
Personal Stance Quotes

There are 530 quotes

"I've declared war on the destiny subreddit because I don't like the way it is run. It's turned into a hate subreddit against me at times."
"I don't mind when people hate me. I'm completely okay with that."
"Jesus said no. Jesus said for me to tell you no."
"This does not necessarily make me pro-abortion; this just means I say a woman does have a right to choose."
"Black violence makes me sick because black lives matter."
"We're addicted to the negative. That is not what I'm about. Let's see what he does."
"If somebody's going to try to blackmail me with advertising... go f*** yourself."
"I'll certainly never do a movie with a gun again."
"Pregnancy would've been a punishment, not a miracle."
"I've decided as a matter of principle I'm not going to take this. I'm not going to be intimidated and not going to be bullied."
"I'm standing on being me. That's what I feel good about doing."
"As for all the tabloid gossip and all the noise out there, I mean, the internet feeds itself. I don't feel the need to contribute. It's sufficiently well-nourished."
"If it's just you and I left, I'm going to fight for my freedom, and I won't give up."
"I will never go back to Harvard. It's not a university, it's an echo chamber."
"Opinions on politics can't be avoided in today's climate, but promoting division is not something I'd stand alongside."
"I often times find myself in the position of defending the language."
"I don't like you, I am never going to live under you nobody watching this is gonna we're gonna fight into the end."
"Just say no to Stephen Crowder and Mug Club."
"Take a stand and say no, I'm not going to participate in this."
"I was right about masks, I was right about the VAC, I was right about transmission contraction lockdowns."
"I decided I wasn't going to take it anymore."
"I'm not for racism, and I know that it exists."
"I'm anti-rape and anti-sexual assault. I'm not a fan of either of those things."
"I know a lot of you guys are like, 'Bill, why don't you just...' But you know what, at some point, there's got to be some sort of pushback."
"This is the Xi virus and it will always be the Xi virus to me."
"I don't really care if that gets me in trouble these days. You're talking about a modern-day Ironman."
"I don't care if I lose my job. I'm gonna say what I want to say."
"I will not stand by while lies are being told, even if it means standing alone."
"If you don't have that courage, then just shut up."
"That is not something I'm willing to do as a free American who has not sinned against black people." - Ben Shapiro
"I'm sorry if I made some of you guys mad on this, man. I'm sorry, dude, but like, hey man, this is just where I stand, okay? So I hope you can at least appreciate my honesty."
"That's not surprising given Lori's stance on consent."
"I don't ever want to be that guy that's out there saying bye bye bye."
"Is there anything that he can do to repair the relationship? What would you like to be seen? I'm not upset at anybody but you know what it is what I said is what I said."
"It takes great courage to be happy. It's a defiant position."
"I do reject socialism as an economic system."
"Declaring war on morons is my favorite thing to do."
"I'm not in this for War. I really I'm not. I'm a peaceful person at the end of the day, but if you bring it to my doorstep, yeah, I'll engage."
"I'll die on that hill, yep gladly, I'll stand with Terry Crews, man."
"I don't really take back anything I stated previously."
"It's less than dictum, it's Kavanaugh for himself."
"I think gun reform is going to be a single issue for me. It's the only thing that matters."
"I don't put up with bullies. I'm Nikki Haley and I'm running for president."
"I'm left-wing, I fucking hate the far left as much as I hate the far right."
"I'm not gonna let you disrespect me; you know, I'm just not gonna let you do that."
"I'll put my cards on the table as where I kind of, um, my where my position is..."
"If I'm not saying it, there's not anybody saying it."
"I wouldn't mind paying if it's a shared expectation, but not if it's an obligation."
"There is no part of this video that I can stand by and say that I support Nick as a person."
"Just because I acknowledge that's real doesn't mean I'm automatically going to support everything that this government does."
"People are so hostile, but I am supportive of vaccines. I think that they really do work."
"They're fighting on the wrong side, supporting these people. They can hate me, I don't care."
"I love here's my thing. I don't give a [ __ ]. I mean, depression slapped the guy, alright?"
"I'm not on a side. I'm on the side of truth."
"I'm not trying to get into a debate of whether what's right and wrong. What I'm saying is, back off."
"There's just certain things that I'll keep talking about because I think it's such a sick situation."
"For the record, I am for a free and open Internet. I do not want Internet censorship of any kind. But this kind of behavior makes that opinion harder and harder to have."
"I don't really care what anyone does, I just don't want animals to die."
"If you respect that and then you come in, not to show your knowledge but to say, 'look, we've read everything that you've said but we've got some questions.'"
"Michael Wood explained that he wore the shirt because he has the constitutional right to do so."
"I'm not a huge supporter of the death penalty."
"His instinct originally was... none of my business."
"I always say, if you guys get butthurt, I'm not going to apologize."
"I don't have any regrets. I don't have any regrets at all."
"John Lennon made a stand. He loved America, he believed in self-expression."
"I don't owe anyone an explanation. What's past has passed."
"It's a form of intimidation and I won't have it."
