
Legal Process Quotes

There are 658 quotes

"You don't get to arrive at the trial unless you have a fundamentally fair process, and it starts with the prosecutor."
"Hopefully the legal process she's engaged in is smooth and an easy W."
"The bill itself unquestionably gives Ukraine 60 billion dollars, allows illegal immigration up to 5,000 per day or more. It just moves them to Ports of entry and says they can now process more claims. It codifies the legal process; it basically legalizes anyone walking across the border."
"The Constitution requires a process other than the criminal justice system to formally accuse a sitting president of wrongdoing."
"President Biden should let the process play out right; we can't mix politics in legal proceedings."
"The fact that Ivanka, Mike Pence, and Jared are being dragged kicking and screaming into grand juries means that we're at the beginning of the end of the prosecutions."
"There's plenty of layers of control over this FISA application process. You have to be scrupulously accurate."
"Mr. Hillary has conducted himself with extreme dignity throughout this entire process."
"In the modern era, a trial by judge and jury, where a range of carefully gathered evidence can be considered and debated before a verdict of guilt or innocence is passed down, is deemed to be the most reliable form of justice."
"When I write an opinion resolving a case, I read every word from the perspective of the losing party."
"If you choose to request removal of content by submitting an infringement notification, please remember that you are initiating a legal process."
"Isn't there an alternative to conservators? There are, but she has to get out of this first."
"We could absolutely completely have a legal process where we actually allow every single person that wants to come in to go through the proper steps."
"This case has us shaking our heads. Why? Because the victims did nothing wrong. It didn't have to happen. But justice will prevail."
"The purpose of the inquest... is to ascertain a limited but important set of questions: who the deceased was, when and where they died, the medical cause of their death, and how they came by their death."
"Renouncing your citizenship to a given nation is generally a fairly simple affair in many regions of the world."
"When the gavel falls, it's not just a verdict. It's the culmination of countless stories, facts, and legal nuances."
"In the courtroom, every voice matters, every detail contributes to the larger picture, and every case is a new chapter in the ongoing quest for justice."
"The impeachment judgment Clause does not support the argument that the only way to pursue criminal charges against a president, or former president, is through the impeachment process."
"What happens after the indictment? Just help us understand the process, talk to us like the non-lawyers that we are."
"This subpoena is beneath the Congress of the United States."
"Just as I think, by the way, it's wrong for people to steal the place of anyone who legally waited in the queue to take part in the great American experiment."
"The juiciest part of this entire thing is going to be discovery where the Department of Justice gets to go through all of their emails and we get to find out real reasons."
"Hopefully, this is the beginning of a process that will hold Mr. Colmes responsible for his depraved conduct."
"The jury heard the evidence and returned a verdict. It demonstrates that everybody is accountable to the rule of law."
"Trump did in fact plead not guilty to all these charges."
"Facing my victim's family was the most horrifying experience."
"I do not know if Mr. Trump will be found guilty... but I do know that he will have his day in court. Using this committee to undermine that process as it unfolds is cynical, unethical, and... just plain dangerous."
"Donald Trump is going to have to come to and surrender himself. He's going to be arraigned, he's going to sit in front of a judge today, and he's going to be treated... just like any other citizen."
"Richard maintained his innocence throughout the process, eventually remarried, and moved on from the case entirely."
"It's very important to understand the facts of the case so that you charge correctly and so that we understand what is going to happen once this gets into a courtroom."
"The core principle here is not complicated: In the United States of America, all legal ballots must be counted."
"Why should they be charged? You just said you wanted the process to work, but then you said you don't want the process to work because they should be charged."
"All we're asking you to do is exactly what the defense asked you to do: read the court order, look at the evidence."
"It's a mystery that we will address in the Appellate Court."
"The state held their burden and I felt like the defense did nothing to poke holes in it."
"We're going to see recordings, we are going to see text messages and emails."
"This was the week I like to call the AAA week. Auditors, accountants, and appraisers..."
"We have a tradition in America of a fair and speedy trial."
"I remain hopeful. Let's let the criminal justice system, let the courts do what they do. Let's hope we get justice here for Crystal."
"It's important that everybody take a deep breath here this is a very serious matter and it would be better if we could let the legal process play out."
"Unanimity on this: the officers should be charged, they've been laid off, and investigations are underway."
"We want people to come into our country through a legal system, through a system that they love our country, they work to come into our country."
"The wheels of Justice are turning in the right direction."
