
Societal Commentary Quotes

There are 1121 quotes

"It is truly the only of its kind and one of the few examples of how the medium of children's horror can be explored and used to convey deeper and more intriguing messages about heavier topics usually untouchable in kids' media."
"He'd done it by tapping into a well of genuine grievances about American society and the economy and having the charisma to say what other people weren't willing to."
"Words of the prophets are written on the subway walls."
"Everyone seems fine, everyone seems really good, actually."
"Comedians can be at the forefront of societal talk on certain issues."
"Like other fantasy films, it SEEMS to be using its imaginary setting to tell a compelling story, while also illuminating truths about our society."
"Quiet as is kept, this land don't belong to none of us."
"In a world of Nigerian Princes, hybrid servers, Tinder phishing profiles, pre-orders, cash for gold, male enhancement pills, college loans, Destiny 2, and pyramid schemes, thank Christ for that."
"Everyone wants change, but no one is willing to start with themselves."
"We're living in idiocracy... Taco Bell voted best Mexican restaurant in America."
"You've got to put in the work. It seems like nobody wants to work these days."
"Haiti has been an absolute disarray. Now here's where the fun kicks in."
"If we live under capitalism and you want to critique capitalism, the only way you can critique capitalism is while living in capitalism."
"We're not asking for handouts; we're asking for a lifeline."
"Diversity is our strength, but division is weakness."
"This story speaks so much to where we're at in the 2020s."
"Ukrainians are different. They are not different. We are all equal. The gods created people the same, equal."
"It's easier to fool somebody than it is to convince them that they've been fooled."
"Yellowjackets is not a show about if cannibalism; it's about why cannibalism and how cannibalism."
"In essence, nobody cares about the topic. They care about how anything and everything will benefit their life."
"Rocco's Modern Life is a great look into society that captures the truisms of the time it came out in."
"The Matrix is a war of ideas, and what's at stake is the soul of our modern society."
"The world ends not with a bang, but with a whimper... It ends with a whimper if the solution is more and more debt."
"I'm sure I've mentioned this at this point too, oh Vegas on his rant again."
"Harry Styles is the quintessential man written by a woman."
"Competence is held in very, very poor esteem by the ruling class in America."
"Candace Owens speaks on Black culture, the victimhood promulgated within it, and a society weaponizing race for political power."
"Andrew Tate is the reason why the internet is slowly coming back and stepping away from the liberal blue hair fake wokeness."
"I don't want to be here, but it's not your show. I just think the world's crazy right now, and we got to get back out there, got to show the truth."
"If Fallout 3 has a thesis, it's perhaps a warning against clinging to the past, repeating old mistakes, replaying old conflicts."
"Having rational voices in a world of reactionaries is more relevant than ever."
"This game isn't really so much of a set of character arcs as much as it's a set of character studies and societal commentary."
"So much of man's problems and suffering comes from not being able to be in a room alone quietly."
"Comedy to further corruption and make you comfortable with it."
"I'm tired of this word 'vibes.' Everything [is] vibes. People be drinking water—water vibes."
"Imbalance is overused and wrongly used all the time. We're just trying to bring some humanity to the subject."
"I'm sorry because it seems like it's just a constant game of who can care less. Nobody cares. No one. Who can show less emotions."
"I get called Morpheus a lot. Because I'm trying to wake people up. If the matrix is real, and you are watching this video, I am Morpheus. I am the guy trying to wake you up from slavery."
"So come on over to the Andrew Clavin show and laugh your way through the apocalypse with me Andrew Clayton"
"Writing this off as an issue of youth isn't good enough because, obviously, socialism isn't an innate issue to youth."
"Guys are just like regular looking women are fine."
"I think people are so divided and polarized now, like everyone has to fall into either bucket."
"Anybody here that thinks anybody owes them anything is already in deep shit."
"Life is never easy, but it's hard to make a case that we're not in good times."
"It's one of the last free places, at least in America."
