
Naval History Quotes

There are 259 quotes

"Ironclad warships weren't entirely new, but they were a very recent innovation."
"The challenge, in particular for Monitor, is scale. To date, Monitor's the largest marine metal shipwreck recovery and conservation effort ever undertaken worldwide by volume of material."
"And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why nobody built any new battleships after the end of World War II."
"They went down in history due to the bravery of their crews. They are the ships that deserve to be called naval legends."
"If you ever want to have your mind blown about what our ancestors were able to do...these naval battles, there's like 600 ships, right, wooden ships, big ships."
"Firepower became the single greatest priority followed by protection and then speed in a distant third... that made sense."
"The Royal Navy was being built by Jack Fisher from way back."
"For the first time in history, the Ottoman fleet would extend its operations to French and Spanish waters."
"An extraordinary scale: 1,600 ships refitted or built from scratch."
"It's still the deadliest, unsolved mystery in the history of the Navy."
"The story of the voyage of the Damned is one of my favorite naval stories ever."
"The TBD-1 represented a big leap forward in naval aircraft design."
"The USS Constitution, it's over 200 years old and it's still afloat. You can go and see it, it has a fully manned crew of like 60 officers, and you know that they're on active duty. It's a ship in the U.S. Navy."
"As proven by the historical Battle of Samar, American destroy captains can and will do absolutely outrageous things in order to keep their charges safe."
"The word was passed to make ready to abandon ship because of the fires... they knew that if the fire did get into the magazines... the entire ship was just gonna go up."
"She was truly an epic ship captained and crewed by some of the best the UNSC had to offer."
"HMS Warrior, an iron hold, iron framed, and ironclad warship."
"The stigma against hunters goes back to the very beginning of Destiny."
"Having a Yorktown or a Saratoga or even an Essex would be quite cool."
"Thresher is not just another ship. Thresher is totally different!" - Vice Admiral Harold T. Deutermann
"Speedy had captured, sank, or ran aground a mind-boggling 53 enemy ships."
"Cochrane remained infuriated by Admiral Gambier’s incompetence, and upon returning to England, publicly shamed him for his conduct."
"Yamato remains the largest and most powerful battleship in history."
"Battleship Bismarck represented the greatest triumph of that idea."
"After the beauty and pride of the British navy - the mighty Hood - had been destroyed."
"Conversely, the Alaskas, along with the later Des Moines, were effectively unconstrained by treaty limit ideas on anything."
"When you're looking at naval history, context is the whole story."
"The USS Allen, Sampson class destroyer, was the longest-serving vessel on the US navy's register and one of the very few US Navy warships to be built and see combat during World War one as well as survive and sea combat during World War two."
"None of the boats were safe until it reached England."
"Caesar was consistently complimentary of the Massilians who manned their ships."
"Bismarck is nothing but floating wreckage, but nobody strikes her ensign, the internationally recognized signal for surrender."
"I'm convinced that if she hadn't been subsequently followed up by the submarines, she could have been saved at that point."
"Disappearance of USS Cyclops: one of the most baffling mysteries."
"From glass lantern slides to photographs, each holds a piece of our naval history."
"The raid on the Medway remains the single most disastrous defeat for the Royal Navy."
"Simply put they were designed actually believe it or not as Scout Cruisers."
"But why did arguably the most awesome ships ever to be created really go extinct in the first place, and why couldn't we have just kept upgrading them to remain viable through the missile age?"
"HMS Victory, a first-rate ship of the line, the oldest commissioned warship in the world."
"The legacy of Type 21: Advancing the capabilities of submarines."
"It's incredible to think that the ship that went on to shape British history began life in what is now a small fishing town."
"Enterprise may disappear and her men may die, but she is still one of the most decorated, most valued, and fightingest ships in US history."
"If you were going to save any Royal Navy battleship... she would have been the one to keep."
"Two more turret-based ironclads would come into British service around this time thanks to the American Civil War."
"The failed invasion has gone down in history as one of the worst ever naval disasters."
"Massachusetts: the state's official naval ensign shows a pine tree, a common symbol of New England, on a white background."
"The Forgotten Fleet: A Legacy of American Naval Innovation."
"She is, and we salute her, the Fighting Lady."
"Not a single one of these ships ever sailed to Europe."
"It was truly a miracle and a testament to their seamanship that they were able to save the ship and bring her back into port."
"Light cruisers... have extremely badass names like The Dauntless class."
"It's much much easier to survive a sea battle - if you're on one of the six original frigates."
"While USS Washington may no longer physically exist, the stories of her heroics at the Battle of Guadalcanal will last for many generations to come."
"Enterprise is now the last of her kind, the only surviving ship of her class, and the only carrier left in the Pacific."