"Piracy? No, I mean you do you but I'm gonna own my own content."
"I'm not afraid. Cancel me, go ahead. I'm okay with it."
"I do not like racists of any shape kind or color."
"JK Rowling is apparently the worst person in the world. She refused to give in to the big one which is men can be women and women can be banned."
"I personally lean more to the stance that she fed him to the Tigers."
"Everybody's doing it. My homies dissing goofy BDs, GDs, dissing goofy [], 'cause everybody's bringing that [] upon themselves."
"Jim stood firm on the sex and violence title, which seemed to be more funny to him than anyone else."
"Do you believe in a personal god? No father."
"Most of you who follow me and many of you disagree with me know that I am actually pro-choice."
"Here lies Aaron's field of giving a damn about being sued."
"I just want to say from the bottom of my heart I'd like to take this chance to apologize to absolutely nobody." - Conor McGregor
"Fast and Furious is fun, and I will die on that hill."
"You're either convinced or you're not convinced, that's it."
"I will die exposing. I will die raising questions."
"I don't give a [ __ ] if there's 10,000 white guys and they're all pilots."
"This is unconstitutional and I won't enforce it."
"I withdraw my trust. I withdraw my cooperation. I withdraw my good faith."
"Choose your battles. I don't cite Keemstar, I don't work with Keemstar, I don't support his ideologies or actions, and I personally decline to go on his show."
"I'm not anti-vaxxed, man. I've vaccinated in so many ways."
"I'm not a fan of him, I don't really know what he says. I don't know. I know who he is, but I have nothing that's going to prevent me from fighting that man."
"This isn't going to happen in this country. You see this here? This is my family."
"I'm not ashamed of anything, but just this is for me, you know."
"My civil rights are not worth money. Are we clear on that? So how much? My civil rights are priceless."
"This is the period to really say, 'This is what I stand for, let's do this.'"
"I would stop you and I don't care about what your rank is."
"If being genuine upsets people, sometimes you gotta upset people."
"I'm not special, but I'm gonna stand for the veracity of the Bible."
"I'm angry, I'm angry. I don't like murder and I don't like thievery."
"100 Black Lives Matters. Anybody who supports them is subhuman in my opinion. I mean, I support Black Lives Matter. Am I sub-human?"
"I just don't have to contribute to a culture that's just toxic."
"I can't sit back and shut my mouth. It's just pissing me off."
"What side of history will you be on? Where will you stand? What are you going to do?"
"I've said it before and I got no problem saying it to you again: you can discard it as a belief, but it's an informed belief."
"I had conversations with Trump supporters, and it was that, 'Hey man, I'm with you. I'm not one of these people that's gonna put up the [ __ ] bumper sticker 'Not My President.' I'm not gonna [ __ ] do that.'"
"You will have to kill me, I will never stop."
"I'm always gonna fall really far on the side of self-defense."
"I'm not interested in being in a cult." - James Carville
"He's in Revenge mode just from the Durham report by itself."
"I felt strongly about being against militarism of any fashion."
"COVID is still a thing. Every time I say that people get mad at me. I don't care."
"This is not about being anti-vaccine, I'm pro-vaccine but I'm anti-mandate."
"I'm taking a wait and see attitude." - John Campion
"I'm not looking for a job in journalism. I'm not looking to get invited to the press dinner. I'm not looking to be friends with these people." - Jimmy Dore
"We're on the edge of a cliff and I have no intention of going over that cliff."
"No, I'm a real one and that was real fake, yo."
"Don't hold it against me, this is my personal opinion."
"The reason why I say he shouldn't apologize is because these people don't actually want his apology."
"I will give you guys my ID under threat of arrest."
"That's why I'm so against this War and why I talk about it"
"I come from a radical position of not being a racist."
"That's the day I stopped giving a what haters said honestly, that guy ruined it for all haters on my channel."
"I'm philosophically opposed to cooking as a competition."
"I am mean to people who start being either completely irrational absurd or start being mean to me first which I think is fine as well."
"I want Ten Hag to succeed, but I'm not gonna back every decision he makes."
"Being gay to me has always kind of been a political act."
"I ain't mad at the cat, man. He got to live with the label of a rat, and I got to live with the label of a boss and a stand-up guy."
"I don't really adhere to this whole sensitivity rumor."
"I don't believe in capital punishment, so the answer would be no for now."
"I'm not celebrating it like 'oh my God I think it's a political win.' I'm interested in rule of law."
"I told the people years ago I would never take a penny from 2K directly."
"It's just about if you're going to stand your ground."
"I supported some of the ideas of the movement... but not whatever that is."
"I'm kind of on her side here. I admire the stance she's taken."
"I always let the leadership know ahead of time: I don't agree with you."
"I would tear this company to the ground before I would submit to any of that."
"No, I support it, it doesn't honestly matter, and I hate when people tweet as well, like, 'Oh my weird.'"
"We don't trust our digital safety... I can no longer find a reason to support what Twitter has become." - Elon Musk on Twitter's safety.
