
Proactive Planning Quotes

There are 109 quotes

"We keep modeling and predicting what's going to happen next as opposed to reacting to what's actually happening now on the ground."
"And forewarned is forearmed, so if we are aware of these issues and put carefully thought about solutions into place early, we can avoid many of the dystopian scenarios."
"I wish I learned this the last time we moved: to declutter as you go."
"We're following the facts and we're going to bring those recommendations forward in the time and manner that we as the White House coronavirus task force determined are appropriate."
"Prepare for emergency situations while things are calm."
"We need to make changes early, plan around them down the line. It's more of an art than a science."
"We can prevent these actions from happening and not have to be here after the fact."
"We should be building those alternative plans now rather than assuming."
"Take the next two months and start looking... This is exactly your number."
"Spell it out, write down five things you want to get more flexible, you want to get more athletic, you want to have more energy."
"It's never too late and it's never too early; the earlier the better."
"Create a plan of action and execute it. Don't let things that happen in the past hold you back."
"We are going to be much, much prepared for the third wave."
"Keep your gas tank full and use apps like Waze for real-time updates on hazards."
"You have free will, focus way ahead of time."
"It's time to focus our attention on the importance of preparing our families, homes, businesses, and communities for disasters that threaten our lives, property, and homeland."
"Victorious warriors win first, then go to war."
"Don't get yourself in a pickle of a situation where all of a sudden something happens and you're reacting. Reacting is usually the worst thing that we can see somebody do with their portfolio."
"Being prepared for some of these situations improves efficiency in the long run."
"This really is the time for people to be getting serious about what can I be doing today to put myself in a better position."
"You have to dig the well before you're thirsty."
"It's preparing when times are good for a bad time... you want to prepare for when things go wrong during a good time."
"We cannot live in a world that's built on fear. We have to do what we can to make sure that we provide the greatest safety measures we can for our kids."
"We're creating the ark, we're creating the lifeboat that we can jump on now."
"What action are you going to take in the next 30 days around this conversation?"
"It's just smart, you don't want to wait until they run out."
"Design your code with scalability in mind from the beginning."
"Rural living essentially just has the social distancing built in and I just think it's just a better alternative going forward."
"Start monetizing your strategy from the start."
"Hope for the best and prepare for the worst."
"Prepping now for an economic collapse can put the odds of surviving in your favor."
"If there's ever a time to prepare, it's now."
"A smart thing to do is to position oneself to be able to withstand a potential global water crisis."
"Take proactive steps to create a kit that you can take with you in times of emergency."
"A little bit of effort on day one can really pay dividends as your cruise progresses."
"And that's where these investments in the future are really important, not being reactionary and responding to damages and emergencies..."
"Laying the groundwork early, definitely a good idea."
"I'd rather prevent riots in the first place than plan to deal with the riots when they break out. You're setting yourself up to fail there."
"Opportunities can open double doors to opportunity Monday Tuesday Wednesday."
"Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as the night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt."
"The sooner you figure out that short-term pleasures aren't long-term gains, the better."
"With careful due diligence and planning ahead of time, all of these mistakes are easily avoidable."
"Encourage Christians in deep blue areas to move networking to the top of their prayer list."
"Whatever his plan is, aggressively make sure you're safe and solid at home."
"They had to have a lot of foresight to be looking ahead to get those things in, and I'm happy to be taking advantage of them right now."
"With preparation, Dora can preemptively prepare the script and plot before it even starts."
"It's definitely a good idea for us to be looking at what they're doing and do it ourselves. Civilians don't prepare like the military and government does and that shouldn't be the case."
"Don't get caught two steps behind, don't lose out when you could be preparing for an opportunity down the line that can help you win out big."
"And you know what I can do now? I can set up all my withdrawals. All the withdrawals. I will be fast, I will be strong, I will eliminate."
"We're trying to be prepared for both but we have to take action on one of the sides and my side that I'm taking action on is the bull market."
"The key to success has always been one step ahead, so planning your day for tomorrow is very, very important."
