
Helplessness Quotes

There are 642 quotes

"Against stupidity, even the gods are helpless."
"It just feels like there are all these factors that are out of your control and it doesn't seem like there's light at the end of the tunnel."
"My consciousness retreated and became an audience to my perils, and I could do nothing."
"You cannot save people, you can only love them."
"The violent collision of realms creates a tangible helplessness, a certainty of extinction central to Junji Ito's style of horror."
"Strength is not enough to save those who don't want to be saved."
"I freaking love it. I love caring about something you have no control over."
"He's in a state where he can't fight anymore."
"Now you are locked away, helpless and alone. Game over!"
"What am I gonna do with that? What am I gonna do? Nothing, I can't do anything."
"Either you wanna kill somebody you’re so angry, or you’re depressed because there wasn't one solution in the whole thing."
"It leaves you with this sinking feeling that we simply can't do anything about the evil that's tinted our world."
"That's a league of his own, bro. That's messed up. Your wife gets smacked, smacked, bro, and there's nothing you can do."
"I'm just really devastated and just left with nothing else to do."
"Sometimes he'll absolutely decimate you and then there's jack you can do in return."
"I hate losing matches where literally nothing I do matters."
"Nothing I can tell you can help you. Nothing anyone can tell you can help you." - SCP-4730-3
"This person feels like they don't have control over the situation."
"You can't help someone who does not want to be helped."
"I don't understand it, I actually don't understand it. How do you stop it?"
"You can't do anything about your feelings, I suppose."
"One of the feelings that comes up with me always is the helplessness, being too young, being a guy but too young to be able to help a woman in this case your mother, and that happened every single day."
"Well, I can't do any more, and that's of course when the powerlessness... that's when you start to control."
"When you feel helpless, you have just become eligible for the assistance of God."
"Panic was taking over and I started banging on it. I was legitimately terrified. I screamed for my mom and my dad, even my brother, but no one was responding."
"I can't live like this no more because I can't do nothing and I can't be around my family."
"Feeling helpless... be willing to make a sacrifice."
"There's nothing you can do... Just lay back and enjoy it."
"There is nothing we have that can stop them at this point."
"There was nothing we could do about the dead."
"If you sort of abdicate responsibility, you're powerless."
"This is real life, friend. It's happening now, and we can't help. It's not over yet."
"I would have done anything if I could have stopped him. I know I couldn't have stopped him. I tried to stop him." - Charlene Williams
"Prayer was supposed to be about things you cannot do anything about."
"I just stood there and watched while she systematically started to pound him to a pulp."
"I was unable to breathe or say or scream anything throughout the attack."
"I hate that you can log off, but it's still happening and you can't stop it."
"Tragedy, especially routine, makes us acknowledge our helplessness and turn to God."
"When it's the cops doing it, who are you supposed to turn to?"
"Just watching them not being in control of the situation is hard."
"How do you begin to make sense of all these tragedies one after the other?"
"I can't make sense of it. I don't know why it's going on."
"The truth of the matter is when you have a situation like that most people just stand there and watch and they feel helpless or just scared for their own lives right."
"The first step to accessing intimacy with God is helplessness."
"They don't know what to do about it, they can't do anything about it, and they hope the enigma will go away."
"Just fucking let all those assholes can tell you whatever they want right and do whatever they want like you know, awful. You at the editor are never gonna have an impact on changing it right?"
"I've been dead for 15 years like I can't do anything to you. You are just [ __ ] on your own."
"She confessed that she hated that she couldn't do anything for him."
"It's so disheartening to think there wasn't more we could do." - Ronald O'Brien
"The point is you can't really dig yourself out of a hole, you can only dig yourself deeper."
"You can help somebody that doesn't want to be helped."
"The widespread sense of learned helplessness is super-powerful."
"I'm concerned about her, at this point, and I have no idea what to do."
"It is such a helpless feeling, okay? Such a helpless feeling."
"The quickest way to make someone feel powerless is for them to be thinking about everything going on that they can't control."
"I think that's kind of I think one of the one of the overarching feelings I have about this is almost this helplessness there's nothing I can do"
"It's like watching a train wreck you can't turn away from."
"That door of the Ark is closing, and we're not going to be able to help everybody."
"It sucks when family are dealing with health issues it's a very helpless feeling."
"It hurts my little mom heart to see my kids sick and there's not much I can do for her."
"I couldn't move, I couldn't talk or scream, all I could do was move my eyes around."
"This is a moment of awakened political activism from women all over the country."
"There's nothing I can do about that, I gotta be honest with you."
"It was like being in front of a train, you know it's coming but I can't stop it."
"I won't be heard I'll never be heard I'm stuck stuck stuck."
"Not even Alex Russo could have worked her magic to fix this one."
"One of the things about chaos is that you're in the middle of a rowboat and you don't have a paddle."
"Shinji realizes what this means, but his cries cannot stop the bomb."
