
Decolonization Quotes

There are 121 quotes

"The independence of Anglo-Egyptian Sudan in 1956 marked the beginning of the decolonization of Africa."
"The United Nations was founded on the principle of decolonization, not recolonization."
"Decolonization doesn't specifically refer to European influence... It also doesn't refer to just any kind of influence."
"Decolonize our minds in her writings on gender, race, teaching, contemporary culture, and other topics, she reminds us that these are all topics that must be understood as interconnected through their ability to produce and perpetuate systems of oppression."
"The world wars... were the first reason why decolonization happened."
"Russia badly needs decolonization because it's a failing imperial project."
"Real decolonization means that the people on the territory have to say what they want."
"The need for decolonization is pertinent, as is assessing and understanding the intricacies and nuances of problems we face as a people."
"Kerry Lake is presidential, I really do mean it."
"One of the things we have to break free from is... the colonization of our minds."
"He took the world by storm as he led his nation to become the first black African nation to gain independence from the European powers."
"Sounds like somebody needs to decolonize their mind."
"Decolonization must first start by taking proper stock of all these things."
"We must rid ourselves of the consciousness implanted by our European masters."
"For those hoping to export competitive products, obtain affordable credit, find work, or fight for an Africa free from colonial relics, the CFA Franc is an anachronism demanding orderly and methodological elimination."
"London had barely survived World War II the empire had just lost India in an orgy of ethnic cleansing known as partition."
"Decolonisation is the process of unsetting colonial power structures."
"The day of you oppressing the African continent is over."
"As long as our calendar, and by extension our government and our culture, continues to elevate him as a symbol of colonial domination, he deserves to be torn down."
"A significant step towards reducing Western control."
"Ethiopia's victory went on to inspire African nationalists fighting for decolonization."
"Seize this moment and continue the work of decolonizing modernity."
"Decolonize your mind, decolonize your heart."
"Elizabeth was also a touchstone of global decolonization."
"This is about colonialism and how to decolonize."
"Now we are seeing that it turns out that Asimi Goita's plan to suspend French as an official language was the trigger point in Africa to move away from France."
"Do we want criminal colonialism to end? Of course, we do."
"Decolonize the atmosphere, restore atmospheric space to developing countries."
"We need to have what we call as a decolonized our own dristy of the bhara civilization."
"If we don't decolonize our societies, we have no hope of undoing the ideology that accelerates us off the cliff into extinction."
"Decolonization is not genocidal, it is the means by which we finally put a stop to 500 years of colonial genocide."
"By erasing the Indigenous legacy of a place, colonial powers are able to write out the native from the cartography, taxonomy, and topography of a region."
"Decolonization started from the premise that the history we teach children does not include many black historical events or black figures."
"You have to be actively anti-racist as Kendi argues, which doesn't just mean not being racist yourself or calling out people for saying something racist or saying a racist joke but you have to actively work towards opposing systemic racism."
"Critical reflection is crucial to the decolonizing of our minds."
"Cultural decolonization raises questions of authenticity and what can be salvaged."
"Decolonization meant freedom and self-determination of a sort but also it meant loss."
"Decolonization and modernization are intimately related. One way this is true... modernity is said to be the product of colonialism, and... the victims of the latter bore the costs of the former."
"Decolonization was not only looking backward but also looking forward."
"Decolonizing is somehow trying to figure out how we realize how we're shaped by modern racism."
"I used it to counteract, to try to basically decolonize the community college system."
"If we don't decolonize theology, we will continue to believe that the theology handed down to us is what is going to solve our problems."
"Decolonizing universities is an important project beginning with the dismantling of the forms and symbols of homage to colonial figures who are responsible for the death and destruction of millions of people."
"Mama bear speaks: 'I'm here to tell you it's time to decolonize your mind. You've taken up too many of the other people's ways and it's throwing you off track.'"
"Decolonization was not just the granting of sovereignty to large numbers of new states..."
"Decolonization has also meant the opportunity or the encouragement to achieve economic autonomy..."
"Decolonization was regarded as one of the foundational processes in the making of the modern world."
"How do we decolonize? How do we use our imaginations in the service of our wellbeing?"
"It's important that we decolonize our thoughts."
"We have this urgent need to decolonize our minds."
"Ghana was the first African country to be decolonized."
"Support decolonizing mormonism that book from university of utah press as well and purchase those to support the native scholars that are doing similar work and that I'm in dialogue with that are influencing me."
