
Suspense Quotes

There are 7471 quotes

"This is one of the most horrifying scenarios imaginable, and there's an unbelievable twist at the end that will leave your jaw on the floor."
"The house is pitch black, but Sophie keeps hearing noises on the other side of the doors."
"Something dark, whatever it is, it's trying to get through the door."
"The killer's running upstairs, weaponless. Now's my chance to trap them and figure out which of my friends it is."
"Beware of the mysterious man who haunts front porches, his eerie presence luring unsuspecting victims."
"The story is about two friends, Anthony and Gold Mario, playing Minecraft in 2010 when something begins stalking them inside their worlds."
"Let's paint the study here for just a moment: It's Talladega, the final race of the round."
"The Dyatlov Pass Incident: an almost innocuous sounding name that offers only whispers of the chilling story that truly took place."
"Are you lost? The soft voice shattered the quiet darkness and pricked the boy's heart into a racing flutter."
"This heart-pounding head twist caught all of us off guard...it's well placed, perfectly executed."
"Wait for it... wait for what's going to happen."
"Silence is broken only by Leon taking the safety off the MP5."
"The reason we love Hitchcock is because he created suspense through edits."
"Anatomy of a Fall is a compelling courtroom drama where this lady is put on trial for pushing her husband out a window, allegedly."
"This thing, I got a feeling, is going to go down to the wire."
"I'm scared to close my eyes, I'm scared to open them."
"Like the film before it, Alien Isolation doesn't rely on simple cues to frighten viewers but is more spontaneous, by making use of its lighting, level design, environment, and AI that's championed to this day."
"The moment you can't see someone's hands, you wonder, what is she holding? What's her intention?"
"The ultimate suspension of disbelief is when you know the ending, yet are completely absorbed in the story."
"They finally escaped the most dangerous enemies they've been against all season... and right as the tension is at its peak, they get hit by a semi-truck."
"Well, Clarice, have the lambs stopped screaming?"
"This is starting to look a lot like the beginning of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre movie."
"The last thing he saw was the faint image of a four-legged beast at the edge of his lantern's light before its flickering light went out."
"I was only halfway through Ozark, and it really seems like it was ramping up to something."
"No evidence has surfaced to support this film's claim that it was based on reality, but the fact that it might have been makes it all the more scary."
"This book is so suspenseful; it really has a sense of the uncanny."
"The tension was so good... you know something's gonna happen."
"Much of what's charismatic about Half-Life is built on the foundation of the game's opening levels, a slow ratcheting of apprehension and dread that invariably sticks with anyone who's played the game."
"There is only one thing left for me to do now. I'm going to come find you."
"However, a chilling detail emerges halfway through the video. A second male figure suddenly appears in the frame, the mailman appears oblivious to the presence of this individual. Then in a split second, the figure vanishes."
"It's an implicit promise that there's stuff that's being hidden from us that we're going to see something that totally shocks us."
"The real area is filmmaking where his talent truly shines is in how Tarantino create suspense and holds that suspense over the course of a long scene."
"In Hitchcock's eyes, to create true tension, we have to alter the setup: tell the audience there's a bomb under that table and it will blow up in five minutes."
"Suspense at the end of the day is all about logic and reasoning to make sure that the whole story from beginning to end makes sense."
"The major takeaway from 'Duel' was that it was one of the early pioneers of having a killer without a motive."
"The closest competitive match I have ever seen with the Nexus going to one hit and not falling."
"It was a cold night, and the fog was thick as grits."
"I ran in the direction of town as fast as I could. As I ran, I looked back over my shoulder towards the bus stop, and what I saw only made me run faster."
"In a world where secrets have always been kept in the shadows, a momentous event is fast unfolding, sending shockwaves across the world and rewriting the very fabric of reality."
"The ending would leave you confused, wanting answers, and absolutely gobsmacked. That was their thing."
"Misery, starring Kathy Bates, is a film about a famous author who meets a fan. That is all I will say about it if you've not seen Misery."
"The games that they play are really brilliant because they're simple, you know playground games, except you know deadly and scary."
"I've always had a soft spot for 'Disaster'. It's a tried and true formula anchored by great characters and fun suspense sequences."
