
Civil War Quotes

There are 558 quotes

"Sudan has been locked in a devastating Civil War ever since April of 2023."
"Madam Speaker, today is an important day. In 1862, during the depths of the Civil War, President Lincoln submitted his annual message to Congress, to this body. And in it, he wrote the following: 'Fellow citizens, we cannot escape history.'"
"The American Civil War defines American identity along with the Revolution and the Second World War more so than any other conflict."
"People have to wake up...when Abraham Lincoln met Harriet Beecher Stowe, who wrote 'Uncle Tom's Cabin,' he said to her, 'So you're the little lady who wrote the book that started this war.'"
"People talk about civil war. You've never lived through civil war. You don't want it."
"Under the dark shade of a towering oak near the Dunker Church lay the lifeless form of a drummer boy, apparently not more than 17 years of age, flaxen hair and eyes of blue, and form of delicate mold."
"So many people thought that the Civil War was going to be over in just a date that people brought out picnics and watched the battle."
"The decisions in the early days of the civil wars... really what made it so that the Republic, there was no coming back from that."
"I gotta be honest, I have no earthly idea how anybody who spends more than five minutes studying the American Civil War... could possibly say it had nothing to do with slavery."
"It was about them wanting the right to keep slavery and not have it interfered with, and spread that slavery to new states."
"Civil war is not what America needs. The face of war is ugly, and I never want to see it again."
"The Underground Railroad was an incredibly successful operation before the Civil War."
"The Horus Heresy was a massive civil war that saw half of the Space Marine legions fall to chaos and betray the Emperor and his Imperium."
"A vocal segment of the American public has come to believe that any commemoration of the Civil War is inherently racist."
"The American Civil War... it's one of the most evil things that has ever happened in American history, and we are still paying for it."
"Ethiopia descended into a long civil war from which it would not emerge until the early 1990s."
"What about the 365,000 total dead Union soldiers?"
"If reparations are going to be paid, shouldn't they be paid to the families of those who died and sacrificed themselves to end slavery?"
"The Civil War was little more or less than 11 states violently seceding from the union after the 1816 election."
"The people of Arkansas waited until after the Confederate attack on Fort Sumter to act."
"Mr. President, it's time to make the war about emancipation."
"Civil war means that there's a chance at preventing totalitarian takeover."
"Our heroes found themselves stranded on a planet in the middle of a civil war."
"At some point people realized and were like, listen why shouldn't we get a huge amount of weapons there's a civil war going on there's a shitload of weapons."
"He was an incredibly selfless man. He put his life at risk enlisting in a civil war in order to earn money and buy land for his family."
"Slavery was the main cause of the Civil War."
"The war was mostly about stopping secession... the animosity, the fight, and the moral values behind it was about slavery."
"U.S. closer to Civil War than most would like to believe... new book says."
"We must remember, we are the nation that sent 600,000 of its sons to die rather than have slavery."
"Those photographs did more to personalize the American Civil War than anything had prior to that."
"The Civil War was 100 about slavery and only slavery, literally and nothing else."
"Around half of this country fears a civil war is coming."
"The civil war ended slavery and the idea of a divisible Union."
"My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union." - Abraham Lincoln
"Ending slavery was not his top or most immediate priority during the war, but it was a priority." - Abraham Lincoln
"By mid-war, freeing the slaves wasn't just a moral imperative, it was also a practical necessity." - Commentator
"Features a cynical and unglamorous depiction of the Civil War."
"Slavery is the reason for leaving the union."
"It was no longer just about the preservation of the Union."
"This show is almost a direct sequel to Civil War."
"From a purely historical perspective, Sherman was right. He broke the back of the Confederacy hastened the end of the bloodshed."
"Abraham Lincoln was the president during the Civil War, you know, he freed the slaves."
"Nothing worse under a weak sovereign that is in the middle of a civil war."
"Change is hard, and the reality is that our establishment and the dominant people have never really resolved after the civil war."
"The black Confederate population was decimated."
"Civil war means citizens are fighting one another with weapons."
"She helped the Union win the war. She freed, like, at least 1,000 slaves in her lifetime."
"Being homeschooled, I have something in common with 100 of Civil War reenactors."
"The English Civil War was in many senses the most traumatic set of events in English history."
"Slavery was unashamedly at the heart of the secession of the Confederate states."
"What if the Civil War never happened? I know it sounds crazy, how does one change lead to the south never seceding?"
"That is how Civil War infantry will wake up in the mornings usually at 5am."
"Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation issued not long after the Battle of Antietam would reframe the Civil War in the eyes of the world as a fight to end slavery."
"Gettysburg is the site of the largest, costliest, and deadliest battle of the Civil War."
"It is on these hallowed grounds that many people believe the souls of Union and Confederate soldiers still roam."
"Almost every building in Gettysburg was used as a Civil War hospital."
"There are rumors that bodies were thrown down these crevices, rolled down into these areas in the Devil's Den and just left for days."
"Pouring gasoline on a fire now we've been through we've already been through one civil war civil war in this country..."
"It all speaks to this enormous challenge of how do you bring an orderly end to a 20-year civil war that has led to an entire state and its armed forces collapsing like the house of cards in a matter of days."
"I don't think we're moving toward a civil war. Who would have the stamina to fight the civil war?"
"The civil war had a very significant international element often overlooked."
"The model 1855 would become one of the most common shoulder arms of the civil war."
"The bayonet's most famous use in the Civil War was in defense of Little Round Top at Gettysburg."
"Emotec's awakening led to civil war and power struggles within the dynasty."
"Living through a civil war where 600,000 Americans died... can you imagine that?"
"Experience the Civil War in such an authentic way."
"Lee believes the war will be decided in the East, not the West, and at the peak of his fame and powers, he believes he's the man to do it."
"The Civil War was about slavery, but it was also more than that."
"Even the biggest COVID timelines put together are nothing at all compared to what I call the civil war timeline that I have."
"We're at a point where a lot of people are talking about wanting a civil war, and they don't understand how bad it will be."
"We're already in a civil war, it's the information war."
"Civil war in this country, that as we know it from the 1860s, was very unique."
"Whatever side the military sides with is a side that tends to win the civil war."
"Had the battle of Gettysburg ended right here, it still would have been the bloodiest battle of the Civil War."
"Franco is seen as a Hitler type figure and the Republicans are seen as the legitimately elected government who did nothing wrong."
"The Civil War played a very big role in establishing the power of the federal government and cementing that they have the final say in matters of secession."
"The scars of the Civil War fueled by the issue of slavery left an indelible mark on American history."
"The Battle of Shiloh is a watermark moment in the early Civil War."
"Crassus played a pivotal role in Sulla's second civil war."
"Slavery is the great shame of America's history. No one denies that. But it's to America's everlasting credit that it fought the most devastating war in its history in order to abolish slavery."
"The Confederates' defeat at Gettysburg cost them the North and served as a major blow to morale."
"Thinking back to that civil war period and that post-civil war period gives me hope."
"A split like that could only mean one thing: Civil War."
"English civil war, like America had a civil war. Seems like everyone had a civil war."
"John Brown became the martyred hero of the Union."
"The failure of the United States to understand that the rights of black Americans were as inalienable as those of white Americans is ultimately what made the Civil War inevitable."
"The idea of civil war only works if the people on opposite sides should be together."
"Could you imagine him fighting in the defensive grind of the Overland Campaign?"
"1921 would see the largest peasant revolt in the entire civil war."
"The odds of America slipping into a civil war type scenario over the next 10 years is around 30 percent."
"Civil wars had a major impact on the economy, politics, and military of the Empire."
"What Clara Barton did during the American Civil War should have alone cemented her place in history as a nurse."
"This is very much like those who say the Civil War was not about slavery."
"Despite their political opposition to secession, Jones County responded with enthusiasm when the Civil War began."
"They ambushed Confederate food shipments and government officials."
"The Confederacy was humiliated by the insurrection in Jones County."
"The debate about Newton Knight and his company began."
"The re-evaluation of the Knight Company and the Jones County rebellion has been made in recent years."
"The quintessential example of the lethality of civil war combat is the infamous advance at the Battle of Gettysburg."
"Abraham Lincoln is now the President, the Commander Chief of the Union armies."
"As Lincoln's presidential victory unfolded South Carolina was the first state to try and split from the increasingly not so United States"
"The horrors of colonialism... we didn't have to kill 600,000 people in a civil war over it."
"It looks as if local folklore about the Civil War could be right."
"The Emancipation Proclamation shifted the nature of the Civil War from a battle about reunifying the Union to a battle about the abolition of slavery."
"It is for us the living rather to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced."
"The Civil War is the crucial watershed in American history."
"The Civil War was the ultimate test for American democracy and it survives."
"He saw the beginning and the end of the Civil War by accident, he saw it front row too, what are the odds?"
