
Memes Quotes

There are 378 quotes

"Undertale has sent dank memes and positive vibes rippling through the internet."
"Why is one of the biggest memes from the D&D set suddenly like an intricate, amazing combo piece for Modern?"
"I call it the language of the millennials... memes... it's just the way that we communicate."
"The spreading of memes, an idea jumps from brain to brain, naturally tickles certain receptors that we are naturally attuned to."
"Dark Souls forces you to find your own meaning and players do, whether through the satisfaction of overcoming challenges or through each other and the shared experiences created through memes, messages, and more."
"Memes... are cultural replicators like viruses."
"Memes are such an integral part of the internet experience."
"A key component to the meme concept is that the information is able to self-replicate and in turn undergoes a type of natural selection."
"An internet meme is slowly becoming a part of how the time periods we live through are being defined."
"Memes are no longer universally funny to all. They require a relation for connection."
"New World, the game that in 2021 provided the MMO community with some of the most entertaining meme material in years."
"A meme is a cultural phenomenon that becomes viral."
"Funny enough, the introduction of the word 'meme' in his 1976 book The Selfish Gene... is an exceptionally powerful idea."
"The way memes affect politics is an insanely huge topic."
"When you're trying to show someone a meme but they aren't looking yet, so you're just awkwardly waiting for them to look at your phone."
"The internet's a fascinating place. We're a culture of memes and remixes, taking old ideas and making them new again."
"Oblivion is now a meme generator in modern culture, it is cherished by many and served as an entry point into the Elder Scrolls franchise for millions of new players."
"I actually felt the same way; a dank meme died today, and I feel reborn. I'm like a new person now."
"This kind of rhetoric, right, memes, jokes, irony, this kind of super-referential way of talking about politics."
"I love how memes make us think even when they shouldn't."
"Memes speak to so many people, and it's like you know we're not as divided as we think we are."
"This is some good ass memes, man. I appreciate that."
"It's tough to pick one. I gotta go with the Smash Mouth song. Like, that's just the meme, right?"
"This SCP then me when I'm on the fine setting great this meme is going places yeah I"
"The power of memes and possibly getting banned by Fortnite."
"Memes have the capacity to possess us, they can bend us to their will and control our every action."
"He actually used a meme from Roadhouse saying that if you bring a gun to a fist fight, you don't have self-defense."
"JoJo Friday should be recognized as a national weekly holiday and this meme is a testament to that."
"They may copyright strike our accounts, but they will NEVER KILL OUR MEMES!!"
"Memes have real-world consequences and affect the society in which we live."
"I really do think that, uh, memes will change the world one day and, uh, I'm glad that people engaged and made some fun. Look, this should be fun."
"There's a reason so many seemingly mundane lines of dialogue from this movie have been immortalized in meme history."
"Skyrim felt like one of the first games that really was with meme culture."
"I think Crowder is extremely important... he can create a cultural Force like change my mind, a meme."
"We just want to make memes and grill, but the ruling class looks down on us."
"If you did laugh, comment an L, let me know which meme made you laugh."
"From the moment the trailers appeared the number of memes and arguments and ridiculous news story this movie caused kind of makes it stand out simply for being a film that represents the zeitgeist of the time."
"Memes are a powerful form of creativity, shaping culture like never before."
"Peaceful divorce, memes, and peaceful divorce are going to be the only solution."
"Honestly, the dragon post is one of my favorite internet memes."
"It's kind of an earworm. They're kind of like, 'Oh man, I'm on the internet right now, I should make a meme of that.'"
"I think the Rock meme is definitely one of those memes that's up there."
"99% of memes are garbage but a tiny percentage are actually pushing crypto forward."
"Memes are actually an effective way to spread information and to subvert a mainstream media that is totally corrupt."
"The memes could not wait, because memes don't wait."
"Oh, intentional Rick Roll, this will be legendary!"
"The power in memes is controlling the world."
"People use memes to simultaneously express their uniqueness and their connectivity."
