
Transformative Quotes

There are 421 quotes

"If you can live every day like it's your last for real, it'll change your life."
"This will change how you understand your entire life and how you see the lives of everybody around you."
"You're gonna get your own justice, and that justice is going to become absolutely life-changing."
"He changed everything. He's astonishingly better than almost everything else around him."
"Lancome Monsieur Big mascara has changed my lash game forever."
"I think that to me that is a movie that again you you will look at that movie very differently you probably will look at life very differently for the rest of your time on this planet."
"When you guys meet, that's what it's about right there forever life-changing love."
"I think Hernana is absolutely transformative... even in the first game."
"Audiobooks are absolutely freaking life-changing."
"This will change business as we know it forever."
"I felt a down flow of love and affection that I have never felt before or since... like being totally okay."
"This is seriously game-changing, what a day!"
"Identified motivation is genuinely life-changing."
"They're literally going to change your life, they're incredible."
"The power of education... the power of kindness."
"This book is the type of book where if everybody in the world read it the world would be a better place for it."
"It's potentially the most life-changing book on this entire list. It is an incredible read."
"Love is a skill that can be learned... it's transformative."
"It's critical analysis, it's educational, and it's transformative in the usage of that IP."
"And that is so amazing, you know, for people watching and listening, for people that I've interviewed in the occult, that once they encounter the presence of God or they feel that peace for the first time, it's so life-changing."
"Very, very simple innovations like a self-driving car... could completely change this."
"Imagine what they could do. It's the innovation that could happen, it would be on another level."
"Now, as they glow golden, they represent a magical gateway to another world."
"One simple act of affection can stop the monster in its tracks."
"Season two has a different feel because it moves the focus towards Timmy's wishes, radically changing the people or world around him."
"It's amazing just what the power of forgiveness can do."
"This video, this add-on that we're going to discuss... will change the way you look at World of Warcraft forever. It will alter your playstyle, I believe, forever."
"She makes normal experiences feel so extraordinary and so Cinderella-like..."
"Acceptance, love, and trust are truly so, so powerful, life changing."
"My opinion is that this is going to change everything."
"It's going to provide you with an absolutely mind-blowing opportunity."
"This is probably one of the most mind-blowing months so far."
"It's going to be absolutely remarkable, remarkable, remarkable moment in time."
"I'm telling you right now, 'In and of Itself' was life-changing."
"This score is bombastic, epic, and something else entirely."
"This is going to develop into a life-changing gameplay experience, trust me."
"The tower is a foundation-rocking event, a game changer."
"You'll love it, it's life-changing, it's life-saving."
"Honestly, it changed my whole life completely."
"Gene editing has the potential to transform life on Earth."
"Living a life of relative obscurity... suddenly, Jesus Christ would change Life as we know it."
"I completely agree I read it at age 22 it completely changed my world view it still shapes very much how I think about the world today all these years later."
"The mage hand ledger domain is utterly transformative."
"This is a work of history which Changed History."
"Events that happened next changed the planet forever."
"This discovery could change the foundation of science."
"This is going to be life-changing, it's going to be Legacy."
"I mean, it's oh, it was a magical time, and it just changed my life forever."
"Destiny the Taken King was such a big expansion...it essentially was a new game."
"It literally was like years and years of therapy condensed into eight hellish hours."
"This has the potential to have a life-changing, game-changing year for Hearthstone."
"I truly think that it's one of the most life-changing things that will ever happen to me."
"Life-changing experience for me 45 years ago, Halloween night."
"That changes the game, man. It changes the game, changes everything."
"I took introduction to Judaism and it just changed my life."
"The lizard man... was a lesson, a turning point in my life."
"This is one of the most potent new beginning energies that many of us will face in our lifetimes."
"This has the potential to be a real game-changer."
"Stronger than a thousand armies is an idea whose time has come."
"Education has been a game changer for black women."
"One of the most extraordinary books you will ever read."
"Bitcoin... represents such an extraordinarily transformative asset."
"Wow, wow, wow, wow. This is a game changer. Wow."
"Wow, I wish I was lying. We're gonna change your world."
"Thank you, Joe, changed our lives. We've really been given tools to really help our family."
"This is going to start the process and the progress in your life which is going to change so so so much and this is only the beginning."
