
Capabilities Quotes

There are 556 quotes

"The Range Rover is an icon, an amazing ultra-luxury SUV with some fantastic amenities and capabilities."
"The Germans don't have an independent nuclear deterrent, they don't have carrier aviation, they don't have nuclear submarines, and all of the power projection ability that the French have."
"We can get a basic idea by looking at mythology and seeing what dragons are capable of."
"Research in the field of human potential and performance shows the amazing abilities every person has and how each is capable of tapping into these abilities."
"The human machine, what your mind is capable of doing, it's amazing."
"Josuke can restore the ice to the previous state, making Pet Shop basically useless."
"If Joseph can do it, I definitely think Josuke can't do it; Josuke's doing it."
"The big question in this class is: what are the capabilities and limitations of a computer?"
"I just want people to know what I'm capable of."
"If we can often do much less than we pretend, we can do much more than we fear."
"Just because you can do it doesn't mean anyone else can or should."
"I'm an optimist on the capabilities of what technology can do..."
"They become superheroes... they are capable of doing things that normal people are not."
"There really isn't anything I feel like I can't accomplish inside of Resolve."
"I'm grateful for who I am and what I can do."
"One of the few characters that can do that and that is a very very strong thing to have."
"Women could do anything that men could do and deserve to be respected and valued for their skills and talent."
"Maybe it's only when he's shrouded in complete and utter darkness is Blackbeard able to use his fruit to its fullest extent."
"There's not a single thing, nothing, nothing beyond our capacity."
"Chat GPT: the Revolutionary AI chat bot that can write poetry, pass the bar exam, and fabricate celebrities like Machine Gun Kelly."
"The ideal husband isn't a fighter, but can fight."
"Magic or not, this girl can do some pretty incredible things."
"Russia likely sees land attack cruise missiles as a key capability to strike deep into Ukraine."
"The truth is what you can actually do. Approach it like that. I can't do it, I shouldn't be comfortable."
"Could they have mapped the modern world? It seems they had the capability but not the desire."
"The evidence leaves us with one or two possibilities, one is that the dynastic Egyptians did everything which means they had far more capability than we think they did...we should probably be rewriting history."
"Open world games frankly, especially nowadays, just seem to be capable of more than any other game."
"You alone have the capabilities to change all facets of your life."
"Moving on to something that I actually can do."
"At this point, I realized I seriously underestimated."
"Emacs is very much more than a text editor; it's really more of an operating system."
"AI can be used to generate holy novel faces. AI can generate images, videos, text right at this point now."
"There are things that men can do that women can't do."
"Humans are so much we're capable of so much more than we think."
"Men just like women can be pretty damn awesome at times."
"If you can walk, talk, speak, read, think, smell, taste, all that stuff, you have the capability to do something big with your life."
"People just aren't aware, number one, of what they're even capable of."
"Both of these detectors are absolutely astonishing in their capabilities."
"ZAX, bluntly aware and vocal of his own capabilities, a wealth of knowledge on FEV and more."
"Your quick wit and keen senses will lead you to success."
"Gamers are gamers; the fact that they choose not to do it does not mean that they couldn't do it."
"Anything that we can do with this computer, we can make a command to do that."
"AI is a vast area that consists of the ability to enable any machine or computer to replicate human capabilities such as object recognition, decision making, and problem-solving."
"If you can make these things with CSS, then maybe it is more of a programming language than you're giving it credit for."
"It blows my mind how many characters you can have on screen, fighting, at once."
"Thank heavens that he has power to do things we cannot do."
"You can do a lot more than you think. It doesn't mean that you have to do such an extravagant project."
"A smart GPT-like system with tools integrated could probably score around 95 right now."
"The MacBook Air can connect to a 6k monitor, something even the iMac Pro can't do."
"People don't know what they can and what they cannot do, and if anything, they have a serious tendency to underestimate what they can do."
"The only thing we can do is kind of grab the lessons that I've learned and pass them down."
"Ukraine's military capabilities today are actually better than they were six months ago."
"Eric is maybe the smartest dude I know, just on a raw IQ level."
"Unbelievable, we owe it to our abilities and luck."
"You have to know what you can do... to be flexible."
"AI can do a lot of things that we probably aren't aware of and in fact AI can probably do more than the people who invented it are even aware of."
"Worth checking out because it has quite a lot of capabilities."
"Leave your comfort zone, but don't leave your strength zone."
"I think the vast majority of people greatly underestimate what they themselves are capable of doing."
"Don't forget free [__]! I mean, so there was a variety that's, I mean, just those couple of references right there that you know what we was capable of."
"There should be no difference; what a man can do, a woman can do."
"Cover your man, whatever a man can do, a woman can do."
"I have the ability to solve many complex problems, bring about the seemingly impossible."
"Once you flick this thing over... oh yeah this thing can party."
"Could this be the Kirby game I've been waiting for? The one that really shows me what the little guy is capable of?"
"Period blood solves crimes too. What can't a woman's body do?"
"I always knew what I was capable of, and but don't get it twisted, I could get you a bucket I could do all that but my mind says what do this team need."