"We respect the jury verdict based on three and a half days of careful deliberations." - Kenosha County District Attorney
"Amanda Bynes's conservatorship is over. Amanda Bynes asked for it to end, documents were filed, the conservatorship ended..."
"Every vote gets counted, every polling station gets investigated, then we can make that call. And that's the way it is."
"This is evidence... what do we do? We must investigate."
"Our committee had the opportunity last spring to present much of our evidence to a federal judge."
"Michigan has played a starring role in the January 6th hearings."
"What she has decided today is to allow that extradition process to continue..."
"Congress needs to follow its constitutional responsibilities and, you know, pick up the Mueller Report, hold hearings on it and follow that path wherever it legitimately leads."
"If the evidence bears this out, how does one not proceed in the direction of an indictment?"
"The better practice is for us to go to Congress to seek an authorization."
"Success is them saying we've started the investigation they're sending subpoenas so yeah that's all I'm asking for."
"I think all just have to be very patient with the legal process... but I do expect there to be some restoration or restitution for those who were victimized."
"Why are we here? To follow the facts, apply the law, be guided by the constitution, and present the truth to the American people."
"We have no decision on abortion, we are only sending this back to the people and the people's representatives."
"There were so many questions that were not being asked of the witnesses that were being presented by the prosecution."
"Wow, Mario makes a comeback! Link, wow, I can't believe Link's in Smash Bros."
"It's easy to make an arrest, it's much harder to get a conviction."
"The jury is allowed to find all facts and all inferences that are available from those facts."
"They are specifically told they will not be swayed by Sympathy by Prejudice or passion."
"Perhaps it would be best if we added this to the witness's testimony. Would you please tell us what you recalled, Miss Sky?"
"Nobody should be rushing this process. We have the rule of law, we have the opportunity to petition courts, present our case, and let's see what happens."
"DoJ issues a subpoena... then they got the surveillance."
"It's pretty suspicious...they're just a no hearing."
"The story is that they were in court and in cross-examination, and the defense asked the agent, 'Look at these messages.' It was all in front of everybody."
"Do you think you would have called this Witness?"
"You work an investigation not to meet the burden of charging someone, you work an investigation to meet the burden of a conviction that will stand up on appeal."
"Certainly confident enough that there was ample probable cause for the issuance of the various warrants in the case."
"Maybe they should have extended due process to the defendant."
"In every other setting in life if something's foreclosed upon to pay the debt, the surplus always goes back to the original owner."
"Does it sound a little bit dishonest for the FBI to have brought in Flynn under the auspices of having a friendly little conversation and then sandbag him with false charges?"
"Their job is to look at the facts and the evidence."
"The statutory instrument is prepared but is being considered and will be brought forward if there is a suitable opportunity."
"It's a fake argument, but all of this is good, you know right? It's got to go through the courts, it's got to be fought."
"We definitely need to investigate any and all fraud claims and litigate everything we can."
"Mr. Cohen's testimony is the beginning of the process, not the end."
"Aaron is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, and until the police have enough evidence to bring him to that court of law, probably nothing's going to happen there."
"It would probably just be like a, you know, can you submit an affidavit that, you know, that I wasn't in cahoots with the jury for some reason?"
"He's really, really close, he's probably on the two yard line or one yard line of a charging decision."
"The aha moment for the jury was the audio tape of the interview."
"So even though it took quite a while for it to happen, justice was served."
"It provides lawful immediate, it goes directly to adjustment of status for about eight to ten million people."
"Are the courts going to undo what went on? I don't know but the state legislatures in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, perhaps Arizona, they now have an opportunity to make a stand on behalf of the rule of law."
"All January 6 prosecutions should now be paused for evidentiary hearings and investigations."
"It was a fairly simple case, document-intensive, but you've got to follow what the facts and the evidence are."
"This is why everyone needs to chill out. We have a system in place that tries to do it to the best of its abilities to seek justice."
"A president may be impeached tried and upon conviction afterwards be liable to prosecution and Punishment in the ordinary course of the law."
"The sentencing guidelines commission was established for a reason. The law should presume that the guideline sentence is appropriate."
"Because they aren't actually determining criminality at those camps."
"But when legal observers say opening an impeachment inquiry would give the House more tools to actually get the stuff they are seeking..."
"Your investigation was not hindered at any point."
"These charges in today's indictments are only allegations, and the defendants are presumed innocent until proven guilty."
"The Justice Department had material referred to them for prosecution."
"That was probably the most significant breakthrough... we could start focusing on Kirby as the suspect."
