
Missing Someone Quotes

There are 142 quotes

"She's been extremely unsettled ever since she disappeared, missing her and wanting only to find her."
"It's so good to miss someone more when you see them after not seeing them for a week. Isn't that weird? Best feeling, right?"
"We're gonna miss him, dude. Let's be honest."
"I miss my best friends or family when we were apart for a long time."
"Your presence in their life is missed, deeply."
"This person definitely misses your presence."
"I miss my Kel, I miss her laughter, her smile, her loudness, I miss my baby girl."
"He misses you mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and very much physically."
"This person is missing you... they're feeling intense sadness right now and they are grieving something major that's happened."
"They're feeling this way but it's not in a really codependent desperate kind of way. It's not like a healthy way, like they just miss your presence kind of thing."
"This person really just wants to talk to you all the time... this person misses you."
"Kids, when you miss someone, you see them everywhere."
"Allowing that person the time to miss you... it does work on everyone."
"When the two of you are not in communication with each other, you tend to really miss each other's presence."
"They're longing for you, missing you dearly."
"Through tears, he expresses how deeply he misses her."
"When you're gone, you're missed... especially this time of year."
"We miss you, Metro Man. I miss you."
"I'm going to miss him dearly. He's my best friend and he is incredible to me."
"I've missed you like crazy these past couple weeks but I really did enjoy spending some quality time with my family and just recharging my batteries a little bit."
"They miss seeing you and they miss your voice, beautiful."
"They miss you, but they don't like to think about it. They don't like to think about this at all because there's something very painful about missing you."
"I miss her too. Her greatest skill was making people miss her."
"They deeply miss you and think about you a lot more than you imagine."
"I miss his voice. I miss being able to lay in bed beside each other. I miss my person."
"I've been missing you the most when I'm lonely."
"Boss, I miss your voice, I wish she'd answer my calls."
"They miss me they miss they honestly miss you a lot I miss you guys too."
"I feel like this person really misses you. I'm not going to lie pile number one, but something about what they did to you, whether you left in silence, I think it hurt more."
"Your person misses you a lot, more than what you can even imagine."
"You were in my dream yesterday. I miss you and hope you're doing well."
"I've missed them immensely, every day, miss them waking me up at midnight."
"They miss you when you're not around."
"Thank you. I really miss talking to my little sister."
"I missed the baby, I want to go give him so many kisses."
"When I miss you, I sob my heart out."
"I love you so much, I love both these girls man both these girls I miss them so much."
"She started saying that she misses people, like, she'll be like playing, like talking on the phone, and she'll be like, 'I gamma miss you, miss you.'"
"There's nothing wrong with missing someone. That just means love lasted a little longer."
"I feel like you miss Nadia and y'all should get back together."
"They miss your energy, they miss being with you, they miss sleeping with you, eating with you, talking with you. Ain't nobody can compare to you babes."
"I really miss you, I would love to spend time with you."
"Another way that's not so obvious is whenever he shares laughs with you when you guys are not together... because whenever you miss a person, man or woman, the good things you like ain't as good without them."
"Whenever a guy gives you his undivided attention when you guys are together, that's a huge sign that he misses you, huge green flag."
"More or less the story is this: whenever a man misses you, it's going to show up differently based on his intentions, based on the state of the relationship... Don't accept all of that 'Oh, I just don't express my feelings'."
"I just want to see my wife. I know I'm soft. Oh, I miss her."
"I don't know what I'm to do, I just miss you more than anything."
"Miss her a lot it's weird to be up here without her I can't remember the last time I've done that actually it's been a really long time."
"I miss his lack of fear, his composure, his will, his hunger."
"I'll miss you if you go. Yes, I'm going to let you know just how much."
"I would miss you if you didn't want to see me anymore."
"I've been looking for you for 5 years, I really miss you."
"Now I know what it feels like to miss someone."
"I can't stop thinking about you; I miss you even though I just saw you like an hour ago."
"We're still talking, we still love each other, and the fact that we miss each other when the other person's not there."
"When you miss someone, it's like a physical pain."
"Thanks snow much. Miss you snow much."
"We're going to miss you, no disrespect."
"This hug is really tight. A big hug, huh? Miss you."