"Just another neat little thing you can do with Lisp you can pretty much can't do with any other language."
"You'll be very surprised at what people actually see what you're capable of."
"What a man thinks he is is what he is, what a man thinks he can do is what he can."
"We've been gifted this incredible body to do these incredible things."
"Money is the sixth sense without which full use of the other five is not possible."
"Now that we've established that Nintendo Switch can in fact run Crysis, it should come as no surprise that the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One can also run Crysis."
"It is fun to experiment and see what you're capable of."
"Wonder Woman was always kind of viewed as this character who was in a lot of ways equal to Superman and in some instances more capable than Superman."
"Blender is faster than all other software tried when it comes to pure concepting 100% the fact that you have Eevee in it the fact that you have sculpting shading you have everything there you can it's just your base"
"This is why kids think their dads can do anything."
"Most people don't realize just how clever phones can be."
"Know who you are, what you've learned, and what you can do."
"Humans are emotionally charged beings capable of love and attachment."
"It's amazing to see what you can actually do on a real console."
"I certainly hope it's shown us what we are capable of."
"Wasp because she can do everything Ant-Man can do but she has better judgment."
"You're a brilliant dancer too? Is there anything you can't do?"
"I never thought about being a female and not being able to do what I do."
"The mind of man contains within itself limitless possibilities."
"I just realized there's nothing I cannot do now."
"Every ship, as far as I know, every ship in Eve other than the capsule can field drones."
"You see independence as a beautiful thing images you should always know what your abilities are."
"I'm not just a pretty lady, you know. I can also kick monster hiney."
"From seducing women to annihilating enemies - the pirate's arsenal knows no bounds!"
"It's actually quite a good example of what it is capable of."
"He's pretty much like the downgraded version of the Griffon however he is slightly slower."
"The Web can do really amazing things, I hope you do agree."
"Everyone has the capability to pull the trigger super freaking fast."
"Of all the unique things that women can do... being a doctor is something a man can do... only a woman can give birth to and nurture a child."
"We're leveling up at an alarming rate. We can eat some really big creatures entirely whole. We can also do quite a bit of damage with our bite. This seems good."
"This is built for the future... it's gonna allow all kinds of high bandwidth super rich video."
"It's just a stunning example of what players... can do."
"The mental warfare, because I don't have the capabilities that I used to."
"So yeah theoretically the driver circuitry in the g923 is capable of a lot more than what the driver circuitry is in the g920 and g29."
"It's incredible how many things you can detect."
"No challenge is too difficult for you, believe in yourself and your capabilities."
"Having the ability to shoot unlimited time... it's a pretty stacked camera."
"Webb's unrivaled infrared coverage will help us to enhance the deep-field images."
"There are some really misleading YouTube videos out there completely trashing the editing capability of the M1 Max. I can only assume these people are using poor source footage or they simply don't know basic editing practices."
"Anyway, guys, that's it from me. Hopefully, this video sheds some light on exactly what you can and can't do on the new M1 Max. As you can see, they are a very capable machine, but obviously, they're not the be-all and end-all device."
"AI's development has now reached an unprecedented level."
"It's amazing what this family sedan will do."
"I feel sharper because I can do more than I ever thought I could do."
"Women have the ability to multitask, that is not a myth."
"Just because one audience member is older or younger doesn't necessarily make them better than another audience member it just means that they're capable of different things."
"Go out there, become entrepreneurs, but remember not everyone is equipped to be a goddamn entrepreneur."
"Abilities allow you to do all sorts of things."
"You should absolutely should not underestimate the capabilities of the Iranians."
"Once you reach level 10 you unlock your Deville ioan form which gives you four or five completely separate abilities."
"People be surprised at their capabilities with a willingness to face challenge."
"AGI would effectively be able to perform any intellectual task a human being can."
"Language models are like the wizards of the digital realm capable of understanding and creating human-like text."
"He had a sexy pair of bright eyes, a voice like music, on his brow set wisdom, and in his hands was strength."
"How do you live with someone and not know what they're capable of?"
"Your ability is how your operating system works."
"The damage capabilities on this build are never ending."
"Apparently the death robot can actually walk on top of water and like shoot from the water."
"Bitcoin was always capable of smart contracts."
"Just because you have Elite Talent does not mean that you are equipped to deal with life's challenges."
"Don't concentrate on what you can't do; think about what you can do and do that."
"Nothing human would be capable of pulling off what was being done."
"Just rendering that stuff out. By today's standards, everything can render at this point."
"No matter what anyone says about Nate being a dummy, no one can say that Nate gets it wrong."
"I don't even know if we can compare feats that they were capable of as adults before they were turned into children."
"Are those ships locked in at whatever stats they have at that time or are they upgradable in ways as well?"
"This kind of says a lot for the ability for people to inspect and play around with... the kinds of things you can even do with the models."
"If boys can do something, then so can girls."
"People with ADHD are omni-potential; they really can do anything."
"I really hope that you as a beginner got a very thorough understanding of what the capabilities of ArcMap are."
