
Poland Quotes

There are 291 quotes

"On the very day of the armistice, Poland was reestablished as an independent nation after 123 years of being ruled by the German, Austrian, and Russian empires."
"The spark will come from Poland to prepare the world for My final coming."
"I've never been to Poland. I don't know what to expect, but I would love to visit."
"Poland was actually erased from the map for over 100 years when it was divided between Prussia, Austria, and Russia."
"Exactly 100 years ago, Poland regained its independence."
"Poland is firmly aligned with the Ukrainian cause and has a lot of sympathy for its neighboring country."
"Poland is trying to compensate for the security hazard by building the largest army in Europe."
"Believe it or not, Poland is on the way to become a major global power."
"Poland is already the 10th largest arms exporter in the world."
"The noble estate is in Poland, first of all, very big, about 10% of the population, which means that by the time the noble estate has a parliament and can vote, more people in Poland can vote than in any other country until British parliamentary reform in the 19th century."
"Poland has thrown its doors open to Ukrainian refugees literally by the millions."
"Poland has dominated a number of those categories."
"Poland has provided key support to Ukraine from literally the very first day of the Russian's Insidious Invasion."
"Poland is now said to be a leader in the Central and Eastern European region for greenfield investments."
"Poland is excelling in the area of aerospace."
"It's actually quite nice that in a company that's making these games is from Poland."
"Poland also cautions Russia with severe sanctions."
"Poland will demand full mobilization of the West to help Ukraine."
"The fate of world revolution is being decided over the corpses of white Poland."
"Poland's taking a big hit right now. They got what, three million refugees that they're looking after..."
"I want to congratulate Poland for its leadership in the Three Seas Initiative."
"An amazing support from Polish people like nothing ever before."
"Warsaw is embarking on its biggest rearmament Drive in 50 years in response to the growing threat posed by Russia."
"Thank god for the polls and the polls have had some experience with tyranny with communism they've been tyrannized not only by the soviets but by the nazis."
"Number 86: In 1989, Poland, a big part of the Warsaw Pact, held partially free elections that were won by non-communist candidates."
"The freedom of speech is absolutely respected in Poland."
"Poland's premier main battle tank, the PT-91 Tavari, is a source of pride."
"Poland has been a staunch supporter of Ukraine since the beginning of the conflict."
"The Crooked Forest in Poland is home to some of the strangest and ominous-looking trees anywhere."
"Poland seemed to have been destined for superpower status."
"Poland was a democracy... the most democratic European state."
"Poland has been clawing back its status as a major player in Europe and some are saying it might even soon surpass the once Mighty Great Britain as a major world power."
"Krakow, a city steeped in history and cultural splendor, stands as a testament to Poland's rich heritage."
"Poland has a great history. The more I learn about it, the more significant I realize it is to European history. And the cities seem beautiful. I've never been, I would love to go. Let's get started, guys!"
"Poland shows the way forward for states that have lost their way."
"Even if I wasn't a Polish fan, this was still exciting. New imports are great."
"Why was the resistance in Poland so successful and widespread?"
"When you combine civilian and military deaths, over 16 percent of the total Polish population died in World War II."
"...Poland is thriving right now. I just was very impressed by it."
"...Poland has a remarkable vibrancy today."
"...there's so much fun energy in Poland today."
"Frederick Franciszek Chopin, Poland's most famous composer, left Poland in 1830 never to return."
"Six reasons why I love Poland, so ignore what people are telling you. You should come to Poland."
"Poland has a wonderful history and culture."
"...Poland offers a unique and enjoyable experience for black people."
"We declare blessing for the nation of Poland, that doors will be open, the prosperity will come, that every scheme, lie of the enemy will be shattered in the name of Jesus."
"Poland's military buildup in size and technological quality is rapidly creating the most formidable fighting force on the European continent."
"Gdansk, one of Poland's most beautiful cities, has a stunning old town."
"Poland was invaded in the 13th century by the Mongols."
"Poland is a country rich in culture, scenic landscapes, and extraordinary historical sites."
"Germany's got the economy in the tech but Poland I think has the better numbers."
"We reaffirm our solidarity with Poland."
"Complete support for Ukraine and for Poland."
"Before the Holocaust, more than three million Jews lived in Poland."
"Poland has its fair share of trees worth mentioning all gathered in the Crooked Forest."
"Poland... energylandia can be found in southern Poland and... they will be only the second Park on Earth to reach 20 roller coasters."
"Poland succeeded despite dealing with modern historical challenges that were unmatched anywhere else in the world."
"Warsaw is the capital city of Poland and also the country's largest city."
"The first upside-down house in the world is located in Poland."
"Poland, the country is located in Central Europe."
"Warsaw, the capital and largest city of the country."
"Poland is a major producer of apples, sixth in the world."
"Polish people are productive and prudent."
"Poland, a country with a complex history."
"Poland, they understand each other without a single word."
"I hope this video will give you a nice introduction on why I love Poland why I'm living here and may give you some ideas as well for if you want to visit this place or if you're thinking of moving here."
