
Anti-communism Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"I am the lead singer of the heavy metal band All That Remains, an anti-communist and a counterrevolutionary."
"It's not enough to simply oppose communism, you must be actively anti-communist."
"God bless you, Tim, for having people who escaped communism on your show to show the truth."
"To some, he is the smooth-talking defender of freedom, who used his wise demeanor to destroy communism itself, and bring America into a golden age, with golden arches."
"There are times when supporting favorable movements is the best prevention against communism."
"Tomorrow, June 6, is a day that might just change the world. It might save the world. It is the day the anti-communist manifesto comes out by anonymous."
"America announced the Truman Doctrine, in which they basically said those guys are not cool, cannot be trusted, and we do everything we can to prevent the spread of communism around the world."
"President Trump calling out world communism also served to call out communism 2.0." - John Wayne ASCII
"The Truman Doctrine: The United States would provide military and economic aid to help the free people of Greece and Turkey from falling to the communists."
"We are not safe from this devil of communism."
"We have to actually do just the opposite. If you don't vote, the socialists and the communists win."
"An old anti-communist song from the 1960s... turns out the guy might have supported murdering American civilians because of thought crime."
"The biggest defense against communism is the nuclear family."
"If the world is at peace, they cannot survive. There's no place for communism."
"Freedom and democracy is superior to Marxism, Leninism, Maoism, socialism with Chinese characteristics."
"Communism is satanic and it wants to go to war with God and the followers of Jesus Christ."
"You know how you beat communism? Shine light on it. Let's talk about it."
"Solzhenitsyn took an axe to the rotting tree of communism."
"Communism is probably the most evil governmental system ever. It's worse than any other systematic destruction of honesty, objectivity, truth, the deification of government, and the destruction of humanity."
"One day Hong Kong will rise from the ashes after breaking free from the nightmare of communism."
"The fraudulent election results and the strengthening communist grip on power created a need for anti-communist forces to rally together."
"Being on the opposite side of communistic dictators is 100 billion percent the right side of history."
"Ed was among President Reagan's closest advisors as the administration implemented tax cuts, a dramatic defense build-up, and a relentless campaign to defeat communism."
"The church had been so beautifully consistent... there was no institution on the planet that had so opposed communism like the Catholic Church."
"This is an ideological war against communism and against corruption."
"Both of these strands of conservatism were very hostile toward communism and also to the idea of 'big government.'"
"President Trump is the one who stood against the communists, fought the globalists, and took on the military-industrial complex."
"We will drive out the globalists, cast out the Communists, throw off the sick political class."
"The correct way to view China and the Chinese Communist Party is as an enemy that is as evil and as powerful as the Soviet Union." - Charlie Kirk
"Joseph Kennedy: Wealthy, hated communism, trained his sons for presidency."
"We will not allow this great republic to be stolen by communists from without and within or our votes altered or manipulated by foreign actors."
"The only solution is to end CCP and reconnect Chinese people to their tradition and culture."
"Anti-communism is the new punk rock—it always was actually."
"We must all reject the forces of communism and socialism in this hemisphere and in this country."
"We should oppose godless communism from our position of strength."
"We cannot allow America to fall at the hands of these Communists who live among us every single day."
"Don't just ban critical race theory. Be an advocate for a 1776 based curriculum. Actual history. Patriotism. Anti-communist. Anti-marxist teaching."
"I was willing to fight till my last breath to make sure my children don't inherit a communist country."
"He had an important position on the international front by presenting and putting forth Canada's values while fighting against communism and authoritarian regimes and apartheid."
"Anti-communist propaganda became commonplace with even a whisper of socialism being a cause for great alarm."
"Animal Farm is funny; Orwell was a socialist and he fought in the Spanish Civil War, but he hated communism."
"I'm no communist, and I'll tell you that right now. I believe a man should own his own house and car and cow. I like this private ownership, and I want to be left alone. Let the government run its business, and let me run my own."
"I love the military, and I realized... we all went wanting to do something for America, to stop communism."
"The anti-communism didn't work... the taboo is lifting on socialism."
"The US policy known as containment, the geopolitical foreign policy of preventing the spread of Communism."
"In the defense of Warsaw, not only had they gate-kept their country but also the rest of Europe from the spread of communism."
"The long hard task of ferreting out the Communist enemy begins, and the Screaming Eagles are good at their job."
"America's real commitment to contain Communism everywhere originated in the events surrounding the Korean War."
"It was a great night, and a group of Americans had proven again that communism can and will be defeated by a democratic people."
"The US committed to a strategy called containment, aimed at containing the spread of communism everywhere on the globe."