"The implication almost suffices alone; the not knowing what might happen is enough here to make the game a significant scary trying mental challenge to overcome on your first time through."
"Our tale begins with a man running through the forest, out of breath and scared, scared of what he is becoming."
"The original film was amazing. It's this micro-budget claustrophobic thriller about a group of people stuck inside a cube full of traps."
"It's about a man who stumbles onto an underground old laboratory from the 70s, and what he finds inside is nothing short of nerve-shredding."
"This whole chapter is probably gonna be a huge cliffhanger."
"It's basically the campfire ghost story, and the best ones use realism to get you listening and then throw in the scare."
"The story of a black man's visit to his white girlfriend's parents gone horribly wrong is also a biting, absurdist satire."
"Knowing that in the place you feel safest, there's something lurking."
"Things are starting to explode. It's getting spooky, getting real spooky."
"This is a game where I'm literally on the edge of my seat because it's such a tight game where you're just trying to rescue these animals before time runs out."
"Remember, in this place, no one can hear you scream."
"You've taken seven people, each of whom has a real life reason to wish you harm, and placed the idea of your murder in their heads."
"A great white chewed the boat, leaving the crew wide-eyed."
"See to it that you are not alarmed. These things must happen."
"Do not take the mark of the beast or you will face God's Wrath."
"The show puts a more complex dramatic bomb on the screen werner's freakout is a problem that will eventually explode and until it does we're tensely waiting for it to happen."
"Now I really need to know what happens, this is crazy."
"Find out next time whether or not Fox is going to college and got into the prestigious villainy course or whether he got into college at all."
"It is a cliffhanger movie, ends in a massive cliffhanger."
"Ilhan has returned dripping with coolness, shushing the two the moment Hajin saw his back he thought to him saved."
"I froze, listening to my own footsteps, unnerved."
"It's six points each, this battle is resting on a knife edge."
"Something dark is stirring in the sleepy town of Arkham and most don't even notice."
"With seven players dead, she's finally won this death game and the viewers just can't wait for season two."
"The tension and suspense of this moment are captured at a pitch-perfect pace by the animation style."
"The final battle... kept me on the edge of my seat."
"You'd be desperate to know what was on that piece."
"In the absence of evidence, the explanation that makes the least amount of assumptions tends to be correct."
"Seriously seriously knocks at the hell out of the park with these sudden kind of jump-scare type moments."
"I think this is a good place to end it. Cliffhangers. With that being said, guys, we're gonna bring this to an end. Thank you guys for watching and I will catch you guys next week. Peace."
"Something big was about to go down, especially with the zero point also still changing its state."
"The tables have turned; the hunters are now the hunted."
"The humming had completely ceased... overwhelming feeling of dread."
"Yuji's rage moment sent some shivers down my spine."
"As a viewer, you're supposed to be like 'Oh no, I didn't realize I loved it so much, now it's gonna be gone forever,' and then they're like 'No, just kidding, we're coming back,' and you're like 'Oh thank god.'"
"The expectation of the genre keeps you on the edge of your seat, filling you with tension as you wait for a jump scare that never comes."
"If the hero can lose, it adds truly good suspense."
"And speaking of their eyes, you know the thing about a Shaggy skin lifeless eyes black eyes like a doll's eye when he comes at you doesn't seem to be living."
"One of the great things before I forget is that this film kept raising the stakes."
"Viewers beware, you're in for a scare." - Brittany
"Well, I just heard news that a gun's been found. Let's go and check it out."
"The pair of eyes constantly staring at you add to the tension."
"Suspense beats surprise every time; it's the anticipation that keeps us hooked."
"Rick is alone in the hospital bed surrounded by nothing but eerie silence."
"Games are a fan favorite and The Medium promises to keep us guessing and our hearts racing."
"We've got one more candle to go, then we're gonna go down to the basement and we're gonna perform the ritual."
"We're expecting that, you know, just in general, how many ballots are left in Arizona to be counted?"
"It's all tied up and we come down to the most important element: the story."
"The waiting game became a spectacle, a macabre ballet captivating hearts and minds across the land."
"The intensity of the frightening tasks was amplified and made these scenes even stronger."
