
Divine Action Quotes

There are 370 quotes

"Guidance is as much something God does as something God gives."
"As you do not know the way the Spirit comes to the bones in the womb of a woman with child, so you do not know the work of God who makes everything."
"Every constructive plan is His plan; therefore, you know God is acting, commanding, 'Let this desire or plan be fulfilled now,' and it is done."
"So here's Jesus doing something that only God can do, and he's giving courage to the disciples by saying the words 'I am.'"
"The gospel is less about you and more about what God did to get God glory."
"God's grace always acts first on behalf of man before man can act on behalf of God."
"And Moses stretched forth his rod toward heaven, and the Lord sent thunder and hail."
"You believed, and God worked all of that stuff that you're seeing."
"For God will do things in a different way, so that men will know he's not stuck in the same old things."
"At least seven times in scripture we're told... 'God stretches out the heavens like a curtain.'"
"God works exactly at the same rate of random chance every time."
"I will remove the iniquity of this land in a single day."
"Salvation is a work of the Holy Spirit, only the Holy Spirit can open the heart of the sinner."
"The conclusion leads us to believe that God simply took all three up to the heavens."
"Rejoice not in what you have done for God, but in what God has done for you."
"Run to the spirit realm. Hold onto what God said and watch what God does."
"God's grace is always effectual when He sets out to save someone."
"God is Not Placid he is not he is not temporary he is not casual he is focusing when he goes after something he will spend whatever it takes to bring it in."
"He's separating the water from the land. He's making you solid."
"What you do in life can become divine if you do it for the appropriate purpose." - Rabbi Levy Shem Tov
"One presence, one power that can act, and that is the presence of God acting in me."
"We make ourselves available to let Him do it."
"Truly, truly I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself unless it is something He sees the Father doing."
"God is on the move. He is doing something special, He is fulfilling prophecy."
"The spirit of God moved, but we didn't see anything created until God spoke."
"You're going to see miracles that no one has ever seen before."
"It doesn't seem like God is working but here's the thing, God is working."
"The church is the answer, and God's doing a work in our day which we wouldn't believe if he was to say it to us."
"It's pretty clear how it's going to go down, and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is personally going to take care of the Antichrist."
"God is always doing new things always bringing life where there is none."
"The Lord maketh the earth empty and wasteth it."
"To make it so that all of man knows the great red dragon's true form."
"God ain't never become flesh, God made flesh and got in that flesh."
"I do not take it lightly what God is doing here."
"He does that. So I mean when we think of baptism in the Lutheran church, we don't ever think of it as something we do. We think of this is God's action whereby he reaches out and grabs hold of you and says you are my child."
"Having given himself over to God's Grace, Lutheran believed that no action he took in God's name could have been wrong."
"The word became flesh and picked up a hammer."
"This is the Lord's doing and it's marvelous in his eyes."
"I place something on you, it's an action, it's grace, and with it, I roll away shame and reproach."
"The Holy Spirit was always and is always working in the earth."
"I'm so impressed at what God is doing with you."
"Life only comes out of what God is doing, not out of what we are doing in our own strength."
"The Trinity is active in what happened on the cross."
"God is set to transform Creation ushering in a new reality."
"This doesn't become Enoch because God caused it."
"You do not do Christianity, God does Christianity in you."
"We are either going to see God move in a miraculous way, but we already know the end which is Christians beautiful. We are more than conquerors. We reign as kings and priests."
"It'll help you reflect on the amazing things God is doing."
"The Spirit of God is doing a new thing in your life."
"God, by His hand just totally took it out of me. Poof. Everything went out of me. Totally healed me."
"It's about what God has done, not about what I've done."
"The drying up of the Euphrates is pictured as an act of God."
"When we know who our God is and what our God has done and what he is going to do, we ought to be rejoicing." - Alex Newman
"Hold onto your hat because God is going to blow you away by what He is going to do through you."
"Holy Spirit, do what only you can do tonight."
"It's not up to us. It's not anything we do. It's what God has done. That's what's unique about Christianity."
"God is never restrained from doing good on the Sabbath, neither am I."
"Only God can do that because only God is the sovereign."
"It's not about what I can do, it's about what Christ has already done."
"Unusual things are taking place right now because I am shaking everything."
"In the fall, God brings his glory and he knocks down the statue, he knocks down Babylon."
"There is power in prayer. There are results that God will do when you begin to pray."