"Polish people make me very happy to live in this country."
"Poland's beauty is definitely exemplified by its nature."
"When it comes to the food in Poland, no complaints, lots of praise."
"I think there's a lot of opportunity in Poland. It's a country that's growing and it's going to continue to grow and continue to become more prosperous."
"Poland is the Wolverine of Europe."
"Overall, I felt safe in Poland, people treated me fine."
"Poland is home to some of the world's most stunning landscapes."
"From the medieval Old Town of Gdansk to the towering Tatra Mountains, Poland has so much to offer."
"My time in Poland is fun but it's not that easy."
"It's a beautiful day today; sun is shining in Poland."
"Welcome to the video, I'm in Poland, more specifically Krakow, which is a city that I've never been."
"This is the 1st of November, All Saints Day, one of the most important and magical days in the Polish national calendar."
"He's been going crazy in Poland, leading the team in points and assists."
"Germany has invaded Poland and has bombed many towns."
"Poland has quite a few UNESCO heritage sites."
"The invasion of Poland is considered the catalyst for the start of World War II."
"Poland has taken in the most refugees by numbers than any other European country."
"Poland had not existed as a separate and sovereign entity since 1795 when Prussia and Russia had divided up what was left of the country according to their own wishes."
"Poland's Constitution was the second in the world."
"Come and join us, Energylandia in Poland."
"Poland celebrates a name day in addition to birthdays."
"Poland also has the world's biggest castle."
"Kissing a woman's hand is still in fashion in Poland."
"Poland has its own version of Valentine's Day."
"Poland houses an original Gutenberg Bible."
"Mushrooming is a popular family activity in Poland."
"The Pus with Nika restaurant, located in Krakow, is the oldest restaurant in Europe, open since 1275."
"Poland had the world's first upside down house."
"In less than a decade this seemingly random theme park in Poland has managed to expand, so rapidly, to become home to some of the best roller coasters on the continent, and even the world."
"Poland is considered a central European country."
"Poland has absolutely blown us away."
"Before this video is over, if I haven't said it enough, how much I love Poland, you need to come here. I love this country."
"This was just normal and particularly in places like Poland, the Pegasus there is really fondly remembered."
"Poland is arming following Russia's invasion of Ukraine."
"Poland's military expansion must be thought of within the context of the nation's history."
"King Mieszko was kicking off Poland with a bang; people were hearing of his feats as far as Cordova in modern-day Iberia."
"And finally, after constant years of warfare and occupation, in 1333, Poland was finally able to catch a break."
"Gdansk is one of Poland's oldest cities with a fascinating history."
"Poland is becoming more assertive."
"Until I began traveling to Poland and speaking with Jews in Poland, I didn't realize that it was actually six million Poles who were murdered."
"Good morning guys from Wroclaw, Poland."
"We got to stay in a castle, so cool, only in Poland."
"Poland's economic rise over the past 30 years or so has been truly meteoric."
"Poland has been one of the largest recipients of EU cohesion funds, receiving a total of 213 billion euros since it joined the EU in 2004."
"Poland's membership of the EU single Market has allowed for the free flow of capital, goods, services, and people."
"Poland's Diversified economy is emerging with sectors such as defense, aerospace, the automotive sector, and information and communication technologies."
"Poland ranked third in Europe in terms of Greenfield Investments, attracting 21.8 billion US dollars of investment in 2019."
"It is a profound honor to stand in this city, by this monument to the Warsaw Uprising, and to address the Polish nation that so many generations have dreamed of: a Poland that is safe, strong, and free."
"The story of Poland is the story of a people who have never lost hope, who have never been broken, and who have never, ever forgotten who they are."
"Poland, a country steeped in history and rich culture, has so much more to offer than meets the eye."
"From its picturesque landscapes to its vibrant traditions, there's an entire world waiting to be discovered."
"Let's dive right in and unearth some hidden treasures about Poland."
"Poland is home to the world's biggest castle, a true masterpiece."
"Vodka originated in Poland, and it started off as something quite unexpected: a form of medicine."
"Europe's heaviest animals live in Poland, within the enchanting Białowieża Primeval Forest."
"Poland had the world's first upside-down house, a whimsical wooden wonder built completely upside down."
"The Mazurian Lakeland, spanning an impressive 180 miles, is a true natural wonder with over 2,000 lakes."
"Going to university is free in Poland for Polish citizens, a fantastic opportunity to pursue dreams without the financial burden."
"During World War II, the Poles saved the highest number of Jews, a powerful piece of history that showcases the incredible bravery and compassion of the Polish people."
"Poland boasts a total of 15 UNESCO World Heritage Sites."
"Scientists in Poland recently scanned the Bialowieza Forest using light detection and ranging technology."
"This bowl is made in Poland, handmade. Just beautiful."
"King Casimir the Great was a beloved and respected ruler in 14th century Poland."
"Oh, it's great. What a really nice way to wrap up our trip to Poland."
"When you think of Poland, you imagined something like this, incredible, not incredible Poland."
"You get everything in Poland; you get the seaside, the mountains, and the lakes, and everything in between."
