
Fresh Perspective Quotes

There are 112 quotes

"Her ideas are so fresh that they cut through the clutter of the books designed to tell you how to fix your child, and instead ask you to fix yourself first."
"It would be a breath of fresh air to have a Prime Minister in Ottawa who has been a Premier of a province."
"The boys has come in at a perfect time to deliver a fresh twist on a well-known template."
"You were like a breath of fresh air." - Abby Lee Miller
"I think the fact that it is different is a good thing...I'm coming in with a clear-sighted view."
"Time is running out - give it a thumbs up, it's a breath of fresh air."
"When you have somebody that comes from the outside that doesn't have this political agenda they've been working on for 30 years... you just get a different kind of leader."
"Fresh eyes is an opportunity for you to just show or demonstrate or say or identify how your mind has been sparked."
"It's like a fresh set of eyes right, um but it also then encouraged me to find more."
"He's been a breath of fresh air at this place."
"It's like you're gonna see things with like fresh new eyes."
"Teach yourself to look at things with quite a sort of fresh, almost like a childish sort of eye."
"Leave your baggage at the door, watch and then evaluate on its own merits."
"I mean, I was not rooting for the villain because obviously I don't root for the evil people, but it brought such a fresh take on a villain."
"Inventive, a fresh take, treading familiar ground."
"Empire Strikes Back is not a truly terrible movie... it's not as fresh and funny and surprising and witty but it is nice and inoffensive."
"It's really good to have a fresh perspective kind of read it and tell you their thoughts on it."
"Tyga is definitely a really fresh look at the genre as a whole."
"I feel like many people who may have experienced watching this all play out back when it was taking place might feel different about the case now, looking at it with fresh eyes."
"I'm going to be honest. We needed this breath of fresh air."
"Comparing you to their past, you come out even better. You're a breath of fresh air."
"I love camping man, just looking up at the freaking stars."
"It's definitely not as action-packed as the Broly movie, but I think that's a breath of fresh air."
"It's very fresh to see how they approach the game they have their own understanding and their own meta and it's amazing."
"He's the younger one he's the one who brings a wholly different perspective to the situation and I thought he's great I mean and some of his stuff was some of the best parts of the movie."
"I'm the outsider in this race... I'm the one that has fresh legs... I'm less than half their age."
"Sometimes a fresh pair of eyes is needed to look at something from a different angle."
"A breath of fresher air in the horror genre."
"These battles with the sea peoples were fresh in terms of historical literacy."
"It’s a breath of fresh air for the isekai genre that all too often has come to lean on the same tried and true tropes."
"When you leave you become more valuable and you come back right you become more desirable like you said you're much more fresh."
"Eventually gotta wake up, smell the freshly brewed coffee."
"It's all about a brand new prospect, brand new start, brand new beginning, brand new perspective."
"Just having someone...with a fresh perspective can just make you see it in a totally different way."
"She has changed the definition of the possible for freshmen members of the House of Representatives."
"Ultimately, AEW felt more refreshing. It just felt different, like watching a brand new thing compared to what I'm used to with NXT."
"Creative mode honestly feels like a breath of fresh air."
"It's really exciting to have a Batman-less Batman because I don't need to know everything that's come before... it's something completely new."
"The energy of your reading today is a break from the routine which obviously is going to bring fresh perspective which is obviously going to bring an epiphany that you've been reaching for."
"This is a brand new angle, something completely new, we gotta check it out."
"Hope you find Alpine to be a breath of fresh air, silence among noise."
"Pull everything off of your walls and off of your shelves you're not getting rid of it you're not donating anything you're kind of giving your space some breathing room and coming back to it with fresh eyes."
"I think a lot of you guys will be too, starting back at our roots a little bit but this time with a different angle."
"You're just a person that's so positive, so fresh with your thinking that it changes people."
"It's like I'm listening to it for the first time without preconceived notions."
"The Queen of Swords is actually showing up twice. So I feel that this is about having victory. We're putting things to rest here or allowing things to rest and beginning anew with a fresh perspective."
"We must approach the historical, archaeological, and ethnographic record with fresh eyes."
"Fresh set eyes will always find more beans."
