
Terrorism Quotes

There are 755 quotes

"It is not terrorism to defend yourself if you're being attacked."
"What terrorism truly means is a desire and potentially the ability to disrupt the agenda of the powerful."
"Drones are horrible; they're tactics of terror. It's terrorism on the largest scale that we've seen on this planet."
"The first aerial terroristic attack in American history was not done by Al Qaeda; it was done by white men and they flew planes that were owned by privately held corporations."
"So many young, beautiful, innocent people living and enjoying their lives, murdered by evil losers in life. I won't call them monsters because they would like that term; they would think that's a great name. I will call them, from now on, losers, because that's what they are. They're losers."
"The eradication of terrorism requires a comprehensive approach that includes tackling its political, economic, and social roots, along with the security and military action."
"We should express our sympathy to all the relatives and all the victims of this unnecessary terrorism."
"Freedom itself was attacked this morning by a faceless coward, and freedom will be defended."
"The Americans on the other hand were not shy about using force; they had a zero-tolerance policy for negotiating with terrorists."
"We will not be held hostage to extortion and terrorism."
"Every Muslim organization from India to Saudi Arabia... has categorically condemned ISIS."
"The definition of terrorism is the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims."
"The attack on the Crocus City Hall was meticulously prepared and planned."
"Israel has every right to defend itself against Hamas' barbaric acts of terrorism, and it's imperative that America stands with Israel in this fight."
"Why did the U.S. and the U.K. strike terrorist-controlled Yemen with such ferocity?"
"Terrorism is a way of leveraging a very small amount of violence to produce a massive amount of fear by targeting innocents for no apparent purpose other than generating publicity."
"History has taught us that when terrorists don't pay a price for their terror, when dictators don't pay a price for their aggression, they cause more chaos and death and more destruction."
"Terrorism has no borders, no nationality, no religion, and, therefore, joint action with a holistic approach, as I had just mentioned, Mr. President, is crucial."
"Every one of you who came here today to do battle on government soil, this was, by any definition of the word, an act of terrorism. You are all under arrest."
"What you're describing is this like theoretical threat. Right now terrorists, or many of these terrorists, are absolutely jackasses, and they've been caught because of their inept techniques."
"No one remembers the first terrorist attack in American history, no one remembers that it created the espionage act, no one remembers that it was the reason the United States of America jumped into World War One."
"The US and UK protecting civilians from terror attacks is crucial for global stability."
"One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter."
"The word 'hero' comes from the Greek for 'defender' or 'protector,' and that is sort of the opposite of a terrorist, isn't it?"
"The terrorist threat has decreased in some ways because bin Laden is dead."
"FBI Director Christopher Wray has warned for years that white supremacy is a top domestic terror threat."
"Unlike 'Islamist terrorism,' often rooted overseas, white supremacist terrorism and right-wing terrorism more broadly is homegrown."
"Our communities and our society will not be divided; we stand firm against terrorists who attacked Muslims just as we stand against those who wrongly claim to act in the name of Islam."
"Terrorism has been sold as this idea that attacking civilian populations for political purposes is unjustifiable."
"After 13 years of spending trillions on two wars with hundreds of thousands of civilian casualties, the annual count of terror attacks has more than quadrupled."
"Terrorism is on the rise, with an almost fivefold increase in fatalities since 9/11."
"Terrorism is not from Islam. Terrorism is not permissible. It comes from weak individuals who have no patience."
"Hate must have no safe harbor, and we must do everything in our power to end hate-fueled domestic terrorism."
"Hamas offers nothing but terror and bloodshed with no regard to who pays the price."
"We need to designate white supremacist terrorism as domestic terrorism."
"We have a model: not on our watch. Basically, it means never again do we want 9/11 to happen."
"What motivates the enemy like Osama bin Laden and his allies is what we do in the Islamic world."
"And then what? I finally rest, watched the Sun Rise on a grateful universe."
"Squarespace is the comprehensive one-stop to get you online with your own website."
"The biggest terrorists are not in the street; they're in government."
"John Walker Lindh, the American Taliban, is out. So that's great. Now he gets put in jail, taken care of for 20 years, and then let out."
"The Black Tom Explosion... the first terrorist attack in America."
"This game's story is merely about a pmc using a top secret military branch of the us government to construct terrorist attacks that escalate the world's weapon supply and company profits."
"9/11 happens, and he’s the first phone call."
"The bottom line is that most say they feel the same about Islam's connection with terrorism, but at least three times as many in these surveyed groups felt that they associated Islam more with terrorism."
