
English Quotes

There are 260 quotes

"Master your English introduction. It's so simple."
"English is top dog when it comes to clout on the world stage."
"I've never stopped liking English literature."
"Practice speaking English every single day, even if it's for a few minutes."
"The key to improving your listening skill is to actually improve your understanding of spoken English or how the language is spoken."
"English is probably one of the hardest, if not the hardest, languages to learn."
"It's important to remember that English is not the master language for everything."
"English is not one big mass; English is fluid and is constantly evolving."
"Practising your writing skills is a surefire way to improve your English level."
"Day number three, you're going to focus on English idioms."
"Day number four, you're going to focus on English phrasal verbs."
"Day number five, your focus is going to be English sentence creation and fluency."
"Learning English one hour a day will help you enormously."
"English is an international business language. If you want to make money on the internet, you have to understand English."
"You've just started on your journey to speaking English fluently because now the first step was to understand how to hack the brain of an American."
"English language has been a more homogenized language."
"The English language is very difficult. Ask anybody that's had to learn it, they'll tell you this is a complicated and very confusing language."
"My everyday life outside of work is 90% English."
"They invented the English language and it seems like they got it wrong."
"I'm thinking I'll major in English; after all, I've got plenty of stories to tell, especially the horror story that defined my life on that terrifying night in January."
"Are you ready to practice speaking in English with me? Let's do it."
"As an English speaker, you already have a big head start on learning Spanish because the two languages share some common roots, especially when it comes to vocabulary."
"Like most good Americans, I really only speak one language, which is English. Amen."
"Even the Arabic language influenced the formation of English language."
"English spelling can cause confusion, as the rules are complex with many exceptions."
"English is a stress-timed language, meaning the timing of what we say is dependent on the number of stressed syllables in a word."
"Speaking in English without using the adequate pause is to show people what words go together is like writing without any punctuation, it's very hard for people to understand."
"If you can slow down when you speak English and pause between phrases, that will really boost your intelligibility even if there're sounds that you can't pronounce."
"This is the most important thing for getting a grade 9 in English in general."
"Hobbits are just rustic English people made small in size because it reflects the general small reach of their imagination."
"A strong English introduction can help you leave a lasting memorable impression on others."
"Writing is such a great way to improve your English because you're using your vocabulary, you're using your grammar, you're using advanced sentence structure."
Let's get started with the first Essential Business English phrase. It's kind of a two for one. It is a case of the Mondays, or you might hear some people say, "Mondays, am I right?"
"The level of English that people speak here is a joke... almost everyone I speak to speaks insanely good English."
"Immersed in English, all the time."
"The deeper you dive in English, the better you understand the beauty of language."
"...there's kind of this vibe recently that everyone should learn a foreign language. I don't really buy into that. I think that actually if you know English, you have access to most of the important information that exists in the world right now."
"The Black Death weakened the ruling class's grip on French making English the common language."
"Being good at English means being able to understand English in all its diversity."
"English is not just about what you know, it's about what you can do."
"Now as far as the history of English dubs made for the United States, that's about where everything ends."
"So many people in non-English speaking countries still do speak English and there are so many schools and so many countries teaching English it's almost the default second language for so many countries in the world."
"Everything I do here is designed to help you get the confidence you want for your life and work in English."
"Just feels really nice there's a black chalk that's the English wine that grows on the English vnes in the English country English English that must be that yeah it is."
"It actually comes from the oldest cookbook in English."
"London is quintessentially English...yet cosmopolitan."
"For me it is the most special and important sound of English because it allows the language to be musical."
"My favorite thing about Daiso is the great English."
"Practicing questions like this helps you increase your English dictionary and your IQ."
"English spelling is hard but it's also fascinating and tells a story."
"The best part about English is it's mind-blowing usefulness."
"Have you had similar troubles with English?"
"It's like I've paid my money um and here you go, now as you said fill me with English, go yes."
"I need to improve my English pronunciation."
"And actually, I love what is a full Irish Breakfast. It's kind of like a full English breakfast, but better."
"All he's got to do is hit it with a half a tip of right-hand English. That'll send him in perfect line."
"The goal of accurate English is to help you speak English with confidence, clarity, and accuracy."
"The Spanish were depicted as cruel, lazy, bigoted, and fanatical, while the English and Dutch were painted as benevolent."
"Even if you didn't do well, it's okay because you are still practicing your English trying to build your vocabulary and learn new words because that's really what's going to help you improve your English fluency."
"Do support in English might have come from or been reinforced by Celtic languages."
"It's often translated quite understandably and usefully as 'soul' in English."
