold or silver or anything tangible this money is just paper and we work so hard to earn this paper while the government can just print this paper with a click of a button."
"They got the government and they got the media so and 100 billion dollars people don't realize how much money that is."
"Tyranny is what is legal for the government but illegal for the citizenry. Welcome to tyranny."
"The federal government is a leviathan, it means to encroach and destroy the value of the citizenship of everybody in this nation."
"Governments can override these rights in certain circumstances."
"We can never delegate so much authority to close down society."
"Lockdowns and mandates just increase their power."
"These rights were not given to us by the government so they can't be taken away from us by the government."
"The government shouldn't have the right to round people up and bring them to camps."
"We've seen it during the last year, the pandemic has provided an ideal opportunity for governments to violate our basic freedoms."
"When the government takes away your rights, and when it comes time to giving back privileges, they've transformed them."
"Once you start empowering governments to decide what is sufficiently hateful, it's inevitably going to expand beyond what you think and ultimately will be used against ideas that you like."
"A government that can silence its critics has a license for any kind of atrocity."
"It's the weaponization of the federal government against the American people."
"MKUltra will forever be etched as a dark chapter, a lesson about the potential pitfalls of unchecked power."
"They're effectively trying to create monopoly through government decree."
"Every time you have a war, the powers of the state grow... This war against this virus is exactly that kind of war."
"Either the constitution we have authorizes the government that we have or it's been powerless to prevent it."
"The question of suitability is up to us, we the people, and not they the government."
"This is fundamental to the nature of government when you take away the accountability, when you allow them to wield all the force in society and to have that monopoly and to write their own checks and to steal from us in taxation."
"If the people fear the government, what do you got? You got tyranny. If the government is afraid of the people, what do you have? The word liberty." - Thomas Jefferson
"A shameful case of weaponization of a government agency for political purposes and suppression of the truth."
"You have to take that into consideration when you're determining whether someone had a corrupt intent."
"Every time it uses safety as his excuse for taking some new kind of power, I officially don't believe it."
"Government is inherently a monopoly on violence."
"It does not threaten the Union to have a strong central government."
"There is no crisis that will not be exploited by the state to create more opportunity for power."
"There must be some powerful force in the United States, maybe Congress, maybe the intelligence community, and therefore Congress has to go along."
"I don't believe in the federal death penalty. I don't think that we should give the government the power to be killing people."
"On its face, it is insulting, an abuse of power, and a punch in the nose of all Americans who've obeyed COVID-19 lockdown restrictions."
"You cannot have stronger and stronger government and be free."
"This ain't America anymore when the ATF has that kind of power to come into anybody's home and keep doors down and things like that."
"The Bill of Rights protects citizens from the use of government authority for political purposes."
"Regardless of the nuances of the ideologies, the greatest atrocities in the history of the world have been perpetuated by governments against disarmed populations."
"If government can control the economy, they will."
"The events at Waco provide evidence of what the government is capable of doing."
"There is no limits to what government can do... Government can spend what government wants to spend." - Cut 118
"The larger and more powerful the government is, the less Freedom people have."
"If the government can make you rich, you can bet that they have the power to take it all away in a moment's notice."
"Surely no American administration would ever use the power of government to sit in judgment on the first amendment speech of its own citizens."
"Now that limits the Fed's abilities, it doesn't matter. They shouldn't have ever had these powers to begin with."
"For too long the federal government has used the power of the state as a weapon against people of faith."
"The balance has gone way too over the top in terms of government."
"When we allow the state to ban particular words in public, we open the door for them to begin censoring what you say about a particular political or religious belief."
"The left likes the chant 'This is what democracy looks like.' You mean unelected judges making laws, government bureaucrats and executives inventing their own powers? That's democracy."
"The government cannot suspend the rights of its citizens based on rumors and fantasies spread by its supporters."
"Democracies are the only system of government that puts the individual human being on top of the power of the state."
"Never forget history means never forget that the government can be incredibly dangerous."
"I oppose hate speech laws because once you give the government the power to decide acceptable views, that gun can turn on you."
"Every time we give the government more power, they abuse it."
"Your children don't belong to you; they belong to the state. The state decides what your child learns." - Blair White
"Government only speaks one language and it's the language of force and violence and guns."
"They cannot tell you you cannot work. Period. The end. The government doesn't have that power."
"It's your own government fundamentally that's the biggest threat to your rights."
"Unlike the ongoing emergency that we've been living through since the coveted pandemic first began two years ago, this new emergency allows the prime minister to use wartime measures to quash its enemy."
"If you give the government an inch, they're going to take a mile."
"They can do almost anything. It's the [ __ ] FBI, it's the CIA."
"Defending everybody's rights because if we let the government railroad guilty people they will start doing it to innocent people as well."
"Government becomes its own religion and its own entity when it gets too much authority."
"It's not a homophobic position to say that the way of the government coming in and taking power and trying to define everything is a bad idea."
"It doesn't say congress can decide whether somebody committed an insurrection."
"The more the governments try to squeeze and hold that power, the more people push back."
"Whether a bill of rights is worth more than the paper it's printed on rests on protections against the dangerous accumulation of power in the hands of the few."
"Government has the power to take life. It must have that power."
"The essence of tyrannical power is the arbitrary power to be tyrannical, and government power has to be arbitrary."
"We have seen time and time again where there has been the excess of government Authority when it has been the most vulnerable of people, most often racial minorities, who have been targeted."
"There's a reason the founders created a constitution that sets limits on the powers that the government can wield."
"Your government has a monopoly on violence."
"When you give the government the ability to break the law to go after the criminals, eventually they're going to use that same process to go after their enemies."
"A government powerful enough to give you everything you want will also necessarily be powerful enough to take away everything you have, including your freedom."
"The Constitution gives the government the powers that it has, and if it's not in there, then the government doesn't have that power."
"The Eighth Amendment seeks to limit the power of the government in meting out punishment to people who have been accused or convicted of a crime."
"History always dictates that giving the government more power and money will actually not enable it to help people."
"Only exercise that authority specifically granted to it by the Constitution."
"Once the government gets to the word emergency, it can move to fairly extreme measures."
"The state simply shouldn't have these powers because one day they get used wrongly."
"230 years ago, in 1776 and thereabouts, when our founding fathers drafted the constitution, they knew that governments have a tendency to overreach their power."