"Games could be really transformative, they're not just entertainment."
"Reading really good books can be transformative."
"But understanding what the Bible says about God's truth, who God is, what the Bible says about God's world and you, and God's promises about the future, that will transform those moments."
"When you meet that person, have a connection with, you throw the rule book out the window. Everything changes."
"Wanting a relationship that brings magic and opportunity, aiming for a transformative connection."
"Sometimes when you go and you witness situations like this, you will end up becoming a part of the experience."
"Together we have transformed American consciousness as to what kind of nation we can become."
"Changed forever... absolutely game changing."
"Immediately crazy, you know so much about me. Truly, that was the best time. Those three years was when I trained with the monks."
"Love is magical. Love is the magician that pulls man out of his own hat."
"The glory of God does something to you... in you... through you."
"This is the moment that is going to be absolutely life-changing financially for a lot of people."
"Absolutely changed my entire gaming experience."
"It changed my life probably more so than any other body of work."
"One thing that the anointing does, it makes you fall so in love with Jesus."
"Starlink has changed my life man 100 changed how I live it's changed everything."
"This is an opportunity of a lifetime, it is literally life-changing."
"What I really was moved by, and I know a lot of people out there who watched today had the same reaction, is how transcendent her nomination is."
"When breakthrough happens idols are destroyed."
"This is the great reset in action guys... right before our eyes."
"Super fearless is really wanting true change... because I have to be a part of the change."
"This literally has been such a game changer for me."
"I sometimes say to people, if half of what the Bible says is true, then my goodness, your whole world is turned upside down."
"Worship is the atmosphere where dead things come alive!"
"Quantum atonement - wiping away all injustices in the blink of an eye."
"It's life-changing. It's literally like - no, I mean you know, there's no other man in my life I had talked about - no more a big bridge just stealing."
"It was life-changing, I think it changed the perspective of a lot of people on board."
"...the better ones become practically transformative the next time you watch them..."
"This is another of those that is truly life-changing."
"It's a world-changing vision come true."
"Bitcoin as transformative, it is still so early."
"This changed my entire perspective on life."
"It's very transformative in terms of finding the right partner."
"You're in a time that's going to feel really miraculous."
"This has been a life-changing experience."
"They're going to be massively life-changing."
"This is information that can change lives."
"The next 15 20 years are going to be the most disruptive in history."
"These are life-changing. They are game-changers."
"This right here is a [__] movie. This is the type of movie that changes people, that you watch and you want to be a better person."
"This thing is a game changer truly."
"It's very difficult to put into words, but it just is so life-changing."
"Since the first time he held her in his arms, his world has completely changed."
"Sancho accepted a move to Dortmund one of Germany's biggest clubs in a move that was massively transformative in the footballing landscape"
"This type of technology is an absolute GameChanger."
"Every single one of these surgeries has really been very life-changing and oftentimes life-saving."
"Mysticism is a group of practices, discourses, texts, institutions, traditions, and experiences that may refer to any kind of transformative or altered state of consciousness. - Video Caption"
"It's going to be a very healing and transformative relationship for you."
"That moment changed my whole life for the better."
"This has probably got to be... a game changer."
"This show destroyed me changed me it truly leaves me speechless."
"This show will break you you will not be the same person after watching this show that you were before watching this show."
"That thing is going to change the way we do everything."
"AI is this extraordinary new technology that everyone says can be transformative as much as the printing press."
"Sounds great. I'm excited about it. It's uh it's been transformative for my business and a lot of folks in my community so happy to chat and help how I can."
"It's just absolutely, I just can't get over it. It's a total game changer."
"You're actually going to see, in a matter of... you're just going to be, uh, when you look back, you become a better person just after meeting this person. They completely shift you."
"It's absolutely wild and transformative, but it's also really effing cool."
"Love really can change everything."
"It has completely changed my life."
"It truly will change your life. It will translate into everything you do."
"If art is used in a transformative way, you'll nearly guarantee that that is a fair use application."
"So what I did was I listened to that hypnobirth and every time I went into the bath like 20 minutes hopefully you could hear all of that yeah but basically they use that audio that I just mentioned life changing."
"These AIS could make transformative Nobel prize-winning discoveries every few minutes, and perhaps eventually every few seconds."