"Although the national language is Tagalog, or Filipino, more people speak English in the Philippines than in the United Kingdom."
"Language is interesting. English language is bizarre."
"I think, to a degree, English has done that with the 100 competition over here which is very consumable to all, done in a couple of hours, loads of kids."
"It's one of the main trees that the English harvested."
"Uncovering the logic of English reveals phonograms and spelling rules."
"English words do not end in v or U."
"Learn English as a first language. That is the strategy, that's the whole thing."
"English is already spreading around the world, simplifying into a new form known as Globish."
"The English translation has to stand on its own."
"When was the beginning of English? Of course, it's Old English."
"You should be learning everything all in English."
"Languages change over time. English is different than it was in Shakespeare's time."
"What Tyndale went on to do was to translate the Bible into English."
"Do you feel your English is improving? Slowly, yes."
"English-speaking populations may exist throughout the Americas in a variety of different nations."
"Helping you practice and improve your English skills."
"Practicing this is just going to help your overall English fluency."
"If you're keen on improving your English, join our community, and you'll be amazed by all the cool stuff we'll send you."
"As an English teacher, I notice a lot of mistakes, native speakers make."
"...absolutely charming and a fascinating little insight into English country and English village life."
"Congratulations on learning so many real phrasal verbs for daily English conversation."
"Our English language evolved over a couple thousand years out of various root languages in the country we call England."
"Listen closely to the phrases I use when I'm talking about that and hopefully, this lesson helps you learn just a little bit more English."
"English is the international language; you often need to use it when you travel."
"English is kind of cool like that sometimes. It allows you to convey a lot of information in just a little teeny-tiny tense if you get it right."
"Hello and welcome to English like a native with me, your host Anna English."
"Whether you're learning British English or American English, these pronunciation classes are helpful for everybody."
"I love writing in English... it gives me maybe a sense of freedom."
"When you listen to something twice it can really help with your English learning."
"The classic English breakfast is available throughout England."
"Farah... an English originated name meaning beautiful."
"English language is very important... it is the lingua franca that is understood by all."
"Effortless English is one of the best English courses to progress very fast."
"Speak English powerfully, speak English confidently, speak English fluently, speak English effortlessly."
"Creating this positive anchor to English is your first step to faster travel on the road to fluency."
"Each and every time you study English, create a peak emotional state."
"Build a strong anchor, a strong connection between English and your positive emotions."
"Charm, English originated meaning joy and delight."
"We are fluent in English; it's our second language."
"Speaking English well can definitely change your life."
"I'm going to be demonstrating some fun online activities that you can use to help children to develop English skills."
"The little kids, they're learning English, simple English, so that they can go on to the other primary school just down the hill."
"What's up guys, it's Mike from Job Really English, helping you pass the interviews for world-famous companies."
"I believe that one day there will be a mature English cultural expression of Islam."
"Robinson Crusoe is often cited as the first English novel."
"The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog uses every letter in the English language."
"Let's explore the thousand-year evolution of the English and British coronation."
"Make sure to watch until the end to take your English to the next level."
"Modern English people took about 38% of their DNA from Anglo-Saxon skeletons."
"English should be a joy to study."
"Some people say that there aren't actually 12 tenses."
"When it comes to speaking English, we use the simplest tenses for most people most of the time."
"What matters is that you learn to use English for everyday communication; that's what we do here at Go Natural English."
"Start learning English by doing things you love in English and setting goals around those activities."
"IELTS: the International English Language Testing System."
"Hello, Go Natural English learners! How are you today? I'm so excited to be here with you."
"Private English classes are a good business in North Korea."
"The English language is in a constant state of evolution."
"I'm your guide to the essential conversation skills you need to sound more natural in English."
"You would have a very comprehensive English program for your middle school years."
"Modals bring everything together and allow us to talk about possibilities."
"It's a house that epitomizes the classic vision of an Old English country house."
"I was desperate to find people to practice my English with."
"We're here to help you take your English to the next level with both American and British English."
"Awesome, well hello and welcome to this English lesson about phrasal verbs."
"In this lesson, I'll wrap up this series of English lessons."
"Well hello and welcome to this English lesson where you get to ask me questions and I try my best to answer them."
"If you go to bobthecanadian.com, you will see a list of all the places that I am teaching English."
"Make sure the chat is English only, make sure you use the chat to have conversations with each other."
"Any time you can talk to someone in English, it will help your English."
"Hello there, I am Drew Badger, the founder of englishanyone.com and the English fluency guide."
"In this video, we're going to talk about how to say exactly what you want fluently in English."