"He did for me what I couldn't do for myself."
"There's just no reaction there, there's nothing you can do really."
"You can't fix somebody who doesn't want to be fixed."
"It's like watching a slow motion train wreck."
"That breaks my heart because that instills a level of helplessness to people that no one deserves."
"You almost wanna get in the way because you want to try and do something but you can't, there's nothing you can do."
"They feel like their hands are tied in the situation."
"You can't shoot an earthquake with a gun."
"My name is Lilly Mad Whip and I can't save everybody."
"I was left to curl up on the ground and scream."
"I can't, sir," the sick man said, "for I have no one to put me into the pool when the water bubbles up."
"Look at me, I'm as helpless as a kitten up a tree."
"You couldn't even help them if you tried."
"Idiot!" I screamed at the retreating logging truck, though I knew that driver wouldn't be able to hear me."
"With this many monsters, help will not be coming, and we're on our own."
"The hardest part is you feel helpless as an observer, wishing you could have been there."
"I felt such despair and hopelessness, begging my mother to hear me, to help me."
"I can't find my life, someone please help."
"I wish I really wish that I could have been of more help to my father."
"Angela is helpless in this situation, so she agrees to the conditions of the granddaughter of the owner of the house."
"I had no choice but I was too late. I couldn't stop it from happening."
"Speaking from my own experience, for me—one of the hardest parts of coping with a traumatic event or a loss is the sense of… helplessness."
"That's amazing, that was amazing, no, there's nothing we can do, we have to, what can we do?"
"I'm sorry," she managed. "I can't help you."
"The bad dream to end all bad dreams. You know, the kind where you have to escape, but you can only move in slow motion. Your feet are buried in mud like glue. You're caught, you're trapped, you're helpless. You know there's no way out."
"I felt less like I was walking down the stairs and more like a lemming walking off a cliff."
"I felt helpless, watching the lively spark in her eyes slowly fade, the weight of this unbearable burden pressing down on her tiny shoulders."
"He stood by and watched her waste away over Easter weekend, 1851."
"Faced with their anger, men are helpless."
"I feel like one of the things I've been struggling most in the quarantine is just kind of feeling like helpless."
"I never will laugh again. This was my feeling, and I didn't know what will come, what kind of future can I have. I was really helpless."
"It just seems so wrong but there was nothing else we could do, we couldn't help him."
"This is outrageous! The grown-up won't help us."
"Might as well just walk me at this point."
"It was a different kind of fear when you can't make your body move."
"Rolling along cuts wet grass, panting, scared out of my wits, I sat up, mouth opened to beg for help."
"I couldn't do a thing. I was frozen in terror."
"I couldn't say anything, just watch on in horror."
"There's something honorable and beautiful about the helplessness of the infant."
"Sometimes babies do not survive. In these cases, parents are helpless to do anything as they watch the beginning of their child's life collide with the end of it."
"Deep down you feel like this is out of your hands."
"How does it feel to be so helpless, sheep-girl?"
"When you feel helpless, there's only one person who can help you, and that's God."
"I think a lot of the toxic aggression online is to do with feelings of just helplessness and impotence actually"
"If there was anything I could have done, I would have done it."
"I'm still worried about her, but I know that the only thing I can do is wish that she'll find a way to help herself get better and out of that hell."
"I feel helpless. I have no other choice but to just go with the flow here and just to release because I don't feel like I'm capable."
"It feels like we're just watching them die now. That's all we're going to be doing."
"I just can't stand seeing my husband destroy himself."
"I just recognize that I can't make you want to get better and it sucks because I wish I could, but bro, you're dying, you're dying dude."
"Imagine the fear of feeling helpless to act as hundreds, possibly thousands of viewers looked on as a woman was being held at gunpoint as people robbed her home."
"I could barely register a conscious thought as I screamed for help."
"She had looked to me for help, but I couldn't do anything. I had been useless."
"We're trapped in the pipe at the bottom of the sea. No one knows we're down here."
"It's probably one of the worst feelings in the world when you can't help somebody that you love see that drugs are killing them."
"I've known it for a long time, there's no help for people like me."
"We're helpless for many causes, and the growth had attacked us already."
"Helplessness alone is terrifying, but the idea that it doesn't even matter is a level of horror all its own."
"I felt helpless. I felt is this what being a police officer is?"
"I think the worst feeling that a search and rescue member can experience is being there and not having anything you can do to help."
"Stay in prayerful, 'cause we can't do nothing about what we care about."
"Anger can defend against helplessness."
"God helps those who can't help themselves or even better, God helps the helpless."
"Once you're in hell, no one can help you."
"A lot of times there's nothing we can do for that pain... and it's just an emotional pain as well."
"They feel helpless in your presence, drawn to your uniqueness."
"He's got to cover three but beater just dialed up and I can't do anything about it."
"Because when someone wants to be lost, is content to be lost, actually likes being lost, it will inevitably take a crisis before they want to be found and there's nothing you can do about it."