"It was always going to be a difficult thing... proving how and where Kate had poisoned Lee."
"The suspense is terrible. I hope it'll last."
"This just suddenly turned into a very scary horror movie."
"The things that are about to happen I think are going to hit us chapter after chapter after chapter."
"Even in the innocuous scenes, there's still a layer of tension throughout the entire movie."
"Suspense novel that I think would really appeal to True Crime lovers."
"When their cry's plots are as gripping as they come."
"Those are tense bubbles, oh my God, it can get the pulse racing."
"We'll have to find out what happens next in the story."
"Esther plays with time, making the audience more anxious."
"Toki's knowledge and possible reappearance in the story is a potential lingering plot thread."
"The earth-threatening entity which, unknown to him, was to burst forth in a few hours and become the memorable Dunwich horror."
"A masterpiece of building tension and dread."
"Did the glaciers transport it there and What Lies Beneath?"
"It's a masterpiece of thrilling and suspenseful storytelling that strings viewers along before the final climactic scene."
"I'm just waiting for the next big creepy thing to show up... because I know it's gonna happen really soon."
"It really Taps into the tension of waiting to see a story being definitively concluded."
"The Woman in the Window: Let's start from the beginning again, Jeff. Tell me everything you saw."
"Wait till you see the next one... everybody dies."
"Ethan Winters, welcome. I didn't think you'd make it past."
"They won't jump scare you, no, 'cause they're... yes they will."
"I don't think anything's gonna happen, but we'll see."
"This is enough to send chills running down anyone's spine."
"The Amityville Horror is pretty old school in terms of supernatural cliches and tropes common to the genre yet once you get past all the creaking floorboards and moving objects the execution can be genuinely unnerving at times."
"But when police arrive moments later, she’s disappeared, not showing herself again until she rushes at Kate and Max with a knife."
"What happened that made the burglar flee before finishing his work?"
"Here comes the part of the movie where the snap of death plays a game."
"It's gonna be three, is it gonna be 33? It's a tie!"
"Horror is all in the presentation...it's all in the presentation and leaving things up to your imagination."
"Well, Peggy's like there's not, so she turns off the lights in her living room and the officers are standing there in the dark with her and all of a sudden they start hearing the same knocking noises."
"Dude, I know what you mean now, he's singing from the darkness and it's really close."
"When you start wondering why until you see it, a wide being emerges from the shadow, moving in a similar fashion as a gorilla would."
"Helen's chase and subsequent death scene utilizes a ton of subversion to keep you on the edge of your seat."
"Wes Craven cleverly uses claustrophobic camera angles to add suspense to the scene."
"Authors of thrillers really know how to build tension using the atmosphere."
"What you don't see is always going to be scarier than what you do."
"After you take them out, sometimes their lifeless bodies do this."
"It was really looking like an abduction at this point."
"I see a shadow coming through the window and I see two fingers come under the glass and start opening it up real slow."
"For the first time in years, there was something to be afraid of in Minecraft."
"This guy is still after the posse, we don't know his stand ability yet, and he's clearly very powerful."
"The tableau held for only a moment then with a frenzied growling sound, it rose up towering and launched itself at Abner."
"A literal game of among us with a never-ending spree of close calls."
"The revelation startles Rain, contemplating the potential machinations behind unleashing such a creature."
"It's so exciting to pick up a book where you wanna know what happens at the end."
"Will this be the end of the world as we know it, or will season 2 have something even crazier in store for us?"
"Some of the best horror is one that always leaves you questioning."
"Predator mashes up action, sci-fi, and horror, misdirecting its audience to believe it to be a straightforward commando movie before diving into horror."
"The implications of that statement were staggering: if the signal had actually come from space, then was there someone orbiting the Earth who at that very moment was fighting for his life?"
"Michael Myers is like a ninja, but as a viewer, we're waiting for when he'll sneak up next, and this intensifies our anxiety."
"Now is not the time for fear. That comes later."
"Wow, okay, yeah, and on top of that, there is an actual rampaging monster that might be let loose."
"That builds the dread because we know at some point it's doing its build-up properly."
"The narrative relies heavily on surprise rather than suspense."