"It's my way of giving the New World Order the middle finger every time I step out of my house."
"I support Jordan Peterson in this, if nothing else, that he objects to the Canadian government making it mandatory that he should call people by a pronoun like they when they are."
"Early and aggressive treatment is something that is my voice as well and I have been calling out for early and aggressive treatment for a long time."
"Where do you stand on these deep philosophical questions?"
"Being silent about this sort of thing makes people think that you're compliant, and I don't want anybody to think that I'm okay with these actions."
"Politically, I don't play that [ __ ] anyway. I don't do any of that stuff."
"I'm not gonna hide from the [ __ ] coronavirus, man."
"We're not people who live our lives with regrets."
"The ultimate thing that matters is where you stand after hearing these arguments."
"I'll never celebrate the downfall of a black man, but I don't have to. I don't have to agree with them either, right? Right. And I'm not going to put no energy into it, good or bad. I don't give a [__]."
"I'm not here to tell no [__], I'm not here to tell no drag."
"I don't want anyone to be the victim of crime because crime is a serious issue, I hate crime."
"If you're offended by something someone says now, I still don't give a damn."
"I try not to make light although ever I mean we're doing murder of innocent will me, you know that's like you know that's not a fun it's not a fun thing."
"I said what I said and guess what? I'm dying on that hill."
"I'm a big fan of justice. I hate false accusations."
"I hate drama like this, I don't think it's worth it."
"No beef on my end. Yeah, it's stupid. What are we really arguing about?"
"Everything gets destroyed. Trust nobody. Hold your ground against authority."
"I'm sick of playing patty cake with demons. I'm gonna get a shirt says I don't patty cake demons you hear me dude?"
"Black lives do matter. See, we're both black if you didn't know. It's just that I don't need a slogan to know my life matters."
"I haven't ever apologized before and I don't anticipate ever doing it again."
"Would I be that mad if somebody did it to me? No. But it's still a scummy thing to do."
"If you don't stand for something, I don't fall for anything."
"It's all about how they approach it. If you're at the club, I'm at the club too, so why should it matter, you know?"
"I would never advocate for any kind of butt sex ever."
"I'm gonna say what I think and feel and if people don't like it that's not my problem."
"For our privacy, now I'm one of those people that advocates privacy."
"I'm not interested in having my rights violated today."
"I'm really disappointed, that's my opinion everybody, can't change me from that, I'm disappointed, I'm really disappointed."
"I do not condone, endorse, or encourage harassment of anybody, much less and specifically Monica Rial, Ron Toye, or the alleged bull. No one should harass you ever, and I hope you're never harassed again."
"I am not going to chase after a mob that has no idea what's going on."
"I hate bullies. I will fight bullies all day long."
"Colin Kaepernick was fighting for his opportunity to get his starting job back. I promise you that if he were the starting quarterback of the 49ers back in 2016, he would not have been getting on one knee."
"No, I don't want to fight for this country anymore because they've betrayed me. That makes sense."
"Hashtag not my volatile. Get that shit out of here."
"It's not for me to decide, but if those are the rules I'll certainly abide by them."
"Don't let them intimidate you. I guess first off, don't let them do it. That's what they're trying to do to me right now."
"I'm letting you know that I'm still in the play but that's just my opinion."
"If somebody wants to cancel you, are you just gonna let them cancel you? Hell no!"
"It's time to say no and it's time to stop presenting myself." - Patrick Wood
"You've got to make a stand somewhere in this world."
"I will not tolerate what happened to Diversity in Comics."
"I'm down with protests, man. You know me, I like a protest."
"As a tax-and-spend liberal, that's totally fine to me. I'm totally ok with it."
"The kid didn't come out of my balls. It's not mine."
"I said that right from the beginning: I was not going to cede the linguistic territory to radical leftists."
"Violence or fentanyl, gun violence, everything I support."
"It's you believing in you and your own fulfillment enough to say f all of that I'm going to stand my ground for me because it's nothing else to stand for."
"I don't care if anybody buys my book. Right?"
"Stay safe and remember if you don't stand for something you'll fall for anything."
"It was said, 'Do what you want, I'm not putting my name on it.'"
"I feel it's so important to have an opinion."
"Don't ask me anything if you don't want to hear the truth."
"Don't worry about it. You know what? I'm not sorry, actually."
"This tells you that I think Evangeline Lilly knew exactly what she was getting into when she posted this."
"I don't hate Israel. I don't hate Palestine."
"If you claim to stand for something, then stand for something."
"Don't be so quick to jump on negative things because this world is full of people looking to be negative all the time."
"I'm always gonna take the position of the underdog." - "No matter what and the people in power which happens to be."
"We're going to let people know don't trust Colin Thompson of cast media."
"Life is too short to put up with [expletive] anyways."
"History is shaped by those who stand out, who fight for things, rightly or wrongly."
"I'm not going to stand for the way they speak to me, I'm not doing it anymore."
"You're supposed to protect and serve. There is no excuse for their actions, and I will never forgive them."
"We ain't got to like each other, bro, but I ain't no hater."