"There's nothing I can do to him. I'm just really angry."
"Even the woman he professes to love, he does nothing to help her."
"It's really hard to watch your wife suffer like that."
"I'm struggling. My kids are struggling. I don't know what else to do anymore."
"There's no way we can know and no way we can do anything about it," said Ford.
"It was like one of those nightmares where you have a gun and you can't pull the trigger."
"Nobody's going to help. Nobody's going to help, you know? And I felt some areas, they don't even want. They're happy with just the way it is now. Right?"
"I've seen people rant and rave, and what's sad is there's no one there who can really do anything about it."
"True crime can be so intriguing and yet so heartbreaking because you feel so helpless sometimes."
"I'm literally stuck there, there's nothing I can do and I feel like defeated and it sucks so bad."
"I'm recognizing... I'm addict. I've been addicted to him trying to help him and I can't. I can't."
"He said it was awful watching you struggle and feel powerless to stop it."
"The sheep have delivered themselves to the slaughter."
"There's a very big problem with that because if they can't help him, no one else can help him."
"I couldn't stop a man from drinking, and if the wife was living with him, I couldn't protect her either. Not day and night."
"The gods had watched in helpless horror."
"Daniel bows his head in silent grief for the two, for a moment, unable to do anything for either."
"I see my fly sink to the bottom but I can't move. I can't do anything about it because I don't dare to move."
"They are almost certainly beyond our help."
"I was scared. It was night, and I had no way of calling for help."
"What are you going to do, throw yourself into the sun? I don't even know if that would be enough to kill him."
"They found themselves lost in a sea of pain without a life preserver."
"I tried to scream, tried to yell for my parents, but no sound came out."
"I feel like there's nothing that I can say or I can do to alleviate that pain. And I wish that I could. I mean that sincerely. I wish that I could take it all away."
"My ankle was done and nobody's helping you, nobody's coming over."
"I have never felt so bad and helpless and powerless for two people before in my life."
"There was nowhere to go. I couldn't run or scream or hide. They would find me. They would find us all."
"...a broken oil pipe and nothing can be done about it."
"It's a losing battle, it's kind of a terrifying feeling to know you have almost no control."
"In the apocalypse, there are times when you want to save people but you find yourself powerless."
"One of the guys tried to scramble up, it was too late, this kid had gone."
"The moment of divine grace is not something within our power which is automatic for the modern idea of the will and autonomy being controlling your life. There's an acknowledgment of helplessness that is inseparable more Terrence's absolutely."
"You know, I always think about the fact that there are so many problems I can't fix. I don't know what to do about racism."
"Fear and helplessness were just as nourishing to this thing as living flesh and blood. It was prolonging the hunt to drink it all in, every little bit."
"He was dying in my arms, what the [__] was I supposed to do?"
"Someone help me, I can't stop eating."
"One of the highest predictors of depression and despair is a feeling of helplessness. It is one of the most damaging states of mind imaginable."
"What can I do? Can I even do anything?"
"You wish you could save them all."
"I'm feeling suicidal and I don't know what to do."
"But the sorrow of his great helplessness suddenly fell upon me like a mountain. I was crushed by it."
"It was excruciatingly sad. We were completely helpless. There was nothing anyone could do."
"The minute you admit that you are powerless and give your life to whoever's in that meeting and say [__] help me, your life will be saved."
"There's nothing that anyone can do if she does this."
"I really felt like I was sitting behind a thick glass wall just watching blind people walk into traffic and I know the answer."
"He desperately wanted to help the snake but nothing he tried was working."
"The government is not going to help you. They don't give a rip about you, and they don't care about me."
"The fear of not being able to find your parents as a kid is a trembling fear that grips your entire body, a different type of fear than losing your phone or wallet. It's the helplessness of a child in a scary situation."
"I don't deserve to be helped, but I still question with bursting brains how it can have happened."
"She was frozen, she couldn't even roll over."
"Poor Sean. I'm assuming, yeah, there's no saving him. That was just absolutely terrifying."
"If only relationships can produce that state of feeling extremely helpless and aggressive at the same time."
"No one can save me, absolutely no one."
"Our helplessness makes the idea of the good possible."
"Satisfaction cumulatively experienced can make helplessness a strength."
"The catastrophe of being a human being is that we are irredeemably helpless creatures."
"'But of course Freud doesn't say the original helplessness of human beings is thus the primal source of all good moral motives, he just says morality is bound up with helplessness.'"
"You know it's just a feeling of utter helplessness being explored by an alien thing, that's all."
"I just felt so helpless, I was like trying to help them but just steep dropoff."
"With trauma, we're not helpless, we're injured."
"Brook Haven's Frozen. Nothing I can do to stop the freeze."
"I just couldn't stop it, I couldn't."
"So, there was always this distrust with the British, but what could you do?"
"I literally can't deal, like he's just gonna be a little little guy."