
Hate Speech Quotes

There are 171 quotes

"Using vile anti-Semitic slurs, degrading those with special needs, endorsing violence against political leaders... is absolutely repugnant."
"The ability to speak freely, hate speech is not a qualifier. It's not a real thing."
"Hate speech can take many different forms, but no matter what it looks like, hate speech has real consequences."
"The strategy emphasizes the need to counter hate holistically while respecting freedom of opinion and expression."
"Things would be much better if there was less hateful speech."
"The consequences of the arbitrary regulation of hate speech are that things get a lot worse because hate is very difficult to define."
"The best way to combat hateful speech is with good speech."
"We are living in a world where there are many people and many organizations that try to... put up the volume of the hate and of the fear voices, and if you can actually see it happening and what it does to you, that's the best defense against these external hands."
"I'm very much in favor of deplatforming hate speech and all that types of [expletive]. I just don't like it when people spread misinformation."
"Words have consequences, and ill words that go unchallenged are the first step on a continuum towards ill deeds, towards a much darker place where hatred and prejudice drive not only what people say but also what they do."
"We've got a big problem right now with social media companies and their failure to moderate content and the explosion of hate on Twitter."
"We must never ignore the vile poison of anti-semitism, or those who spread its venomous creed. With one voice we must confront this hatred anywhere and everywhere it occurs."
"Protecting real freedom for stopping this hatred and vilification, demonization of people that are just trying to live their lives or live a better life, it's got to stop."
"The rules are clear, they're not vague with language like 'hate speech'."
"Freedom of speech is very important, but at the same time, it's like this is getting into the whole freedom of speech, hate speech thing, right?"
"They were literally chanting death to the Jews."
"The point is that free speech requires us to tolerate misinformation and even hateful speech."
"Two hundred and forty companies across many industries have signed on to the #StopHateForProfit campaign."
"This is disgusting and shameful. Hate will not make us great."
"It's hate speech because the authoritarian left doesn't want you using these terms."
"There is a link between recent hate speech and hate crime." - Sophia Smith Galer
"I do not trust the state to decide what constitutes hate speech."
"It should not be cool to be mean-spirited. It should not be acceptable to spread hate."
"Nazis say, 'Keep exposing what we do, keep commenting what we do, keep pointing out our hate symbols. It only makes us stronger.' And then they get weaker."
"Facebook has just nuked Donald Trump's campaign from orbit with new rules banning hate speech."
"The question I get asked most often is, how do you not get angry with some of these people, especially the ones who are sort of spewing hate?"
"I appreciate this leadership in fighting hate."
"Everything she said up there was the politics of hate, and America is not about hate."
"The amount of hate speech on Twitter has actually dropped dramatically under Elon Musk."
"It's hate speech towards women, it's absolutely terrible and it should not be allowed."
"Hate never goes away, it only hides waiting to re-emerge whenever it is given just a little bit of oxygen." - President Biden
"Against hate speech on social media won't solve white supremacy. Oh my god, it's a start towards dealing with it."
"I detest hate speech, but I believe freedom comes first."
"We've already buried hate them just don't [ __ ] your cat like it's not a fable."
"The broader theme of the story is you should never preach hate."
"Most people, close your eyes. Remember what those people looked like coming out of the fields carrying torches. Their veins bulging, spewing anti-Semitic bile."
"Hate speech can lead to hate crimes...the increase in hate crimes...is really very troubling."
"Freedom of speech is not absolute; hate speech and incitement to violence, including rape, are illegal."
"By removing their language of hate, we remove their power over us."
"Behavior towards others based on their racial identity, gender identity, or religious beliefs to be in my life, this hate speech allegation specifically is an interesting thing to point out."
"These neo-nazi hate groups... have no place in our society no place in florida i condemn them in the strongest terms." - Florida's Governor Ron DeSantis
"He began an unprovoked and bigoted rant attacking Jewish people."
"If Free Speech means anything, it exists to defend the kind of speech that would be labeled hate speech."
"If people are going to be hateful out on the internet, at least you see who."
"It's deeply anti-Semitic, it's deeply racist."
"Yesterday's medical terminology is today's hate speech and today's hate speech is tomorrow's colloquialism."
"I think any hate speech which actually acts as a catalyst of people to commit acts of violence to me is unacceptable wherever you are in the world."
"Never to incite violence or hatred of any kind."
"The strongest weapon against hateful speech is not repression, it is more speech."
"No one deserves hate, no one deserves cancel culture."
"Conventional wisdom tells us hate has no value. Hate is dangerous, hate is harmful, and if we are to achieve social justice, we must put a stop to hate speech, silence it by any means necessary."
"I find the whole idea of hate speech to be incredibly bizarre, as though there's some objective metric of what speech and ideas are hateful and what speech and ideas aren't."
"What people actually mean is that hate speech harms you in the sense that it propagates societal values that lead very very directly the harm of people."
"I don't think hate should ever be used."
"It's not comedy and it's beyond propaganda. It's actually hateful." - Unknown
"Facebook categorizes you as a hate agent for associating with designated hate entities."
"Facebook will categorize you as a hate agent for statements made in private but later made in public."
"I do not view your channel as some kind of forum for hate speech."
"Why wouldn't the executive order establish appropriate punishments for hateful rhetoric against anyone of any group?"
"Twitter is now the hotbed for that kind of radicalization there are more Nazis out and about openly [ __ ] fantasizing about death to all Tommy's Jews whatever the [ __ ] they decide or their enemies than ever before."
"They're chanting Nazi slogans and wearing Nazi iconography and waving Nazi flags, praising Hitler, talking about gassing Jewish people, throwing Hitler salutes and shouting Sieg Heil. These people here are neo-nazis, I think we can all agree."