"The Holy Spirit is working powerfully in our world."
"When God intervenes, the financial tables will flip."
"We're seeing God at work. It's exciting to think that we live in prophetically significant times."
"The Holy Spirit didn't fall on titles, it fell on people."
"Every action you're taking is an action for god."
"Whatever the Lord pleases, He does in heaven and on earth, in the seas and in all deeps." - Psalm 135:6
"God is about to rise up and do great and mighty things in these last days."
"God is not unloving for destroying the world in the flood."
"God is a God of restoration and he's a God of acceleration."
"God works in different ways, but it's the same God who does the work in all of us."
"The Holy Spirit is God working on the earth."
"This is the Lord's doing; it is marvellous in our eyes."
"Glory to God, only God could have done this."
"God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness."
"Now after these things, yeah, it means that God did something after something happened."
"Our God is the only God that acts."
"Theistic concepts... were crucial to the rise of modern science... the laws of nature are a mode of divine action."
"God's voice thunders in marvelous ways; he does great things beyond our understanding."
"So when you wake in the morning and you begin to imagine, that's God in action."
"Jesus made it plain, I do nothing of myself, but as my father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works."
"God does his best stuff while you sleep."
"God acts in behalf of those who wait for Him."
"We only speak of what God is about to do, not what men are about to do."
"Believe that all is done by the Lord."
"It's not that you can physically see God or you can audibly hear God but the things that God does, you can't miss."
"Jesus speaks a promise before he performs a miracle."
"God does everything by what? His spirit. It is not by strength, it is not by might, but it is by my spirit says the Lord."
"God pulled an undercover boss when he came as Jesus."
"Everything the Lord did, he did it through the person and the power and the anointing of the Holy Spirit."
"Faith is a response of seeing God in action that you believe what he says."
"...it's not like God needed our prayer to do it. It's God's way of enlisting us in what He is doing."
"Be in shock that God accomplishes anything through you."
"What is God producing and what is God doing?"
"Every action of God has an equal and opposite reaction."
"God was faithful, and He was working even before I noticed it."
"Think not that you are doing it, realize this is all being done by me."
"Prepare your heart, for after this prayer of Psalm 91, you will witness God's action."
"What God did this past weekend, God wants to do again and again."
"The gospel isn't about what we do, the gospel is about what God is doing through us."
"His words automatically turn into action. When He says, 'Let there be light,' light appears."
"It is not what we do, it is what He does."
"God's presence is in this place, if his presence is in this place, God is at work in your life because you're in this place."
"He did astonishing things to provide an astonishing salvation to rescue us from the horrors of hell to the glories of heaven."
"The church of His presence is a church at rest, meaning that God is working for you, not through you."
"In the prophecy of Joel, who poured out the spirit? The Father."
"God created, God saw, God called, God made, God blessed."
"The New Covenant is all about what God has done, not about what you should do."
"God is doing something there's revival in the earth."
"God did it and it evolved are not mutually exclusive... God's activity is not dependent on whether we have a scientifically definable or describable process."
"You have to declare what God is going to do."
"Stick with Jesus, obey the word, and watch what God does in your life."
"God actually saves sinners. He doesn't just make salvation possible."
"Commit your way to the Lord by prayer, supplication, and Thanksgiving, and he will act."
"The Lord is laying Babylon waste and stilling her mighty voice."
"Things will shake in the heavens, things will shake in the earth."
"He's going to shake the heavens and the earth."
"Whatever our Lord has done for all mankind in his incarnation and redemption you can apply to yourself as if you're the only person he has done this for."
"God is winding up some things now."
"The book of Revelation deals with God doing some incredible things on the earth before the return of Jesus."
"Jesus said on the cross, 'It is finished,' because it's something about Jesus. He starts something, He finishes it."
"The I am is God in action. God is working through you. You build your consciousness with your I am."
"What is the providence of God? And how does God work in the lives of mankind today?"
"God works in our lives today ‘PROVIDENTIALLY.’"
"God is working in the world today – providentially, but not miraculously."
"The Holy Spirit speaks, rescues, and has a will."
"Your words have power. Everything the father did, he spoke with his mouth."
"You've got to go to Jesus you've got to see him doing what he did."
"God is making big moves for us on our behalf."
"Blessed are you, Adonai, who heals all flesh and acts wondrously."
"Behold, I do a new thing; shall you not know it?"
"It is not what you do for Him; it's what He has done for you."
