
Communication Importance Quotes

There are 599 quotes

"Storytelling is such an important part of the overall lesson here."
"We need to make sure we have information that's good information and then look which released to the public. Unless there's some reason not to, the public should know. People are concerned; we should let them know."
"The art of listening, the lack of it, is killing us."
"Communication is key for relationships. Without communication, you just don't have too much of a relationship."
"Conversation is ideal, even though it may be the scariest."
"Missing out on direct access to me, missing out on what I was talking about in that first sentence, and you will miss out on the biggest thing I will ever do."
"Communication is so important and valid. It's valid for me to want that and need that in order to be healthy, you know, and mentally healthy."
"If someone's not open to those conversations early on in a relationship, that's a sign."
"Listening. There's almost nothing better that you can do with people period than to listen to them."
"Words really matter. Saying something true out loud matters."
"Communication is ideal. Words aren't as important as tone."
"Setting expectations is so important, exactly."
"Signal nobody gives a crap about signaling until it's time to signal."
"Communication and trust are key in healthy relationships, but many struggle with it."
"There's nothing more terrifying than not being able to communicate."
"Communications can be a matter of life or death."
"Clear communication is extremely important not just in relationships not just in real life but also in aviation in everything that you see okay."
"You risk literally getting killed eventually if you do not communicate properly okay so please eventually everyone who listens please communicate properly."
"The way you say something matters a lot more than specifically just what you're saying."
"I'm so sorry and I will listen and try to understand."
"You guys have a solid friendship foundation, so you guys may have ups and downs but as long as you communicate the relationship's gonna be fine."
"The war we wage against capitalism is more than anything a war of ideas and communicating our ideas sharply and persuasively should be a priority for all leftists."
"If you don't open up your mouth, you lost an opportunity."
"One thing I've definitely learned is that communication is super key."
"One thing I definitely learned is communication is super key."
"Communication isn't just talking; sometimes it's being very, very clear about everything that you are and what you want with another person."
"Communication is both the root cause and the solution to most of our problems."
"We just need to get the content out to the people, and it's so important that you just keep getting your message out there."
"Don't simply write to those who do the fighting on your behalf to thank them."
"I'm sure you realize a doctor and his patient have to communicate, sir."
"Clear communication early communication with members of the public is absolutely essential."
"Communication is key... and the voice is priceless."
"You can't unless you listen to them carefully. It takes a careful ear." - Yacouba alayhi
"I think we need to have these tough conversations."
"There is no good reason to cheat; sexual betrayal hurts the same no matter the underlying cause."
"It's about communication, not about right or wrong."
"The most important element of preparedness is communications."
"It's important to have the conversation and not bury it or put a Band-Aid over it."
"This is something that needs to be said, this is something that I want people to know."
"I think it would work, knight in shining armor and communication."
"Clarity is overwhelmingly necessary to good communication."
"Communication is key, I've learned that from the onset."
"In communication, pronunciation is much more important than grammar."
"Talk through everything, little things, big things."
"Sometimes one simple conversation after a fight can help avoid huge problems."
"Every word matters, especially in voiceover work."
"Reconciliation coming through, we just have to make sure that the grievances have been aired."
"Communication is super important, so you never know unless you talk about it."
"The words we use matter. They tell people who we are and what we value."
"It is important that your communication is clear."
"I feel like that communication piece was never really understood at a level to really push people to action."
"Communication is the most important ability that humans have."
"Sexual assault can affect satisfaction with sex. Opening up this conversation was really important."
"Communication is key. Sit down Tuesdays, nine o'clock, every week. We have a meeting."
"Don't drop the mic, use the mic, because your voice matters."
"Your joint mission is to communicate, help people communicate, and to use our communication skills to help others find their path."
"I think you just need to have a conversation."
"Communication is something that needs to happen, a lot of people try to exist in the gray zones."
"If you consider asking for what you want to be begging, you're gonna be the one who ends up going through life not asking for what you want."
"It's so important to talk and be honest about if something's wrong."
"Highlighting the importance of communication and learning."
"Communication and respect have to come into this whole thing."
"Communication here is key especially in relationships."
"Let's not kid each other. We need to speak clearly."
"The answer to all your questions is communication."
"It's getting to the point now where it's been lingering for too long and nobody's really made a decision. So, if you want communication, you're going to have to do it. If not, time to move forward."
"Most things in life come down to bad communication."
"I think most things in life that you can look at on a grand scope and in the day-to-day comes to bad communication."
"Maintain open and honest communication in your relationships to prevent destroying trust."
"There's a Temptation in any relationship to make sure your partner knows what you gave up knows what you did sure I could clean the kitchen but if they don't know I did it and hated every second of it but did it for them does it even count"
"Kindness and communication are the biggest things I've learned."
"Love whoever you are with, but just in case the relationship doesn't work out, you end up losing yourself."
"Communication, as long as you're communicating with your team, that is going to be the most important thing over everything."
"Networking is communication 101. Showing interest makes you interesting."
"You've got to be so careful with your words."
"I think communication is everything. I cannot be with somebody who cannot communicate."
"Communication is key, even if it's uncomfortable or uneasy."
"Communication is very important, and you'd find out that communication is the hardest thing to do sometimes." - Communication is key even when it's tough.