"These are amazing and hilarious and funny and OP."
"When it comes to memes, you should always take profits."
"Among Us has secured itself as like permanently a meme like forever will be a meme."
"LR farmer with a shotgun, man, dude I can't believe how strong that meme is."
"Between memes and franchising, it's probably impossible to grow up without Shrek entering your life somehow."
"It's like looking at one of those food memes, like a piece of toasted bread with a hole in the middle, like a raw hot dog on top of it."
"A meme acts as a unit for carrying cultural ideas, symbols, or practices that can be transmitted from one mind to another through things such as writing, speech and gestures."
"Success Kid is just one of those memes that speaks to a bygone era of memology."
"Embrace the meme, wake up in your bed tomorrow."
"People were making memes about the situation."
"Make more of it there needs to be more of this content more internet memes please."
"There's something incredibly powerful about a group of people sharing an in-joke or sharing a meme that makes them continually come back to that channel and that community."
"When something happens, the memes around it are hilarious."
"That's just a theory, a gaming Theory. I feel like that saying went into the YouTuber public domain."
"The memes are literally the ones that are waking people up."
"If it's all fake then we can meme what we want into existence."
"There's nothing quite like a good meme to start the day."
"Most memes are weird and they're only getting weirder."
"Memes are in themselves a representation of the power of the people."
"A GIF is the meme pro of internet sharing reactions."
"Memes are the future... Memes have pretty much taken over a lot of media."
"Respect all memes... Memes should be respected."
"It's not just a meme, it's science and psychology."
"Duncan Rhodes Painting Academy... he has plenty of memes about him thin your paints two thin coats etc etc..."
"These memes are so different than the 2020 ones."
"That's potentially the best meme that we're gonna see from 2021."
"Big red arrows, big text, big eyes reaction photos. Well, I still love them all."
"Dogecoin for life - the meme that continues to keep giving."
"It's a hundred percent wholesome memes time."
"Who controls the memes controls the universe."
"I love that meme, I still think it hits every time."
"The world is built on memes. Hate it or not, memes are driving the market."
"I love it when my friends send me memes of fandoms I'm not in. Great meme, love them, very funny, but what the [ __ ] are they talking about though?"
"Rising, the ultimate meme. Let's get back into it."
"I don't give a [ __ ] what Lola Bunny looks like, I love joining in on the memes as a joke."
"I couldn't really come up with one so this isn't a like crucial crucial question because Reena loves to laugh she loves to laugh especially at memes and vines so I wanted to ask y'all what's your favorite meme or vine reference."
"Why would you change something that isn't broken? The fanbase seem to love it and you guys know the mean by now: 'This isn't even my final form.'"
"It started as a goof, a prank, a collection of memes, and one could argue that it ended the same."
"I just really believe there is value in memes, there's value in going viral, there's value in being everywhere."
"Memes survive where fundamentals fail, memes survive and they have some stink power that you do well to really respect."
"The fact that people insist on making memes out of it has also helped its re-watchability."
"Not reading the cards: this is a meme for a reason."
"Now we can all be on the same page again we can laugh at and all my apes gone or something."
"I know it doesn't necessarily look exactly like LeBron."
"The dude isn't caught there's lots of memes made we're like Ted Cruz is the Zodiac killer and all that."
"This could be the cycle of memes along with Bitcoin."
"Memes are the building blocks of a new kind of evolution."
"Memes, akin to the visual counterparts of earworms, possess a unique ability to captivate the mind and spread rapidly through digital spaces."
"The memes will be glorious, that's what we need."
"He who controls the memes controls the universe."
"I think it's all about abducting the consciousness of people through the use of memes."
"I have a dream that an Isaac run will not be judged on the circumference of his tears but rather on the quality of its memes."
"You cannot put a price on the ability to meme."
"Once something becomes a meme it belongs to the world."
"This was a fun video, good memes in this Internet Historian."