"I'm doing a new thing says the Lord. Do you perceive it?"
"Go Lord, go. Confound the world, Lord."
"God is making all things new, right here in the present, in the midst of this old broken world."
"God is in all things, not indeed as part of their essence or as an accident but as an agent is present to that upon which it works."
"God does the best things behind the scenes."
"Don't expect God to do to and for you what only can be done with and through you."
"God sent an angel that wiped out a huge chunk of that Assyrian army overnight."
"God doesn't reveal your secrets to anyone, not even to angels, unless He wants to do something great."
"The biblical account of creation is true, literal, and perfect. God accomplished it in a six-day period."
"God causes everything that exists, but He doesn't cause everything that happens."
"For He that is mighty has done to me great things; and holy is His name."
"All things were made by me, by the vitalized action of this my idea being brought and spoken into expression."
"God is still doing new things; He's still doing something brand new."
"Faithful is he that calls you, who also will do it."
"We have to respond but we aren't making God do something; we are just discovering what God has already done."
"God opens doors when people have vision."
"Refuse to return evil for evil. Do what Jesus did and return good for evil."
"You see how God works though; it's so plain to see."
"Salvation is monergistic. It is a result of the actions of one person."
"These are the things I will do, and I will not leave them undone."
"God is acting, 'I will,' this is the beauty of the gospel."
"Evolution does not rule out God's involvement, both directly and miraculously, in addition to through natural processes."
"The image is carrying a presence because what he is and who he is, is saturated with the divine action."
"Your faith is always needed to provoke the stretch forth of the hand of God."
"Sometimes he has to move with a quickness because if he gives us too much time, we'll change our mind."
"The Lord did there confound the language."
"One way of thinking about salvation is to say it is being caught up in what Jesus Christ is doing today on earth."
"Your imaginal acts are the word of God."
"God is moving so quickly in this season, he's moving swiftly, in the blink of an eye."
"The Lord's Passover, for I will pass through the land of Egypt on that night, and will strike all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and beast; and against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgment: I am the Lord."
"The Christian life is really not what we do for Christ, but what Christ does in us."
"The Lord is about to do what is uncommon to man."
"The number one way God glorifies his name in the Bible is through what he does."
"The secret of deliverance from sin is not to do something, but to rest on what God has done."
"Spiritual work is God's work, and when God works, man does not need to expend so much effort."
"The Spirit of God moved over the waters."
"Everything that God did in Christ, He did it for us."
"God does not live in the realm of good or bad, he lives in the realm of chain reaction."
"What God does, he does through people."
"God is always on the move in Jesus Christ."
"Through whom all things were made, without him nothing was made."
"God is not just expressing his thoughts and feelings; He's sending His words to do something, to accomplish something."
"God already moved; He moved in the person of Jesus Christ."
"Faith is not about moving God; faith responds to the fact that He already moved."
"Every child born of woman is alive because it was imagined, and imagining is God in action."
"He caused an east wind to blow in the heaven: and by his power he brought in the south wind."
"It's a story where a personal God is accomplishing His purposes by acting in our history."
"Baptism isn't something we're doing for God; it's God showing His devotion to us."
"You're astounded by what God did and how He did it."
"What I'm describing here is not just good art and it's not just something that happened to people 2000 years ago. It is what God continues to do through Jesus today."
"I'm determined not to miss a single thing that God is getting ready to do in the midst of you today."
"I am so excited for what God's going to do today."
"The Gospel is good news, good news of what God's done for you, not the news of what you need to do for God, but what He's done for you."
"God has been doing things that are beyond our imagination or expectation."
"I'm excited about what God is doing."
"Everything God does will remain forever; there is nothing to add to it and there's nothing to take from it."
"God sovereignly saves, but we have to sovereignly choose."
"Your destiny is never tied to what people didn't do; it's tied to what Jesus has already done."
"God's patience is now exhausted, and God will move onto the scene."
"God is getting ready to change everything that has to do with you."
"God's creating things, God's unleashing things, God's lifting lids and opening doors."
"Salvation is not what we can do for God, but it is what God has done for us."
"God is about to do exceedingly abundantly above what we can imagine."
"Everything God does is based on love."
"God is a being that acts; He has not acted upon, He acts."
"That I may proceed to bring to pass my act, my strange act, to perform my work, my strange work, that men may discern between the righteous and the wicked, saith your God."
"It's not about what we do; it's about what He does."