
Men Quotes

There are 415 quotes

"I think men can improve on being more in touch with their emotions and just like talking about how they feel."
"Men should work on their respect towards women."
"The most dangerous thing for a man under 45 is themselves."
"Strength is a beautiful thing; the world is built on the backs of strong men."
"The number of men without any close friends has increased five times since 1990."
"Guys bottle everything up and are so afraid of being seen as emotionally weak or co-dependent that they will sabotage their relationships to avoid demonstrating any of those basic human inner vulnerabilities."
"I want men to be their best selves and live their best lives."
"I have found men are way more obsessed with their penises than women are."
"Masculinity is a set of traits or attributes that are regarded as characteristic of men."
"The biggest killer of men under 45 in the UK is suicide."
"There is a sense in which men, particularly young men, probably men our age haven't necessarily experienced it, but younger men, 20-year-olds, there's an enormous problem."
"Shout out to all the confident, intelligent, and assertive men out there. One love to the feminine, beautiful, and inspirational ladies out there."
"Men definitely go through emotional abuse. They definitely go through narcissistic abuse."
"We may have emerging manifestations of body dysmorphia or eating disorders that are a little bit different in men."
"It's important to have a good group of men, a network of friends."
"What's behind the rise of lonely single men? Well, I mean, probably a lot of things."
"It takes men, single men, married men, to stand up for the truth no matter the consequences."
"For men, because now if you don't have a woman in your life, you probably have no emotional outlet ever."
"Men aren't really complicated, Anna honey. They're very simple, literal creatures."
"Men have to go out and create those options for ourselves, they don't just slide into our DMS."
"You need to start treating men like they're a necessity."
"Life has been extraordinarily brutal for men throughout history."
"Men make sure that you have different avenues to talk about your emotions."
"Stop talking [ __ ] about men. Okay? That's all we want."
"Men having loving relationships and not being afraid to express their feelings for each other."
"If men are agreeing with you, you said something stupid."
"Feminism enables men to have a transformed experience of themselves and the people around them."
"Far fewer young men get married than did just a few decades ago."
"Each man has something that sets them apart from other men."
"Men will communicate in more depth and frequency on controversial issues."
"Men do not want to just talk through things share your feelings it is impossible for a man to just share his feelings and then feel better about it."
"Men are supposed to become like a seasoned wine. They get better looking with age."
"We are back, shout out to the confident, intelligent, assertive man out there."
"A lot of men do and it is nothing to be ashamed of."
"We should be comfortable acknowledging the difficulties that young men are especially having."
"It's not saying all men are bad, just that men shouldn't be bad. What's wrong with that?"
"As guys, sometimes we need a little bit of help."
"Yes, all men because you guys need to hold each other accountable in moments when no one else is there."
"Where boys cried, where men cried, where legends cried."
"Tee makes my life uncomplicated, it's uncomplicated skincare for men."
"Men are reasonably unique as being about the only group who are told, 'Yeah, it's your fault.'"
"Marriage is a first-class ticket to men hitting the wall."
"Patriarchy hurts men too, for all these reasons."
"Prioritize having really solid friendships with good men in your life."
"This past week... basic life suggestions for men that are struggling."
"Men are sensitive. Men are sensitive on the inside."
"Men go further in life with a woman."
"Most men are good people; we wouldn't have the society that we have now if they weren't."
"The determination of these men was remarkable."
"men in therapy generally but specifically black men in therapy"
"Men are killing us, hashtag men are trash."
"Men have pretty much been made out to be second-class citizens and are treated accordingly."
"Men aren't wimping out by staying unmarried or being commitment phobes; they're being smart."
"Men know there's a good chance to lose their friends, their respect, their space, their sex life, their money, and if it all goes wrong, their family."
"Men are equally innately hardwired to care for children."
"I think it's good for men to be vulnerable and speak on how they feel."
"The belief in a supernatural source of evil is not necessary; men alone are quite capable of every wickedness."
"It was the intention of Eru for Elves, as the Firstborn, to be the Elder brethren, to teach and eventually leave the world in the capable hands of the Followers, Men."
"The dealings of the Ainur have indeed been mostly with the Elves, for Ilúvatar made them more like in nature to the Ainur, though less in might and stature; whereas to Men he gave strange gifts."
"books aren't naughty men are naughty"
"Men want to sleep with a lot of women as crazy as that is, as nasty as that is, so, but men still want to do it."
"I believe in straight men just being as honest as possible."
"Men and women naturally structure Our Lives differently without external pressure."
"Men have standards too. We have feelings. We care. We do."
"Majority of men are content with being an ATM."
"Some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money."
"Men are trauma responding, reacting and responding to the collective trauma that's been going on."