"Take care, God bless, have a plan, execute, get something done, prepare for the worst, pray for something better. God willing we will defeat this evil. We'll see you guys in the next one. Take care."
"We just have to get ready for what's to come and keep challenging the narratives in our own lives, in our own communities."
"How many videos have to come out of people lining food banks before you think it's smart to have some supplies? Just a little bucket, the one little bucket you put in your closet."
"Let's look at our future in a much more constructive and strategic way."
"I start day 43 by preparing a suitable arena for it."
"It's always good to think a little bit ahead and pre-plan."
"The future can be whatever we want it to be, it's just a matter of how far in advance you want to look."
"Step out of this hold... make future plans in regards to your desires."
"It's my responsibility to put everything in place and it's my responsibility to keep people safe."
"Now that you've got all the shocking stuff out of the way, you're 10 steps ahead of the game."
"Make sure that you're set up for success ahead of time and so is your bird."
"Noah did not start building the ark when it was raining."
"Be ready to make a reservation in advance for table service meals."
"Embrace it, acknowledge it, and plan for it."
"Stay organized, see your inventory, plan ahead. Always be ten steps ahead."
"Well, it's a good point and that's why people should have should be buying the tools that they need now for the future."
"Somebody's putting some plans in action, this is some sort of warrior that is going somewhere."
"If you know the ship's going to crash some point somewhere on the journey, well if you've identified the lifeboats and maybe secured one or two for yourselves then that's the better thing to do."
"You gotta almost be selfish in this list that you're making of things that you want."
"We upgraded this much because I thought we were gonna need it."
"I'd rather be ten years early to the party than one day late."
"I mean, yeah, we can make it down there. But either way, that's not the mission today. We're making our own mission today."
"The time to dig the well is not when you're thirsty but when you have enough water."
"Don't wait for time... just start, grab some paper, start making your to-do list, get your calendar off your planner and into your phone... and give everything its place so you're not scrambling all day long."
"The best time to prepare for growth is before the opportunity arrives."
"Start getting serious about looking for ways to drisk."
"Life's gonna be way easier from now on as long as I can get food storage."
"It's going to help you become a smart rider by planning your ride, rescuing other riders, knowing what patterns to look for, and so much more."
"Prepare in advance for things that you don't even know are coming."
"The better prepared you are like this couple the better off you're going to be."
"Start preparing for the arrival of your dream."
"This is indeed valuable information, always thinking one step ahead."
"Preparation ensures you're ready to seize once-in-a-lifetime opportunities."
"Your egoic mind is going to spin you down into the sewer if you don't have a plan in place."
"You're going to live a long time so come in and make an appointment and you'll figure it out."
"You can't just go, 'Oh, everything's fine, let's not bother. We have to do something in January.'"
"Prior preparation prevents poor performance, folks."
"If we can figure out the policy changes that are needed before the technology arrives then we hit the ground running."
"You need to take action now to ensure that your loved ones are protected tomorrow."
"I'm kind of like a prepper, I like to have everything ready and organized."
"Plan in advance, so you know what to do when it happens."
"It's actually really exciting and empowering because now you're not just blindly saving for retirement."
"It's being proactive to figure out what the plan is moving forward."
"I'm not peddling fear here, guys, instead I'm peddling financial education, financial preparedness."
"Always make sure that you're building your business before you go out and lose half your customer base."
"Now that you understand the principles and procedures behind hazard recognition, you have the tools you need to head hazards off at the pass and make your facility a safer place to work every day."
"It's good to have that sussed and you know get a little bit more ready for the trip."
"I'm doing every single thing that I can and really involving my faith in my planning."
"What do we need to start doing today to ensure we can get there?"
"Focus on analytics as much as you can early, so that you're not surprised by some feature later on."
"Analyzing the expected technological changes and their potential impact on the project allows for proactive planning and decision-making."
"It's very important to have these conversations earlier on."
"We've got to proactively plan our future but we also have to proactively safeguard it and protect it."
"Prepare for the natural disasters that are common in your area."
"It's important to do it now so that all into the future you're protected."
"Visibility is the name of the game so that I make sure that I am making good use of all the things that I have on hand."