
Mitigation Quotes

There are 149 quotes

"If we don't do very serious mitigation now, what's going to happen is that we're going to be weeks behind, and the horse is going to be out of the barn."
"Human beings are very, very bad at mitigation and we are very, very good at adaptation."
"Mitigation does work the reason we know it works is the question that was asked about the numbers that why they came down of the projections."
"Mitigation is working... keep your foot on the accelerator because that's what's gonna get us through this."
"We're not talking about shutting down the country. We're talking about intensifying the simple public health measures."
"At the end of the day, we're there to mitigate as much disaster as we can."
"Mitigation works, so if initiated earlier, you will probably have saved more lives."
"Mitigation saves time, money, and reduces risk."
"Mitigation is the key word here and we need to get better at that."
"Humanity has a way of altering and even severely damaging our environment and climate, and it would be nice to be able to avoid doing that, or at least mitigate the problems it causes."
"Apparently there are ways to mitigate that, like up-b to fair and you can do bomb stuff."
"A focus on mitigation efforts, and lots of them, in concert with adaptation strategies is required to combat climate change."
"We should be looking for ways to mitigate the damage."
"It's no use trying to say we sort of say let's let's abandon this what we have to do is learn how to mitigate the possible bad effects and accentuate the positive."
"The key principle of the laws of war attempt to mitigate suffering and minimize damage."
"When the sixth lord is in his own house, it's in a Vipareeta Yoga, which can give some sort of mitigation of the hardships of the house."
"Climate dumerism is the equivalent of giving up even though you can still prevent not just the worst case but also mitigate most of the bad things."
"Let's talk about all the horrible things that we need to mitigate."
"It's always pay attention to mitigations because even sometimes more difficult placements can be significantly offset."
"It doesn't override the infraction, it just helps the process."
"He's gonna be there to help you minimize that."
"Ethical design... the technology still gets to exist and you mitigate the downside."
"The ocean is taking a lot of this temperature increase like a heat sink."
"Mitigation of loss requires the innocent party to take reasonable steps to minimize their loss."
"The science showed that one tablespoon of vinegar before a meal reduces the glucose spike of that meal by up to 30 percent."
"You can't undo the passage of time, but you can minimize the effects of the future."
"Progressives should be doing everything in their power to limit its adverse consequences for both women and trans people."
"The bomb actually did the next best thing: it stopped the island from being totally destroyed."
"... we simply cannot expect that addressing a single risk factor by itself will have a high absolute benefit in the short term."
"Gross risk is the risk before you do anything whatsoever by way of controls, transfer, or mitigation."
"Risk factors though are not determinative. Even a person with multiple cardiovascular risk factors can mitigate the risk by taking appropriate measures."
"These mitigations will go a long ways in making that security maturity and protecting your environment overall."
"The important thing is to create a plan that does not cause so many victims."
"So, now that we've talked about ways to mitigate Spectre, let's talk about other ways that you can keep your web project safe."
"1.5 is not likely to be achieved. The reduction you need for that is quite dramatic. But the extreme scenarios like four degrees, fortunately, because of the changes, that's off the table."
"We don't expect that simply blocking individual stream requests is a viable mitigation against this class of attacks."
"Mitigation is never offered as a justification, a justification, an excuse, or a defense to the crime of murder."
"Though one cannot escape the effects of bad karma, you can lessen the effects of bad karma."
"Project manager must take steps to minimize the effect of risk in a project."
"Risk management should be ongoing throughout the project lifecycle."
"Luckily, there's a helpful tool called a buffer that you can use during the planning phase to protect against inaccurate effort estimates."
"It gives you a much easier way of, uh, sort of like addressing your unconscious bias and dismantling it, right?"
"Risk management involves a continual cycle of recognizing, evaluating, and prioritizing risk and implementing measures to mitigate or eliminate those risks."
"No health care system can solve things that are lifestyle issues. They can mitigate."
"There's a trade-off between energy and biochar for climate change mitigation."
"Nitrogen and phosphorus runoff don't need to be happening. We already have the knowledge, we have the information today on how to manage both of these problems and to essentially make them go away completely in a very short timeframe."
"The optimum level of fraud is not zero. It is not worth trying to get fraud completely out of the system because even very prosperous places do."
"But one of the ways to try and mitigate the whole thing was also just to physically step the gun, the middle gun back."
"Essentially either eliminating or minimizing the impact of the collision."
"Mitigate those risks. Find ways to reduce the chance that a risk can happen or to reduce the effect if the risk actually happens."
"Should we be reducing greenhouse gas emissions in order to lessen the impact on climate? Yes or no? The short answer is no."
"The climate change issue is the problem of how to deal with what is known as so-called externality. It requires a collective action, and thus, we should not have such a thing as a free rider in the mitigation effort."
"Risk management is all about reducing residual risk to an acceptable degree."
"Markets in those societies tend to mitigate inequality."
"Understand what those barriers are to technology transfer in each individual case... and then we look at how do we mitigate and break down those barriers."
"Every time it does this, you age faster and you die faster. It's about mitigating the downside as much as we can."
"Mitigation is better than nothing, but it usually is not nearly as good as what you destroyed."
"One thing we can do is minimize the amount of horror in real life."
"Assess the major risks and suggest appropriate mitigation actions."
"Many disasters have just been held up or mitigated because of People Praying."
"Every product has consequences. The use of it does, and we're trying to mitigate those."
"...the loss of life would be remarkably low, but it could have been a whole lot worse."
"But that gradual drop in carbohydrates is going to help mitigate a lot of those keto flu symptoms."