"I think a lot of men are selfish."
"We don't let the men be men, yeah."
"Men don't really know how to exist in this society and thus are getting left behind."
"Understanding men goes so deep with that, and I just think you could all benefit. If this is of interest to you, this, you could benefit so much by the understanding men course."
"Often, men have a hard time talking about feelings because we don't know what they are."
"Not to be dramatic but, I mean, my faith in men is high because I'm married to a wonderful, wonderful man."
"For most men at some point in their life, their main purpose is going to be their development."
"They're drowning us and they're demoralizing men."
"As men, our love language is respect."
"Turkish men are women eyes. Womanizers, players? No, I don't think so. I think they're tenacious, passionate, okay. Tenacious, passionate, obsessive is adequate. They're obsessive sometimes."
"Men who have trouble finding ways to even think about their own dependency needs or their own certain kinds of vulnerability."
"Men bring nothing to the world. Literally not. The Vibes, just everything."
"Name something men give women to put them in a romantic mood."
"I find it really refreshing when particularly men model vulnerability in public."
"Raise up a generation of strong and godly and courageous men who follow Christ. This is the only hope."
"I love both of those men and both of those book series."
"Men don't just want sex, they need it."
"Tears of men exist for moments like this."
"The great thing about men is that we start at zero%."
"Men have not been challenged to really work on their mental intelligence, their emotional intelligence, and their growth. It's just happening now."
"Men are falling behind in the workplace."
"Emotional strength is underrated, especially when it comes to men."
"When men seek perfection, they find only death."
"So many men are mad at the enablers because they won't let them reach their potential."
"These are men who actively incite hatred and violence against women."
"Self-care is not just about women, okay? Men, tap in and tap in right now."
"The loneliest group in society, I think, are men between the age of 30 and 50. And that is a group where there is a very, very high rate of suicide."
"From the Bible days all through we saw men that commanded strange dimensions."
"Nobody cares about men being happy."
"Men like humor, they need to lighten up."
"Men are motivated when they feel needed."
"The interesting thing about the red pill Community is they're the only community that allows men to suffer."
"Men have to create safe spaces for each other, or women become the safest."
"We men can control our emotions. This doesn't mean to suppress them or repress them or pretend that they're not there. No, no, no. On the contrary, we have to face our own emotions."
"It's like an epiphany, men want to be nurtured."
"There's not enough good men in the world. There's still a few of them."
"A lot of men are trash. A lot of men don't know how to treat women."
"I just really don't feel safe or comfortable around men at all."
"The most dangerous being on the face of this Earth is an insecure man."
"What's the male version of that called you probably didn't even think of that question until this moment and that's the problem because apparently only women have issues that are serious enough to study in college courses."
"Most guys cannot handle being with a beautiful woman."
"Men don't just want sex, they need sex."
"I love having men here because like when I'm at the airport I just my brain leaves my body you know what I mean like I just don't know what I'm doing anymore."
"Men are built for combat, we're there for defense, we're there for protection, provisioning, and parental investment."
"The devaluation of masculinity won't end well; we need good men who will embrace their masculinity."
"Men become more empathetic as they get older."
"Men are not interested in wiping up 304s."
"Men here love to pursue, and with that, they will come up and they will just approach you."
"We need to see a lot more acknowledgment of men's efforts and expressions of gratitude."
"Men's attractiveness peak at around age 50."
"Because men are stupid and I do not respect them."
"Men want what they want when looking for something serious and something long-lasting is to grow with a woman."
"Men have wisened up. This is why a lot of men have walked away from marriage altogether."
"Men want peace in relationships for the most part."
"You don't know what you're going to get with a white man, because white men are terrible too. Honestly, all men are terrible. Literally, all men are terrible."
"Only a small percentage of men have options, but every woman has options, guys."
"You can't base your self-worth on whether men find you attractive or not."
"I think there's something so powerful about what you said though. It's almost like men have been under a stupor, and it's almost like they've been on their grind going through life working out of their ability and out of the flesh."
"I think especially given that he's a man asking that question because up until that question from him men I I think felt like they couldn't do anything they couldn't contribute anything they couldn't um talk about this issue."
"Men are underperforming in many areas but that doesn't mean that we can't get better at it and do it better."
"Men respond well to being self-disciplined, self-discipline is one of the core characteristics of divine masculinity."
"Men are wonderful but they're not reaching their full potential as human beings and it's hurting everybody."
"Men are attracted to confidence I think they are."
"Men will tell you they're only interested in sex. Look in the comments."
"And I hate men and it makes me so scared."
"Men are not freaking lego bricks."
"It's about empowering men to unlock the best of themselves and achieve lasting transformation."