"Despite mixed reviews, Bee Movie gained unexpected popularity as an internet meme, spawning various parodies and videos."
"Memes are on the line right now...a very important form of expression."
"I feel like one of the best feelings I've ever had in my life was watching that meme."
"The beans meme, I can't believe you've never heard."
"Curse, man, this meme, whoever created this."
"In the attention economy of crypto, memes are truly the biggest attention sucks."
"I love memes. That's it. That is a wonderful video."
"Easy Pete in and of itself has kind of become a meme."
"Hard times create strong memes, strong memes create good times."
"The Tories are a meme, you know, we have a meme as a political party running the show in the UK."
"It spawned a lot of hilarious memes and art."
"Laughing at memes on the verge of death is better than being pissed at the verge of death."
"Thank you for being here for the dumbest of dumb memes that actually turned into a dream."
"Number 16: Crazy guy runs into Outback tornado to take selfie. What follows is the stuff of meme legend."
"There's a lot of funny moments at least like those memes and stuff I enjoyed that."
"Sero: If you thought Sero was meme material, here is even crazier with the memes."
"As far as we know, there's not a single human being on planet earth who doesn't like memes."
"I think we're living in the golden age of memes and politics."
"Both memes and social media: the cause of and solution to all of life's problems."
"Memes are faster, they're more brutal... they cut right through the image, they get right to the core of the matter."
"Memes are the most democratic tool at our disposal."
"You can get into meme collecting, sharing memes. Start doing that, it's a good hobby."
"Everything becomes memes now. That's how we communicate now our feelings, yeah, by completely dodging them and using humor."
"Everyone likes seeing... doesn't matter if it's a funny meme or a stupid meme."
"Capitalism is great, we all make memes, we all joke around."
"To this day Sam Raimi's Spider-Man fan base is coming out with Incredible memes still poking fun and paying homage to the Rainy Trilogy."
"Utility memes are memes that actually have utility."
"While we move sideways, anything that stimulates dopamine wins, memes probably the biggest winners here."
"What I love more about this community than anything else is the memes."
"Instead of dead memes, they should be called memories."
"Memes are my favorite media format now. They're where the funniest [expletive] is being done."
"We're in a real good era for memes."
"But my bruised ego aside, we did it. We found the actual origin of 'doot doot', of Mr. Skeltal, of skull trumpet, or should I say Jazzy skull?"
"Memes do a better job at reporting current events than the mainstream media."
"Regardless of his own realness, there have been at least a few people convinced that his feelings were valid but there are exponentially more people turning him into a meme and honestly it's a pretty good meme."
"This unusual legal strategy quickly went viral, sparking a flurry of memes and reactions across social media."
"The last super viral meme that I think Tumad was a part of before his downfall..."
"It's Spocktober. You draw a meme that will hopefully be recognized. You spend three hours on it. It's okay because you love drawing and enjoy doing it."
"Perfectly cut screams, people, perfectly cut screams."
"No one man should have all this power and no one person should have all these memes, but alas, here we are, people."
"How many classic memes can we get through in this video? Oh, we're about to find out."
"My friends, the lord of the memes is back."
"Memes are definitely holding up for sure."
"It comes with everything, I feel every genre at some point gets memed."
"Giga Chad meme after pickle himself, it was raps"
"Honestly, I'm a big lover of memes lately."
"The ensuing memes are unbeatable."
"Shrek has found a second life on the internet, becoming the subject of countless memes."
"Memes rule the world, everything is memes."
"I'm gonna do this for the memes and I want to see her waving and I want to see her smashing the glass as we're pulling away."
"I think memes and online culture, in general, have harmed people's abilities to be well-informed on various topics because distilling things down into bite-sized easily accessible chunks of information is not always good."
"Every two three weeks month even there's a new meme that chat becomes obsessed with and it's it's a total crapshoot if it lasts a day."
"Memes to me are the most important art form currently being made by human beings."