"The Fletcher class of destroyers... there weren't many jobs that the fletcher wasn't capable of doing."
"HMS Victory, a first-rate ship of the line, the most powerful class of warship afloat: 104 guns, 820 men."
"Literally no one has ever tried this in combat in US Navy history."
"This ship has got the proud record of no matter how badly she was hurt, to finish the job before she went in for repairs."
"Perhaps the most fitting tribute to this great military leader occurred in 1975 when a new aircraft carrier was launched, the USS Nimitz."
"It's one of rare pride in the US Navy and in its history."
"He seems to be a pretty decent solid officer and uh one that you can't really find too much to take personal objection to which is actually somewhat rare when it comes to 19th-century naval officers especially ones with any particular notoriety."
"The remains of most of those lost aboard the Royal Oak were never able to be recovered, and today the wreck is a protected war grave."
"The explosion was so large it lifted the 2,000-ton ship out of the water."
"The ship was now on fire in multiple places and had two massive holes blown in it, one at each end."
"The poor Cruiser limped into San Francisco in early November 1944 as for another round of major battle damage repairs."
"A chivalrous understanding that neither of the large armed passenger liners were going to be able to fight."
"Considered to be the origin of the classic pre-dreadnought battleship."
"Gentlemen Welcome Back to the Sea Lord Naval Academy where we go over the most efficient ways to have fun"
"The Germans who would first exploit the versatility of the submarine in open ocean warfare in response to a sea blockade of reports by Great Britain Germany implemented a submarine blockade of the British Isles."
"Slowly for the past few decades, what happened to these ships and the men on board has been discovered and it is far more horrifying than anyone could have imagined."
"Russian and Soviet battleships by Stephen McLaughlin... the best reference book."
"The Royal Navy was very much involved in intercepting slave ships."
"There are of course some instances of pre-dreadnought battleships particularly in the Royal Navy where collisions lead to the loss of the ship."
"The 42-year-old light cruiser had received a facelift and a second chance at life."
"The first carrier trials were conducted on USS Independence."
"He made a heart-wrenching decision to prevent the ship from potentially being captured or causing unnecessary loss of life, he scuttled the Graf Spee in the River Plate estuary on December 17."
"Exactly one year and six days after her commissioning, after enough fighting for 10 ships, USS Hornet slips to the bottom of the Santa Cruz Islands under three miles of water."
"Following the sinking of that ship, the US Navy and President Roosevelt wanted to get another USS Hornet out."
"With the stakes mounting, the Kriegsmarine resolved to undertake a challenge so audacious it had not been achieved by any hostile fleet in over three centuries: a daring sprint across the treacherous waters of the English Channel…"
"I would like the Iowa one day to be the number one Naval warship Museum in the world."
"William Collins Whitney's appointment as US Secretary of the Navy guided a transformative era in Naval modernization."
"It'll just become the first submarine in Naval History to be saved by the curiosity of a whale."
"Missouri was recommissioned on May 10th 1986."
"Missouri fired her first of 28 Tomahawk cruise missiles."
"Missouri fired a total of 783 16in rounds and 28 cruise missiles."
"The sea should be at the center of things because the Battle of Yorktown would be a virtual fait accompli based on that battle."
"There's a reason they didn't last very long in Royal Navy service and were supplanted by the more regular kind of rifling now."
"When diving into the annals of naval history, one simply cannot overlook the French Navy."
"Admiral Scott knew that his mission carried with it two tasks, aside from the destruction of any Japanese force, one was to develop a night surface doctrine, and his second task was, if he had the opportunity, to exact revenge for Savo Island."
"For battleships, I'd say the Queen Elizabeth class... just the sheer length of service and some of the strategic points they hold down as well as Warspite's ridiculous kill ratio and survivability."
"In second place, again decided by said coin toss, is HMS Jupiter, a British battle cruiser designed as an alternative to the sort of set repeat Invincibles."
"So I was basically leveraging almost anything that I did in life to just gain more knowledge of naval history."
"It was the belief of Sir Winston Churchill that the contribution made by the Queens Mary and Elizabeth had shortened the Second World War by at least a year."
"The sailing of this fleet was the beginning of trouble not only for Greece but for other peoples."
"From the earliest days of our navy there have been times where sailors have had to go ashore and fight on land."
"The Wahoo's final report and her obituary. But in the minds of the submariners, she will prowl the Sea of Japan forever."
"The Battle of the Komandorski Islands would be the last slugout gunnery duel ever to take place between opposing surface fleets."
"One of the most successful and beloved British frigates."
"Nothing comes close to the Kirov. They are actually similar in size to the great dreadnought battleships of the two world wars."
"Look at that, a lot of these naval yearbooks, vintage yearbooks, they go big."
"Her name is easily the most recognizable ship's name in history; her story is legend. She is, of course, Enterprise."