"Clout trumps anything, it runs everything, bro."
"There is shared human desires, shared universal traits, most all human beings really want the same things."
"Jokes should deal with the worst and scariest things, that's why we have humor."
"We live in a society. And how does it compare to the Marvel Cinematic Universe?"
"If we can't all be on the same side on this stuff then we're done as a country."
"It's the assertion that white people feel threatened. It's a joke."
"If you really don't care about someone else's opinion, don't have receipts longer than Rite Aid."
"Wow, this is the world, hey this is the free world I was hearing about."
"But through all of these jokes and the rampant commentary that's being offered, there is a conversation that is being neglected."
"Honestly, the country probably doesn't care too much about anyway."
"It's more about those cultural interests than it is about those class or economic interests."
"Absolute joke. Oh, Cook's like, 'Oh, there's only a couple hundred of them out here.' Nah, and then after Philip came out, like, nah, I don't think sizes it's a fair few."
"I think what's happening in this country is we are the most culturally and spiritually impoverished nation in the world."
"The herd always gets slaughtered and remember the people that gamble here think most of the people here always lose they get slaughtered they're the ones that built these palaces these palaces were built by losers not winners."
"Black people aren't inferior. How about black people are just the same as every other individual in American life?"
"Death is cheap and your health is expensive."
"What happened in Kenosha is the best advertisement for people arming themselves that you could ask for because we saw the police stand down."
"Here's the funny part about this all right everyone always goes on about how gen Z is the most mentally ill generation there has been."
"Get Out is not only of its time it's really prescient."
"The more you can claim victimization, the more you can claim heroism for yourself."
"Men today are a joke, and there's a one in ten chance your husband's going to commit infidelity."
"Pretty ridiculous but uh, that is where we are in American public life because pretty much everything is mockery at this point."
"The path to hell is paved with good intentions."
"It's sick, it's downright demonic, and the vast majority of Americans know it."
"Where are we meeting the Good Men who actually want to be in a real relationship?"
"I didn't start the fire, it was always burning since the world's been turning."
"300 million people's decisions in America is probably a lot more valid than the 500 CEOs of Fortune 500 companies."
"Teenagers have destroyed the world despite the world's best efforts."
"All of this is nuts, all of this of course is totally crazy."
"I'll push some fresh hot jellies through my little blue sphincter soon enough."
"Men were no more disposable than women and women were no more valuable than men."
"We care about freedom more than we care about money."
"It's not politics at all, this is good and evil... what he has done for the world."
"This is not reverse [__] racism, this is about Karens calling the police on people, that's the joke."
"This is the best year we've ever seen and the worst of times for those against God."
"The worst creatures of all are those who don't think."
"Freedom should bring us together; it should never be divisive because in this room, there might be a thousand different reasons why you want your freedom."
"Even if the world continues to crumble around us, the entertainment we'll have to distract ourselves is lit."
"Most people don't understand that... they're just not good people."
"You have a captive audience that's willing to listen to music so we will tell you your identity through music."
"This time of year is tough for a lot of people... it's a celebration of all things sugar and spice and all things nice, families and buying and shopping and giving."
"We are currently living in the most prosperous, advanced, leisurely time in human history."
"We are different species though I totally understand what you mean by the human race because you know sometimes we might say it's not a black or white thing it's a great thing if you if you know you know."
"The United States of America is doomed... life in America has only gotten more and more chaotic."
"It's like this post-truth element where it doesn't really matter whether it's true, it's who's actually bringing the evidence."
"She should definitely be charged, if she's not, that really does show you that there are some people in this country that just seem to have privilege."
"When you're used to privilege, equality seems like oppression."
"It's sad to say that that's an act of heroism in today's society, but it absolutely is."
"It's a crumbling patriarchy but - yeah, exactly."
"Families are profoundly important... it's nature, not a sociological or political thought."
"The ability to converse and debate has been the result of the dumbing down of people."
