
Potential Realization Quotes

There are 296 quotes

"Our goal with the show and company is to introduce you to the people and ideas that will help you actually make good on your potential."
"Everybody wants to come up with excuses. I wasn't born that way. That's not an excuse. Stop using it and start living the life you're capable of living."
"Your wishes are being answered, and you're going to be realizing your true potential."
"One year from now, it's like you don't even recognize your old self anymore... you're really connected to taking care of your body."
"Ruby will probably never be the show it promised to be, but with the gift of learning the lessons it has to teach, maybe something else can be."
"This is specifically seeing Starship fly and the potential of it and seeing it begin to live up to its potential. It's way beyond I think what I thought was going to happen."
"Everyone is capable of creating a blue ocean."
"I feel like the sky's the limit for you. I really think I need to come over here full time on YouTube."
"When you're the vibrational match between your energy and some potential, now you are going to begin to collapse time and space."
"You have more than you realize... you have more to bring to the table than you realize."
"You have the potential to become someone worth living for, someone better than success."
"The humanities, when properly taught, are the study of who we could be... Otherwise, we'll be much less than we are. That's not a trivial problem, it's a cataclysmic problem."
"There's so much potential there, and I think she captures the Supergirl part of it."
"I just want to make sure that I'm the best version of me... authentic and living up to my full potential."
"Equality means the opportunity to develop all of our dormant potential."
"Make games that people want to play for long periods of time."
"We have this amazing untapped potential within us."
"There's so much potential here for genuine social criticism."
"Training fills gaps in capability, development realizes potential."
"There's no point to potential if you don't take the first step, and there's no point to that if you don't keep going."
"The person who's best suited to see your hidden potential is often the one who knows you best."
"Recognize the potential of the opportunities that exist around you."
"You don't need technology to do something impressive. All you need is a little bit of determination and an eye for possibilities."
"The most vital skill to unlock the hidden potential of yourself."
"You've got the potential, but is it just gonna stay there?"
"A lack of focus is a death of all potential."
"You make the incredible possible, now that you've actually gotten this far."
"Doing the basics will get you the vast amount of results...doing only the basics is probably what is going to help you reach your potential the fastest."
"Time to dream big because you have the potential to hit another milestone."
"Time transforms what is potential into reality."
"You are so much more powerful than you've been told."
"Your greatest fear is that you are powerful beyond measure."
"When are we gonna stop being a work in progress? When are we gonna stop being potential?"
"Opportunities awaken hidden potential and require you to take a chance."
"The potential is obviously there so I'm excited to see them roll that out."
"God never even made Eve an option for Adam until Adam was enough."
"Imagine if we start playing some perfect Call of Duty the amount of talent we have on our team."
"All I'm feeling is wasted potential. This framework could be so good if you moved it away from a grand epic scale world and focused on the small personal experience of the player."
"We have the capacity to grow up to become like our parent."
"You are a fierce person with endless potential."
"There's a lot more possible, don't sell yourself so short."
"Gwen's death made some sit up and take stock of her character and the potential therein."
"His growth is slowing down a little bit but from 46 overall with a potential of 70 he has really exceeded his ceiling."
"Believing that it's possible... for anyone and everyone to do this."
"I truly knew at that point when I got second at the Mr. Olympia that I could possibly win."
"Ensure high promising stars...put in the work to achieve their potential."
"When you see a fantastic player finally unlock their potential, it's incredibly satisfying."
"You're sowing a seed into your destiny. Do you understand the power of a seed?"
"There's so many of our limitations are self-imposed... until we can get past that and see what we're really made of... you don't really don't know what you're capable of."
"Everything that we are doing here in this culture is essentially towards that - that there is a possibility of transcending all limitations and getting there."
"It was finally nice to see the potential I knew was there realized."
"For years fans and critics alike have pushed Twitter to dream bigger, to innovate faster, and to fulfill our great potential. X will do that and more."
"Consciousness is the key to demonstration. It opens your mind to limitless possibilities."
"Connect with your inner power and realize your true potential."
"Discover your potential and understand how much you're capable of."
"All things are possible and all of us can achieve anything if we put our mind to it it's really that simple but belief is the hardest thing that people have."
"I'm ready to receive. I see the potential, and I release any fears or doubts that are holding me back from that."
"Remember to not second-guess yourself or your potential."
"You know we get to see what we can be when we really show up."
"Don't let the past influence what the future could become."
"Own your potential, see the big picture, and realize you're closer than you thought."
"I think it's actually a disservice to yourself and your potential if you don't ask yourself, like, who am I?"
"Anything is possible until it's proven and flying."
"If you're willing to let go of what you are in the service of what you could become, then you could identify with the part of you that transforms."
"I feel like we have the ability to unlock the world's wisdom."