"At the end of this entire hearing, the judge basically stated that since I didn't land, it wasn't necessary for takeoff or landing..."
"So that's currently where we stand. We are beginning the appeal process, which I am able to fly during..."
"Nothing that you do will derail the efforts of my staff and I bring the election interference prosecution to trial."
"Confirmation is not exoneration and these newest revelations are disturbing."
"As we reach this historical Milestone... it's not a matter anymore of if Donald Trump is going to be indicted, now it's a matter of when."
"The terrifying beauty of the adversarial process is that if you don't tell the whole story, your adversary will."
"If someone paid your fine then the judge can let you go."
"One fact at a time, one question, one fact at a time."
"Let's go to the police. Let's figure this out, you feel what I'm saying?"
"I automatically said, 'Yo, there's two sides to this, let me go to the police.'"
"That's bullshit and that's why in court cases and systems we have due process where you can't just tar people, you can't just assume things."
"This is the part of the case where things start to speed up."
"A fair process is essential for true justice."
"If abortion laws have to be made by our elected representatives, women all across this country will be cruelly forced to convince their fellow citizens by using reason."
"The way people have shown a complete lack of regard for evidence and due process has been one of the most terrifying and depressing aspects of my experience so far."
"Prosecutors love to claim that we 'do our talking in court,' they say that all the time. We'll let our filings do the speaking."
"This is still a homicide investigation until we have a suspect charged."
"A fair-minded person would now withhold judgment as to guilt until the report and the evidence are available for us to see."
"Interrogatories are a series of questions that opposite sides propose to one another."
"The verdict is going to be reviewed by the higher court and that's appropriate again they have the right to have that process as well."
"That's the best route that we have to ensure Justice or some sort of closure."
"Expedite this appeal will also serve judicial efficiency."
"There is good cause to expedite this appeal for several reasons."
"An expedited appeal is going to serve the interests of Justice."
"There's no problem at all with the legal process and then the a group of elites in our society want to like engage in a coup d'etat do we not have a right to defend ourselves against that?"
"Summary judgment is going to make the decision and I think we have a judge that's going to be able to make that distinction."
"Every objection, every argument, every issue in this courtroom is an appellate issue that will go up to the Supreme Court."
"But it would be unfair to say he was guilty based on what we've heard so far I agree."
"There's nothing left to do but for the jury to decide Kyle Rittenhouse's fate. How fun and exciting!"
"It doesn't mean that he didn't do it, but it means they wouldn't have tried, they would not only have convicted him, they would not have even brought charges against him."
"We're in court asking for the records, we're being stonewalled in our request for the records."
"A sassy footnote kind of made my day. Even though it doesn't change your ruling, somebody can write a great motion and still be wrong on the way that the law comes out because their side just isn't going to be the way that the law falls."
"It's about putting it out in court and showing the evidence, and then dragging them out in the light with Discovery."
"You're not going to arrest somebody before telling us what the law is."
"Prosecutor will just do everything leave no stone unturned and follow the evidence wherever it will lead and if it leads to the indictment of Donald Trump, so be it."
"We felt it was time to proceed with charges."
"The parties now have to go back to the council and continue the case."
"Objectively, the jury cannot convict somebody unless they're 100 percent convinced they did the crime."
"So they shouldn’t let their little legislative inquiry get in the way of the real investigation."
"So then we have a second murder trial, and thank God we do."
"This judge is setting a tone pretty early to say, look, if you don't disclose these documents now, you cannot use them at trial."
"My focus as a prosecutor was protect my Witnesses protect my case and by protecting the case that includes protecting the rights of the defendant protecting the case from undue influence from outside influence protecting the potential jury pool."
"That's what's ahead is the public phase taking these facts and then making them clearer to the public."
"Raymond confessed under interrogation that he strangled Brittany Drexel on the day she vanished and buried her body the following day."
"You have to take it at the value it's given in the court of law."
"Let's begin with a simple explanation of the class trial."
"He faced over 17 hours of interrogation... detectives had no doubt... all they needed from him was a confession."
"I think what we're seeing in the court process... is a judicial process that recognizes some of this." - Brad Garlinghouse
"Why aren't we asking the FBI why aren't you guys detaining her because we don't need Mexico to press charges we can do that right here in the USA."
"There are 57 senators who voted to convict on the facts and the law."
"You would hope that they would reopen the investigation because not guilty means that there's someone else out there."
"Thank you very much, Alex Murdock hasn't been convicted of the financial crimes yet."
"It was just a feeling of relief; hey, it's over with now, let's get him tried."