"Terrorist is dead, the architect and chief engineer for the world's most active state sponsor of terrorism."
"No man alive was more directly responsible for the death of more American service members than Qasim Soleimani."
"Soleimani made it his life's work to take the Iranian revolutionary call for death to America and death to Israel and turn them into action."
"This film takes place less than a year after the September 11th terrorist attacks."
"Why do we have over the last 10, 15 years terrorist attacks on the streets of London that are almost inevitably always committed by someone who's a Muslim? I think that there's real issues in terms of social integration."
"Although there hasn't been a successful airliner bombing since Pal434, those who forget the past may be destined to revisit it."
"That is a kind of terror that no citizen of the United States should ever have to face."
"You can't negotiate with terrorists, never let them get anything."
"Yeah, it's because pretty much everyone, every state decided to just dance at the 5-yard line and reopen everything last month."
"It began as a terrorist group, its entire existence it has been a terrorist group, it is still a terrorist group."
"The TSA has prevented precisely zero terror attacks... not one terrorist in 20 years."
"An organized group of terrorists launch an assault on Serif Labs."
"Imminent threat means we had a very specific knowledge of the specific plan that the specific terrorist was engaged in and thus we had to kill him because tomorrow he was gonna do something."
"Suicide bomber may be a weak weapon but not against a weak culture."
"You have to accept that the model which they have built for themselves no longer works, that you cannot in this day and age conduct policy using terrorism as a legitimate instrument of statecraft."
"We have no problem talking to Pakistan, but we have a problem talking to terrorists."
"Right-wing extremism is the fastest-growing terror threat."
"Had the request for additional forces been approved, the war on terror could have ended a decade earlier than it did."
"Three people are dead in a suspected terrorist attack in the southeast French city of Nice." - Visiting the site, French President Emmanuel Macron says France was attacked over its values and tears for freedom.
"We got sucker punched on september the 11th enemies of freedom committed an act of war against our country."
"Aum Shinrikyo: from yoga and meditation to manufacturing nerve gas and terrorist attacks."
"The ideology of the terrorists is a white supremacist ideology. It is fully evil."
"We have to condemn every single act of terrorism, may that be done in the name of Christianity, communism, democracy, capitalism, or Islam. Equally."
"Thankfully the layered and nuanced take on terrorism reached one and all."
"They think that these people are terrorists now."
"We're so far beyond watching these Terror attacks letting these people just do these things the January 6th thing to me is it's it's it's it's bordering on seditious undermining the constitutional rights of the American people."
"The first decade of the 2000s were the war on terror years."
"Just because I'm going to point out the legitimate grievances that Osama Bin Laden had in that letter does not mean that he is justified in doing what he did on 9/11."
"I think in the end he he taught a lot of people to do you know martyr themselves and and um he masterminded the 911 attacks but in the end he wasn't even willing to Roger up himself with a gun and put up a fight so I think that speaks for itself."
"Bin Laden is one of the few individuals you can really say changed history."
"I want to commit an act of domestic terrorism, do you understand? So I'm looking for someone to help build a terrorist network around my passions."
"The use of illegal violence in order to enact a political end is basically the textbook definition of terrorism."
"Statistically, there have been more acts of terrorism committed by white supremacists than Muslims."
"It was so easy for them to get trained and to take down like some of the biggest buildings in america."
"It's very clear and evident that there's an abundance of information from bin Laden to the USS Cole attacks, etc., that we were attacked by bin Laden and his crew."
"Another radical Islamist terrorist attack in the heart of Europe."
"We honor the memory of every innocent soul killed in the September 11th attacks."
"The new form of terrorism as they call it is false or misleading narratives and conspiracy theories."
"Anything you say, whether it's true or false, is considered terrorism if it undermines public trust in US government institutions."
"Terrorism is fundamentally a propaganda war that is backed up by armed conflict."
"Mayor de Blasio called the attack domestic terrorism and an act of Asian hate."
"For 20 years, they kept those terrorists at bay."
"We must ensure that every Nigerian is safe in Nigeria by not giving terrorists any operating space in our nation."
"They're not going to try to hijack planes again and jam them into buildings and have another 9/11 like we did 20 years ago."
"Terrorism is not a military problem. Terrorism is ultimately an ideological problem."
"Precision strikes don't work; they bring more terror."
"Amin’s role in facilitating the Palestinian hijacking of the Air France flight in the summer of 1976 was just one of the increasingly incendiary activities he was engaging in on the international stage in the second half of the 1970s."
