
Survivalism Quotes

There are 108 quotes

"Billionaires are prepping luxury Doomsday bunkers...complete with $50,000 trap doors, parking spaces for submarines, water cannons, and a moat that literally sets on fire in case of intruders."
"Prepping is not just taking care of yourself, but it's also taking care of your loved ones."
"Gentlemen, prepare. Get your provisions, sit back, and watch the carnage. Winter is coming."
"Preppers have a different mindset when it comes to these sort of things."
"My sort of [ __ ] hits the fan prepping view is, yeah, I know if it gets that bad I'm gonna [ __ ] die anyway, man."
"There's no real point in survivalism if you never make time to actually live."
"The preppers will be the ones laughing in the end. They'll have nothing to worry about."
"There's a value in salt. Salt used will be more valuable than gold in a true grid down situation."
"Do you think people who live in cities should escape the cities right now?"
"Get physical gold and silver in your possession have a plan make sure you have food water energy security barter ability wealth preservation community and shelter."
"If the end of the world as we know it does ever occur, it'll all come in handy."
"We don't need electricity... humanity has survived without it since the dawn of time."
"And what are they doing? They're prepping for the apocalypse."
"What's so interesting to me about doomsday preppers is what a difference there is between the people who want to stop the end of the world and the people who are looking forward to surviving it."
"In an off-grid or power-down situation, a 12-volt refrigerator or a propane refrigerator, which pretty much uses no power, can keep your stuff cold for weeks and sometimes indefinitely."
"The ultimate goal of most Preppers would be to be self-sustaining."
"Survivalism is the ultimate self-reflection."
"Why survivalism is so popular at the moment I'm not really sure but it is something that is near and dear to my heart."
"It's good to be prepared, stock up on some extra bins of food and maybe some extra batteries because you never know what's going to happen."
"It's not just about understanding how SHTF is going to play out, it's about understanding human nature."
"Rich people are building bunkers; that's not a good sign."
"Get self-sufficient, get your power shortages equipment ready, get your food ready, get your bullets ready."
"It's always the panic like the idiots like zombies man, Home Depot picking up a couple pitchforks to kill zombies, right?"
"Prepare for the survival of our species, start now."
"Remember, one of the reasons why we prep is not just to survive, but also to continue to have a decent standard of living."
"Preppers are not scared, they understand the value of opportunity."
"You just never know when our number is going to be up, folks. So keep on prepping."
"Prepare now, don't stop filling in those gaps."
"When it comes to survival and prepping, we have to really look long-term...self-defense is also at the top of that list. You need to be able to protect."
"I have several playlists on nuclear war survival."
"You need to focus on building that pioneer level of one year or more food storage."
"Everything we're doing now for the real shtf situation which is going to happen in winter time."
"You gotta think like the American pioneers that you gotta start canning salting drying all these things that you do to preserve food because you've got to survive the winter and make it to the next spring harvest."
"Every household should have an emergency food supply, even without a nuclear war."
"I'm a straight up prepper dude, I am ready to go."
"As Preppers know, it is better to be prepared than to be scared. That applies whether you're trying to extend your life or whether you're coming to grips with your own death. Preparation is important."
"As preppers, we know that our survival depends on knowing the real truth."
"Yeah, I am a part of a group of people who believe that one day all technology will be gone and everybody will be forced to live in the wilderness."
"Stock up on dried food, get your silver, get your clip, those in your own possession."
"Don't laugh at the preppers, go learn from them."
"The future will favor the self-reliant and prepared."
"Let me give you guys a tour of your new end of the world doomsday bunker."
"I mean, it doesn't stick out like a sore thumb, you would never know there's a giant bomb shelter underneath me."
"That's a big one! Now this is an 8-inch thick blast door and it's about 3 inches of solid steel right there."
"If a person thought the world was going to end and they had to go underground because a meteor was going to hit the Earth, this is how you would live."
"Being a prepper is more than just having a really good truck to bug out in."
"You better have a lot of things ready because when it all comes down all you're going to have is what you can get to and what you hold. That's it."
"Humans survived this way for millennia, you can too."
"There's no shame in prepping... stack it to the rafters."
"For any sort of well-rounded survivalist, you need a network of like-minded people around you."
"Preppers are people who think... They're getting prepared, prepared for a big disaster; World War III, environmental catastrophe, riot, looting - they're getting prepared for when... For when shit hits the fan."
"Preppers take a look at what may be coming in the future and they prepare for those things."
"So what's going to happen is either Mad Max, or we use gold and silver to trade."
"You might have enough ammunition to last you the next 10 years and 3 apocalypse."
"Prepping, in a lot of ways, is actually returning to, I think, how humans should live and being more self-sufficient."
"Prepping is not a right-wing thing or a left-wing thing. It's a survival thing."
"Prepping is going to become very popular in the next couple of years."
"Preppers are optimists in the worst of times."
"Think about living off the grid and how living among like-minded people could save your life."
"Being a prepper is all about being proactive."
"Everyone has their own way of preparing for Doomsday."
"A company called Vivos XPoint is building an entire underground city of 575 bunkers to house the last remaining survivors of doomsday."
"Preparing is something that you do so that you can continue to live should a crisis occur."
"In the previous hundred days I spent in the nuclear age, I created an underground bunker complete with the nuclear reactor inside of a huge mountain."
"I'm convinced that in our lifetime, we will need our preps."
"Go out there and prep, ladies and gentlemen."
"That nervous survivalist philosophy just fades away."
"This is what Preppers have been expecting for a very long time."
"I sincerely mean it when I say I hope you have taken some precautions to prepare for the food shortages that may come."
"Prepare for the worst and adapt to whatever comes at us. That's what preppers do."
"Building a great list of prepper items... a wide supply of good things that can help you in your independent and self-sustaining journey."
"Authorities have described Burum as a self-taught survivalist with military experience and say that he could be prepared to spend an extended period of time in the woods."
"I'm building a hidden nuclear bunker in the middle of nowhere."
"It took me a while to get my various gear all in hand and brought up to my shelter."
"This is the Leatherman Signal, Leatherman's multi-purpose kind of special-purpose tool, if you will, for the outdoorsman or survivalist."
"You can't be stupid and not think something about to happen when you see all these billionaires building bunkers."
"Every year thousands of people in the United States alone take part in groups or movements preparing for the end of the world as they know it."
"Hey folks, this is Gray here, and today we're looking at our September prepper pantry haul."
"Something for a bug out gun, you know, doomsday kind of person that can't find ammo, if you have a compressor, you'll be good to go."
"The clans were expert survivalists and capable machine smiths, able to operate independently for long periods in the most inhospitable territory."
"The survival bunker with no food and water, the ultimate oxymoron."
"I am a prepper, I believe in being prepared."
"Building up a year's worth of food storage so that you could prepare for when the apocalypse happens."
"What I am is a survivalist first off, and a realist."
"I like to fancy myself as a survivalist, or some of you refer to us as preppers."
"Preppers are people who are prepared for disasters or incoming disasters, things that might disrupt your life for a long period of time."
"When the zombies come, come join me in the bunker."
"Susan would kick into survivalist mode and she would manipulate to survive."
"This is about modern man returning to nature to figure out whether we can still live on the things that are around us."
"I feel like I'm a Doomsday prepper."
"I'm a prepper, and you know I'm all about that stuff: cash on hand, gold, silver, cans of food."
"This knife does an outstanding job for the serious survivalist."