
Spiritual Restoration Quotes

There are 93 quotes

"He restores my soul; He leads me in paths of righteousness for His name's sake."
"God says, 'I'm going to restore.' Okay? To restore means to give you back what you have lost."
"God said he will restore unto you the years that the cankerworm has eaten away."
"If you'll say, 'God, I admit I made the mistake,' you turn, not only is He there, but He's running toward you."
"If I'll take responsibility and repent, if I'll turn, then God is able to restore."
"If you find out how it got started, you can appreciate how God is going to restore everything back."
"Come and receive what he has for you... get your life back, get your joy back."
"Your restoration has begun tonight. It's not 'you will recover all,' but it's 'you are recovering all as of this night.'"
"I love the fact that we're seeing this unfolding restoration."
"Your heart is to restore, Lord, there's not a situation that's impossible for you to overturn."
"Jesus forgives, restores, and offers a new life of freedom."
"When God brings you back, that is a beautiful place."
"Jesus Christ did the same for us that we we once we were lost once we were walking in darkness once we were broken and he came to fixed our lives up is amazing."
"God wants to restore truth and righteousness in the Spirit of God through repentance and surrender."
"God provides restoration when we fail, God offers hope in an uncertain world."
"The devil uses and then discards, but God loves and restores."
"God wants to restore to you that level of spirituality and that level of joy."
"You can stand in the presence of God under the blood of Jesus and say, 'I want it back! In the name of Jesus, I want back everything Satan stripped from me and stole from me and took from me!'"
"The gospel is about grace, redemption, and restoration."
"Religion will return to what it was supposed to be in the beginning."
"After that happened, God restored my attractions."
"In Jesus' name, every curse be broken, let it be broken right now."
"God is restoring people right now in the name of Jesus Christ."
"Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation, uphold me with thy free spirit."
"The incident reflects the posture of Jesus Christ when he forgives, restores, and offers a new life of freedom to the woman caught in adultery."
"For those that are just beaten down by disappointment Lord I pray for their mind their heart their soul and their body that you would renew restore and redeem that which Satan has stolen."
"When you heal, you don't just heal the sickness, but you restore everything."
"God is telling these people, 'Hey look here, I'm going to now restore to you.'"
"The word 'salvation' means to restore back to original state."
"Jesus has always been in the process of restoring the dignity that has been stolen from us."
"Whatever the devil has taken from you, God wants to restore and give you more."
"You need to believe, you need to have faith. Jesus Christ restores."
"God's ultimate purpose in judgment is never destruction; it is always restoration."
"God's punishments always have the goal of repentance and restoration."
"Ezekiel 37 prophesies the restoration of Israel, even from the valley of dry bones."
"For those of you that feel like you should have been married years ago, God is restoring those years back to you."
"God always restores to you more than you lose and he resupplies to you so much more than you give away."
"God restores what the wicked seek to destroy."
"God wants to restore some things in order for us to more fully live out the kingdom purpose."
"We've got broken altars in our lives those that we made to guard him we never kept them but first of all you built the old altar, repaired it."
"Sometimes I want to stop and think to myself at the same time when God was doing the work of restoring a church, he was also doing the work of restoring a boy."
"Receive your restoration in the name of Jesus."
"The Most High is now restoring us not just in knowledge... but also the power that we had before."
"The Lord restored Job's losses when he prayed for his friends."
"You are restored today in the name of Jesus."
"I stand by the authority of scripture and decree restoration."
"The most high is bringing all this information out because that's what it said was going to happen that the most highest people were going to stand back on their feet."
"When Jesus died on the cross, he died to restore you to the glory you fell short of."
"God's purpose was to offer restoration to the world through the coming Messiah."
"God's grace and the power of the Holy Spirit can revive and restore a seared conscience through genuine repentance and surrender to His transformative work."
"He was restored, he was made whole, he was set free."
"The story of the good news is that our messed up broken lives may be restored refreshed renewed regalvanized put back together in a better version than before as a result of what Jesus has done."
"Hope is rising in their heart, faith is rising in their heart, the joy of the Lord is being restored to them even right now."
"God started restoring the truth of the body of Christ."
"Restoration is coming, restoration, things that have been lost, things that have been stolen, things that have been forgotten, things that have been damaged, restoration restore Jesus name."
"Repentance goes upward in and up on the vertical, it's that repentance that will bring the restoration."
"Humans are already restored through the grace of Christ."
"Revival restores the word of God."
"God is a healer, God is a restorer."
"Truth is the restoration of the walk in the garden; it is paradise restored."
"Jesus's whole purpose in coming is the restoration of your heart."
"It's paradise regained; paradise lost in Genesis is regained in Revelation."
"When God comes for us to put his hands on us, he is utterly unafraid of our chaos and is entering into our lives to bring a deep and profound restoration."
"Restore us, restore our minds, restore our hearts, renew our souls, oh God."
"Lord, restore unto me the joy of my salvation."
"Restore every area of my life and let your light shine upon me."
"The next step is spiritual restoration after the physical restoration of Israel and its people."
"He sat there clothed and in his right mind."
"I took an L and bounced back, in the spirit I got restored."
"Restoration is coming, says the spirit of the Living God."
"The Torah of Adonai is perfect, restoring the soul."
"God sees all of that, and that's why God restores you."
"Jesus delights in rescuing and rebuilding and restoring sinful lost people."
"The prayer offered in faith shall restore the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up."
"Father, we're grateful for the promise of 1st John chapter 1 verse 9 which exists for the church age believer to restore broken fellowship with you."
"When you have the word, you can have restoration."
"God is seeking to restore us to that image."