"Once you remember who you are and you open up your subconscious mind, yo, oh baby, you're gonna be so freaking powerful and unstoppable, it's gonna be crazy."
"I just want to get people's imaginations working about what is possible and what is relatively simple to construct."
"I mean it took me a long time to actually realize my potential in these better you know why attainment level yeah."
"K2 has the potential to give great success to a person."
"Opportunity is a way that God pulls out the potential and gives a platform for the expression of your purpose."
"Achievement Centers for Kids: they see potential in every person and guide their progress."
"His partner hoonigan really put it the best where he said he saw your potential and he would not let you go until you lived up to your potential."
"You know, the bones are there if you're brave."
"What would this place become if everyone realized they were able to participate?"
"Realize every single day you can turn lead to gold."
"You're reaching your full potential, knowing your worth is most important."
"This has the bones to be exactly what we want it to be."
"Most people will never know what their true potential is."
"When you don't have self-worth or self-value, it's impossible to know what your potential is."
"Pursue your desires; your soul knows you're capable of moving in those directions."
"We create a clan where not only we improve ourselves but we had a chance to improve the others around us."
"It's about seeing that potential and helping people realize the actual potential that we know they have."
"Our mentality has changed a lot. We want to show our true potential."
"I'm always chasing myself, once I got to a point where, you know, my full potential."
"It could turn into one of those things where it's like the one that gets away or the one that's not realized of the potential until down the line when it's all gone."
"Be prepared for change, relieve potential energy."
"If you don't open your mind to the possibilities, you will never discover them."
"The Resident Evil 4 remake is a series' most relentlessly exciting Adventure rebuilt, refined, and realized to the full extent of its enormous potential." - IGN
"Our culture's norms don't reflect our true human needs and potential."
"You possess this same ability that these great ones have had for tapping the higher dimensions of mind and spirit."
"The greatest tragedy in life is to get to the end of your life and realize that you never have truly lived and made the effort to see what you are truly capable of."
"The sovereign voice of the individual is the power that casts potential into habitable being."
"Raise your standards and your expectations. You have unlimited potential."
"Heroically kind of in that position now where it's like... they've got all these players that you know can do things if all their roles could be met..."
"Now is the time to act; you have everything within you to succeed."
"Belief in something bigger allows you to see a wilder potential."
"Sing your night song, step into your true potential, claim all possibilities for yourself."
"Many of you are unlocking your highest potential."
"What if you weren't afraid? Fearless slack becomes limitless."
"You need to value your talent and your strengths and know that you could do this in other places."
"I believe you can be more efficient. I believe you can be better."
"You can achieve anything you want, you have got a ridiculous power."
"With the right support network, you could be harboring world-changing talents."
"I look past what something is currently and look to what it could be and it takes a lot of creativity but you guys are totally capable of that."
"When you are experiencing these things you start believing that anything is possible."
"I think this operation will change our life they'll give her the ability to reach our full potential and she's not starting off with a disadvantage."
"If you don't honor its logos, its reason for existence, its design, what the designer put into it, if you don't honor it, it can't reach its potential."
"I believe in you. I want to see that amazing thing that you have inside you be unleashed unto the world."
"You tap a lot more potential when you're certain. I'm gonna find the way and if this is work, I will make the way."
"Shift your energy from a space of impossibility to a space of possibility."
"Patience is required, but you have infinite possibilities to overcome any hard period."
"I knew I had more to give but it was on me because I had potential."
"God is ready to bring your talents and your potential to your awareness."
"Your life will never be a reflection of your preferences, it's always a reflection of your priorities."
"The real prize is the actualization of your own potential. It's becoming who you were born to be."
"If you can make someone feel like they're really good at what they're doing, they're gonna do things you never even knew they could do."
"These kids can make incredible educational gains."
"It's not killing you bro but you could be so much further if you just dealt with this differently."
"It's frustrating because there is potential there."
"You have the power to shape your reality, to conquer your fears, and to achieve the extraordinary. Anything is possible for you if you tap into this limitless power within you."
"You're reaching your full potential, so just go easy on yourself. You can do as much as you can do."
"He epitomized the idea of working ceaselessly to fulfill one's own potential."
"God always wants you to graduate in generosity. Potential is always hidden."
"The only thing you need in life is consistency... if you keep that up then anything's possible."
"You can totally do this, you've got these amazing ideas, you can turn it into reality."
"Break free, realize your potential, and live your life the way you want to live it."
"It's being all you can be... unleashing your full potential."
"The Irishman has gone from showing great potential to his potential to be special."
"Let 2020 not go to waste. Your purpose is sitting waiting to be released."
"In other words, if a publisher cares enough, this is possible. This can happen."
"When you put your mind to something, it's amazing what you could do."
"A vision is when frustration with what is creates passion for what could be."
"You have the potential to be better than I ever was."
