
Life Simplification Quotes

There are 68 quotes

"I ruthlessly began simplifying my life. The biggest thing I simplified was my business."
"Minimalism is not to esteem oneself but it's a way to simplify your life and make your life maybe a little bit more manageable and enjoyable."
"Minimalism is about living with only what truly matters to you, stripping away the excess to focus on what's important."
"People are always looking for opportunities to simplify like complicated parts of their lives."
"What I love about the topics of survival and martial arts is how it forces you to simplify life right down to its absolute basics, giving you strong principles and resilience from which you can build everything else in life from."
"If you were just to put those things in a trash bag, you'd never look at them again."
"Let go of anything that is no longer useful and purposeful without regrets and without resentment."
"Simplifying our lives isn't the end goal... spend time dedicated towards whatever that goal is."
"Simplify your life, focus on producing 80% of the result with just 20% of your action."
"There really is something so freeing about removing the things from our lives that are no longer adding value."
"Reflection on priorities, desires, and pleasures, seeking simplicity and ease."
"We're two and a half stars! Again, I don't mean to brag but I'm doing so well"
"To be simplified to condense life down to only what's important and to monitor those things that are important to you will give you a tremendous advantage."
"There's nothing quite like carving away all the needless crap in your life."
"You're simply letting go of everything that you just simply do not want in your life."
"We do one for 2020 now. Are there any left from last year?"
"Why am I doing all these things? What do I want to cut out of my life?"
"Stride, do less, cancel stuff that doesn't make sense."
"It just makes my life easier because I know where everything is."
"Even if you just take on your small junk drawer, I promise you it will make your life easier."
"Make your life easier or find new and interesting Avenues to pursue."
"It's eliminating chaos, messiness, confusion, and distraction in your life, all in the pursuit of greater stability."
"Be a curator of your own life, slowly cut things out until you're left only with what you love, what's necessary, and what makes you happy."
"The crash was not the event of one day; it really spread out across a week, and the fall went on for almost three weeks."
"Sell what's valuable, trash or donate the rest."
"Top five percent, top ten percent, top one percent, we gotta make our lives uncomplicated."
"Stay inspired to keep your home organized and clean with these practical tips and tricks, because organized spaces truly make life easier."
"Good things happen outside your comfort zone."
"Focus on keeping the things that you love, use, and need."
"What's the one thing I can do such that by doing it, everything else will be easier or unnecessary?"
"It's amazing how about one decision to simplify my life has also enriched it in every way."
"Life's gonna be way easier from now on as long as I can get food storage."
"Simplifying things, making your whole life easier."
"Simplifying our house is the most worthwhile thing we've ever done, and the amount of freedom that it gave us, I couldn't believe."
"The ultimate minimalism is realizing I'm okay if it all were to be deleted."
"Simplify and that goes for absolutely everything."
"Just having less things just streamlines my life and just, yeah, I don't know, I just like the way that it is not having too many things, I don't feel like I'm missing out, I'm much more interested in experiences and learning than things."
"Take only what you need, take only what you need and who you need."
"As you get older, you just want a little bit of freedom and escape."
"Simplifying your reality, taking things off your plate, lightening your load if you need to."
"I sort of Marie Kondo'd my life, you know, anything that wasn't giving me joy, goodbye."
"What's the worst thing that could happen if you simplify your life? You make more time for your health, your relationships, your community, your creativity."
"His downto Earth conversations about life and how it can be simplified or looked at through a different lens with from his world, very interesting."
"I think what my main point is actually just see things in a different way, and whatever your situation is, you'll find that you can demonetize your life to some extent."
"Owning less stuff, focusing on fewer tasks, and having less in the way has given us more time, more freedom, and more meaning in our lives."
"Minimalism is not an act of sacrifice, or rather it's no more of a sacrifice than removing a malignant tumor."
"It gets to a certain point that you're only left with the stuff that you really love."
"Having a routine will simplify your life and you will feel more organized."
"It's pretty cool to think that I've simplified life so much that this is really all I need when I'm on a bike trip."
"I'm trying to Marie Kondo my life and not have it too cluttered."
"Use a calendar... The more you can follow it, the simpler your life is."
"When you start stripping away the clutter of your life, it is so much easier to discern and feel the Holy Spirit working."
"Once I simplify my life and look at it, I think money comes when you have purpose."
"Sometimes owning less helps simplify your life."
"A deep reset: simplification, amplification, and radical moves."
"By removing the excess, you can really focus all your energy on the things you want to be focusing on."
"Simplify. That's the underlying theme here."
"The whole idea with this is to make your life easier."
"Simplifying your life will not only give you more time with God but it will also give you more time."
"I'm really here to try to make your life super easy so that you can just have more fun."
"Declutter my mind, declutter my life, declutter my house, and unlock my better self."
"I just find it's easier... you start focusing on things which actually matter."
"It was very therapeutic for me as well because then I started realizing hey this actually makes my life a lot easier."
"I've been trying really hard to just completely simplify my life."
"Simplify your life and the answers you seek will appear."