"Abraham Lincoln, one of the most respected presidents in the history of this country, suspended habeas corpus during the Civil War to deal with Confederate sympathizers. This is basic American history."
"They found a mysterious war bunker dating back to the 1860s, hidden underneath a thick layer of dirt and roots until Christy and her family disturbed the ground in the backyard of their new house."
"Constantine fought a civil war for control of the divided Empire... It was a smart political move."
"Lasting almost a decade after its beginning in 1642, the English Civil War claimed hundreds of thousands of lives."
"The year is 1491. England has just come out of three decades of civil war in which a bunch of Henrys, Edwards, and one Richard had a little ding dong over which Royal house should rule the round."
"The history of black people in this country: there was a war to keep us enslaved not that long ago."
"Quit saying that the Civil War was not about slavery."
"No other country had a civil war over slavery, we did."
"Civil War...damn good but it's like right on the brink of being God tier."
"It's essentially showing you a hopefully alternate future where the US has fallen into Civil War."
"They broke Philadelphia up with corners and then they launched the Civil War."
"The Bolsheviks’ suppression of the Constituent Assembly and their capitulation to Germany created the conditions for civil war."
"As their comrades break, as Billy Yank meets Johnny Reb in the streets of Gettysburg, the war to decide the fate of a nation hangs in the balance."
"The deaths of Antony and Cleopatra marked the end of the final civil war of the Roman Republic."
"But the tide had turned against the south, on April 2nd, 1865, President Davis received a message from General Lee, Petersburg could no longer be defended, Richmond would have to be evacuated."
"His latest book, 'The Untold Civil War: The Human Side of War,' will be released later this month."
"As an officer beloved by his men and admired by his superiors, it's arguable that Civil War service was the culmination of Harrison's career."
"The Civil War amendments really reconfigure what the country is about and really shape what the country is right now in ways that continue to evolve."
"Although religion was the major factor in the escalation of national unrest, it was economic issues arising from the religious discontent that would finally light the fuse and plunge the country into Civil War."
"Not everyone knew that the crisis would include, in the end, a Civil War, but everyone understood that a showdown between the slave South and the free North was about to occur."
"Ray Dalio gives a 50% chance of a civil war in the US."
"Civil war had a ton of characters but still found a way to make it Steve Rogers' story."
"One of the most striking paranormal apparitions ever captured was shot on a Civil War battlefield."
"...they ran away during the Civil War, they freed themselves, they did not need a piece of paper or someone coming to tell them."
"Indiana remained loyal to the Union."
"Explores a world in which during the American Civil War, the South wins."
"The Civil War journals of her great-great-grandfather Russell Kim Stanton are a rare discovery."
"Lee's plan is to do a risky outflanking maneuver and as South Hall Freeman describes it basically do a k maneuver or canai or however you say it on mlen and surround them win a decisive Victory."
"Lee's first campaign... alone probably prolonged the defeat of the Confederacy by two years."
"Second Bull Run... gives the impetus for the Confederacy to cross over into Maryland."
"Lee's goal was to bring peace negotiations... to politically weaken Abraham Lincoln."
"Emancipation or freedom from slavery became the primary aim for the approximately 200,000 African-Americans who served in the war on the Union side."
"... nobody in the 1850s knew there was going to be a civil war or that slavery was going to be dead within a few years."
"The Civil War offered gods and devils aplenty."
"It's fun to play What If, but we really don't know. Because still the Union army - I have no reason to think that Richmond falling would have automatically - by the time Richmond finally fell a year later, a great deal had happened."
"the north was more industrialized and had a larger economy and a greater manpower however the south commanded by General Robert Ely had more capable generals and higher morale"
"Syria has been in some version of a civil war that's gone from hot to cold and back again since 2011."
"The major consequences of the Civil War were the transformation of American society and the fulfillment of the promise of the Declaration of Independence."
"Civil wars break kingdoms apart regularly, only to reform in the rubble just as quickly."
"Civil War history is full of folklore and myths that travel around the country. For every James Bond in the Civil War, there were at least two Maxwell Smarts."
"Arlington Cemetery remains a monument to bitter feelings engendered by civil war as well as a reminder of the ongoing cost of American freedom."
"Warren could have been relieved of command many times during the Civil War."
"I think the Civil War is there because I think once you can grapple with the fact that 750,000 people died for enslavement...then you can be free of some stuff."
"The armies once they finally arrived here Rosecrans will actually begin his campaign on the day after Christmas 1862."