"Online hate speech translates into real-life consequences."
"Replying to hate speech with hate is not an option."
"How do you beat hatred with more hatred? That stuff should never come up in your vocabulary."
"There is a difference between criticism and literally straight up hate comments."
"Hate speech begets hate crimes and leaders have a responsibility to speak and act with moral Clarity."
"Hate speech laws, they are bad... they are just an attempt to enforce one set of social norms."
"Calling a trans woman he or a trans man her is about as creative of a transphobic insult as calling a black person the n-word."
"That's hate in my opinion, that's stupidity, that's bigotry, that's prejudice."
"Speech can spread hate, but also empower the individual."
"Facebook rejects hate. We take down any Content that celebrates, defends, or attempts to justify the Holocaust."
"A very small proportion of people are responsible for the vast majority of the abuse, racism, expressions, hate online."
"War cannot be the solution; we must reject hate speech, incitement, and manipulation of truth."
"He's pushing a proposition of hate and division."
"Ultimately, it is literally not deep enough to be sending people that much hate. That's just disgusting."
"We need to call out hate speech and misinformation."
"The Supreme Court has stated that 'Hate speech is not protected speech.'"
"I'm afraid we're not done with hateful rhetoric."
"This sort of vile hateful rhetoric has a body count attached."
"Before you come asking Mr. Muhammad does he teach hate, you should ask yourself: who taught you to hate being what God gave you?"
"Hate only hides under the rocks when you give it oxygen."
"Free speech is a thing but hate speech is also a huge thing." - Discussion participant
"All the hate, please take it somewhere else, I'm spreading positive vibes over here."
"Not only did the chiropractors not understand chiropractic or medicine, they also had no understanding of a boycott."
"The president Liz McGill has officially now resigned amid the quote unquote controversy over anti-Semitism."
"Please don't send hate to these people. Criticism is okay, hate not okay."
"They can't speak so by banning hate speech you actually protect free speech."
"Empathy is so important when it comes to the conversation of hate and things like that."
"Limiting hate and abuse on trending posts, Instagram's new anti-hate feature."
"The truth is called hate speech when someone is revealing the truth and it makes you uncomfortable."
"There are unironic open neo-nazis with millions of subscribers uh openly spreading Nazi propaganda on YouTube."
"Don't platform those spreading hate; it only spreads further."
"Hate speech or any other behavior that denigrates another person's rights will not be tolerated."
"There's no place for hate speech or violence of any kind, whether it's anti-Semitism, islamophobia, or discrimination against Arab Americans or Palestinian Americans."
"Free speech is different than hate speech, and peaceful protest is different than criminal behavior."
"Respond to hate speech with more speech."
"Calling for death to Jews is not protected speech; it is anti-Semitic."
"Truth is considered hate speech to those who hate the truth."
"The best way to respond to hate speech is with better speech."
"Misgendering trans people should 100 be considered inciting hatred against them on the basis of their gender. The only purpose in misgendering trans people is that it hurts them and incites hatred against them."
"Resistance to violent hate speech is not another act of hate it is an act of love."
"Censorship, as well as being oppressive and damaging, can play a role in combating hate-speech."
"Censorship's an issue cause they choose what they erase. There's a difference between hate speech and speech that you hate."
"The left-wing position is that speech should be free but not for hate speech, whereas the right-wing or conservative position is all speech except that which calls for violence should be free."
"Almost 50% of young people say they believe in free speech but not for hate speech."
"This is not an invitation to go and kill every Jew."
"There is no clear single definition of hate speech."
"Platforms simply don't want you to be able to spam slurs in the chat. It's immature, unprofessional, and hateful."
"Facebook promotes hate speech to those who are interested in hate speech. It points them towards sites which are misogynistic, homophobic, etc."
"Racism is a hate crime, isn't it? You can't just go around screaming the n-word in the faces of people who are upset by that word."
"Freedom of speech is one of the most important tools that black and brown communities have. There's this notion that if something's offensive, it equates to hate speech and it should be outlawed. But that's not how speech works in this country."
"The Holocaust started with hate speech, stigmatizing and vilifying the Jews and other ethnic groups."
"They're the devil the Bible speaks of. So-called Jewish people, they're counterfeits, fakes."
"We do not want to see extremist material on the internet, and we want to see companies taking action to remove material that encourages hate and division."
"Everyone in society can commit to genuine condemnation of hate, dehumanizing rhetoric, bullying against whoever it may be."
"How quickly can you adjust your algorithms to reduce its spread and perhaps more importantly, to reduce or remove the recommendation of hate and disinformation?"
"Hate speech is one of the hardest things to train an AI system to get good at identifying because it is linguistically nuanced."
"We have very clear policies against hate speech, things which could incite harm or hatred or violence."
"We're allowing a speech of hate and ignorance to grow, and we have to fight that back."
"Free speech is the answer to hate speech, not less speech."
"Do not send hate to this guy, I'm just here using it to talk about a problem."
"Freedom of expression has its limits; those limits begin where hatred is spread, they begin where the dignity of other people is violated."
"These are bullies, these are trolls, and they should not be allowed to just spew all this hate on social media."
"Anything hateful people say is truly showing how low and uneducated... of a person they are."
"The most important way that we have to respond to hate speech is culture."
"I believe at a minimum that is hateful speech."
"We must draw a line and condemn hate."
"Nobody should be making money by making content that is spreading and perpetuating hate speech."
"Hatred and glorification of violence are totally unacceptable."
"Hate speech is never okay or excusable."
"There is a very clear difference between having something to say and hate speech."
"The Holocaust didn't start with the concentration camps and gas chambers; the Holocaust started with hate speech."
"Anti-Semitism is dangerous, it is hate speech, and it is abhorrent."
"Restricting hate speech is a must for any civilized society."