"Stateful set also gives you some capabilities that can help you in running your stateful workloads."
"The NVIDIA Shield TV Pro and other models actually offer so much more than you realize."
"Our youth amaze us with their courage, their faith, and their abilities."
"There are plenty of things that you can only do on Linux and not on these other operating systems."
"It gives you like the power of everything that you could ever need drone related in your hand."
"The ability to consume Azure services within Power Platform Solutions provides businesses with additional capabilities and flexibility to build powerful customized solutions that meet their unique needs."
"Vision alone is actually in our finding that is perfectly capable of depth sensing."
"Love will activate your higher dimensional capabilities."
"The Hulkbuster is made from impact-resistant carbon composites, can lift 75 tons, and has a couple of high-powered repulsors."
"That's really the power of Inkscape."
"The idea of having one machine that can really do anything that a human being could do."
"You have a lot of tools at your disposal right now."
"It's pretty crazy how you can do this all on your phone."
"Demigods are people with abilities that exceed the human limit."
"But what many people don't realize is that this comparison on their chart is made between standard large language models, like Claude or GPT-4, while Devin has access to additional tools like a terminal, code editor, and even its own browser."
"This person feels like you is it multi-faceted multi-talented as well like this person feels like you are capable of doing like a lot of things all at once."
"We're basically getting the full extent of what you could do with rubber."
"A woman was not created to do everything that a man can do, women were created to do everything a man cannot do."
"We have a lot of surprising latent capabilities left to discover, just as GP4 can do far more now than we knew about at the beginning, so it is with biological systems."
"Chat GPT now gives you Advanced Internet capabilities."
"Destroyer droids were designed to exterminate their adversaries, capable of transforming their shape by curling into a ball and moving up to 75 kilometers per hour."
"It is truly amazing what you can do with this software."
"The iPad Air hits you straight away straight between the eyes with speed power and immense capabilities."
"As you raise your vibration and energy you will have access to all of those capabilities and more."
"Girls can do anything that boys can do."
"This thing is just maxed out with features and capabilities."
"I am currently using a Walther PDP 5 in pistol with a Steiner MPS on it and a Surefire X300. This gives me a lot of firepower, it gives me a lot of accuracy, it gives me a lot of capabilities that my old Duty pistols did not have."
"There's a lot of interest in what we do and particularly the Collins class capabilities."
"Powershell can do something you never would have thought was even possible in command prompt."
"Girls can do anything boys can do."
"Now that we've gone through those important settings, let me show you the capabilities that you can use with the Nest Mini without having to have your phone around, touch the device, or anything like that."
"AI has come a long way, yet it's still in the beginning stages. It's incredible what we can do with AI nowadays."
"It is a unique helicopter serving as both an armored gunship and a troop transport, a role not directly matched by any NATO helicopter."
"The dream is to build general purpose AI that can do anything for you I would say we're not actually there yet but we now have the illusion that we're there."
"There ain't much you can't do in a race car."
"Supercomputers give us the power to transcend many of the limitations within the human condition."
"The Skyhawk emerged as a very versatile light attack aircraft."
"Samsung have gone crazy with adding new capabilities to the s24 ultra's camera system."
"So much more than meets the eye of who we are and our capabilities."
"Each model comes standard with 4x4 capability."
"You're not unqualified. You're not ill-equipped."
"...it'll do zero to 60 in 3.4 seconds, it'll do the quarter mile in 11.6 seconds, and it'll top out at 180 miles an hour in a Jeep Grand Cherokee."
"The Panther can be easily updated and equipped with the latest capabilities and functions."
"You know how they say that we can only access 20% of our brain? I knew it. Let you access all of it."
"Revered for its exceptional power and advanced capabilities."
"There's a bigger scope to his capabilities."
"He was an incredible scientist, he controlled weather, conquered all disease, etc."
"Dart combines a unique set of capabilities for building apps."
"Is there nothing this man can't do?"
"The Archer Howitzer is an excellent truck mounted artillery system with strong off-road capabilities, high firing speed, and a high level of automation."
"This large language model app can answer questions, complete tasks, summarize text, and write and run Python code at the real kicker: it's free!"
"It is the high order bit, I think that dominates everything else in the importance, is that the overall capability of the model, its overall intelligence, its ability to do longer more complex problems more accurately, more of them, that is increasing across the board."
"Knowing thyself means understanding your capabilities."
"We got all kinds of crazy superpowers."
"The sheer amount of cool [stuff] that you're capable of using is astronomical."
"Artificial general intelligence is the concept of creating a system that can do everything or mostly everything a human can do but much more much faster."
"You can do anything with computers these days."
"All of you have extraordinary capabilities."
"It's not about the size, but what you can do with it."
"This is also the time to enhance your self-worth by recognizing your innate talents and capabilities."
"Is there anything that we cannot do in this world?"
"You can do amazing things with Earth Engine."
"I think that whatever's possible today with GPT 3.5, or even 4 will probably just be doable with open source models or fine tuned versions of them at lower costs."
"It can do two very special things."