
Cult Dynamics Quotes

There are 96 quotes

"People have an overwhelming desire to believe in something, and cult leaders become the focal point of that desire."
"You have somebody at the top, an absolute authoritarian leader and becomes an object of worship."
"In today's world, if all it takes to be a cult leader is to have a devoted following on social media and therefore lots of influence on public opinion, then every celebrity could be accused of being one."
"We do all have a need for belonging, and the reason Cults are so attractive to people is because they do provide a source of belonging."
"A cult at its best behavior is indistinguishable from a harmonious, loving community, and a particularly petty, suburban, gated community can become indistinguishable from a cult."
"The dangerous power of Donald Trump and the threat that this cult poses to the rest of the country."
"The largest cult in the world is led by Jared Leto. He's tattooing his followers' bodies."
"It's simple, when someone's in a cult to get them out of the cult you have to separate them from cult members and deprogram them. But with the existing woke cult, it's right there in the palm of their hands."
"It shows the cultish nature of what she's up to."
"Imagine if NXIVM, the infamous cult run by Keith Rainiere, was run by women and claimed to focus on women's health."
"Cults are Universal... with the underlying promise of Utopia."
"This sounds like a cult, a weird cult, a beautiful struggle that is restorative, a bonded community."
"Size doesn't matter when we're dealing with cults. It can consist of five people or five million people."
"It's not easy to get out of the cult in one day, you know. It takes time."
"I had signed a contract that essentially locked me into the cult."
"This is a classic cult tactic... the recruiter seeks to form a bond with the recruit that supersedes any bond they have with anybody else."
"Cult leaders are power hungry individuals who are typically narcissists who believe that the world revolves around them."
"I've always been fascinated with colts for a few different reasons... I want to know how do these cult leaders have this power and strategic ability..."
"Aum Shinrikyo: from yoga and meditation to manufacturing nerve gas and terrorist attacks."
"The overall theme of the cult was to remove yourself from the world."
"Not all charismatics become cult leaders, but all cult leaders are charismatic."
"They're indoctrinating them into an ideology, into a cult."
"He is no less than a cult leader. We are experiencing and observing nothing less than a cult of personality."
"The more cult-like an environment is, the more that abuse thrives."
"North Korea is basically like a cult of classic hardcore cults scaled up to an entire nation"
"Ultimately, the followers in these types of cults have the power, they just have to realize it."
"People like Jillian make her followers feel genuinely cared for, heard, and make promises she has absolutely no way of delivering, like a cult leader."
"These were people who were good people and that's what bothers me the most is you didn't see a ton of evil or horrible or mean hearted people joining up with Jim Jones you saw good people."
"Cults harness archetypal ideas, eternal religious patterns intrinsic to humanity."
"The cult of Onision already puts Onision and his self in a religious context because outside of that, we again tend to think of cults as not being religious."
"I think of a cult as an organization that's really controlling and they don't let you exercise freedom."
"Most cults or extreme religious groups there's something in there that means that they have an."
"It's a cult baby. It definitely fits all the criteria."
"Love bombing basically involves showering recruits with attention and affection to entice them into the cult."
"He wanted the SS to become a kind of cult, or Aryan aristocracy."
"Many cults, enclosed groups use programming methods that don't lead to DID. Starvation, limited interaction, sleep deprivation, love bombing, and isolation are some of the methods used."
"Cults will often withhold or distort information to make it more acceptable or simply flat out lie."
"I think we're all susceptible to cults, we just seek answers."
"Keith was definitely looked at more than just this inspirational leader, he was pretty much considered like a god."
"How did this cult come about and why did they make the decision to collectively take their own lives?"
"The enduring popularity of sex Cults is not really surprising lust is a very powerful compulsion."
"The common ground that I've found with pretty much every single cult from the very beginning is they like to control people and they like to replace your authentic personality with like the new personality."
"The legacy of People's Temple is, and I quote, to cherish the people and remember the goodness that brought us together."
"The problem with Cults like the People's Temple and communes like Jonestown is the fact that you can't just try to rebuild Eden and your own image and pretend that the fall never happened..."
"Cults have rigid adherence to certain ideals, pressuring conformity."
"Life seems almost normal, but every aspect of this family's life is controlled by the man they call their prophet."
"Deluded cult followers often become completely unable to have a separate thought from their leader."
"I know what it is to be a victim of a cult-like situation. The person kind of gets in your head and reprograms what you've always known to be true."
"It's crazy that you can allow yourself to lose like to Lose Yourself like you allow yourself to just like like believe what this guy is saying and to detach from your family and your parents and just believe everything this guy tells you."
"We're seeing the death of the old dark cult."
"A myth in our society is that it's only crazies and stupid people who get in cults."
"Cult leaders use fear of ostracization to keep group members in check."
"Narcissists use the same mind-control techniques that cult leaders use."
"We're really seeing it more solidified as a cult now... I think that's dangerous on any side of politics."
"The illusion of choice is a fundamental ingredient of every cult."
"It's just inhuman; it brings out the inhuman side, which is why cults are so scary."
"It demonstrates so many cultic principles including disenfranchised women being coerced into believing he was somebody special."
"That's what cults attract: lonely people looking to belong, disenfranchised people. They're not always bad."
"In level 1 cults, there's self-imposed behavior modification based on the ideology."
"I love Cults. I mean, I don't love them but I'm very fascinated by them."
"Saying how could anybody ever join a cult is like saying 'how could anyone ever get in a toxic relationship.'"
"What we are seeing here is a cult, and this is of the nature of that person as it were, give absolute sort of obedience and deference to a leader who controls the mind of individuals." - Archbishop Howard Gregory
"Play on people's need to believe; to create a cult-like following."
"The repression and control involved in a cult like this leads to deep depression, pain, heartache, and loneliness."
"This cult was about control. And controlling somebody's sexuality is one of the best ways to control somebody."
"I mean that's their... the only difference between a cult leader and a con man is a con man usually takes the money and skips town but a cult leader runs the same Con on the same people indefinitely."
"It's easier to believe a cult leader because they're telling you how the world is."
"Modern-day Christianity is a cult structured in the name of capitalism."
"I'm a cult leader? If it's a cult of Freedom, then I can get on board that cult."
"Cult members often stay in conditions that are absolutely brutal."
"Most cults have a leader, a person that all the money gets funneled to."
"We're seeing the core leadership base of one of our two political parties transubstantiate from a political party into a cult right before our eyes."
"Cult formula: You're special, the world is ending, give me your money, it's a secret, let's do freaky stuff."
"It's a cult, it has a structure, the structure is comprehensible."
"I think it's really to the people that are in that cult to bring themselves out."
"Ideology is like a cult, it doesn't care, facts no longer matter."
"I can't be mad at you for telling some lies. Welcome to the cult, Sever forever."
"Cult leader Jim Jones directed and manipulated hundreds of his followers to take their own lives at his Jonestown commune."
"Cult leaders demand absolute compliance. If any of their followers question their action, their doctrines or instruction, they're immediately corrected, shunned, even punished."
"When you start to see cult dynamics in investing, that's a huge red flag."
"This cult attracts two types of people: evil people that want control and power, or susceptible people that just need answers."
"If you're in a narcissistic abusive relationship, you are effectively in a cult of one."
"He convinced not only them but himself as well that the world and their loved ones were corrupt and they needed to separate themselves."
"It's hard to be sensitive to anyone else's pain in a cult because everyone becomes a victim and everyone becomes a perpetrator."