
Weather Quotes

There are 14157 quotes

"Expect fantastic views today. It's a crystal clear sky, just absolutely perfect."
"Weather is a great equalizer and can make even the most technologically advanced adversary completely useless if the right conditions are met."
"It's raining, but it's a great opportunity to do black-and-white photography."
"It's not the same as the projection from two weeks ago obviously, but we're supposed to get hit with a big winter storm."
"We couldn't ask for a better day. It is beautiful here in the Pacific Northwest, mid-sixties, light breeze, and it is a blue sky day to go racing."
"I've actually never felt so happy about a rainy afternoon."
"It's rained the whole day, which has been glorious."
"A good landscape photographer should be always ready for bad weather as well."
"It's a beautiful day in New York. We had a little bit of rain over the weekend, Sunday was beautiful, today it's beautiful."
"I'm wearing it again because it makes me happy, and with the weather like this, it is so miserable; I'm trying to manifest spring."
"The vacation was lit, the vacation was fun...I wish when we went to the top of the mountain it would have been Sunny."
"Weather's finally cooperating with us; it's warming up, sun's out, it's going to be a beautiful day."
"This is a picture-perfect pattern, we have this triple high-pressure system...that's huge because the cold that would be over western Canada is now being poured into the eastern states."
"Okay, campers, rise and shine, and don't forget your booties because it's cold out there."
"It is beautiful, man, it's 52°, the sun's out."
"Weather does have a significant effect on your day-to-day mood."
"The weather is just about perfect for photographing waterfalls; overcast light is usually pretty good for these types of situations."
"The thick snowfall turned the world into a white, shining, slippery mess."
"You know the weather will be deteriorating in the morning, and you're not going to want to be out maneuvering around."
"One thing that I've learned about Iceland is that the weather can be wild and unpredictable."
"It's a beautiful sunny day here in England, and it's really helping to lift my spirits."
"The storm moves south and you were spared the worst of it. Don't you love the smell after it rains?"
"The weather has been hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, like a 30 degrees Celsius full humidity."
"It's just physics, it's just math. You get a supercell in there, and it behaves according to how the wind shear will shape it and sculpt the storm and its behavior."
"There's no such thing as bad weather for photography, just different sorts of lighting."
"We need to protect myself from that vicious rain."
"It's still raining and super cozy out so I'm going to put on one of these autumn just cozy ambiance videos."
"I like rain, it makes muddy puddles jump up and down!"
"I like jacket weather. You need it all. It's a great combo."
"What a difference with this weather compared to this morning."
"It's important to have outdoor space because we are in Hawaii, and we get a lot of sunlight, we get a lot of good weather, and we should take advantage of it."
"I was expecting there to be mainly rain, but instead, as you can see, the weather is flawless."
"Let's not try and predict the weather. Everything is in flux."
"It's hot in here it's hot outside and it's hot as in that uni oven"
"The weather always seems to keep me coming back like an addiction."
"Definitely the weather is perfect this weekend."
"Ever heard of lightning's wilder cousin? Red sprites, blue jets, elves, trolls, and gnomes."
"And he who controls the weather will control the world."
"He's dealing with that changing conditions doing a great job, see what the weather does I don't think anybody knows."
"Mother Nature threw us yet another curveball this weekend."
"Perfect weather for sipping a cup of tea while gazing out the window."
"Short for cold weather is good, and long for hot weather is great."
"The weather in London is clear and sunny, with a high of 25 degrees for this afternoon."
"We have just landed at ABC airport, the outside temperature is 25 degrees centigrade, 77 Fahrenheit."
"That's some of the most extreme weather ever measured on our planet."
"Rain weather at large is a wonderful tool for furthering that atmosphere and mood."
"Rain just makes you a little bit more relaxed than your day, especially inside a building."
"Anywhere you see in yellow could get up to an inch of rain and firefighters are loving this and Idaho and portions of Oregon and even Montana to still take every drop of rain they can get after this horrific start to the fire season."
"You got sand stream, you got drizzle, you got drought and then for snow it's snow warning like I'm warning you guys there's snow."
"Unbelievable to see these pictures now and to think what was happening on that Misty stormy morning."
"It's a new dawn, it's a new day, it's just rain for me, I don't feel inside."
"We might need a tornado in Dublin, Ohio this afternoon." - Pat McAfee
"If you're going to line up on the parade route early, yeah, it'll be a little chilly to start your day."
"The worst has passed...you're done with the tornado risk at this point."
"Enjoy the day, enjoy the day, I mean it's very hot."
"The best chance of rain we've had in months."
"Last night was a great night, beautiful skies, beautiful weather."
"I think with all the hype Dali is causing it's also causing a lot of conversation and even fear amongst artists who sort of think oh am I threatened here."
"What a way to celebrate too, perfect day out here in Tampa Bay with the sun out, it's about 85 degrees, a little warm but for February but we'll take it at this point."
"What a great day again, just an amazing day."
"A wave of snow and freezing temperatures set a unique scene at the Mont Saint-Michel."
