
Phase Quotes

There are 124 quotes

"You have just entered a phase where you have successfully overcome some sort of transformation."
"I think at this point we're definitely in phase three of the influencer takeover."
"The next phase in their whole social media game."
"Once, in the phase, I suddenly heard the best Rammstein song ever."
"We're plotting X versus Y, the two 10 MHz signals, and if they were perfectly in phase and perfectly in frequency with each other, that would just be a constant circle of some diameter."
"This is a phase of your life where you are really wholeheartedly working on yourself."
"You're in a seeking phase, you have time to search out something intriguing for you, you're looking for something to feed you."
"The phase of the quantum amplitude is determined by the position in branchial space."
"I've been ordering a lot of shoes. It's a phase."
"A major phase in your life is ending, embrace the newness."
"Every child goes through a big King Charles phase."
"I'm going through a really big fantasy phase in my life right now."
"It's got a 20 plus 1 plus 2 phase VRM for all the overclocking your heart desires."
"I feel like you're entering a new phase energetically, maybe in your own life, but also tapping into a fresh way of looking at the situation with this person."
"We're in a phase of very rapid energy shifts on the planet."
"The Imperial Phase" as Tennant describes it doesn’t indicate an untouchable ascension, but a moment of dizzying visibility that can never be repeated."
"I am just in a thrifting phase right now and I'm loving it."
"For me, this is always the yikes phase. Yikes for sure."
"This is my discovering Sylvia Plath phase I feel like the girls who read"
"Love that phase. Don't even rush it."
"I'm ready for a relationship I've seen a lot of people finesse themselves out of their blessing because they still think they can be in their whole phase while getting in position to build a home it don't work like that."
"I'm just trying to imagine being in a phase in your life when you think everything sucks and everything's over."
"This phase in your life, it's not going to be forever."
"I love color... I'm in my rainbow phase."
"You are in a discovery phase, a phase of exploration."
"An unspoken acknowledgment that this new phase in their lives holds the promise of deeper intimacy."
"You're at a really powerful point in your life."
"Now we're at the 'I can watch them while I'm doing something else' phase of the MCU. We'll call this phase 2."
"It feels like one of those phase things, like a bubble that's soon going to burst."
"I love that about this phase, that we started getting weird movies."
"She's kind of going through a more rebellious phase."
"This boy right here, man, I mean he is at that age, you know?"
"...especially for a project coming up in this particular phase..."
"Phase four has been pretty much straight up weak."
"Even if it is a WTF phase, well, no one's doing like the roller coaster tycoon jump after they go to hell, no they aren't doing, unless you're sadistic."
"...there's mental toughness, physical toughness, and then also are you at a phase in your life where you're ready for this [ __ ]?"
"You're going through a cycle for sure, you'll come out of it, this too shall pass as they say."
"This was the beginning of Bret's crybaby phase where he complained about absolutely everything."
"I feel like this person is someone who just has a lot of good in their life, like they are in their swan era."
"This is phase 1 of what is soon to be the dream crew."
"Stage two is a perfectly fine place to be for a little while."
"I think that was a little phase that I think you're doing every bother anymore."
"Sometimes you go through a phase in your career where Everything You Touch seems to turn to gold."
"More molecules in general, as long as they're all in the same phase, mean more entropy."
"I think we're in a more serious phase but there's still that honeymoon level attraction there."
"We are essentially finished with phase one of this project."
"We're moving into phase two of the bull market."
"I'm loving this pink on me y'all, like I just can't, I'm going through a pink phase right now and I'm not even mad at it."
"It's a new phase opening up for you."
"So by adding together a Sine Wave and a Cosine Wave of the same frequency, but different amplitudes, we can change the phase of the resultant wave."
"And most importantly, I want you guys to understand that this is a temporary phase."
"Believe me, this is a phase she's going through. It'll pass, just try to believe."
"It's crazy, but I feel like this is the phase where we are, it's the growing phase."
"I love it. I have been going through some kind of weird, belated pink phase in my life."
"The benefit of detailed analysis of phase can take place."
"Once all movement and encounters have been resolved, play moves to the event phase."
"The momentum p governs the spatial variation, the x dependence of the phase of the wave function."