"If there was any one ship in the entire history of the United States Navy in World War II that deserved to be saved, it was the Big E."
"These Yorktown class carriers were just... they were great ships, you know, just so well built."
"The submarine is named after Isaac Peril, a Spanish naval officer and engineer who designed the world's first all-electric submarine."
"He was awarded and promoted to the rank of five-star admiral, he was the fourth and final naval officer to ever attain that rank."
"The Navy itself deserved a heck of a lot more credit than it's gotten over the years."
"...let's stop insulting the Navy as if they're a bunch of cowards who hung Marine Corps out to dry; it's simply not historically accurate."
"Being a stern-wheel boat, the Carondelet required room and time to turn around. To avoid being sunk immediately, she turned and retreated. I was not such a simpleton as to ‘take the bull by the horn,’ to be fatally rammed..."
"He was of the same aggressive type as John Paul Jones, David Farragut, and George Dewey."
"Victory never before in Naval History had an armed Merchant vessel defeated a cruiser in open battle."
"The last battleship of her era anywhere in the world, she is the last of her breed."
"John Paul Jones said, 'Give me a fast ship, I intend to sail in harm's way,' and these things took us into harm's way."
"It is difficult to imagine a United States Navy without them."
"She is the first ever ship to be commissioned while underwater."
"The fate of the floating fortress is sealed."
"In the boiler room to the very last minute, Franz Dueller tries to save his men."
"The tragedy of the Szent Istvan is more than the loss of a mighty weapon; it's the fatal blow to the Empire's navy."
"The King George V's are so heavily armored compared to almost every other treaty ship because the Royal Navy is looking around going, 'Ah, we need to get up close and personal with ships that might have significantly larger guns than we do.'"
"The incredible resistance of today's ships is a legacy from the 19th century."
"Her decks were set ablaze, her hull battered, and yet, she persisted."
"Glowworm's Captain, Lt. Cmdr. Gerard Roope, had a final card to play."
"Battleship Yamato could sail over 7,000 nautical miles at 16 knots while battleship New Jersey could sail 15,000 nautical miles at 15 knots."
"Jung her was without doubt one of the world's great naval commanders."
"It was considered the greatest loss of life that the US Navy ever suffered in a non-combat situation."
"No aircraft carrier has been destroyed in action since 1945 and they're still unrivaled in their ability to deliver massive firepower to the enemy's doorstep."
"If it lives up to its promise, it could become one of the most successful ships in US Navy history."
"For hundreds of years, the Royal Navy has sailed the world's oceans, protecting British interests abroad."
"From that perspective, the contribution of Q-ships to world history is much larger than the number of U-boats that they sank."
"The advent of the first widespread use of military submarines during the Great War changed the face of naval warfare."
"The USS Enterprise brims with captivating stories from those perilous years."
"Philip II... found a French Navy."
"Perhaps the environment creates such people and helps explain why the Portuguese and the British were perhaps the greatest naval powers and explorers in history."
"I reckon it was that, rather than patriotism, that made the Royal Navy great."
"If the Chinese ships did have plentiful ammunition and it actually worked, then the inference would be they would inflict more damage on the Japanese ships."
"Everybody criticizes the Royal Navy mast position in some of the early dreadnought designs due to the smoke and heat making the mast almost uninhabitable."
"Sales were installed on HMS Inflexible basically as an emergency assist."
"He had seen every action taken by Captain Richard Sharp, and that Sharp had behaved as a gentleman and an officer."
"The character is largely based on first sea lord William Henry Smith."
"This is probably the only set in existence of ship D or what would be the U.S. sort of contemporary design for the Soviet navy in the lead up to World War II."
"Devastation was surprisingly a pretty good sea boat by most standards."
"You could tell a lot from the way a ship like Arizona was destroyed about where the weak spots in the ship went."
"Naval superiority was absolutely key to Great Britain as a nation."
"Devastation was very revolutionary in as much as she was the first ocean-going capital ship without sails."
"I-19 is the top scorer because... it bagged a small fleet carrier and a destroyer all with just one spread of torpedoes."
"By using them in its change to fuel oil, Battleship Texas was saved from complete obsolescence that would have doomed her to the scrap heap and allowed her to earn her place as a serious player in World War II Naval History."
"...the first American aircraft carrier and vital in developing U.S. Naval Aviation capabilities."
"...the single largest loss of life in the history of the U.S. Navy outside of combat: 292 souls."
"It takes us three years to build a ship; it takes 300 years to build a naval tradition."
"The Hood had a tremendous reputation, not just in the UK, but around the world. It was the most powerful, fastest, most feared, but also most loved warship for a 20-year period, until the launch of the Bismarck."
"The race built galleons... had significantly lower castles and much more emphasis on gunnery."