"Weather is not climate unless of course those weather events are convenient for the Democrats' climate arguments."
"I hope you're having a good start to your week; it's been beautiful here."
"It's always warm, Always Sunny... sometimes."
"It kind of makes the world like a video game as well, the weather thing's interesting as well."
"Human life is limitlessly extraordinary. We have a torrential downpour here in London outside."
"Arizona is fun when it's not summer you know I've been in there in the spring beautiful but spring is Summer and summer there is like summer plus summer ex if you will."
"It's raining frogs," Brody points out amidst the chaos of magical malfunction.
"Stand out in the rain, we're gonna call it a day."
"The weather's quickly becoming too bad. Dire warnings are issued."
"Raining outside, a lot, and you kind of stay inside all day. Oh, that part's nice."
"It's a beautiful rainy day, and I'm a pluviophile, which means someone who finds peace and happiness when it's raining. That is literally me."
"Wet and Cold makes NPCs wear appropriate clothing depending on the weather, and in my opinion, the AI additions help add to the feel of harsh weather in the game."
"Climate change is real. It should not be that hot in this room when we're almost out of this November 9th."
"It's a beautiful sunny day at this Barcelona circuit."
"Sun should start melting this pretty soon, hopefully."
"Me and you out tonight, we are gonna wear a scarf 'cause it's a chilly little fright, 'cause it's a spooky type of season."
"Stay until the rain stops. Have a lovely day. I'm joking. Bye-bye!"
"We do have a tornado warning that's in effect now in Ohio, radar indicated rotation just to the east of Cambridge."
"If you're in this tornado warning you need to get to your safe place."
"I think everything else is feeling the cooler temperatures, and everything's just improving so much."
"It's gonna be really good, hopefully we get a bit more rain all the way through the weekend cause it's really gonna spice things up."
"The water is calm, really the best weather we could have asked for."
"When the clouds come out and they kind of just dissolve... you get this cheery bright sunny day."
"Hydrate, people, especially in these high temps."
"The sun is shining, but it's not hot. It's like, perfect."
"I think we're in a little bit of a drought, a drier spell one might say."
"Snowstorm is trending, because of said deadly snowstorm in the mid-Atlantic in the southeast."
"The weather has a direct influence on your mood."
"It snowed last night even though you didn't see it snow."
"I'm a Flurry Ozone. My rain follows me everywhere."
"Sometimes the cloud layer helps with that, yep, yep, you know."
"California: the glitz, the glamour, the awesome weather."
"Peppa and George love rainbows. A rainbow only comes out when it's rainy and sunny at the same time."
"Conditions got gradually worse with the wind picking up."
"It's actually looking really, really good for tomorrow. Sunny, clear skies conditions."
"Life could be much worse when the sun don't shine and the rain come down all day, yo, it's a blessing."
"Could this be a manifestation of meteorological rarity, an intricate interplay of air currents and moisture resulting in a captivating vertical display?"
"Hurricane Karen could come back for a double strike."
"I know snow is scary, but I believe in you. You can conquer snow."
"Fog manifests itself in many different ways... it obscures your sights, changes your perceptions, and it also has this feature where you can always kind of see above it and below it but never through it."
"Check the weather before you leave, that's a key point," - Safety Tip
"It's always a good day when it's sunny like this."
"What a scorcher! It's a beautiful day to be outside."
"Beautiful day for a launch, beautiful clear skies there to see that Moon."
"For weather, this will show you the weather in the current location that you're in."
"Warm, sunny weather makes outdoor activities more desirable."
"Weather has the power to make everybody stop what they're doing, captivate everybody, and take center stage."
"Weather events can be breathtakingly beautiful but also extremely violent and destructive."
"Ancient people thought that the gods talked to us through the weather."
"That's why they call the WEA man, right? You don't know whether it's going to rain or not."
"The weather's beautiful guys, I'm so happy today."
"You don't have a healthy storm unless everything is stacked on top of each other."
"We're talking about Big Time impacts here for the West Coast of Florida."
"It's a beautiful day in the winter with the snowflakes falling from the sky."
"You got a little tornado, we're not even close to day 100 yet."
"Friday is sunny and certain, it's the new moon."
"It's almost chilly out here. I mean, it's not actually cold."
"When that humidity lifts and it just feels like you can breathe, it's just the best feeling."
"It's amazing though to have the windows open all day long this time of year there's a beautiful breeze coming in."
"I love it when it's raining and I'm not doing anything inside all day."
"It's nice to have a cup of warm hot coffee on these sub-zero March days."
"It was torrential rain and of course I managed to get stuck in it for like the two minutes that it was pouring down."
"The weather is nothing like you've ever seen before."
"There is weather control techniques... proven and documented."
"That twister wasn't too bad at all actually."
"It's Christmas, but the snow has settled so fast."
"People witnessed one of the strangest weather phenomena in recorded history: the rain was red."
"States of emergency declared as the once-in-a-generation storm sweeps across the country."
"The weather effects in Microsoft Flight Simulator are frequently breathtaking."