"The biggest constituency of all is those of us that don't trust the establishment at all."
"Oh look what I see that's full of money, isn't it? There's a price tag on the front of it. That is a bank envelope."
"Companies do not give a [__] about you, okay? Corporations are people they just happen to be sociopathic."
"You live in penury. My car is bigger than your house and you're saying you feel special."
"This year it just felt like living in an ideological war zone."
"I just wish more people gave more respect to the facts."
"People believe only what they already know, and this is the beauty of universal conspiracy."
"It's really kind of baffling to me how many people brag about not being afraid of it or not caring."
"Maybe that's what the internet needs more of, a little more pointless content, a little more human connection and understanding, you know, maybe not, I don't know, you tell me."
"This arc comments on the human condition through the Chimera ants."
"Maybe Rogan's got a point that these are just weird times, maybe we'll get through them."
"Let's talk about culture. I actually want to talk about things that we like in the culture right now."
"It is important to make people laugh in this day and age where lots of crazy things are happening."
"People love attention, it's the biggest drug on the planet."
"The poor in America live better than 99% of humanity throughout history."
"Simp is an acronym, it equals sucker idolizing mediocre pussy."
"This place is haunted at the same time bro... well that's how you know these people are messed up."
"Who needs aliens when we've got Psychopaths."
"If it feels good do it, that is the motto of useful idiots."
"It's happened a lot so that's how a lot of these girls got famous."
"One nation's common sense is another nation's high blood pressure." - E.B. White
"Family Guy's comedy is an equal opportunity offender."
"Hyper reality... our politics today is a hyper reality."
"You can't stop the internet, that's what it is. They're trying to, the establishment desperate and the elites, the billionaires, many of these ultra-wealthy individuals, they desperately want to be back in that world."
"There's a big gap in what people talk about and what reality actually is."
"Revenge tastes sweeter than whatever those years of Peace were ever worth."
"Comedians are supposed to make those serious and insightful points while also being funny."
"I'm not making this up, this is where we're at now."
"All white people in the front. Yeah, and you know why they do that? All the white people in the front, I'm gonna tell you why they do that."
"So many people are honestly trying the best they know how."
"Common sense is so rare in America today, it's like having a superpower."
"People I think we're we're to the point now where mankind will worship just about anything."
"Well, it doesn't so much reward knowledge as it does punish ignorance."
"Holy crap no wonder men are so desperate to hold on to their power. This is the easiest [__] ever."
"It's considered by many of America's step-uncles to be the biggest scandal in presidential history."
"You can't win the war if you lose the culture."
"Clown world, every man that is listening to this broadcast right now needs to understand that you must protect yourself, bro."
"This is the problem that liberals have... basically just become vacuous and empty."
"Yes, it seems like they tried so hard to not be racist, they circled all the way back around to being racist."
"Part of the problem with the lack of polarity in our sexual generation right now is because women do what men do."
"It's like those participation trophies that boomers are always griping about."
"It just goes to show how easily everybody is manipulated in this world, like people just want whatever sounds like the simplest thing, the best thing for them in the moment."
"Once you lick the lollipop of minority rule, you suck it forever."
"We can make fun of celebrities all day... but there's been a complete merger now between media and celebrity."
"Most people are actually capable of thinking for themselves and want to do so."
"Everyone needs a good laugh right before the election, right before the apocalypse."
"Women say they want a man to treat her right, and yet society still says nice guys finish last. Yeah, I mean it's almost as though women lie about what they actually want, okay."
"Desperate times call for desperate measures. Rest in peace, the hood."
"Politicians are a joke and comedians are taking seriously I've existed forever."
"A victory for free speech and an important defeat for the cancel culture mob."
"It's as though the souls of these adults have been crushed so much that their desire to live has been destroyed in the deepest parts of themselves."
"She's beautiful and she's awesome and I think she has like a really great life so anyone who hates on a baby is just like weirdly jealous."
