
Data Presentation Quotes

There are 143 quotes

"Never just show data. Always have a story and articulate that story in words."
"Cross tabs are an effective way to summarize and present data as trends within the data are easier to identify."
"I'm all about presenting the data and speaking to facts and the science, and standing up for sex research whether it infuriates people on the left or the right."
"Kids were not interested in just looking at boxes of data."
"I'm giving you the numbers that we believe are very indicative."
"Dashboards can contain various types of visualizations from tables of data, charts, data validation pictures, or other visualizations."
"Rogan is helping those questions be answered by presenting so much data and information and letting them decide what actions and moves to make for themselves with informed consent."
"Let's go ahead and put this up on the screen. Huge disparities." - Crystal
"Data visualization makes data-driven arguments easier to understand."
"Communication and storytelling are essential skills for a data analyst."
"I want to show you some data and we'll talk about it."
"So, since the previous day, there have been 1359 new cases and it has a list of all the places where things have been reported and the changes since the previous day."
"Let's get into the charts because there is a lot of chart, there are a lot of charts that we need to do today."
"Pandas actually turns us into a really beautiful-looking table."
"Adjusting chart settings for better visualization."
"Tree map suitable for displaying hierarchical data."
"Changing color style and adding legends for better chart presentation."
"We'd prefer to leave you with all the numbers for this one."
"We're talking about some simply amazing numbers."
"That's absolutely amazing, we're using slicers!"
"That's how science works, here's my data, and then they'll change their opinion, but that hasn't happened."
"Percentages can be deceiving. 90% of the highest recorded player count on the platform ever is still a very large number."
"What if we wanted to see these country jazz pop rock as the bars and not the quarters?"
"We literally started with this one highlighted County."
"This is proven data on what we did and where we are today."
"These charts in particular will blow your mind."
"This is not me blaming anybody this is me giving you the numbers from the decade-long study that's it."
"200,000 names, that's more than the populations of 47 separate countries."
"Get ready for some really tantalizing videos because I'm going to go full frontal assault with all my data."
"And now we finally have our pie chart."
"What I need to do now is to specify that here I want to put the data. I want to put the pages. I want to just display the current vision on what I want to display."
"Now that you understand how to create systems to deliver data to stakeholders, it's time to start thinking about how to present that data and make it accessible and useful for decision-making."
"Transform ugly pivot tables into slick reports."
"Views allow you to create different layers for different audiences without duplicating data."
"Now you have something that is better and easier than Google slides to create and show your data."
"If you are convinced that either side of this argument has won out to the exclusion of the other, we have not done a good enough job of presenting the data."
"Measuring SEO performance: presenting data that a customer can understand, showing growth in visibility or traffic from search engines."
"Even if it's not the most convenient form of presenting the data or making the data available, really any way of making the data available is helpful for assessing the reliability of it."
"Conditional formatting is a simple way of doing that."
"Collection view is a way of presenting data with different layouts; it aims to provide a flexible and performant alternative to the list view."
"Learning about all of the ways that data can be presented will be a big help to you throughout the data analysis process."
"Here's a pro tip: Make your title short, clear, and have it state exactly what the data in the spreadsheet is about."
"Everything is in a nice table format."
"Descriptive statistics is a method of organizing, summarizing, and presenting data in an informative way."
"But one other field that I would like to change, and this is probably one of my favorite features within the Chart.js plugin, is the ability to change the custom tooltip that is displayed when a value is hovered on our chart."
"Edward Tufte was more interested in the clarity of the presentation."
"Detailed visualization is the most important skill when it comes to presenting geographical data in the Jupiter system."
"You submit it and then it shows up in this table right here, all in the same application."
"A suitable chart type can highlight your data more than a visually pleasing one."
"Everybody loves a good pie chart, right? Pie charts can make a lot of sense so long as there aren't too many categories."
"Always put axis labels on your plots; if you want to look smart and you're presenting data, label your axes."
"As a general rule, always put axis labels on your plots; if you want to look smart and you're presenting data, label your axes and put a legend on."
"Maximizing the data ink ratio helps us process the visualization more efficiently."
"Color can help the person who's developing a spreadsheet to show his numbers in a way that's easier for other people to comprehend."
"How you can create data tables and how you can make your data readable using conditional formatting."
"It's beautifully simple and clean in spite of the sheer amount of data that it's giving you."