"It's a beautiful day to be alive and that's why I came over cuz I heard the weather was really going to be nice."
"We're going to see consistent straight line winds over 120 miles an hour."
"Even though it's not cold, it just feels very good."
"It's like Christmas in the desert, snowing sand."
"The world's longest lightning storm occurs over Lake Maricaibo, Venezuela."
"There's no bad weather, just inappropriate clothing."
"It's a hurricane. It's right now. It's kind of sunny. Things are doing fine."
"We have this place all to ourselves, there's a little bit of wind but I think we're gonna be okay."
"Dynamic weather is going to be such a massive feature to help differentiate DMZ from just regular war zone."
"It's supposed to be nice weather all week, I think it's perfect for a great outdoor party."
"I mean, it's properly sunny, so welcome back."
"A violent thunderstorm was quickly moving in, the wind picked up just as they were about to start the show."
"The wind is less than half of what it was and it's sunny, so I thought I would never see the sun again. I know this is like I feel reborn, this is amazing!"
"It's very very slow, only three hours, four hours of daylight here."
"Florida had a falling iguana warning. Let me repeat that, Florida had a falling iguana warning."
"Gulf Coast in line for a one-two punch: two tropical storms heading its way."
"It's a very, very hot day in Santa Monica today, we shout to the man right here, with the lemonade, yo!"
"I hope the wind though doesn't pick up too much."
"Investigators believe that five six Charlie's violent end was caused by a savage lightning strike."
"It's September. Hopefully the nicer, cooler weather will be moving in soon."
"Super excited about this weather, my favorite type of morning."
"Snow ushered in the new year of 1907. It piled higher and higher around Kirwin."
"Microbursts caught on camera. A microburst is a downdraft in a thunderstorm with a diameter of less than 2.5 miles. Some microbursts can endanger people and property, but they will always endanger aircraft."
"Record snowstorm slams Colorado, dumping two feet of snow in Denver region."
"I'm just gonna wait till it rains and hope for the best."
"We have a brand new tornado warning issued just west of Tampa."
"Cold air moves in, everything else moves out."
"Seeing some major lightning now. Wow, that came out of nowhere."
"If it's a winter scene, make it feel cold. If it's a beautiful sunny day, make it clear as day."
"iOS 17 Weather: Raindrop animations and advanced forecasts."
"Just showing up as me. This is so much fun. South Florida is becoming very chilly this season, and I wore this out last night and I felt so like yes."
"There's a storm warning that something is going to happen very quickly, very suddenly."
"The dark cold winter is finally ending, you guys!"
"I am just so much happier as a person when there is nice weather outside."
"Temperature range should be around 60 to 75 degrees."
"Weather is getting worse and more chaotic... the damage that's being done to the climate doesn't just take a break because the political news gets wild or whatever."
"Hurricanes gain their intensity from the heat of the ocean, you know, the science."
"The severe sudden weather was the spark that set off the chain of events."
"When 120 kilometer per hour winds hit New York State, a rare and dramatic weather phenomenon occurred across the Great Lakes."
"The winter of 1917, considered horrendous by the Europeans, was mild by Canadian standards."
"It's like the rain in Puerto Rico, it'll change in five minutes."
"Mother nature heard Miserable Marie's cries and gave us this day."
"Feeling good today, I really am. The weather, it's feeling a little bit brisk but it's starting to heat up."
"It's gonna be a lit day, the only thing that sucks about today is we woke up to snow."
"I welcome them now, and I know a lot of you guys are kind of doing the same thing, and even hotter than us."
"We're gonna wake up to a white Christmas almost for sure, you guys."
"Even if it is raining, it's still beautiful."
"Enough about the rain though, let's get after it."
"Expect some rain... No, don't expect, I'm joking. But if you have an umbrella, bring it, why not?"
"But that radar is a really, really useful tool for seeing where the showers are now and if you're about to get hit by one."
"The wind was the most shocking part of the storm."
"Probably the most exciting weatherwise thing we've had in a while."
"All the cloud droplets create what we all call clouds."
"It's so nice to walk around the floor today because it's super windy."
"Do You Feel The Rains coming? They're on their way."
"Plenty of strong sunshine. UV levels will be high, as will grass pollen levels too."
"Temperatures could drop 50 degrees in 24 hours."
"It is raining, it's always cool when it rains when the sun's out, it looks pretty crazy."
"Microbes in clouds may play a role in precipitation patterns around the globe."
"I'm in a good mood even though it's raining out."
"Buzzy bees are happy bees when it's warm and sunny."
"The polar vortex is going to pay us a visit, and it is not going to be a very pleasant guest."
"Winter's coming again, I don't know if you guys know that but it's on its way."
"There's no such thing as bad weather, it's bad preparation."
"Why don't we have a beautiful sunny day, even when it's not? Yeah, there you go!"
"This storm is so sus, I'm scared for what's coming."
"We've got good weather and it looks beautiful over there at KSC for crew 5."
"We've got a heat wave spreading all across the country."
"I'm definitely one of them people where my mood comes off the web are so if it's like a beautiful day like today I feel really really positive."