"We should hire some young people who have a fresh outlook."
"Sometimes you need a fresh take on something."
"Really gave me such a fresh perspective."
"That was the coolest thing, just to see it all through fresh eyes again."
"Always fun for 32 years is that it still feels like the first year."
"Maybe allows you to have a fresh approach."
"...it's easier to think about it when you actually come with fresh eyes it really does help."
"It's always nice to see something with fresh eyes."
"All I did was look at the problem with a fresh set of eyes. I looked at what was really going on. I forgot all the assumptions that every other person that looked at that problem was using and I just looked at it with a new lens."
"It's a breath of fresh air discovering these places."
"Linda's arizonian background brimming with authenticity was just the breath of fresh air that the entertainment industry craves."
"Bill Potts is a fantastic companion in particular. Really think she brought a breath of fresh air to the show."
"There are a lot of blanks in my memory, and I'm actually loving it because I'm going into this reaction half blind as well."
"It turns the narrative that has been known for over a hundred years on its head and makes Sherlock Holmes feel fresh again."
"Just breathe air from a different place."
"Sarah being new blood on the block sort of thing has some out-of-the-box ideas."
"Let that be a lesson to you, just take a break after 20 minutes and come back and you have fresher eyes."
"I really hope that you can listen to it with some fresh ears and a fresh appreciation for what Sibelius achieved."
"I think the spirit and the content is very novel and fresh trying to show not that evolution is true but that evolution is not a threat to the historical Adam and Eve."
"It was like a breath of fresh air knowing that I had a partner, neither of us felt in any way objectified."
"I love that Big T is back, I think that she's going to be a breath of fresh air on this cast."
"I really hope that we see some new blood in there, maybe some fresh faces that can give us a fresh perspective and aren't out of touch with reality."
"Seeing it again was like doing so through fresh eyes."
"They'll be sort of a purity to what they come to because they are looking at it with a set of really fresh eyes."
"The original Assassin's Creed games felt like a breath of fresh air for the gaming industry."
"I hope that these tips will help you start out in the industry with just a different set of eyes."
"It attempts to reimagine an icon in a fresh and provocative way without losing the essence of the character."
"Dawn of the Clans was just something new; it provided a much-needed, in my opinion, fresh experience for readers."
"Being able to almost have this fresh perspective and viewpoint on life."
"It's such a breath of fresh air to see where the lives of these characters go once they're no longer confined by these stereotypical hallways and classrooms."
"Jill finally brings a more fresh motive to the franchise; she just wants to be famous for having messed up stuff happen to her."
"It brought a really good fresh perspective to some of the earlier songs."
"This was a breath of fresh air to me because you can outright see the pain on his face."
"If we can resist making assumptions and pick up Paul's letters with fresh eyes, we will capture an amazing moment in time."
"Listening with a fresh mind without prejudices, without fixed formulas, that's not easy either."
"If there's something in the Bible I need to see with fresh eyes, I want to see it."
"It's really so critical to use your fresh ears to establish the right volume balance first."
"This is the point of everything, the perspective of seeing it anew and seeing it clean and free of all judgments."
"It takes an outsider to come in with fresh eyes to see where things can be improved."
"Take a look at your surroundings with fresh eyes; you just might find that adventure is in your own backyard."
"The idea is how do I put things together in ways of thinking that makes it a fresh take on that."
"It is time to strip away preconditioned attitudes and centuries-old myths."
"It's so different from the usual trash on TV that we have seen time and time again."
"It's almost like you were seeing it for the first time. It was just beautiful."
"Beginner's mind means you have a fresh approach to things, that you don't let your mind get clogged up with a lot of assumptions."
"I feel the freshness of just being out of your world into a new place where people don't know you that well, so you can also be fresh to yourself because you're not playing your habit."
"This is a different spin on a very, very tried and true story."
"I always find the best way to do this is to take everything off the shelves and cupboards, give it a really good clean down, and then look at it afresh."
"It's just a nice refreshing take on villains within a story."
"It's a new world, I'm experiencing everything through new eyes."
"This is like a fresh new start, this is a fresh outlook, looking at things fresh."
"There's a need for a fresh perspective."