"I really miss her and some days I think, man, did that really happen?"
"This person misses the time they spent with you."
"Did you miss me? I know I've missed you."
"You're the best, love you, miss you."
"I miss Meg already. I had such a fun week and a half with her."
"Everybody loved him, I'm sure he's happy where he is now, and we miss him."
"It's so crazy, I'm officially missing you."
"The good thing about not working with you is... I realize how much I miss you."
"He was amazing and told him to visit them because someone was missing him."
"That's the worst kind of missing someone, not even having to be able to have seen them experience them."
"Without you, things won't seem just right."
"This is a great holiday, but I am missing Peppa. I wish she was here."
"There's not a second that goes by where they're not missing you."
"I miss him more than anything; that's my world."
"I can't explain how much I'm missing you."
"Holy [__], I miss Rita so [__] bad."
"They begin to miss you, to experience separation anxiety from you, to be curious about why you're not reaching out."
"Whenever people nowadays ask you 'What are you doing, babe', just say 'I miss you'."
"Miss you so much, my thoughts linger."
"It's been too long since I last seen you."
"You know you have no idea how much I missed you."
"It's okay. I know he's still out there."
"Thank you, George, I miss you so much."
"It's good to see you again. I missed you so much."
"I never thought it possible to miss one person so thoroughly as I have you."
"They definitely miss having you as a part of their life and they want you in their life again."
"You want them to sit with the anxiety and the sadness of missing you."
"I miss Luke like crazy, and there's still periods where I'm like, I got to text Luke we're on tomorrow, and then I'm like, oh, I don't got a text Luke."
"I'm totally obsessed with you, I miss your energy."
"Any message that is pretty much guaranteed to make your ex crack a smile or laugh when they read it is also going to help them miss you."
"Without you, there's a missing piece; it's so true, no matter where you are, you're in our minds and hearts."
"I can go days without talking to you, months without seeing you, but not a second goes by that I’m not thinking about you."
"We've really missed you; it hasn't been the same without you."
"I missed you too, where were you this whole time?"
"We've missed you. It's totally not the same without you here."
"He had a real emotion; he said, 'I miss him.'"
"This is when the feeling sinks in, I don't want to miss you like this."
"Seeing Lennon with him, I miss Lennon so much now."
"You be ready for them to go, and they finally leave, and you kind of feel sad that you miss them."
"We miss you very much, we all miss you and are thinking about you."
"Christmas wouldn't be Christmas without him."
"They're missing the [__] out of you; all they do is think about you."
"I really miss you, and something's going on. I need you to be honest with me."
"When you miss someone, once in a while, think of me."
"It allows us to miss each other... you need time alone to miss them and to just be grateful for those moments."
"I miss you bro, love you bro, swear I wish I could hug you bro."
"It's a chance to start over new, 'cause I miss you, so I'm letting go of everything but you."
"I always tried to find you because I missed you."
"He will be sorely missed by me, definitely."
"I'm not going to lie, bro, I do miss you."
"I'm sorry, Sam. I miss you and love you."
"I'm so happy that you're finally back, I missed you so much."
"They're coming in with an offer because they're missing you so much."
"You even know how much I miss you? I even cried for you."
"I miss her," she finally said, crying.
"I do miss Alex, you know every single day."
"You're missed, dude, you're missed."
"You don't know how sad I feel, how deep I miss you."
"I can't help that I miss you now."
"It feels really good to be here. I've missed you."
"They're reminiscing about you; they're also missing you."
"You don't know how much I miss you and how painful I am."
"Listen, I have been missing you. I know I don't tell you all the time, but I have."
"You left earlier than usual this morning. I missed you."
"I am going to miss you a lot. Don't forget to call me daily or at least message me how you are doing."
"I miss being able to talk to her, I miss her laugh, and I'm truly lucky that I was able to call her a friend."
"I miss you all the time, I even miss you when I blink."
"I've missed you guys so much, this is me giving you a virtual cuddle because I've genuinely missed you."
"I'm going to miss him because he's such a fantastic brother."
"They yearn over you, they long for you, missing you, thinking about you."
"It's 3 AM and they are missing you, that is for sure."
"Reconciliation, reunion, back together. I miss you."