
Grassroots Movements Quotes

There are 103 quotes

"This kind of crisis is not solved from on high. This kind of crisis is solved at the grassroots by the people."
"If we're really going to have a representative democracy, we have to mount primary challenges by candidates who are grassroots supported and are not purchased by private industry."
"Black empowerment is more than just a slogan it's truly becoming a lifestyle... you got to be grassroots aligned and code it up to truly appreciate this lifestyle brand."
"You have people with absolutely no training starting unions and beating up historically wealthy corporations."
"The true correctives to American democracy have never come from the top down."
"We have to go to where the people are at. That is how we win."
"They ban subreddits like The Donald, cutting grassroots movements from the ground up."
"It's really a movement of the people, a movement against the establishment, a movement against the elite."
"This whole effort originated on social media and it's completely organic."
"Most of the major movements in American history have started at the grassroots level and at some point have turned into direct conflict with American government. So remember your history before you judge."
"Color revolutions were genuine bottom-up movements."
"If you're already saying men I don't need you why are they there what sane guy would walk into that equation and want to get with you in any capacity if you're reminding them on day one that that you don't need them ridiculous ridiculous strategy."
"Real change takes place from the taught and it doesn't take place from the top down. It comes from the bottom up." - Bernie Sanders
"This Wall Street Bets thing has shown we have power."
"The people just said 'fuck off, we're gonna try it this way.'"
"Perfection isn't real anyways unless you're menchie. You scared her."
"Empowering and engaging activists and creating grassroots movements is also a part of how we're going to work to fight legislation and fight actions to suppress voters around the country."
"There should be less about the candidate should be more about using that as a vehicle to build some uh struggle that can then stand the test of time."
"We're coming after you, the corporate Democrats, the establishment Democrats, the Democrats who lost their way."
"Secure your county and the nation will follow."
"A grassroots movement is the only way to fight back."
"The little guys, the ones who normally end up picking up the tab, are the ones who will ultimately continue to be empowered and supported."
"There is no substitution for real grassroots energy out here."
"Change in America doesn't start from the top down, it starts from the bottom up."
"There's a quiet rumble of freedom and true Americans out there."
"Major social movements in this country always started at the grassroots level. We are the leaders. Let's make them follow us." - Rocky Anderson
"Grassroots movements give you hope right now across the country."
"We're deeply involved in gang reconciliation with the California Black Writers. We are married to many of the organizations at the grassroots levels that are doing things like addressing the problems that are systemic within the black race."
"The rebellion wasn't started by generals or Jedi knights, it was started by regular people who were tired of being kicked around."
"Building power locally, like Kshama Sawant in Seattle, um for instance just name one like that I think that's what's needed."
"One person cannot change everything overnight, but a Bottoms Up movement can."
"Gradually we are going to see Grassroots up, Grassroots up, communities, collaborations, people coming together in a much more Equitable sense."
"We need independent grassroots media that is self-funded."
"We're seeing things on a smaller scale. The Daily Wire is doing wonderful things. But at the same time, we can't do it alone. It's got to be a movement."
"Real political power in this country comes from the grassroots."
"We can make a lot of change and create a movement."
"To some extent I congratulate black people because this is grassroots."
"No president can do it alone and everybody in this room understands that the history of real change in America is never about things happening from the top on down it is always from the bottom on up."
"Ultimately, for me, this whole project depends on one basic thing that is the root of all types of left politics: political education."
"I think it's so important we do... It's a bottom-up approach that's going to fix the country."
"Real change always takes place from the bottom on up."
"Real change comes from the bottom up, not the top down."
"I think dying is the easiest thing man you know like we make such a big deal out of it but it's living the [ __ ]."
"Maybe just maybe there's this huge sort of innovation coming from the ground up..."
"We can build a trickle-up economy from our people, our families, and communities up."
"We've had 20 years of that and nothing much has changed...the power and authority to engage on this issue is moving away from institutions like this and back onto the streets."