"It's like it's crowd-sourced comedy, right? It's like it's just it's I used to read the comments on a YouTube post, and the comments were the funniest part, and that's kind of like I think that's kind of what happened with memes."
"There's no amount of attention that the Oscars could bring upon themselves as memes could have."
"You post a pic of your dog on the internet because he's cute. It gets popular. It becomes a meme. It becomes a freaking cryptocurrency."
"Salt bae, the meme with the swanky chef doing salt sprinkles on his food."
"Distract me from my science research with space memes."
"If you see any other space memes on your internet travels, you've got to send them to me."
"Leaving Twitter was trending on Twitter because of course, but maybe this is a blessing in disguise because holy sh*t, I haven't seen memes this cringey in a very long time."
"Memes emerge in brains and travel outward, establishing beachheads on paper, celluloid, silicon, and anywhere else information can go."
"Interesting. Have you seen the memes? No. You haven't been on TikTok yet. People are like literally making the meme of like Princess Diana getting ready to confront him at the Gates of Heaven."
"Two memes, two gifts that I have used so many times."
"The memes were hilarious, man. The memes had me crying."
"Twitter is done. The meme pages used to be where it's at."
"If you spent any time online whatsoever, you are probably all too familiar with the Doge meme."
"Memes, like genes, can be replicated. You replicate them by either telling the meme to many people or telling a lot of people all at once."
"Guys, all we can do at this point is just keep making the memes while the Titanic sinks. Just keep making the memes."
"There's all those memes about like, oh imagine your girlfriend's a sex worker and she comes home from work and tells you how good it was."
"They're taking the Hobbits to Isengard!"
"This is like the Avengers of memes."
"Anything else is such a community-focused meme."
"Be your own man Tony. Don't. Memes are cool guys."
They choose not to use the word "meme" for various reasons. But that's what they are.
"Memes take advantage of the information highways built by evolution for many species and enhance in our species and our species only."
"I love these memes, I think they're so funny, not really good, I think my favorite one has to be the Walter White falling on the ground with the dreading spell, that actually fits, weirdly enough that actually fits, okay."
"It is time for the memes, brand new memes."
"It's like the whole meme is that it's a trick, right?"
"That's the first meme that like I remember had like Christmas ornaments of harambe and I was like this is just like I felt like this is my is this what cultural appropriation feels like you know like what the [ __ ] is this."
"The potential for new memes... it's been too long since we got a new Picard facepalm, or sarcastically surprised Kirk, or..."
"Stars are made and broken, and memes are born sometimes."
"Rickrolling was almost immediately cemented as one of the essential pieces of Internet culture."
"Hide the pain Harold birthing into the public Consciousness in 2011 memes featuring an older gray-haired man smiling through discomfort took the Internet by storm."
"Hey Kevin, I love all the memes about Kevin just like, oh there's the one picture of him with the gun, every time you see that photo it makes me laugh."
"The Jews literally created the demon memes."
"The memes have been incredible gold tier S rank excellence that's only rivaled by few."
"This is the one thing you can never take away from me, fans: the memes, you know they're just so good."
"The memes from 2 years ago are funnier. They actually are so much better."
"Memes have gotten to [__] dude. We're not like an old Boomer going like, 'Man, things used to be so much funnier.' They actually were. They unironically were better."
"All memes are now Splatoon memes."
"He's going to have good speed too, better than probably the single television show with the most memes."
"Your video memes are making rounds in the furry community and I love it."
"Step aside Thanos, move over Wilson Fisk, there's a new kid in town because I don't know how She-Hulk could possibly survive the unstoppable onslaught of memes. Wow, this was truly pathetic."
"I have this idea, basically, to create a mom brand with like an Instagram that has like the Mom memes and things like that."
"Pokemon is one of those things that has just leached itself into pop culture and memes."
"Tom Paris on his deathbed there's memes of shouting out for pepperoni pizza."
"Kim Kardashian seems to have some level of awareness of memes about him being so lizard-like or like I I like that he you can take a joke."