
Profit Sharing Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"Read Write Own offers a vision for the internet where people can own, co-create, and profit from the platforms they use."
"We deserve a say in how the results of our success, Amazon's profits and its innovations, are being used."
"Labor is a cost to that business. Then your business becomes successful. It starts making a profit... or your workers start making a profit? Hmm, interesting framing there."
"I hope the fast food workers start to be able to get their percentage of the profits that they're generating."
"Gearbox staff is paid on a profit-sharing structure... royalties from the developer's games are split 60/40..."
"You're going to take that same amount of money from your fans but your fans are only going to get 20, maybe if that's how you want to roll, 50% of the back end."
"I kind of think that Uzi blew up real big and realized that he wasn't getting as big of a slice of the pie as he thought he deserved."
"Paul let de Mayo and his crew do as they pleased as long as he got his cut on time."
"Out of every sale you will pocket about 70% while epic receives the rest."
"We made about 5 million total and we split it four ways."
"The PEA represents something new in eSports: an association of top teams running their own league and sharing the profits and decision making with the players."
"Damn, let me scan this up right now, bro. That's not a bad idea, bro. It's not a bad... if you got a percentage of the sale. It's like, 'Damn, let me scan two of those off of my boy, and then he makes a little bit of bread, yeah?'"
"Select personnel with that in mind... As ever, the better they are, the bigger the cut."
"They are going to split the profits. It's only going to them. All right, they're going to put on a great show for you tomorrow. They're going to put on a great show for you tonight."
"That pie is going to get baked, man. Let's get in on this pie. I know usually we take 50 percent, these guys ain't going for 50 percent."
"Enter the vending machine business and get a percentage of the profits."
"Vin token will yield profit-sharing rights to its holders that will amount to 30% of the net profit derived from the operational model of the exchange."
"Every time you sell one of these units, I get $100 after I recover 1,50,000, which is three times our original investment. It drops to $50 a unit forever."
"For every show and program that is made and broadcasted, you will earn a share in its the wab."
"Profit sharing is a form of defined contribution - no profits, no contribution by your employer."
"...dividends is one way that businesses can return profits back to its shareholders or owners of the business and if you own shares of a public company you are an owner of that company."
"The profits will be shared between them."
"Hits like Under Siege in 1992 made over $150 million globally, providing him with not just a substantial paycheck but also a share in profits, a luxury afforded to only top-tier actors at the time."
"As a result, Crocodile Dundee grossed more than 328 million dollars worldwide, and all profits were shared among investors according to their equity contribution."
"You don't make money from 50/50 splits. You know, in a dream world it would be nice to have 50/50 and know exactly how much you're going to make. But that's not the reality of it."
"You can work out some sort of a deal where you donate a percentage of your profits from those clients to this organization."
"I think that an incrementally push left Society that's moving away from capitalism a little bit would likely have, have companies use profit-sharing models with their employees on a much bigger basis."
"The profit split as well, so are they going to give you 50/50? That is at the low end of the scale."
"I also donate a portion of the profits to environmental causes each month."
"Joint ventures: sharing profits based on shared responsibilities."
"I'll start with the good points: they don't ask for a percentage of your company, just a percentage of profits. I don't think you'll get a better deal from any investor."
"10% of all their profits to organizations that come back to extreme poverty."
"Everybody helps produce profit but only a tiny minority in every company get it. That's a problem, that's unfair, that's unjust, that's unequal. You got to come up with some BS to justify it, risk was one of those BS's."
"An astonishingly equal share in the profits of any venture."
"I'm not working just to make a profit for myself."
"Dividend Aristocrats are like super reliable companies that share their profits with shareholders and keep giving more every year."
"Dividend growth investing allows you to share in the company's profits while maintaining ownership of your investment."
"Here's our first venture capital, basically they shared ownership and the profits of this company became very profitable."
"Sixty percent of all the profit the company is distributed to the team in the form of profit share."
"The seller basically gives you money from future profits to buy their business."
"You make some money, I'll make some money, and hopefully everybody's happy."
"The net profits and return of capital of the joint venture shall be divided between the parties upon sale of the property."
"When I make money, you make money."
"I literally will not make a single dollar until you make back at least eight percent first."
"Can you imagine if big companies like Amazon and Blizzard gave any percent profit share back to their employees?"
"It's a business that owned, operated, and controlled democratically by its workers who share in the profits of their labor."
"Dividends are payable because you are an owner of the company; you have a share of the profits."
"The public is the early venture investor in these products and we deserve a share of the returns when these products prove valuable."
"Dividends are distributions of a company's profits periodically to its shareholders."
"We're going to donate five percent of all of our profits... each one of these charities are going to get an equal split."
"They are sharing some of the profits with their employees."
"You're not spending money, you're investing into a company. This company is sharing their profits with you."
"Profit splits... you make 10 grand, you keep eight grand, that's pretty decent in my opinion."
"We love to see people that are associated with Berkshire making money as long as they're making money for you at the same time."
"Dividends are like drawings for a sole trader; a business makes profits, they'll pay some of that to the shareholders."
"Whenever we are buying and we are making profit, you should be making profit with us too."
"If the company makes money, all employees make money."
"The company only makes money when the agents make money which I thought was amazing."
"Profit sharing plans allow your employees to benefit from company performance."
"We'll all be happier to work harder than ever because we'll be participating in the profits."
"We're a team; we're even on profit share."
"The whole network must be thinking of efficient ways of doing it because the more efficiently you can do it then the better profits there are for everyone to share."
"We take 25% of the profits and we give it back to the community."
"As long as I get my fair cut of the gold after selling whatever treasures are down there, I'm good."
"Dividends are literally cash paid to shareholders out of the profits of the company."
"Profit share agreements... how they work, why they're important, and how you can utilize them in your business to not only retain but also attract high-quality teammates."
"A profit sharing agreement is a pretty advanced agreement. It's an agreement that we're going to utilize with someone or a strategic business partner to really, really incentivize high performance around the overall function of the business."
"The financial part of building a profit agreement is pretty easy; it's pretty straightforward... the hard part is understanding, is this the right person to be incentivizing the way you want to incentivize them?"
"The profit to be distributed for the year was two hundred and fifty thousand."
"The residual profits to be shared between Brian and Look Marni on the ratio of three to two."