"Opposition is normal, but a network of terrorists is deadly."
"You're famously tough on terrorists... Welcome to Scotland."
"The Chinese Communist Party risks becoming what the United States used to be in the eyes of these different terrorist movements."
"The CCP risks having different radical organizations, terrorist movements, or nationalist movements uniting against it."
"Cash is bad and it's all terrorism... It's complete nonsense."
"If you try to kill someone, if you kill someone in an attempt to kill several people based on their race, color, or creed, how is that not a terrorist act?"
"All gold smugglers may not be terrorists, but all terrorists are gold smugglers."
"Nigerian government is the one and those who are in that government are those behind terrorism in Nigeria."
"Nigeria is now the breeding ground for world terrorism."
"I think culturally this is endemic and representative of America's domestic terrorism problem."
"No one demanded all white people denounce Timothy McVeigh after the Oklahoma City bombing."
"Most terrorist attacks in this country since 9/11 have been right-wing extremist groups."
"The terrorists are running the country, Afghanistan, and if the terrorists run the country, who then is designated a terrorist?"
"Bin Laden chose this symbolic date as a statement."
"Within hours of the attacks the Central Intelligence Agency determined that Al Qaeda was responsible."
"Terrorists do not worship God, they worship death."
"This summit will mark the beginning of the end for those who practice terror."
"Terrorism against our nation will not stand."
"If your NYU legacy is supporting a terrorist-driven program that is designed to destroy the only democracy in the Middle East then you know that let me just say that your moral sensibility has been completely destroyed."
"Terrorism isn't just violence, terrorism is violence committed within the ultimate ends."
"Terrorism today, and we saw it on the sixth, moves at the speed of social media."
"Surely don't think that was done by Al-Qaeda."
"Witness the recent Anthrax attacks. These terrorists must be pursued, defeated, and brought to justice."
"This morning I read letter to America which is Osama Bin Laden's letter to America explaining why he attacked Americans and I am ashamed to say that I not only have never read this letter but I didn't even know this letter existed."
"If the president declares a group terrorists, admitting that you're funding terrorism."
"Sowing distrust in their lies is an act of terrorism against them."
"The term 'stochastic terrorism' is exactly the right one."
"We're about to face the biggest terrorist threat, probably bigger than before 9/11."
"There is a true threat, there is intentional incitement of imminent violence, there is material support of terrorism."
"If they're gonna murder us then we have to stop doing what we're doing and that is just the worst thing you can do in the in the face of Islam because it's just what they want us to do is submit."
"Looks like terrorism. I mean why would someone go straight down a parade route slamming into people in this way?"
"Biden opposed killing Soleimani. He was very much... we killed this number one terrorist."
"Unless we all forget and then the terrorists do strike then we'll all remember again but we don't want that in our country we we of course not we we"
"The pretext and justification which the lies surrounding 9/11 have given to waging a war of conquest under the banner of what we call the war on terrorism."
"Whatever it takes must be done to put out terrorism."
"White supremacy terrorism, domestic terrorism, we have to fight that."
"If you stand with violent murdering terrorists, you don't belong in the political process."
"This nation is at war with Islamic fascists."
"The people of Burkina Faso have decided to fight against terrorism in order to relaunch their development."
"This was a terrorist attack. FBI's words, not mine."
"The idea of tracking behavior using financial transactions is not new. In fact, the government uses financial tracking as a way to identify terrorists and support for terrorist groups."
"7/7 was the work of homegrown suicide bombers."
"Ted was responsible for sending 16 homemade bombs in the mail that killed three individuals and injured 23."
"Those are my thoughts on the Anders Bering Breivik case."
"Big terrorist attacks are not easy to pull off, they're extremely difficult."
"The attacks killing at least 19, injuring more than a hundred."
"We've been killing terrorists, creating jobs, raising wages, enacting fair trade, securing our border."
"During the 20-year period where America was focused on the global war on terror... our enemies saw the opportunity."
"We will fight Terror as if there were no negotiations but we will negotiate as if there were no Terror."
"The attacks on September 11, 2001 marked a sharp turn of the wheel."
"It's been 18 years since the September 11th terrorist attacks that shook America."
"The ultimate flex, the end of the arms race."
"Unfortunately, the destructive power of ammonium nitrate has also been used by terrorists to commit atrocities."
"State terrorism crimes had no statute of limitations."
"How do we solve the terrorism problem in the world? It's affecting everybody."