"I think the ideas in this book can be genuinely life-changing."
"When true love comes, it washes away every experience you've had in your past, I am not even joking."
"That is life-changing, absolutely life-changing."
"Of all Humanity's inventions, there's one that really stands out. It's the most transformative, disruptive, creative technology ever conceived, and it's also one of the simplest."
"Insane life-changing I can't even swallow to begin telling you how incredible this is."
"I am obsessed with trying melon. I have an unhealthy obsession with all things tret because it's easily the single most transformative ingredient that I've ever used in my skincare routine."
"Seeing that movie was like a rite of passage. It changed my outlook not only about hockey but about life in general."
"This tool honestly for removing objects just, it changes absolutely everything."
"It really does change absolutely everything."
"...if everyone else does the same, I can see and it almost gives me chills what a transformative event that would be in the world..."
"It's just a read that will change you for the better."
"This person will change your life for the better."
"Every time you interact with them, they will show you a different side of them."
"Something about them will be transformative for you."
"That's a life changer. They could never heard this version."
"I didn't know what I was getting into when I committed to ten days of prayer, but it was a transformative experience."
"This relationship will make your soul come alive."
"The grace of God is powerful enough to save anybody."
"Jewelry is first of all, it's the most transformative part of a wardrobe. You can change your entire look with a piece of jewelry."
"weekend like this can change a year but it could make a year"
"A place where contact experiences with something inexplicable produces life-changing effects"
"Love is greedy... but love was also transforming."
"This fundamentally changed my life."
"That was the most transformative performance I've seen in a long time."
"It's been life-changing for me and so many others."
"This is truly game changing. Holy sh—"
"One of the most transformative games in its genre ever."
"What an experience! I shall never be the same again."
"This person may have a massive transformative period in union with you, like you guys together really help build each other up to embrace each other's uniqueness and to embrace each other's path in this life."
"I think midwifery was really for me a kind of life-changing experience. I mean, I never went back to general nursing once I'd been a midwife. I stayed a midwife and I just found it the most wonderful job."
"...and this is hard. This is really hard, you know? But once you connect, it's so game-changing."
"It's the fact that there's a transformative meaning or message."
"It's a very life-changing experience for sure."
"I'm of the belief that this is the one for the people who have bounced from doctor to doctor. This is the one that's life-changing in many cases. Holistic healing."
"It's literally been life-changing."
"The encounter was so loving that it changed my life dramatically."
"I see the gift. That's world-changing, Stevo. It's life-changing and world-changing."
"It's just been truly life-altering and changing."
"Transformative goals aren't small; they're goals that, if accomplished, will have a remarkable change on your life."
"It is transformative, it is life-changing."
"Absolutely game-changer postpartum lifechanging."
"Your product has to be transformative; it takes the customer from point A to point B."
"...my life is forever changed by this experience."
"This literally just changed my life."
"This was a game changer for me also."
"It was the most life-changing thing ever."
"This teaching has transformed my life."
"The Quran speaks to your inner self; it's divine speech."
"It's been amazing... it has been completely transformative to our Parisian experience."
"...is the change that changes everything."
"When you're asking God for that special Supernatural support, that Grace, it does make this huge difference. It can be transformative."
"It was the most amazing experience, life-changing."
"This is an area probably more than any other I can think of, where the new developments in treatments, not only meds, but also devices, is probably more exciting and more transformative than in almost any other area of medicine."
"It's definitely a game that is life-changing."
"Power chords are not major chords or minor chords, but they could be either depending on how you treat them. They're very transformative like that."
"Walking makes anecdotally everyone I know who's gotten into the Habit, especially walking outside, swears it's changed who they are."
"Transformative, transformational coat."
"You will ultimately bring out the best in each other."
"Your relationship with them will be incredibly transformative and supportive."
"This has been a real game-changer for me."
"This is life-changing, holy jump it."
"This was one of those really transformative moments in American political history."
"10x means tell the truth. 10x is truly exponential, like a totally transformative experience."
"Moment you enter and moment you leave the place, you'll see the Drastic change, the energy just grabs you like a magnet."
"Falling in love can change everything."
"... it changed everything for me."
"It is world changing, it really is."
"This is the kind of love that changes you forever."
"Some technologies are transformative."
"That changed the trajectory of my life."