"In my world step one of mitigating risk is to acknowledge the risk."
"Variant 2 was extra scary until I got mitigated. So variant 2 works something like this, right? Again, we have our class hierarchy. We have some function pointer here, just any indirect function call. It doesn't matter how you get there. We're going to call through it."
"So, Schneider also, they were really nice. I submitted this through ICS-CERT and they talked with me and we tried to come up with some mitigations. And they recommended the following things: disable Unity protocol. This is the best mitigation ever."
"The best chance we have for long-term mitigation of the kind of problems that we're looking at."
"A rising carbon fee is the fastest, most effective way to affect all uses of fossil fuels."
"ROP attacks can be mitigated with proper memory protections and secure coding practices."
"There's a huge difference between a world of ambitious mitigation and a world of continued high emissions."
"If we really are able to deploy and do deploy technology or biological solutions that mitigate ten or thirty percent of the carbon damage that's being done, that's not a long-term solution but it may help us, it may give us a little more time."
"Individual efforts to reduce personal emissions can help mitigate the effects of climate change."
"There is no adaptation to business as usual in the end, there has to be mitigation."
"Everything we do now, whether it's reducing emissions or adaptation, is going to help."
"If we want to minimize the suffering, we need to maximize both mitigation emissions reductions and we need to maximize adaptation."
"What can we do today to deal with certain effects that are coming, and what can we do to break and reverse the long-term trend?"
"Climate change mitigation includes activities that are already low carbon but also activities contributing to a transition to net zero emissions economy by 2050."
"Risk management by identifying and mitigating IT-related risks, IT audits assist organizations in reducing the potential for financial loss, reputational damage, and operational disruptions."
"By virtue of recognizing it, you have just done a good job of defusing a lot of it."
"The real danger we have right now is that we have to start this project of mitigating, of reducing our consumption of greenhouse gases."
"Due diligence is the research that organization does in identifying those risks and mitigating them."
"You can mitigate the impact of your artificial light exposure in the evenings by getting more daylight in the day."
"The mitigations today do a lot better job not necessarily in the novelty of them, it's actually addressing the cause of the issue."
"A 5% increase in green transpiration can effectively negate 3 watts per square meter."
"Vulnerabilities exist but are not exploitable or require extra steps such as social engineering."
"...these breaks...would have mitigated a disaster like this..."
"Everything's risky; I try to think further about that in terms of how much risk is there, what can I do to mitigate that risk, and am I willing to take it on in order to get the return."
"Most scientists agree we are past the point of no return, now the focus is on trying to mitigate the most serious effects on the planet."
"The best we can do now is mitigate, but we can still mitigate the worst."
"We've never removed a pollutant at scale ever; we've only ever shut down the sources."
"If we manage to flatten the curve, we need to figure out an effective but sustainable strategy to mitigate further spread."
"As AI advances, so too will methods of detecting and mitigating the effectiveness of that AI."
"Mitigation is all about risk management."
"We need to mitigate it so that the risk is down to an acceptable level."
"This is a very effective method at mitigating stolen credentials."
"We have an enormous capacity to both cool the planet and avoid these dangerous extremes that we're facing."
"Prevention is the ultimate mitigation."
"So much of that is mitigated when you have in-person conversations... that's when you have real conversations."
"The flu vaccine won't keep a person from getting sick, but it will tame the infection, taking it from wild to mild."
"Mitigate means that you can reduce the probability of the risk to occur or to reduce the impact of the risk if it occurs."
"Proper preparation and attention to safety protocols can mitigate a lot of the danger."
"By introducing a Safety Management System in an organisation, it can mitigate those risks and conduct operations safely within your environment to have business continuity, and that is the ultimate goal of a business."
"Those reductions should be mitigated somewhat by other funds."
"Mitigate means to slow the problem down."
"Thoroughly investigating incidences will mitigate the potential for accidents or injuries."
"Preserving the flow of credit is thus essential for mitigating the damage to the economy and setting the stage for the recovery."
"The protocol is the best mitigation we have against the worst excess of Brexit."
"Effective communication can inform the public of appropriate protective actions and help mitigate psycho-sociological concerns."
"We hope that we can keep people out of the ICU and mitigate."
"A lawyer must take all reasonable steps to mitigate the consequences to the client."
"The benefits we get in terms of socioeconomic benefits and the environmental impacts, can we do something to lessen those environmental impacts?"
"This video will help you understand the mitigation process, hopefully it will put you and your family at ease in this stressful time."
"Engaging with a newly identified stakeholder group is essential to understand their concerns, assess the project's potential impacts, and explore options for mitigation or engagement."
"Link mitigation with development and environmental benefits to target multiple wins."
"This challenge can be easily mitigated by properly implementing an effective Identity and Access Management program."
"However, there are some steps that both the government and individuals can take to mitigate these problems."
"Effectively addressing these issues and finding ways of mitigating their impacts and adapting to a new approach are major tasks involving all sectors of society."
"This wouldn't single-handedly solve climate change, but it would limit it to a bad scenario and avoid the unspeakable scenario."
"A client's life often depends on his lawyer's ability to create a mitigation narrative that contextualizes his poor decisions or violent behavior."
"The court was aware of the defendant's age, employment, and history of mental health problems as mitigating factors."
"What we are talking about is not trying to do away with something; it's trying to understand the risks so that you can put the proper mitigations in place to continue to do what you're doing."
"Clearing and covering tracks allows the penetration tester to think like a hacker and perform corrective actions to mitigate those activities."