"My main message today is uh decolonize your mind and think about what you're doing."
"The decolonization of magic, they're going to learn how to decolonize a coffee filter."
"We have to continue to make sure that our own academic departments and disciplines are not responsible for doing the revisionist work that colonizers and Masters have done in the past."
"It's hard to do both of them in one day, but let's go--is to complement your reading on de-colonization, and talk about Vietnam and Algeria."
"The only problem we have, and part of the decolonization project, is it cannot be enough that you did well at school and you have money."
"It's also the time, for historians' sake, historical sake, that many African countries but also many countries around the world were emerging from the colonial period."
"You don't have to believe in a colonial knowledge production that has come from the west and its extensions."
"Decolonization is about expanding our social perceptions and tapping into our indigenous worldview."
"Decolonization can't be done in a vacuum where you ignore what's happened in the past."
"Decolonization is about regeneration and removal, like the ecological succession after a forest fire, a complex process of change toward abundance and wisdom."
"Reconnection and strengthening those bonds is the fundamental conception of decolonization."
"Decolonizing your diet... it's the easiest way and really I think the only way to connect to the land in a serious way that our ancestors did."
"Asia is standing up; we are not colonized anymore, we are not children."
"The British Empire came to an end not because Britain had spent the resources needed to govern it but because indigenous colonial nationalist independence movements became too powerful."
"It's going to take some time for individual Canadians and the nation to decolonize their mind from that colonial mentality on which our country is built."
"For helping us decolonize our minds and open them to new ideas."
"Between 1945 and 1960, roughly 36 new states in Asia and Africa achieved autonomy or outright independence from their European colonial rulers."
"Decolonization is the undoing of colonialism, where countries gain independence from their colonial empires."
"Decolonization means desilencing and it means digging deeper and going after stories."
"Decolonization is about what type of information is available for our mainstream societies."
"Decolonizing power structures with benefits to indigenous communities is imperative."
"...we are not reproducing colonial powers within our own practices."
"The movement searching for something other than what was given to us by the colonial Masters."
"We must decolonize our education system and revolutionize our curriculum."
"Her work on indigenous resurgence is a benchmark in the field of Indigenous Studies and serves as a paradigmatic expression of what a truly decolonized indigenous feminist's ethics and politics looks like in our present."
"I am currently reading a book on decolonizing global health."
"The British are very clear in their mind now that they cannot hold on to India."
"It's about time we ended with this sort of paternalistic attitude by the US and the former Colonial powers."
"The history of Israel is decolonization."
"For me, what I needed was to decolonize my mind."
"I believe that the Americas, North, Central, and South, and the Caribbean need to take their power back from colonizers."
"It starts when you decide, when you start becoming self-aware of your own colonization."
"Before you can de-colonize others, you got to de-colonize yourself."
"Ecofeminism decolonizes the violent process of a war against life itself and the war against women and war against the future by removing the false assumptions of superiority and separation."
"Decolonization is a critical moment in the 20th century."
"We of the African stock must regain our self-esteem; we must decolonize our minds."
"1947 is the time when India acquired its independence, the first major country in the world to decolonize."
"Decolonization, the fact that the vast majority of countries around the world actually became free, acquired their independence."
"We must decolonize our education system."
"African languages are essential for the decolonization of the African minds and for the African renaissance."
"People who are colonized get their power back."
"Nevertheless, India was able to throw off the shackles of colonialism, kicking off a wave of decolonization in the aftermath of the second world war."
"They're destroyed by nationalistic movements in Africa, that's how the empire dies."
"African spirituality and decolonization: the historical and cultural context in which Africa inherited religion, western education, and sciences are scandalous, therefore decolonization is necessary in all domains."
"British control of India gradually weakened and ended."
"However, since the early 1960s a linguistic decolonization began whose beneficial effects are already visible."
"...when I look out into the world horizon I almost always see the results of the unfulfilled promises of decolonization..."
"Liberal nationalism supports the freeing of states from colonialism and the creation of democracy."
"The best way to overcome colonialism and to shake off your colonizers is to stop allowing them to define your own identity and your culture and your life."
"Decolonizing India meant shifting the production of cloth and other goods away from British factories and returning production to local craftspeople and artisans."
"Let's hope that a decolonizing narrative starts to take shape."
"India was able to throw off the shackles of colonialism, kicking off a wave of decolonization."
"India is being decolonized in a very fundamental sense."
"Important moment of decolonization also known as nationalism also known as the end of imperialism."