"They allow you to present your data in columns and rows, making information look more organized and easier to read."
"And now I'm going to start a whirlwind of different plots."
"Whenever you're presenting a statistic, try and put some context around it."
"If you're able to present data without labels, you get much more creative control and can really emphasize important information."
"You can see it plotted out all that information which looks really cool."
"Sorting is also used to represent data in more readable format."
"A graph needs to be self-explanatory."
"Show the data in as uncluttered a way as possible."
"Tables are everywhere on the web; they are a really useful way to present data."
"It will be helpful to have these values as in a form of a table so that we can take a look at the variance and the annotations that are present in one or maybe multiple genes of interest."
"What if you want a whole bunch of records at once and you want it to be nicely formatted? Well, this is where the creating of an HTML table can come into play."
"It animates the entire chart over time."
"A table in HTML can be created or displayed using the table tag."
"Let's plot this data and see what it looks like."
"You can reuse the parameters in the rows and columns as well."
"We can allow the users to see different data in a way that's efficient for them."
"Let's go ahead and Render this document and we'll be able to see the input and the output on the viewer side."
"Organizing content using tables and charts."
"There is a novelty in presenting an understanding of complicated data in very simple ways."
"Tooltips are a really powerful way to let the user interact and to reveal more data on demand."
"You can build what's called a story, which is where you can take worksheets and dashboards and put them in an order to tell a story."
"Hello and welcome to 50 charts in 50 minutes."
"You can change prediction intervals or if you don't want to show them, you don't have to."
"When decision makers see this information on their table, they can make informed decisions based on what you fed them."
"The most important tip here is you only display the data that's required to do the job."
"We'll leave behind the world of publishing and manuscripts and think differently about how we can present our data."
"The key thing about canvas is your ability to customize and really make your data visually pop."
"Creating really cohesive, beautiful R Markdown and Shiny applications."
"The more we strip away, the more our data stands out."
"Then how you can add the matrix to the report."
"People are visual; even if you understand data points just by looking at them, you need to show them graphs."
"It really changes the game and how you display your data on the page."
"This stat summary is a game changer for a lot of my types of data presentation."
"If you want to see peak areas as well, not only show me the retention times but show me the peak areas."
"Effective tables and charts allow you to better communicate your analysis to others."
"When people can see the analytics in action, they're a lot more likely to act on it."
"You've got to talk about shape, center, spread, outliers, you've got to do that in context."
"The UI layer represents data to the user and contains the screens and view models."
"My title will be 'Top 5 Affected States in India'."
"We have our Sunburst Chart we have our Sales ready."
"We're going to introduce store data and theme data to show you how you can use Shopify Liquid to actually present the store data on the page."
"When you press this onboard computer button, you will see all these features, all this data being flashed across the screen."
"Tables are an essential part of displaying data and information to your readers, so understanding how to make one is important."
"You get all the same data but it's just listed out in a more linear format."
"Describe the key information from each of the two categories."
"It's organized like a YouTube page where you can see a central slice and if you click on this one, you see a movie of that reconstruction."
"We try to be as unopinionated as possible about this. All we know is that you want to log stuff, and we want to show it to you."
"We're going to design a system which can serve up this data as one page per book with our own system design."
"Be accurate and clear, let the data show as much of the truth as you can without making it too complicated."
"Finally, we'll present all the data we fetched in this beautiful UI."
"We can also create crosstab queries to get more information in rows and columns."
"The view is the one responsible for displaying the data."
"You can customize how you want the data to look."
"Let's go ahead and say that the title of this plot here is multiple plots using the show command."
"Composite report is when you have to present data from two different data sources or from two different time periods."
"Now we have ourselves a nice interactive dot map chart."
"Try to make your plots look nice in general; that's a good thing."
"Now we have this plot that already looks much nicer. You've got labels on our x or y axis, we've got a title."
"That's how you can list out the variation chart styles."
"Now Excel is very useful as a data storage mechanism, but it's used just as often as a vehicle to present attractively formatted data and visualizations to audiences of all kinds."
"You can create column charts, you can format those column charts to suit your needs."
"The beauty of on data is that it will scroll for you."
"The director with this company only wants to see data from the London store."
"That's going to be a table of data and in order to make this a little bit more appealing, we can use some visualization."
"Format the numerical data in the net and gross sales columns to the accounting style."