"The grassroots people who are underground... Don't let up."
"All resolutions, all major movements start on a local level. They don't start on a national level. It starts on a local level." - Roland
"Revolution does not have to be something that springs from the people."
"The power has to be built at the grassroots."
"Locally is where this stuff starts. These things that these laws that passed in Texas, they weren't started at the national level."
"If the people will lead, the leaders will follow."
"The Republican Party is becoming the MAGA party, not just from the top level like it was under Trump, but from the grassroots bottom-up level now."
"Real change happens from the actions of people, not institutions."
"The more invisible and bigger force already out there which really already does look like the start of an anti-trump movement is regular people already starting this organizing themselves."
"When you see a natural groundswell of enthusiasm around an idea, I don't think that one's first instinct should be to poo poo it."
"The Republican party will be remade from this chamber of commerce corporate party to a grassroots people-based party."
"We need to build power from the grassroots by our communities, via our labor unions."
"This is going to be ultimately a people-powered movement."
"We must build a broad and deep movement from the bottom up."
"Historically, real change has never taken place from the top on down; it is always from the bottom on up."
"Holiness cultivated in devout families that will spring a new life in the church over the course of a few generations a grassroots solution to reform to the reform of the church if you will."
"No organization with any meaningful impact ever came from the top down—it's always from the ground up."
"Real change never occurs from the top down; it always happens from the bottom up." - Bernie Sanders
"We do this by running primary challenges against out-of-touch Democratic incumbents and organizing to hold the party accountable to our issues."
"It's a grassroots level thing and that's the way it has always been and that's the way it will always be."
"There has never been a major social justice movement in the United States that did not arise from the voices of the heart and spirit."
"It's time we stood up and said we're going to primary all of these people."
"The real revolution is coming from everyday people."
"We are not part of the establishment; we are one of you, and we're only getting started."
"It's amazing what it shows, how the power of the people, this Aquarius."
"We start to see this happening in Obama's first year in 2009 and all of a sudden people are already in the streets with the Tea Party movement."
"It's a revolution of normal people, that's what this is all about."
"Real change in this country never takes place from the top down, it is always from the bottom up."
"Part of how change happens is a mix of having a sustained grassroots movement that can push for change from the outside but also having sophisticated players on the inside who know how to get things through and get things done."
"The power is in the hands of the people... you lose."
"Real change never comes from the top down; it's always the bottom up."
"Localized, grass-roots, heart-to-heart experiences are surprisingly powerful ingredients for changing the world, and you have the power to play a significant role in everyday ways."
"Real fundamental change never takes place from the top on down always the bottom on up."
"No big corporate donors, no super packs, that's all just grassroots."
"Power to the people. Pay attention to these small victories."
"What all these examples show is how small groups of people working outside of official channels of power, institutions can band and work together to affect positive change." - Gabriella Coleman
"Restore trust between the grassroots and the RNC."
"The fight is grassroots, putting American citizens into school boards, into election boards."
"Grassroots growth is possible and progress is being made."
"Feminism is rooted in the struggles of ordinary women."
"Grassroots funds and candidates who truly are supported and able to win office based on these small dollar donations across the country, that's a new phenomenon and that's a very positive direction."
"At the heart of an effective movement, you can't rely on any single president."
"Three people in America own more wealth than the bottom half of American society."
"That's the power of grassroots banding together and saying no we the people have the power you do not."
"Save that money and build a black grassroots credit union."
"The solution to all of this is not going to come through politics at all."
"So I don't think there's anything wrong with Grassroots movements I think God often Works through them when he does you know when he's behind a reform movement and I I think that's what we're seeing I think I truly think this is a move of God to reform church I truly do."
"All the good stuff, the exciting stuff, the hopeful stuff is happening locally."
"They started something very small and then all of a sudden the collective thought grows into something much much bigger than it ever was supposed to be."