"This is about understanding different language patterns like a native so that you can start using these as well."
"I'm here to help you listen to more English and the idea is that if you do that, your English will improve as a result."
"Listening is so important in learning English."
"Anytime you can get English to go in your ears, however you do it, is a good thing."
"In English, there are many collective nouns that are grammatically singular but describe a group of people or some kind of collection of individuals."
"Spanish is a mostly vowel-oriented tongue, but English is very focused and very exact on the right pronunciation of the consonants."
"In Spanish, there is no such thing as English pronoun 'it'."
"Well hello and welcome to this English lesson about phrasal verbs."
"Learning English is an invaluable skill. You cannot place a dollar value on learning English because the ways that English can change your life is without a price."
"English is widely spoken in Malaysia, which makes communication for us so much easier."
"We wanted to show you that there are some differences between American English and British English, and it's not just vocabulary, sometimes it's a little bit of the sentence structure."
"People have said that English is the biggest language in the world, but I would say that bad English is the biggest language in the world."
"It's just traditional Old English, proper Norfolk Coastline."
"The benefit of the English language in the Philippines is that it gives me more choices of where I could live."
"This is living language, you listening to me now, this is real English."
"You are improving your English right now, you're practicing English."
"You are communicating in English, understanding in English some very serious deep topics."
"Time is the most used noun in the English language."
"Language change over time is the evolution of English throughout the different millennia since its conception."
"English is not phonetic, doesn't work the same way."
"Get used to the idea that intonation for questions in English can rise or it can fall."
"I learned English from cartoons, man. Some people are so smart."
"She started teaching English on various websites and she created two classes on the website Outschool."
"Keep your interest in English and study hard!"
"Snakker du engelsk? translates as Are you speaking English?"
"Kan du snakke engelsk? is the equivalent of Can you speak English?"
"I'm your guide to the essential communication skills you need to sound more natural in English."
"If you speak English, it's definitely a plus point because K-pop is going more international."
"English must be an extraordinarily difficult language to learn."
"I think the way that English developed, it took a bit of romance languages but it also took a bit of the Germanic languages as well."
"Once again, I'm Kim from englishwithkim.com. I'm your guide to the essential conversation skills you need to sound more natural in English."
"I've been learning English by listening to your programs about particle physics."
"Understanding all of the sounds right from the beginning is a really important key to understanding how English works."
"Understanding how English works is really powerful."
"Our practice has been and always will be to use the absolute infallible word of God preserved in the authorized version of the King James Bible 1611 in the international language of English."
"I'm going to teach the heck out of English."
"Make the most of every opportunity to use English."
"You're not doing any harm by learning Canadian and American English at the same time."
"The English language is well designed for jokes."
"I'm so glad that you're here today to learn English, to enjoy English."
"It's going to be your traditional English cottage garden with vegetables and fruit."
"Duolingo incorporates English to ensure you always understand what's going on."
"Learning English doesn't have to be painful; you can actually enjoy yourself and learn quickly with fluency."
"Even though English is a relatively easy language to learn, especially compared to the complicated grammar rules in German, spelling and pronunciation in English just don't make any sense sometimes."
"English readers, you cannot miss this one."
"I am studying English but I am a beginner."
"When you want to learn English, read, listen, think, and speak; do each activity for 30 minutes every day."
"Canadian English and American English is very similar, Australian English has a very different accent."
"Are you ready to learn some English?"
"Well hello everyone and welcome to this English lesson."
"Through English, I want to teach students how to find themselves and how to decide who they're going to be."
"English is the official language of 57 countries, that's more than any other."
"Languages do sometimes gain material; for example, right now in English, there are pairs of simple old roots and their extended versions."
"Homophones in English are pairs of words that sound the same but have distinctly different meanings and different spellings."
"There are only four words in the English language which end in 'dous': tremendous, horrendous, stupendous, and hazardous."
"They really are the heroes of Master English Conversation."
"This is Interactive English, which is the place that you want to be if you are looking to practice and improve your English skills."
"Wes and Jana are awesome English teachers."
"I think it was a huge deal. In Guatemala, for example, you probably double your income potential by just the fact that you know English."
"English has more words than any other language in existence."
"I want to show you a little trick that will make your English sound better instantly."
"Surviving with just English is possible."
"You know who learned English from watching Friends?"
"I think that's a great way to practice your English, not only go through your day but also talk about your feelings."
"I prefer talking in English with someone I like."
"I'm English and love the outdoors. I do loads of hiking on my own in the Lake District."
"If you're learning English like a native, this is how you do it."