"What went wrong, and how did this notorious terrorist manage to avoid justice for so long?"
"Born in Saudi Arabia, Bin Laden wasn’t some downtrodden underdog who became a terrorist."
"Having proven he could hit big targets, Bin Laden’s next goal was to sink a US ship."
"The September 11th, 2001 attacks were the first major attack on the US mainland by Al Qaeda."
"Osama Bin Laden was now public enemy #1, and new President George W. Bush demanded justice."
"The US began bombing Afghanistan only days after the attacks, with one of their primary goals being to hunt down Bin Laden."
"This military prison camp held hundreds of Al Qaeda soldiers - as well as many people who claimed to just be people who were in the wrong place at the wrong time."
"The government now had its first real link to Bin Laden’s whereabouts."
"While Osama Bin Laden was public enemy #1 after the 9/11 attacks, soon he faded from the headlines."
"This racialization of what is represented as terrorism... an attempt to bring old-style racism into conversation."
"BJP is equal to Congress minus 26 11. Very, very sad."
"Now more people will have died because of the after-effects of 9/11 then died that day."
"Was the commission that investigated the 9/11 attacks told that lead hijacker Muhammad Atta had been identified as an Al-Qaeda operative more than a year before terror struck?"
"Either you are with us or you are with the terrorists."
"This is the moment when we must renew our resolve to rout the terrorists who threaten our security."
"Do not let them get it twisted. This is Terrorism against the Christian church."
"Hamas cannot remain in control of Gaza. It cannot retain the capacity to repeat that Carnage that was only underscored by this morning's appalling terrorist attack."
"Hamas could renounce its stated goal of eliminating Israel, killing Jews, and repeating the atrocities of October 7th again and again."
"This massacre was a domestic act of terror, government sanctioned."
"Yes, it has. It actually is probably a much bigger, more relevant threat than terrorism."
"How is this anything but homegrown extremism? How are we not responding to this in a way equal to after 9/11?"
"With Biden throwing off the Afghanistan deadline, how long before they conduct more terrorist attacks?"
"It was like bin Laden's face with a bullet hole in the forehead, okay that'll wake you up, that's sobering."
"They carry out these terrorist attacks specifically because the local population is working with Russia."
"If we don't go on with the show, that literally is the terrorists winning."
"Your intent was to really to harm as many people as you can and main intent was to spread fear resentment and hatred throughout this country."
"P2 was involved in a series of terrorist attacks, allegedly linked to Gladio."
"War on America. The combination of headline and photo hauntingly depicted the surreal events of that fateful September morning."
"White supremacists, Trump voters, are the single greatest terror threat the United States faces."
"It's gonna be expensive but it would be the litest video."
"Operation was the first success of its kind in the U.S. government's new war on terrorism."
"Self-defense is not terrorism, god bless you."
"World Trade second plane: a tragic event that changed history."
"Boston Marathon bombing, a tragic terror attack."
"Bombing our Statue of Liberty, it's a slap in the face."
"The more honest proponents of this new domestic war on terror are explicitly admitting that they want to model it on the first one."
"There is a popular resistance against these terrorists."
"You can't put it back in the box when everyone saw it online. The person he killed was a terrorist."
"This was a massacre, an act of terrorism to clear away the ordinary people of Maui."
"He's a domestic terrorist... He led in insurrection, disavowed the peaceful transfer of power in the United States."
"It was no coincidence that the terrorists killed a teacher because he taught freedom of expression."
"Our compatriot was the victim of a blatant Islamist terrorist attack."
"The PKK is listed as a terrorist organization by the US, the EU, and Turkey."
"We can never forget what happened on 9/11, what caused it, how we were asleep at the switch, and then what came from that, that led us to this point today."
"We should be really critical of how things get labeled terrorism and also what that label does in terms of our expectations of a state response." - Ashley
"This country stands united with the French people in our opposition to all forms of terrorism."
"By removing Soleimani, we have sent a powerful message to terrorists. If you value your own life, you will not threaten the lives of our people."
"Military action alone cannot sustainably eradicate the complex challenges linked to terrorism."
"For the first time terrorists can now market their product and their ideas into the most powerful communications tool ever created."
"What does concern me, though, is this isn't just an immigration issue, right? We've said this multiple times before. This is a terrorism issue. It is a clear and present danger to the security of this country."
"There are terrorists and people on the terrorist watch list who seek to cross the border all the time."
"I think my videos on stochastic terrorism also hold up pretty well a couple of years later."
"America did strike a series of terrorist encampments and it was very successful."