
Factual Reporting Quotes

There are 71 quotes

"I say this not to scare anyone out there but to simply give you guys the facts about what I am seeing transpire in the economy right now."
"I believe in freedom of speech and one of the things that I can promise you is that on this platform you will always get well-researched, cold facts."
"We're fact-based, and we believe in a range of opinion."
"Let's break down the stories you want to talk about from the legal side with facts, not fear."
"One of the things we try to do here is never fear the truth."
"If you prefer facts over feelings, tune in to the Ben Shapiro show. We'll get a whole lot of that and much more."
"It's a fine line telling the story and remaining respectful, relevant, and reporting facts versus rumor and speculation."
"Those numbers tell you the winner and the loser. For the most part, the numbers don't lie."
"The media wants to explain that there is evidence, there is proof."
"It's important that even conservative outlets... be factually correct."
"We just cover the facts, and Steve, I think, is really good at sticking to the data."
"When journalists start arguing against reporting the facts because it goes against their political narrative, yeah, we're in a dystopia."
"Facts matter can now be watched on television over on NTD."
"These stories shouldn't be about broad character judgments, they should be about the fact pattern."
"We try to cut through the smoke and give you the straight news, the facts."
"I like that this story has actual receipts, not just proverbial ones."
"My goal is always to come correct with all the facts and let you guys determine how you want to feel based on the information."
"The vindication of the Free Press is the ability to deliver honest, factual reporting, and we offer a clear alternative to many in the media by doing that."
"Our commitment to factual reporting is the foundation of our credibility."
"It's not that we're never wrong it's that we bring you the facts without blowing smoke or sunshine on a regular basis"
"With Ground News, you're part of a movement that is working to hold them accountable and get straight to the facts."
"You're challenging the media gatekeepers and the corporate censors to bring the facts straight to the American people."
"It's time to clear the air and deliver the facts with receipts from the original source."
"Stating that the video is deceptive... presents the statement as fact, not opinion."
"Hopefully more journalists across the board will start presenting based on facts rather than coloring cases with their political views."
"The facts of the case and the facts are that the coroner just said in the press conference this afternoon that Gabby Petito at 22 years old died of strangulation."
"The real story, the actual factual evidence-based story, does not fit in a box."
"We have to make sure that you tell the truth and keep it to the facts, what a refreshing change in news that would be."
"I think it's important not to engage in reactionary behaviors...it is important to ask the media to keep it very much about the facts."
"I was always about doing it straight up, being real with the viewers, getting as many facts as possible on the air, being aggressive, and telling the truth."
"Reasonable people who want to be honest and present factual news are actually doing really well."
"What will it take for MSM to get back to its roots and begin to actually report facts and ask legitimate questions again?"
"I offer facts. These are the facts. I counter non-factual narratives with truth."
"Nobody in the media actually tries to relay facts, but like you say, they relay what they would like to believe, they relay what they would like to be true."
"We're just trying to give you what we know: facts, truth, not misinformation."
"Does there come a point where the corporate media has to... actually cover these facts?"
"He's not doing anything groundbreaking as a journalist, he's just insisting on the facts."
"Unless someone can figure out how to make a system a network of individual voices of varying ideologies who are honest and rational and back up their opinions based on fact and sources we'll see what happens."
"Facts over narratives." - "He publishes this piece pursuing facts and not narratives."
"We should have a media that tries its best to give us plain facts and allows us to sort it out among ourselves with plain honest open discourse."
"No one is going to be triggered by being informed of the actual facts of the story which is supposed to be your job."
"Our job is to put the facts on the table." - Jack Devine
"It would be nice if every now and then Fox News could sort of debunk a lot of the more extremist stuff on the far right."
"Facts matter, and that's all you're ever going to get from us here on Political Beatdown."
"I know that people who watch the Midas touch Network want the facts, want the data, and want the specifics."
"If you prefer facts over feelings, if you aren't offended by the brutal truth, if you can still laugh at the nuttiness filling our national news cycle, well tune on into the Ben Shapiro show."
"No opinion, just the video of what happened, and then the date and time. Right? So, but with this."
"You deserve nothing less than the facts with your morning cup of coffee."
"It seems to me that... and that just occasionally it just peeps through we see a story an article appearing in the British media which acknowledges the reality the objective analysis the objective facts."
"Journalism is supposed to be about going after the facts and then holding folks accountable through those facts."
"Make sure you hear it first with all the facts in context here on the mest touch Network and legal AF."
"Credibility is the only thing we have, our videos are about telling facts and getting stories right."
"I just want it to be honest, we just want it to be factual."
"The beauty of this show is that we don't answer to any of those people. I don't give a rat's ass. We're going to dive into the facts as they come and we don't have any agenda here."
"The job of Journalism is to say what we know to be true."
"Your job, the media's job, is to illuminate the facts, not fan the flames."
"I'm not complaining, I'm just stating the facts."
"It's pretty refreshing to see a mainstream news source actually presenting facts."
"I ask the media just print the facts, people want to know facts, not skewered testimony, not lies, not interpretations, just the facts."
"The report needs to be balanced, it must be fact-based, it must be open."
"CBS News is bringing you the facts from wherever they emerge."
"What I love about my show is that we never ever say things that we don't have facts about."
"We deal with facts, sometimes we talk about theories, but we want to also be sensitive to not only the victims but the system as a whole."
"There's a difference between an opinion and reported fact."
"1440's mission is to empower readers so that they can come to their own conclusions based on honest, uncompromising facts."
"I want to get everything right, or more of, I need to, and I need to ensure that everyone's stories are factual."