"Would you say, like, sex dolls are ruining a generation of men?"
"God made men strong to bless and to protect women and children, amen."
"...men still run the world and that's not okay. What are the cultural things that are holding us back?"
"Elves and men were created directly by Illuvatar, the one God of Tolkien's universe, without any demiurgic mediation by the Valar, as was the case with dwarves and ents."
"Men, just so you know, this is healthy masculinity."
"You got to start with the Finish. What, me? When me? Let me really tell you when... Storytelling when it comes to men, don't."
"Men have always had an influence that cannot be replaced by anyone else in society."
"Our society is screaming men are not the answer to anything they're the problem."
"Men still need to stand together in Fellowship in prayer."
"We should be willing to invest money, time, and political capital getting men into these HEAL jobs."
"The hormone that makes men feel good is testosterone."
"Men have very few requirements to feel sexual except a green light."
"Every single man has got rejected, that's the first thing."
"Women want to live up to the men because we feel like the position that they're in is the number one spot. We feel like they can make the decisions, they're the leaders, and we want to be that."
"A woman of integrity would never put her men, the men in her life knowingly in a situation where she knows it's dangerous for them, she would never do that to them."
"Men are workhorses who take it on their shoulders and just keep pushing because no one's going to save them."
"Cultural change in that direction is something we can aim for as a function of everyday men willing to move the culture within our day-to-day interactions."
"Men have no more time to understand anything."
"Men love the hunt, men love the chase."
"Good men, they are, they're doing the work. They already know this too, just like you already know this, but you wanna argue. They already know this too, good men doing the work."
"A lot of men who grow up lost surround themselves with other lost men."
"I think these men need feminism just as much as women do."
"A lot of men are emotionally underdeveloped, emotionally immature."
"Men need to feel appreciated. They need to feel needed."
"The number one thing that men hate is rejection."
"There's almost infinite attraction triggers for men."
"Men who have choice with women take their time to properly vet and screen their dating prospects to choose the best woman for them."
"Men choose top shelf men, women choose top shelf men. But women's sexual past isn't as important as their financial future."
"One of the most important things is to teach men how to celebrate life."
"Men of this generation are trash."
"Every single cultural crisis and problem and pain that we have is because men failed to do what God created them to do."
"So men in today's society are not allowed to complain so if you complain and you're a successful person or a privileged person everyone is going to think you're arrogant everyone is going to think oh my God who's this [ __ ] guy this guy doesn't know what my life is like."
"I think a lot more young men need to be dressing smarter."
"Do men of this age group now speak to each other about their emotions and their feelings and [ __ ] or is this completely just [ __ ]?"
"We're not going to have a better class of men until we have a better class of fathers."
"Men like to keep trophies, they like to keep stuff because... it stirs up all those memories of back in the day."
"Men are called... to lead not follow."
"Men absolutely should be using skincare."
"Remember ladies, men like compliments too."
"Men that have other women around them are inherently more attractive."
"It's exciting to see all these men out here, like."
"Men have been 99.99% of military casualties just on this sole grievance."
"What men want: Nasty satisfying sex. We need to be nurtured. Allow us to communicate with you without you playing tennis, hitting the ball back and forth to tell us what we went wrong at."
"I want to see more of that. I want to see men doing better."
"Men are awful, men are terrible, men are the worst thing ever. We get it, change the [ __ ] record already."
"Men can have the most shittiest parents, they can be the shittiest fathers, and they can still excel."
"I think men especially suffer a lot from suppressing emotional or just trauma in general."
"Your threads, what you choose to clothe yourself in, men like that."
"Men don't read like that, men don't seek knowledge like that, men are seeking a thrill, men are seeking entertainment."
"Some men are so [__] embarrassing."
"It's definitely where you learn to beat men."
"Misogyny appears to be somewhere that men reach for constantly."
"Skin care is becoming cool for men again."
"Our sin as men is that we forget divine love."
"You don't have to talk to them, you just let them talk about themselves. Men like to talk about themselves."
"Men that learn how to dance get a boost in attractiveness."
"Nice but never get approached by men."
"At least those guys look like men."
"Men don't care. Men don't walk away from nothing."
"He wondered about what they had encountered that night, wondered about the men they'd left behind."
"Men are the most dangerous thing on this planet just overall."
"I'm not gonna be available, I will not be available because men really don't understand what they have until they no longer have it."
"Men need to start promoting women not speaking up and taking credit for our ideas."
"BPH is the most common prostate issue for men over 50."
"Here at our church, what we say is we build men up to bless women and children. This is a profoundly deep value."
"The biggest mistake that guys make with button-up shirts is wearing dress shirts untucked."