"Knowledge is not power, it's potential power. Applying it makes it powerful."
"The real you is your higher self... imagine if you could open the full potential of your higher self."
"I just want to thank you guys, I'm here to motivate y'all. Y'all could do whatever you put your mind to."
"Why not carry yourself as if you are far more powerful than what you observe yourself to be in this avatar?"
"Why focus on what's not here when you can make what is here amazing?"
"Every day, every moment is ripe with potential. The magic is there, waiting for you to uncover it, embrace it, and let it transform your journey."
"Shine your light this month. You are awakening to your potential."
"If he can tap back into this energy, maybe the 23-year-old could still turn it all around."
"Anything you want can happen, it can come to be."
"For all the missteps and wasted potential, this game has a lot to give."
"Let there be light, and it was good, filled with endless potential."
"I wish we could have seen you grow up to become something great."
"I think we have much more power than we think."
"We are grossly underestimating our own capabilities."
"You have the capacity for so much more than what you currently know of yourselves."
"The power to be someone more can come from any branch of your life. We all have it, we all carry it with us every day."
"Belief is key—doubt only prevents you from realizing your true value and potential."
"I bet it would inspire him even more to tap into the potential I'm confident he has."
"Sometimes we have to see past what's probable and see what's possible."
"I think when it comes to level design, I really think that is, like, where I feel, I feel like, uh, the full potential of Sonic is not quite met yet, it's almost there."
"If anybody's doing their practice, I think that anybody can become exceedingly good at something."
"But it is in your brokenness that your potential becomes released."
"All of us have the potential...to be wise enough to keep it in perspective."
"You are transforming, your potential is being realized in a whole new way."
"My parents were obviously very poor, but we certainly were millionaires as far as love was concerned."
"It's crazy how much more you can feel into your potential when you are resting in the present moment without avoiding anything."
"Whatever you want to create, you can create."
"You both have the makings of heroes that are more than my equals, so don't lose face on that. You both can be anything you want and I'll support you."
"The highest potential of this Saturn conjunction today is to create a truly beautiful reality."
"The transformative power of astral projection lies in its ability to awaken you to the infinite potential within your being."
"Awaken now to a greater possibility of who you are and what can be here."
"The yellow, the golden energy is about you gaining in abundance, flourishing, blooming, getting to your full potential."
"You are divine being with unlimited creative potential."
"Slow and steady wins the race. You're in the stage of unlocking your full potential."
"It's time for you to live the life you've always been capable of living and destined to."
"I think if something is done by one person, it can be done by others."
"Recognize the transformation, embrace the potential."
"You have the potential to make a difference in this world."
"If you were to start seeing yourself every day as the next level most powerful version of you...would you actually end up living a different day today?"
"I know that if you guys put in the time and effort you can make some magical things happen."
"It's crazy what you can do when things work."
"Players can learn, players can adapt, players can ReDiscover themselves as something no one believed that they could be."
"The idea that you could be way more than you are, incomparably more than you are, and I do believe that."
"With wisdom, absolutely anything is possible."
"So if you really ground into that truth and connect that to what you believe is possible in your life, then you're opening up to going new places."
"We got an opportunity here to do some really amazing things, now we just gotta go do them."
"We are so much more powerful than we realize."
"You're starting to see yourself reach your potential, and you're really starting to see it's like you were up against this wall for a while."
"Trust in your capacity to see the true depths of your potential."
"Hey, if you can do it, how can you really say it wasn't meant to do it, because we can do it."
"I feel like there's a lot of potential here, ten of cups, fortune after difficulty, happiness, love."
"Humans can be terrific creatures if given the right conditions."
"The key unlocks both of your full potential. Found each other, satisfied, and fulfilled. Grateful for all you have and yet to receive."
"Breaking Bad is a story about potential. How high can you fly and should you still utilize your skills if your talent is destructive to the world around you?"
"You can do anything if you have enough time and encouragement."
"You guys have so much potential to really help people here and to really make a major change in this world."
"This is a divine connection, something with a lot of potential, and these petty fights are so shallow at the end of the day."
"It's tantalizing to wonder what might have been had Ramanujan been given access to more complete mathematical education from a younger age."
"If God put a million dollar idea inside of you and you're only making fifty thousand dollars a year, you're letting down God."
"I want to see people rise into their divine potential."
"Maybe you want to start a business fishing all day and you might be thinking like how the hell is that possible but maybe it is."
"This is about potential, freeing yourself up from any stagnancy."
"Realize you have the potential to make huge dramatic differences in your future life."
"The challenge is we need to expand our understanding of what we're capable of."
"You have all the tools you need, a sense that you know what you're able to manifest."
"Emptiness is equal to fullness, emptiness is connected with the potential."
"Your dreams are the signature to your potential, trust in them."