"Shiloh Consolidated the northern victories at Fort Donaldson and Fort Henry and hit Confederate morale."
"In 1863, Union companies were positioned in Fort Myers, intent on raiding Confederate cattle herds and preventing cattle operations."
"All the valuable keepsakes of the Civil War, we have a rich abundance of opportunity to explore those jewels of history that stand at our doorstep."
"Gettysburg is not the turning point of the Civil War. It's the biggest battle of the Civil War."
"If you don't have an understanding of [the Civil War], you're too real disadvantage."
"So long as the legacy of slavery and of Jim Crow continued to plague our society, the era that followed the Civil War can still serve as an inspiration for those of us trying to achieve a more just society."
"In order to have a civil war you have to have a deeply divided country, a country where people kind of see themselves as fundamentally different."
"Just like an all-out almost kind of like a mini Civil War among like the heroes and villains."
"The surrender of Vicksburg represented final victory in the war."
"Glory is probably one of, if not the best Civil War movie ever made."
"The Civil War came to an end in Virginia with Lee's surrender to Ulysses S Grant near the town of Appomattox."
"Another telecommunications alphabet in use at this time was the Against Barbarian system, developed during the U.S. Civil War."
"Mengistu's regime created a kind of killing fields of Africa, igniting a civil war that raged for over a decade."
"The legal precedents that are developed during the Civil War ultimately become the precedents that are used today."
"The Civil War conferences are often about slavery, emancipation, and the role of black soldiers."
"The breakdown of the two-party system in the 1850s was a major factor in the coming of the Civil War."
"Phil should have tried it, you know? Imagine that civil war, the first zoo, first public zoo. All right, people like private service, yeah."
"Nobody wins a civil war unless the refugees return and the displaced people return and the prisoners are released and there's an amnesty."
"You can't understand America today without knowing something about that period of Reconstruction which followed the American Civil War."
"With the Advent of the Civil War the Bowie knife's usage and popularity reached its Zenith."
"the Civil War was won in the Connecticut River Valley"
"the Civil War is our first great racial reckoning"
"the Civil War is the death of the first American Republic the birth of a second one"
"More than 700 Civil War era coins were found earlier this year."
"At 1 pm General Mead wires halleck and Washington stating the enemy are advancing in force on Gettysburg and I expect the battle will begin today."
"All this makes the Civil War more interesting and more important and makes the battles matter more when we see how all these things black and white northern and southern Republican and Democrat military and social are all part of the same story."
"Lincoln's plan required the cooperation of slave owners. You couldn't emancipate the slaves or free slaves without the cooperation of slave owners at this point in the war."
"The war will not end unless slavery is destroyed."
"When you want to talk about how the Civil War changed everything, talk about how it changed everything for the guys who lost their lives here."
"Count Dooku's little threat of civil war in the Republic is forcing it to have a critical vote."
"Robert E. Lee decided to attack the Union center on July 3rd because it would be the weak point in the line."
"Confederates in the railroad cut do not have loaded muskets now, they have empty muskets."
"Union General Meade is going to actually beat Robert E. Lee to the punch."
"It is often said that because Southern boys were so accustomed to the outdoors and horseback riding, they made far better cavalrymen than their Union counterparts."
"During the American Civil War, we fought for four years at a cost of 750,000 lives... we killed ourselves in huge numbers over slavery."
"Marston Moore wasn't decisive in terms of deciding the outcome of the Civil War but it certainly was decisive in terms of the war in the North."
"The sudden deaths of masses of soldiers on Civil War battlefields was overwhelming both emotionally and logistically."
"The war gave women responsibility and independence they'd never had before."
"Perhaps the McBeth family more than anyone else truly personified what it was like to be ripped apart by the Civil War."
"Most brothers engage in competition and one-upmanship, but James and John Macintosh took things to a whole new level during the Civil War."
"Every time a program refers to the late unpleasantness as a Civil War, you show up and correct them."
"The turning point of the Civil War: Appomattox Courthouse."
"'Captain America: Civil War' builds up from 10 films, offering a rewatchable experience with heart, action, and strong character arcs."
"...the United States was in deep mourning because of the tremendous loss of life of the Civil War."
"He rode the Pony Express, fought in the Civil War, hunted Buffalo to feed railroad workers, and scouted for the Army."
"The civil war was fought to preserve the union and in the process to transform it."
"The evidence demonstrates that when a civil war is funded and fueled by external actors, the war is neither short nor easy to resolve."
"Each summer reenactors gather here to commemorate the camp's unique role during the Civil War."