"They say here in Poland that this is the most beautiful lake in the world."
"Poland's growth has been based on brain power, entrepreneurship, and hard work."
"It's the number one attraction to see here in Poland."
"I'm flying to Poland to play host a game."
"From the towering Tatra mountains to the rugged coastline, Poland is packed with splendid history, stunning views, and wonderful stories."
"The Malbork Castle's grand halls, stunning courtyards, and impressive architecture offer a glimpse into the medieval history of Poland."
"Once the terror of Eastern Europe, Poland had long been in decline; Catherine aimed to make that decline permanent."
"The Masurian Lake District is a natural wonderland of over 2,000 crystal clear lakes, picturesque forests, and rolling hills."
"Poland has a Crooked Forest, consisting of about 400 pine trees that grow with a 90 degree bend at the base of their trunks."
"The Polish people are taking a preposterous amount of Ukrainian refugees."
"Poland, a nation famous for its mighty castles, treasured history, and the awe-inspiring Tatra Mountains."
"The name Poland originates from the tribe Polani which means people living in open fields."
"Poland has an incredibly diverse landscape, with both beautiful coastal beaches along the Baltic Sea and magnificent snow-covered peaks in the Tatra Mountains."
"Poland is home to the world's largest sculpture of Jesus Christ, taller than the famous Christ the Redeemer in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil."
"Poland can proudly claim to be the birthplace of many renowned personalities, including world-changing physicist and chemist Marie Curie."
"I love Poland, I would love to go back."
"Germany had been pushing itself as liberators of the Polish suffering Russian subjugation."
"Through his actions, the chance of Polish independence started to look more like a sure thing."
"The second Polish Republic was birthed with Marshall Joseph Pilsudski at the helm."
"Lenin saw Poland as a bridge to Germany."
"The Polish took a decisive and important victory."
"They also had offended themselves as a new, strong, and independent Poland, one the world had not witnessed in centuries."
"And truly it is for the best that Poland stood tall."
"Krakow was actually the capital of Poland until about 500 years ago."
"These buildings are so beautiful, I just... I already love Poland so much."
"The skeleton of a lady vampire has just been found at a cemetery in Poland."
"Poland is a pretty amazing country that has it all; it's so diverse and beautiful, it's got something for everyone."
"Poland's purchasing power is ranked 19th in the world."
"They have one of the lowest unemployment rates in the world at just 2.6%."
"Poland has been under heavy pressure throughout history and even got erased from the map for over 100 years."
"An independent Polish state was finally restored after more than a century of foreign rule."
"Tomorrow we fly to Poland, which we're excited about; it'll be our first time there."
"It was necessary that Poland be mighty, free, and independent."
"The problem of Poland loomed above almost everything else."
"The progress of the internet in Poland made critical information very easy to find."
"Krakow, the old Polish capital city and seat of Polish kings, is more spectacular today than it has ever been."
"Poland is located in Central Europe."
"Poland became officially part of the Holy Roman Empire."
"Poland declared themselves independent."
"Poland picked itself up by its bootstraps."
"If you're ever in Poland on Śmigus-Dyngus and you're walking down the street on Easter Monday, you can't get mad at people for throwing water at you."
"I have never been to Poland, I would like very much to go to Poland."
"The good thing about Poland is that the living costs there are really, really low in comparison to other countries."
"I've had fun, you know, being here in Poland, so it's nice."
"I think you should all come to Poland, you know, if you wanna experience a life like this."
"All the best from Poland, thanks guys."
"Rocking and rolling to Cracow, Poland."
"I want us all to get together, stand up, and read a warm applause to the people of Poland because truly my respects for these people."
"When I die, I want my heart to be buried in Poland."
"This tour begins a new adventure here. This is day 1 in Poland."
"It's my first time in Poland and it felt like nowhere I'd ever been before. I loved it."
"For five years, execution, torture, and vicious oppression has been the fate of the Poles."
"The White Eagle is still a symbol of Poland."
"Poland did indeed return as a Sovereign Nation."
"I love Poland. I've been coming here since the 1990s. I've come here many, many times."
"Poland has achieved so far is impressive and what it plans to achieve even more so."
"Poland managed to reverse the trend of brain drain as poles and people with Polish heritage living abroad have started coming back to the country."
"We absolutely fell in love with Poland when we visited and that's why we're so keen to go back."
"Poland has kept a lot of its nature incorporated into the cities; there's a lot of greenery all around."
"Why go anywhere else in Europe? Poland is all in one country."
"Poland is a hidden gem of Europe and we're going to let you in on its secrets and beauty."
"Poland is in fact a great destination for digital nomads and students."
"I definitely want to visit Poland, there's a lot of great history there."
"Now something that my pals find absolutely bizarre is the fact that when I go back to Poland... you'd buy a fish, usually a carp, which is like the Christmas traditional fish."
"It's definitely up there with one of the most exciting things about going back to Poland for Christmas."
"Ultimately, we decided to stay here in Poland and make this country our new home."
"There has been a black presence in Poland since at least the 1700s."