
Christian Identity Quotes

There are 151 quotes

"I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me."
"I am the righteousness of God in Christ. I am the head and not the tail."
"You must as Christians, if you are Christian, return to the rock from which you were cut."
"Thank you, Lord, not 'Help me get free.' Thank you, I am free in Christ, and I claim my new identity in Christ."
"The Bible tells us clearly: Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus."
"Calling Mary 'Holy Mary' is not a problem... the Bible itself describes Christians as holy."
"All you have to do is put on the breastplate of righteousness and remind yourself and the accuser: I am not wearing my own righteousness, I am wearing the righteousness of Jesus Christ."
"We possess the assurance and confidence that comes from knowing who we are in Christ. We are no longer victims but conquerors empowered by the Holy Spirit to triumph over the forces of Darkness."
"They will know we are Christians by our love."
"I am a Christian because of the Old Testament."
"There's no such thing as a cool Christian. You can't impress people with Jesus when you're trying to impress them with yourself."
"It's a badge of honor right here knowing that, hey, this is for Jesus."
"Jesus is your Master. You are a son and a daughter of the most high God."
"Now you're in Christ. Somebody says, 'What does that mean?' It means I've been saved, I've been born again, I've surrendered my life to Christ."
"God looks at you as a Christian today in the person of Jesus Christ."
"Our Christianity goes underneath our national background, our profession, everything."
"A Christian is someone who is in Christ, inhabited supernaturally by the Spirit of God."
"Racial division must be addressed through a proper understanding of our biblical identity in Christ."
"I can't live for myself. I'm not myself, I'm in Christ."
"Christian identity combines its central elements of Christianity with racist and white supremacist ideologies."
"Notice three things that you're willing to do: take upon you the name of Christ, always remember Him, and keep His commandments."
"To be a follower of Christ is literally taking upon us the name of Christ."
"Being a child of God means having the Holy Spirit living inside of us, guiding us, and holding us fast."
"Christians should be the most prepared and fearless people on the planet because I know who I am."
"Our identity comes not in our beliefs or our opinions, our identity comes in what Jesus has done for us."
"If we start looking like the world, we ought to look different."
"You have to be a new creation... There is no way you can be in this world, of this world, from this world and yet understand and preach and believe and be with Jesus."
"I love who I am, appreciating the person that God created."
"Christians, therefore, are not mere bystanders in this spiritual war; they are empowered soldiers armored with the might of Christ."
"Jesus Christ is the head of the church, and we stand not on the ideology of science and the wickedness, the lies, and the propaganda of our times."
"Jesus has given us a lion-like spirit; we are lions."
"The early believers were first called Christians because they lived like Christ."
"Believers in Christ, we're the Israel of God, we're the temple of God."
"Being a Christian means you're a child of the king, you don't try, you just are."
"This is the time to really step up, to be known as Christians, to be joyful when no one else is."
"Because of Christ, you are altogether beautiful."
"The children of Christ know now whose they are, whence they came, why they are here, and what manner of men and women they are to become."
"You're a child of God, I'm so happy for you, this is the greatest thing in the world."
"Our lives do not belong to us but to Christ; hence we must live for Him."
"You don't have to take that interpretive model of a fundamentalist in order to be a Christian."
"I may not be the perfect Christian, but I truly believe..."
"It's not enough that we just say we're Christian."
"Boldly adhere yourself to Christ and never allow yourself to be ashamed of the gospel."
"There's a reason why we are... called soldiers of Jesus Christ... we have to defend ourselves against this attack..."
"But if the truth offends, I can't take it back. I am undeniably Christian, a preacher of the gospel."
"It's no small thing to be a Christian and to be owned and approved of by God."
"Because not one of those things makes you a Christian."
"What makes a person a Christian or not is not whether that person goes to church or reads the Bible or even believes intellectually the right doctrines or truths about God."
"I see him as being a believer in Christ like me and that's enough for you yeah that's enough for me."
"For you are all children of God through faith in Christ Jesus."
"The Christian gospel is the only system in the world of thought that gives you a radically and totally different identity."
"In Christ, we are new creations... Christ lives within me, the hope of glory."
"A kingdom man is a male who has learned to live his life under the lordship of Jesus Christ."
"We are now free to become the children of God as the Lord intended us to be."
"If Christ's love becomes your identity, it reorders all your loves."
"When the church names the name of Jesus, there should be no doubt as to who we believe He is."
"But after the Council of Jerusalem’s ruling, even those central parts of Israelite identity and culture no longer applied to Christians."
"Regardless of what anyone else may think, the only definition of Christian that makes any sense is someone who truly follows the teachings of Jesus Christ."
"It can also distract you from again who is in christ and who is not a tree is known by its fruit not these kind of secret symbols."
"Love will be your identification badge to the world."
"We're Christians, we're not dummies. We know what's going on."
"When a Christian becomes consumed with any other earthly identity, specifically a political identity, that is dangerous and destructive to the credibility of the witness."
"If we know God, if we've been redeemed, bought with a price, saved, if we're known by God and we know him, then what the world should see from us is that he is our ultimate treasure."
"I really want everyone to get grounded in their own kind of 'Ah, I know what I believe now, I'm secure in my beliefs as a Christian'."