"Seriously, when order is lost, the only action that makes sense is violence. And I think that is what we're seeing."
"To me, if you're a political comedian, I look at them like, 'That's all you understood how to tell a joke?' If it's funny or offensive, people will do that for you."
"Money talks or as Bob Dylan puts it money doesn't talk, it swears."
"If everybody claims to be a victim, then nobody will hear the real victims." - Chris Rock
"Man plus machine was gonna be God. And what's turned out is that man plus machine is beast."
"But that what's really remarkable about this is that even reasonably well-off people think of themselves as victims."
"You normalize it you make it okay because it is okay."
"The real dichotomy in American politics is not between the right and the left, it's between the powerful and the powerless."
"We live in a moment where the world is upside down in the collective West in the United States things are falling apart, the Empire is crumbling."
"If you're gonna do anything, smoke up a blunt because you'll have more fun with that than with Xanax."
"We can all have an opinion without it causing a war."
"Small minds discuss other people, gossip. Good minds discuss events. Great minds discuss ideas."
"This world is a crazy place and it's amazing to live in this time."
"The Lord is shutting the world down to say, 'This is the time to seek me.'"
"It's all about controlling women, they'll deny it over and over and over again but actions speak louder than words."
"The world is crazy and it's time to catch the grease boy."
"Anyone can say anything they want regardless of their skin color... Words only have the power that you give them."
"This isn't conspiracy it is a system reality."
"The memes will save us basically because if you can stay happy and stay joyous through all this lunacy that is actually how we will win."
"People think the word money rules the world, it's not. It's the word choice."
"He stays relevant without actually doing anything."
"if you do scam people you will soon become the most powerful person in reality"
"Top of being so visually thrilling and such an action movie but like talks about what it is to be black in the United States and around the world."
"You will own nothing and be happy about it, that is the Playbook of serfdom."
"We're living through crazy times right now guys."
"Everybody's so caught up for a check, 'Oh, I'm on demon time,' listen, that [__] comes with bad energy and spirits."
"The world is indeed a strange place these days. It seems like anything can happen."
"It's whatever the woman wants. I don't care how much we say it's a man's world, it's whatever the woman wants."
"Bro, I'm not going to lie, yo, it's some [__] on the planet."
"Money makes people crazy. Money makes people do stupid ass things."
"You can't hold a future hostage for party political gains."
"A murdering cop is finally found guilty. Now you want empathy? F you." - Don Trump
"The Democrats became Republicans and the Republicans went crazy, and that's the world we're living in."
"What a weird world, what a weird time to be alive."
"Corona, stay with us. We still need you. There's an election coming up."
"We live in an increasingly alienating world."
"This book is pickup artistry at its most emboldened and least resentful."
"That's not a small thing. This is like change their lifestyle forever. But yeah, people are very greedy. They will not vote for you forever for this, right? They will ask more. And that's a good thing."
"We're very close to World War Three, but again, we're all crazy, right?"
"Irony, satire, and comedy are powerful tools."
"You're living in this world where words speak louder than actions."
"Don't let anyone ever tell you that there's a separation from religion and politics. I think Satan invented that statement."
"I trust people on a personal to personal level not by blanket statements about a big group." - Andy Milonakis
"It makes for a really sort of creepy dystopian novel."
"If Connor becomes a banker, then everything wrong in the world is happening."
"Mediocrity is the new excellence. That game was boring and bad."
"Are you ready for the tiniest pieces of justice with the biggest amounts of entertainment? Yeah, awesome, then it's time for some more petty revenge here."
"Everyone's life is chasing the Benjamins, a few for our viewers, a Benjamin is Benjamin Franklin."
"We are all just nuts. We've all been abused. It was like we had a bad relationship with a psychopath for four years."
"Capitalism is one great big [ __ ] gaslight gatekeep girl boss pyramid scheme to the next generation of dreamers."
"We are undoubtedly living in a time and a day that's extraordinary."
"The things we share in common far outweigh our differences."