"Remember how I said earlier she writes it in a way where the characters would do laundry or something and you're afraid something bad will happen? That's literally when the twist will happen."
"Moments like these where you are going in absolutely blind are when the linear style of fnaf gameplay works best."
"Patrolling enemies in games freak me out, the idea that something is designed with your slightest mistakes in mind only for them to chase you down makes any horror game scary to me."
"This is definitely act three, and this is just a question of how is it going to end."
"But the most powerful defense method of all." - Building up suspense before revealing a surprising defense tactic.
"You don't know where the elevator of blood is gonna open and unleash it is the scariest movie ever made and it's the simplicity of it."
"One thing we can agree on is something very, very dark is going on."
"This film ended up being a lot more clever, a lot more tense, and a lot more subversive than I expected it to be."
"It's almost like an Avengers Infinity War type ending or like it leads you on that cliffhanger."
"Dennis is the kind of character who is seemingly always on the cusp of murdering someone and now he may have actually done just that."
"It kept me at the edge of my seat the whole time."
"Drazaar has come to play but will it be his doom? I don't know."
"Well why don't we just check the records? The coolest scene in that movie though is when he's in that house with Nagini and the bounty hunter shows up and then explodes the room."
"This is the coolest thing about this, right now there's only one person in this room that knows what the truth is and in about 5 minutes there's going to be two of us."
"It feels like the end of the movie is just the tip of the demonic iceberg."
"A ticking time bomb for any who traveled aboard."
"As soon as I heard those words, my blood went cold."
"Oh my gosh I thought he was gonna fly out of that window."
"I'm falling in love with the characters and the urgency to find his wife."
"Dr. Bannon took a deep breath and scanned the card. The door slowly opened."
"Just as the clock struck 12, she heard footsteps on the staircase."
"This movie is super intense and suspenseful."
"It's just one of those books you can't put down because you like need to know what's gonna happen."
"Final Destination has a killer premise: once death has chosen you, there's no escape."
"Once again, things that this movie did right that I think were missing from the previous two films: a real sense of danger, stakes, impending doom, dread."
"This movie highlighted what was missing: a real sense of danger, stakes, impending doom, dread."
"This ain't even a bigfoot video anymore, no, this is, we're gonna die by a real flesh and blood creature in the woods for you all so you better like this video bro."
"It's not I have some kind of bad news but it is good news."
"She's just lowered, gets almost to the bottom."
"The bell starts ringing, but it's speeding up. I like that. I did find that very creepy, and I really liked it."
"Something is gonna call us to the basement at some point."
"What happens next will give you the chills, watch."
"But perhaps the creepiest incident of the night..."
"We're all going to die," Jennifer's a rock, but Tobias begins to stir.
"This is what happened next: a man that I had never seen before appeared in the room as I lay there dying."
"There's no time now. We'll explain later. That's fine. Well, fine. It sounds like something interesting is going on."
"I guess I have to die now... Oh wait, just before he's about to get shot he hears a familiar voice: 'You can't kill me, I'm the president of Ireland!'"
"There's not a single person watching this movie thinking that Dylan is going to kill Ripley here."
"You can't show the monster...people create a terrifying image in their own heads."
"The movie rarely stops for a breather; it's constantly on the move, and the characters are in jeopardy at every turn."
"He said this might be how people disappear... there were people out there coming out of the ground and moving around."
"This show is filled with twists, flashbacks, and fourth wall breaks that keep you on the edge of your seat."
"They dismiss it like junk mail, a fluke, until very, very bad things begin happening to the people on the list."
"Always accuse your opponent of what it is you're doing."
"All you need to do for a cliffhanger at the end is see Springtrap's hand move."
"We're onto night four; it's time to unmask the evil."
"There is no terror in the bang, only in the anticipation of it."
"This case is one of the most intense unbelievable ones i've ever researched so i urge you to follow me on to part two and whatever parts may follow so that you can be along with me for the ride."
"It's just so addicting, you need to know what's gonna happen."
"Run, Jack! Leave me alone, I didn't do anything!"
"As I understand it, we're trying to prevent World War 3."
"This new format lends itself to that climactic tense type of moment."
"Not a single action sequence... and it was thrilling."