"...more freedom of action for various allied capital ships when you think about the sheer amount of effort that went into sinking something like Tirpitz..."
"The largest fleets ever put together in the medieval world were those that Kubla Khan produced through his invasions of Japan."
"The nation that ruled the waves ruled the world."
"These vessels redefined American naval capability."
"I have something like a half a metric ton of naval historical books that I can refer to at various points."
"The Nimitz story is not simply the account of an outstanding naval officer who rose to a position of greatness and honor; it is also the chronicle of our modern Navy, its coming of age, and its greatest triumphs in the epic struggle for the Pacific during World War II."
"Britain dominated naval power throughout the nineteenth century, and the Empire was, of course, a maritime-based one."
"A myth about the Mary Rose is often believed to be that it sank on its maiden voyage, but that couldn't possibly be the case if it had been in service for 34 years."
"Ships like this are such an important part of U.S. history."
"She literally saw the war from beginning to the bitter end and played more of an important role than any other ship in the fleet."
"I wouldn't take any other ship in the fleet; the Enterprise has a soul."
"Constitution's strong hull repelled some cannonballs, earning it the nickname 'Old Ironsides'."
"Nuisance was both particularly friendly to sailors at least and particularly intelligent, and quickly became beloved by the sailors at the base."
"The indefatigable was slightly the faster ship."
"This is the only active ship in the Navy that's been commissioned by a United States President."
"He went down in history as the greatest, most successful frigate captain who ever lived."
"The development of the Harvey armor opens up the way for what we would consider to be the classic pre-dreadnought battleship."
"He is also remembered as a courageous and fearless leader, constantly placing himself in danger from intense fire."
"The ship that never lost a crewman in combat was USS Massachusetts."
"The South Dakota class is arguably the best treaty battleship in the world."
"We're going to be looking at recommended books to get you started for learning about the German Navy."
"It's a pretty good summary of the overall history of the Kaiserliche Marine in the First World War."
"The LCVP and other ramped landing craft forever changed the face of amphibious warfare."
"These vessels very quickly became the prominent workhorses of the fleet."
"It's a naval dagger, it's got the original knot on it, looks like it's never been off of it."
"This is a fantastic Japanese Dirk; it's a large size, probably a really high-ranking Naval officer, maybe even an admiral."
"The Fletcher class destroyers... were the first class of United States warship to be designed free of treaty limitations."
"Building the superfrigates was pretty much a spot-on mark of perfect genius."
"The use of the dreadnought name kind of fell away in the late 1910s early 1920s."
"By the time we got to the 1930s and new battleships were being built, they'd kind of blended the two concepts of speed and from the battle cruisers as well as heavy armor and firepower from the battleships."
"The Navy is the key to the Spanish colonial rule and it needs a technological renovation in order to compete against England."
"If this is actually the Triumfante, it will be the first study of a ship built following the groundbreaking designs of one of the most important ship designers of the 18th century."
"The triumphant is a failed project of the Enlightenment; it sought to build a new Spanish Armada with completely new techniques imported from England."
"The Arctic convoys were a remarkable success."
"Going on 150 years, the members of the Naval Institute have been the foundation for everything we do."
"For the next five days, burning under a merciless sun, slowly driven mad by thirst and starvation, the survivors huddled together in the water, praying for rescue."
"USS California is a prime example of these ships; her name recognition may not be the greatest, but she still gave good service after her repairs were complete."
"The encounter between the USS Bergall and the IJN Miyoko and Ushio, and the improbable survival of both vessels, is a testament to the tenacity and bravery of their crews."
"She may have been a baby Yorktown, but in this at least, she was every bit as good as her half-sisters."
"The influence of Sea power upon history."
"The Invincibles would prove the worth of their original concept."
"And so on the 15th of October 1904, 45 Russian ships with a chartered freighter following them set sail for the Far East."
"Doris Miller's heroic actions at Pearl Harbor and his quiet but persuasive voice as an advocate for positive change constituted a vital contribution toward the full and equal acceptance of black men and women in the US Navy and the nation that it serves."
"Barbarossa... eventually became Grand admiral of the Ottoman Empire."
"The writings of ancient historians say that the claw was able to lift enemy ships clean out of the water."
"It's a relatively small museum but it has a large variety of rather interesting naval artifacts."
"Have a once in a lifetime rare opportunity to walk under a battleship."
"Yes, man, Beatty had done its part of the job brilliantly."
"The price of an Essex class carrier is about 70 million dollars, a little bit less than half of the cost of an Iowa class Battleship."
"It's a real treasure to me and one of my favorite naval daggers."
"The most famous Gagarin class vessel was the USS Grow, named after the legendary Peruvian naval hero Admiral Miguel Grau Seminario."