"Discovery is the process by which you get information from the other side."
"So, now a trial could be set for our two new suspects, and this was 22 years after the murders took place in October of 2005."
"I think a court is not going to have too much trouble, um there yeah, it's piercing the veil."
"I want to turn myself in peacefully to their office, be processed, and continue my work."
"They can obtain the warrants, a second warrant, and, so long as they meet probable cause and have a judge sign off on it, then execute those warrants based on the new evidence that was found."
"You know, we do this obviously to bring people to justice, but at the same time, we're there to bring closure to the family."
"It's definitely seems like a positive thing that with Myspace involved if it's a way that to get them the druze through fraud with Myspace that's fine with me, as long as they get charged something criminally."
"The fact is the house will deliver the article of impeachment to the senate, the senate will conduct a trial of the impeachment of Donald Trump, it will be a full trial, it will be a fair trial but make no mistake there will be a trial."
"We're doing an investigation here, gotta do it legit, you know what I'm saying?"
"I find that your guilty plea is freely and voluntarily entered."
"I smell a charge coming, I feel like it's not long off. There's a lot of probable cause here. There's a lot of evidence already."
"All we're asking is for your cooperation, your politeness to speak and give us what he needs as the justice of why you've done what you've done."
"Let the defense conduct a cross-examination of the witnesses."
"It is not up to the family to say they want it or they don't want it. This is a case in which the coroner definitely should have done an autopsy."
"Tell us your side of the story so we can help you."
"Let's just hope there's a true investigation."
"The DOJ today confirmed without a shadow of a doubt that they are looking at laws, they are investigating with John Durham if laws were broken."
"Let's put on the evidence, put on the case, and let the truth out and let the jury make the decision about what they feel the just outcome is here."
"I want to see those people indicted, prosecuted, and convicted because they broke the law."
"The appellant process can indeed be lengthy and complex especially in cases involving substantial Financial Stakes like those Donald Trump is involved in."
"The Department of Justice seems to be dragging its feet in the investigation."
"Ensures a fair legal process for criminal defendants."
"You cannot be acquitted if you don't have a trial, and you don't have a trial if you don't have witnesses and documentation." - Ben Shapiro
"He said it's not an exoneration. Which by the way, they don't exonerate as you know a prosecutor either makes a case or does not."
"We want people to come into our country, you see that by the vote again, but we want people to come in legally."
"I've met with them twice, they are wonderful courageous strong people and I'll tell you they're going to need all the courage and strength they can as we go through this process."
"If he decides against the defense whoever loses even if you lose in part you can appeal so that part doesn't really make sense to me."
"We are about to see a very studious and careful investigation."
"Nobody can or should prejudge him, and if the people... prove it Beyond A Reasonable Doubt, then he's not guilty."
"Americans are taking this seriously and they want to know the outcome of this proceeding before they potentially head to the polls and re-elect this man."
"Okay, let's have a trial and see like did he do this thing. Let's give him the process and then have it out and have a conclusion about the man's, you know, a filming or not before we decide to vote for him."
"Well, I'm very optimistic that ultimately we will get a new trial."
"The jury deliberated, and it only took them three hours to determine that Billy was guilty."
"The plane was one of the most technologically sophisticated planes of its time."
"A court has formally approved the extradition of Julian Assange to the United States on espionage charges."
"It's never a nothing burger if you have possible jury misconduct."
"Once you get convicted on a felony murder, you're looking at the max sentence."
"Man, these people need to go to trial. It's crazy."
"What I am doing is very serious. It's very important work, and we're going to do our due diligence in making sure that we look at all aspects of the case." - Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis
"This is not a game at all. Might we see a subpoena of the former president himself? Anything is possible." - Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis
"It's kind of thrilling, isn't it, to see the gears of justice finally start to turn?"
"Bring it to an evidentiary hearing and then let the judge decide."
"Justice delayed is Justice denied, but not in this case."
"We can tell the American people whether this president is acting outside of the rule of law and assure the American people we would make sure he'd be held accountable."
"Sometimes when a defendant kicks and screams enough, a judge will, out of an abundance of caution and avoiding any issue or reversal on appeal, will give additional time."
"A new judge has ordered the release of the transcripts of whatever conversation that went on between meek and the judge or the judge and mix team"
"Suspicions can only take an investigator so far and they ultimately mean nothing in a court of law. The truth is told through the evidence."
"Armed with phone records, journal entries, a henchman's confession, and the cut chain link, they were able to tell their story of murder for hire."