
Church Community Quotes

There are 100 quotes

"The concept of the church...having that eternal view of how we're going to be living as real true brothers and sisters eternally is a beautiful concept."
"I spend a lot of time...helping people to find a doctrinally sound church near where they live."
"Get plugged into a good, doctrinally sound local church that is committed to expositional preaching."
"I really did enjoy going to the church. I knew everybody in the church, like everybody knew each other."
"You don't have to agree on everything in your church communities, but find people who love God, who love their neighbor, who love God's Word, and want to obey Him."
"If we as Christians could just gather as a church and say we're going to love people we actively disagree with..."
"Church is many members and it's the best thing that God is offering to you in this life to prepare for a life better than this."
"The same spirit that raised Christ from the dead is in this church."
"You need to baptize in the name of Christ. It doesn't mean that church owns you... it just means that you're associating yourself with Christ through an authentic genuine body of Christ even with flaws."
"That's what the church needs to walk in right now."
"When you find a church like that no matter how far away it is you need to be a part of it."
"Some of you are going to realize tonight there's been gifts that you've had for 30 years in church and no one's ever spoken to them."
"A church which goes forth is a community of missionary disciples who bear fruit and rejoice."
"We're not the first generation of the church, nor will we be the last."
"If you build a church without Jesus, you get a warehouse."
"Imagine if there was a loving, caring, and united church walking slowly enough to engage with those who are far from God."
"The greatest word that a pastor can hear is for his congregation to say, 'I'm growing.'"
"There are strange liftings coming to people in this place."
"Reverend Ray Wood said people called his church 'a place a bunch of drunks and drug addicts hang out' and that was the best compliment he said because those are the people that Jesus was trying to help."
"You may be gifted, but if you're not tied to a local church, you may be anointed, but if you're not committed to serving in a local body of believers, then you are out of order."
"Prayer is something that's of a necessity among the church."
"That's what church really is it's this Gathering a fellowship of anointed uh incredible Saints and all of a sudden we're mingling that anointing in one place and it's just generating something and when we all go out we've got a new anointing on us."
"Get in a good church that preaches only Jesus."
"We are the Church, it doesn't mean we cannot have an opinion."
"In the New Testament, it talks about the church, the body of believers, which is the family of God."
"Please pray for the church, especially in these times."
"We love you here at the Lighthouse Church. Nothing you can do about it."
"A church that prays together stays together."
"If you are going to have that energy towards that gay brother and sister you got to have the same energy to the heterosexual organist that's got four and five kids with some of the choir members in the church."
"I invite you to join us here at Free Chapel, a place to call home."
"If it didn't have it in the local church then what is the point of going to the Eucharist and being a part of the body of Christ in the local church if it's lacking?"
"The church is his body, and he gave himself for her."
"A gay person who still wants to attend church... they have more faith than I do."
"The best days in church history in my life and your life are not in our past, in our present, and in our future. Amen."
"We need to form relationships in our local church... to anchor ourselves."
"Find a Spirit-filled good church, connect with somebody."
"Fellowship should be a place where people hear the word of God which brings them under the conviction of the Holy Spirit where the Lord Jesus Christ is exalted where he's glorified."
"If you stay in this church for 2 years, we expect this quality of believer to emerge."
"Find one person at your church, trust them with your stuff."
"You are the church. You are the church. So don't be condemned because He loves you so much."
"Diversity in the church does not threaten Unity."
"Don't just get your teaching off the internet... you still need that good church in your life."
"We are excited as a church to sew into that, Lord, to sew into putting the devil where the devil belongs, underneath our feet in the name of Jesus!"
"'One law and one custom shall be for you and for the stranger who dwells with you.' It's a picture of the church when Jew and non-Jew would stand before God as one people called the church."
"Once I accepted the authority of the church and, more importantly, the church as a community sharing in God's love, Mary as the Exemplar of that church, as the one chosen by Christ to be his mother, and that she deserves honor for that."
"Their whole terrorism of the tongue in the church is to be a servant."
"The church needs to stay firm in its beliefs but offer grace and kindness."
"We may have to agree to disagree and still come and worship at the same church."
"Distribution in the church means creating opportunities for people to benefit."
"We pray for a brave people to arise in the Church, courageous people."
"And the real fun part is eating after church."
"I think God likes messy churches, where we're all a little exposed before each other. It's a little uncomfortable and embarrassing, but then the weak start ministering to the strong, and before you know it, you got a body of believers that are infused with Holy Spirit vitality."
"People with disabilities give the church an opportunity to serve sacrificially. They're the audiovisual aids of God's power, showing up best at their churches."
"In churches where women are welcomed into leadership with men, those churches tend to become more warm, compassionate, and loving."
"There just has to be many ways to approach the church. We want them to be sympathetic about us as we struggle along."
"For us, it's encouragement from other pastors and churches nearby."
"Love them so they come to church and want to come back."
"It is not our similarities that draw people into the church, but our differences."
"Women's tasks... are equally necessary to the well-being of the body."
"A church congregation is not going to rise to a level of spiritual maturity above that of its leadership."
"We are planning a weekly Bible study, but for the time being, we will meet just once each Sunday at 10 A.M."
"I am privileged to pastor a multi-generational, multicultural church."
"If all of our members were right with God, what an awesome net this would be to bring souls to Jesus Christ."
"The gospel-minded people must be in gospel-minded churches."
"Thank you for being a church for my kid."
"If you stay United Methodist, you are not being bound to do anything except love and welcome people."
"One of my favorite things and really what drew me to be a part of the Belonging was the way that this church stewards the presence of the Holy Spirit. It's not manufactured, it's not manipulated, it's stewarded really well."
"We will be a church known for mentoring generation to generation."
"The real stuff of the Christian life and the real growth in the faith happens when we are gathered as a church."
"...he that speaketh in an unknown tongue edifies himself but he that prophesies edifies the church."
"Church home is not built on the fact that you have to think what I think or believe what I believe, it is built on the story of Jesus but it's also built on a value that every single human life is of infinite value."
"Lord, make the church a safe place for people to be, a safe place to grow in the knowledge of Jesus Christ, a safe place to serve and to love and to be connected."
"The church is united in its love, its beliefs, its organization, its practice, its worship, and its service."
"Healthy churches are going to have to be made up of healthy families."
"She's been a part of our church for over 60 years and she's a big figure in our church."
"I commend to you our sister Phoebe, a deacon of the church."
"Joining a Pentecostal church doesn't just offer you a new spiritual identity but also affords new career opportunities, welfare provisions, business contacts, marriage partners."
"Don't miss out on what God has in store for you, the river, church with a difference."
"The church is the place of true fellowship."
"Many of the church's greatest stories are contained in personal and family histories."
"Thank you, God, for that church hurt that got me in the right place."
"The local church is a sacred, vital part of being a follower of Jesus."
"We need your unique talents and perspectives. The diversity of persons and peoples all around the globe is a strength of this Church."
"Greet one another with a holy kiss. All the churches of Christ greet you."
"I'm not here to serve the church as a building in that sense; I'm here for the body."
"In our church, the center is understood to be Jesus; those who are in are not defined in relation to a boundary but by facing and moving toward the center."
"The church is composed of erring, imperfect men and women who are but learners in the school of Christ."
"We were a church in debt, but we're no longer a church in debt. We're a church that is debt free, and we're going to a place we've never been to, which is a place of abundance."
"The church wants to make this a place that is not just safe but a place of healing, a place of love, a place of restoration and power."
"When Holy Ghost runs church, people don't go back home and commit suicide; people live with the joy of the Lord."