"Being a Christian meant you never failed, but you showed me being a Christian."
"You are more than a conqueror through Christ who is your strength."
"It's the center of Christian identity in the local community."
"Being in Christ means you are dead to your old way of life and alive to live for Jesus."
"To be unified with Christ means you have died to sin. If you have not died to sin, you are not unified with Christ."
"In Christ, you now live a brand-new life. It's not just a possibility; it's a certainty."
"Sometimes it seems like all we as Christians are known for is what we're against."
"...I represent Christ everywhere I go. Christ lives in me."
"Love sometimes seems to be absent, even in the life of the church. Christians in churches can become known for their lack of love even though it is that which should most singularly and certainly and consistently define us."
"If you live for God, people should not have to question if you are a Christian or not. They should know it by what they see."
"It's not what you do that makes you a Christian, it's what you believe that makes you a Christian."
"There will be no Christ without Christians, no Savior without the saved ones, no elder brother without the younger brothers and sisters. We are his fullness and he must have us with him. We are identified with him forever."
"Every Christian is born a warrior."
"Be authentic to who you are in Christ, without apology or change."
"Um, particularly the more mystical Paul, um, the Paul that says I no longer live but Christ lives within me."
"Discover who you are in the Lord."
"Who are we? We're the children of God. Have you committed your life to Jesus?"
"The Christian is someone who has been united with Jesus, both in his death for sin and in his resurrection."
"It's one thing for you to be in this building and it's something else for you to be in Christ."
"Light is that which characterizes God, and for you to be a Christian is to be brought into that light."
"To say that you're a Christian - this is big - to say you are a Christian..."
"Yet if any man suffer as a Christian, let him not be ashamed; but let him glorify God on this behalf."
"And the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch."
"They'll know we're Christians by our love."
"He who denies that Jesus is Son of God is the Antichrist, to quote St. John."
"You're sealed by the Holy Spirit in Baptism and you're marked as Christ's own forever."
"And they'll know we're Christians by our love."
"My identity is caught up in being in a relationship with Jesus, being a church builder first."
"I am a Christian, a follower of Jesus. Now He lives in us, and we live in Him."
"Whenever you and I are baptized, the Lord says now we are His beloved son or His daughter in whom He is well pleased."
"Christians were first called the people of the way; it was the narrow way that leads to life."
"It is not you they are persecuting so much as it is Christ in you."
"I have been crucified with Christ and it's no longer I who lives but Christ lives in me."
"Britain is for all practical purposes Israel, it is the chosen people not because the British are a chosen race but because precisely as a Christian people."
"If you learn how to live out of your identity in Christ, you will not fulfill the lust of the flesh."
"We are only owned by the Lord Jesus Christ."
"The difference between the man in Christ and the man not in Christ can never be stated too strongly."
"If you are in Christ, you are called child of God, son of God. That's it."
"...my identity is in Christ...I am not identified by these outward works."
"It's no longer I that live, but Christ lives in me."
"This is how all men will know that you're my disciples, in the way that you love one another."
"If you're living your Christian identity as a son or daughter of God, the demons fear you."
"What makes us distinct as Christians is that we take on the character of God, the most caring being in the entire universe."
"We're more than conquerors, we're more than Overcomers because we're Children of the most high King."
"What makes a person a Christian is that they have given up their dependence on themselves to be good with God."
"The cross reminds us that we died with Him, right, and we're reminded of the fact that we died with Christ and our lives are not our own now, they belong to Him."
"The Christian isn't an old self renovated but a crucified one who has a new self imparted and implanted."
"This is not a time to retreat and hide, but rather a time to stand firmly against the blatant hostility towards Christ that we see today."
"We've been made kings and priests unto God."
"As many as received Him, to them He gave the authority to be the children of God."
"I'm Christian first; that is my identity and my point of reference."
"What a Christian puts on is Christ himself."
"Everyone who calls himself by the name of Jesus Christ to search the Word of God out and find the patterns."
"There is no inching closer to God; we are either in Christ or we're not."
"The Lord knows those that are His and let everyone who names the name of Christ depart from iniquity."
"I am Christian. Nothing Christian is alien to me."
"True Christians are no part of the world."
"He sees us as Christians, He sees His son, and He loves us."
"It's Christ in us; I'm a new creature in Christ. The old Mark Case doesn't exist anymore."
"But if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Him."
"Christ lives in you now; you've got the new heart now."
"His Spirit bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God."
"The life I live, it's no longer me living it, but Christ's living it on the inside of me."
"For those who belong to Christ Jesus have nailed the passions and desires of their sinful nature to his cross and have crucified them there."
"I'm his workmanship created in Christ for good works, and they were predestined beforehand that we might walk in them."
"The way it is through Christ is my true identity."
"Christian living is waking up and rejoicing you're a son because the blood is speaking better things, and you are free, you are righteous, you are His."
"We are the body of Christ, the strongest entity and gang on the planet when we recognize who we are."
"To be a Christian doesn't mean you're approved by God; it simply means you have been saved by God."
"I am a new creation in Christ; old things are passed away, and all things are new."
"We're a royal priesthood; we make up the kingdom."