"Everything about the lock journey is great, okay. You just gotta embrace the phase that you're in."
"I'm just going to live in the moment for now, just enjoy the fact you're in the honeymoon phase."
"I'm just in a hat phase right now."
"Coherent waves have the same frequency and a constant phase difference."
"They want to work on this and have a new phase with you."
"It's almost like that kind of empty nester type feeling, right? It's like a massive phase is ending."
"I've been going through a transformational phase."
"We're entering the third phase of this bull market, which is the biggest gains and the shortest amount of time."
"The diffusion phase of the gradient is the most important part of the learning."
"Is this a phase? Will I eventually get over the curiosity of what else might be out there, and will settling down be the right thing in the end?"
"This is going to be a phase in their life where most toddlers are going to be considered picky eaters."
"You're being moved into this incredibly creative phase or chapter of your life."
"It's like it's only just beginning, so right now it's in this strange phase."
"You already know I'm in my grown phase era, my grown and sexy era."
"The wet signal that comes here to the mixer is going to be in phase with the input signal."
"I went through a pickling phase, you'll never believe that."
"One of the defining attributes of a topological phase should be a bulk edge correspondence."
"I'm having a blast and I'm going to be so mad when this little phase is over."
"I have never grown out of my 2010 Tumblr phase."
"They're bringing new writers in to potentially try and salvage phase five."
"I just feel like my life is just going through this amazing phase or cycle or whatever it is."
"We want to make sure that things are lined up properly so that there's no cancellation of sounds."
"Frequency response is simply the information stored in these two variables: A(ω) and Φ(ω)."
"Data wrangling and exploration is one of the most important phases of the data analytics process."
"You're coming into a really successful phase."
"Enjoy it, appreciate it, know that this is the right phase for the one you're in."
"I'm sick of my mind, it's out of control, I thought it was fine, but that was a phase."
"It's like there's an incredible amount a wealth of information or an entirely new phase of your development that is being triggered by your acceptance."
"I'm very much enjoying phase two of Collider live."
"It's only a stage, a rebellion stage."
"If the atomic orbitals overlap out of phase, the result will be a plane which is called a nodal plane."
"There is no global phase ambiguity when working in terms of the density operator."
"k is called the wave number, and one can intuitively interpret it as the number that converts distance to phase."
"Welcome back to the channel, now I'm so excited to beat a truck, we're starting phase two of it."
"The phase contribution will always be equal to zero."
"It's just a silly phase I'm going through."
"The resonances are coming towards each other spectrally, and the overall phase adds up to \(0\) to \(2\pi\)."
"If you introduce a gradient of phase not only in space domain but also in time domain... very beautiful things could happen."
"Phase 1: involves getting data from the database using bulk collect."
"It is very advantageous to have a single quantity representing the variations happening in the three phases."
"The Phase 3 is everything I expected and hoped it would be."
"This darkness isn't everlasting; it's but a phase, a stepping stone to greater things."
"I'm going through a bad phase right now."
"So the phase contains an awful lot of the physics."
"When a circuit contains pure resistance and no reactive components, both voltage and current are in phase."
"The phase angle between two fluxes that is decided at the time of design stage and it is adjusted in such a way that the resultant flux that is always positive in nature."
"I am seeing you enter a new phase, Capricorn."
"There's new momentum now and whatever this next phase is."
"Right now, as we get into this next phase, we can call it epic."
"You are entering a phase where you are about to enjoy life."
"Relationship is evolving to the next phase."
"You're entering a fortunate cycle or phase."
"It's not anxiety is not something that's going to harm you; it's just a phase."
"You're entering a transitional phase."
"I'm such a bubble girl, but I think I'm entering an orange blush phase."
"We're in this new phase of volcanism in the Reykjanes Peninsula."
"You are entering into a phase of plenty."
"This is the beginning of this new phase that you're in now."
"You're entering into a phase where you're being seen, you're being noticed."
"You're coming into a phase where you're going to feel rejuvenated, you're going to feel young again."
"I believe we're heading towards a new phase in this volcano and maybe some unprecedented territory."
"I hope that this next phase that we're going into starts to build up the universe."