
Overload Quotes

There are 102 quotes

"Kids today are actually overwhelmed by all the opportunities and programs and expectations."
"There's so much going on that everything suffered for it."
"There's power to that, especially when you're always inundated with technology."
"I want everyone to just stop, just go away, this is too much."
"Holy [__], you see how many signs are in this laundromat? The five-man electrical band and Tesla need to team up and do a charity concert for the anxiety this place triggers."
"It's just complete visual overload I think and if you're a new player looking at this, I can skip to any random page here let's skip to this right tell me what's going on here it all looks the same doesn't it ridiculous right?"
"New year, new projects. I'm stupid and I take on way more than I can handle."
"You know what you don't understand is where everything is leading when all of the signs you see still point to overload."
"It's most certainly not everyone's thing and I do agree we're getting smothered by a bit too much of them these days."
"It's kind of like the overload of all the amazing things, and it just... yeah, throw it all on, give it... give me, give me, yeah!"
"There's something romantic about checking out, detaching from feeling overloaded."
"I generally feel like there's not anyone I'm actually interested in hearing that much music from at once."
"Sometimes the news cycle just gives you too much to play with. I mean honestly sometimes the news cycle is just so full of wonderful goodness you don't know where to begin."
"You're good because I've got too many questions."
"Escape when you need to; there comes a time when the overabundance of Disney Magic turns into Disney sensory overload."
"My heart might explode due to cuteness overload."
"There's too much going on on cable news."
"This is just like cuteness overload, get you kidding."
"The Quail is just an absolute overload."
"Amperage is what burns things and smokes things and blows fuses."
"The movie as a whole is just such a bizarre mix... overloaded with characters overloaded with subplots."
"One of the best ways to get that overload you need is with a barbell hip thrust."
"Holy [__], I'm not even gonna go into here because there's just too much in there."
"I mean, think about anyone when they're pushed to extremes like your brain shuts off, maybe you have sensory overload and someone just keeps asking you questions you're gonna start like crying."
"I'm exhausted, I'm on overload, this is awesome."
"Jan's struggling. Jan's doing too much, which she claims is just who she is."
"Even if we had the nicest possible managers who wanted you to thrive, we would still have this overload problem."
"Your cup to overload as described in Psalm 23."
"The last third of this movie is just blind mass destruction. Yeah, that's... and I understand what people say, they get overloaded, yeah, with just the non-stop destruction, explosions, and just like, yeah, your brain can't really handle it all."
"Our brains aren't equipped to deal with this overload of dopamine that is so easily accessible today."
"I learned a ton like my brain kind of hurts from information overload."
"If TikTok does that, it's over. People are going to lose interest because you're overloading them."
"It's so busy. There's so much information that does not immediately seem to be very useful at all. It almost seems more of a distraction."
"Tendons need appropriate load. You can't overload them, they get pissed off."
"So, say you're working up to one rep max, your Technique changes slightly, when we talk about Progressive overload 2 to 5% a week, if you change your Technique, you might be overloading your hamstring 20 25 30%."
"Your cognitive capacity can get overloaded pretty quickly."
"I'm asking this a question I don't know this is like this is the first I've heard first time I heard Brocks coming back or baby coming but it's like God wouldn't you just want to spread some of this out a little bit there's just so much of it."
"People overloading their faith, going out beyond what they're developed to."
"The public health service was overwhelmed."
"The distraction has kept us all so busy and plugged into the information that's coming at us all the time."
"In a noisy social media-driven world where too many of us are ensnared in a cacophony of tweets, viral videos, and trending memes..."
"I can't answer all of your questions if you ask them all at once."
"That's something totally new in human history, to be exposed to that many influences from all over the world, and your mind is just like, 'I don't know what to do with all this information, but I'm gonna start with feeling like I'm a piece of crap.'"
"Overconsumption of content can cause a lot of confusion, disarray, and panic."
"People in general can all relate to feeling overwhelmed or feeling like there's just too much."
"There's a tipping point when we spend more time managing all our projects than we actually do making progress on our projects."
"We are drowning in information and starving for wisdom and truth."
"We are flooded with data, data is coming at a pace that is too fast to deal with."
"What happens when we have too much mental load is that we end up feeling stressed and anxious."
"Each page is just like interaction overload, which is awesome."
"I hope you guys are finding serious inspiration. I know that these are definitely inspiration overload."
"There's too much happening and too much of it is disconnected."
"The key to progress is, you know, progressive overload."
"We are living in an age of information overload."
"We have so many outlets to be able to communicate on, and it almost complicates it so much to being overbearing."
"The real problem is the informational overload and seizure of attention."
"It's like an assault on the senses, there's so much to look at."
"Communication has gotten so much easier, cheaper, and faster that we're almost inundated with the amount of information that's available to us."
"Your ability to add weight to the bar is an outcome of previous progressive overload, not a requirement for future progress."
"Anything and everything all of the time."
"There was actually mystique, you know, there wasn't this content overload."
"It's a very very simple progressive overload."
"We just need balance; we're bombarded with too much nonsense all the time."
"She has absorbed so much Mana that she feels like her heart is about to explode."
"The darkness, the sensory deprivation, and simultaneously overload."
"People forget that you can progressively overload the body many different ways; it's not always just adding more weight to the exercise."
"True progressive overload that you're causing is the most important thing for hypertrophy."
"We're constantly bombarded with sensory information... and we need to be able to pick out certain elements of that signal in order to be able to concentrate on them."
"I don't think our brains are wired to process that mega global information."
"It's like psychological torture, the phones are ringing and ringing."
"Going from three sets to five sets at the same weight is going to be another way of progressively overloading."
"We're living in a society where we're being bombarded with details and facts."
"We're living in an age where we live through information overload, right, and decision making is something that becomes difficult at times."
"We live through information overload, right, and decision making is something that becomes difficult at times."
"Information overload from all different sources is what we're trying to deal with."
"I got lost in the absolutely overwhelming influx of information, art, narrative, and imagination."
"Increased overload with less overall fatigue."
"We're drowning in information, but we have like no wisdom."
"Every single day we are bombarded with information."
"I have so many ideas for fun summer DIY tutorials that I honestly think my brain might explode."
"All right y'all, so Kyla told me to do like a sensory overload prank."
"We live in a world of information overload but people can still essentially believe whatever they want to believe."
"The key to progress in bodybuilding is to overload the muscle just enough to cause it to grow but not enough to cause injury."
"If there are any laws when it comes to the weight room, progressive overload is law number one."
"Progressive overload means you use more work, you subject a muscle to more work over time than you have previously done with it."
"We are really getting to a point where there's so much information and there's information overload. Just specific access to information is a key thing we believe is useful."
"It was like a sensory overload experience for me."