"Everyone's just on a totally different path... so if we could all accept that and just communicate about it..."
"Communication is key, beyond the internet and formalities."
"The delivery is almost as important as the message."
"Encouraging mutual esteem and open communication between higher and lower ranks is a key ingredient."
"Communication is the most important thing. I don't leave them hanging."
"Communication is key and that's all I can say."
"Find the courage to communicate everything that you're feeling to someone directly in the eyes."
"We've got to keep talking. We can't afford to give up."
"If we do not foster a society of free speech, a society in which we are able to openly communicate with each other, we are in a sense swimming against this foundational reality."
"Communication and comprehension is really important."
"His lack of transparency is what created vaccine hesitancy."
"The exercise of talking and communicating and speaking about ideas and discussing people's concerns and things like this is a necessary one and it's a healthy one."
"Communication is foundational to everything."
"Communicate, that's like the big thing in every relationship you do period."
"I think the world would be a better place if it was mandatory to have context when you're speaking to someone."
"So what do you think is important about the messages? So I've had Rollo on here a bunch of times..."
"Communication during this phase is key as the orbs explode in a wide a Lee blast when popped."
"Don't be afraid to ask questions... 'It's always better to ask than to not ask.'"
"Communication is key in all human interactions."
"You are locked down until you could talk endlessly."
"Sometimes, tough conversations are worth having."
"We all have endured some times when we've got into those, what we call them, heated discussions. Like those moments when you're at each other and you don't think, 'We might not make it through this one.'"
"The ability to communicate is more powerful than a product."
"The most important part of communication is the relationship itself."
"By focusing so much on the messenger, we've ignored something else that's really, really important and that is the message."
"You don't have the luxury in a war or in a terrible situation you need the immediate communication feedback of the people to your left and right because if they drop the ball it could cost them their life and or you or all of you."
"Language matters...we've defined words and roles...to ensure clear communication and understanding."
"Your words are so important, especially in interviews or presentations."
"Communication is really key, and I think, within that, honesty is so important."
"It's important to talk about things with your partner."
"Actions speak louder than words, but at the same time, words matter."
"The most important words on the planet are the words that someone just said."
"If intimacy with your wife falls off, there's already a problem before you've even begun to verbalize it."
"The employment of language for a president is one of the most vital aspects of the presidency."
"I don't mind us having the conversation if it's needed."
"Communication. It's a breakthrough. It's clarity. It's communication."
"Sometimes you don't realize yeah what shutting up can really do because you think like how can i hurt anybody if i'm not talking yeah you know yeah and you're hurting them the most by not talking."
"If it's not hashed out, if it's not talked about, then we're not able to elevate to the next level of wisdom, of discernment, of understanding."
"It's always important to have someone that you can talk to."
"Information breeds confidence, silence breeds fear."
"If there is no communication, there is no relationship."
"This is the year where you will learn that your communication, your attitude towards people is so important. Otherwise, these family relationships have the chance of breaking beyond repair sometime."
"The number one reason for all relationship failures is lack of communication."
"Smooth communication is like if you take care of your pennies, your dollars take care of themselves."
"The most important communication and honest communication happens face-to-face, not just through social media."
"Be silent, really listen and that's really the key."
"Communication is the start, it's the nucleus to holding it's the glue to any relationship period point blank."
"Once this communication is opening up for you very soon, it's what you do with that that could lead to everything that you ever wanted."
"Communication... don't be afraid to communicate."
"This is good this is good this is like America is missing is Nuance conversations that take different perspectives and actually come up with a place where we can all learn from each other."
"Actions speak a whole lot louder than words."
"Relationship problems come down to communication."
"Talk is cheap but in the gaming world, a simple miscommunication can cost you big."
"Communication is not just cliche. It's serious, dude. It's deep. It's some deep [ __ ]."
"Plans work better when you communicate them to the others involved."
"If you are not communicating, you don't exist. I believe that."
"More importantly, communicate about what you love."
"Communication is truly the key to any happy, healthy, successful relationship."
"Who are you? I need to know who you are, otherwise the menu doesn't work."
"Communication is key when you're not alone in survival."
"I hope everybody was able to hear this as clearly as I want them to."
"The truth we need to hear, no matter how it is received or perceived initially."
"Live pings are really really crucial... much clearer than communication."
"Communicating more... let people know your intention."
"Try to take the time to communicate with them and show them how to behave."
"I think learning the power of communication and the power of fighting for what you believe in."
"The worst thing in the world is wiping your team because of poor communication."
"Communication is key. Talk to him like a person."
"All the answers, all the solutions lie in communication."
"If you can't even talk about it, you should not be having it. It should be discussed before it happens."
"It's all context, and it's all how you say it."
"The pandemic has brought far-reaching changes... personal dialogue is more important than ever." - Klaus Schwab
"Communication is always the most important thing."
"Communication to a relationship is like oxygen to life. Without it, it dies."
"One of the best ways to see what he's about is to see does he put forth the effort after you follow the other steps of communicating things."
"Direct communication is so important in relationships. If you want or need something from your partner, ask for it."
"That's great. That's not sag setting that that is a relationship and a conversation."
"Communication may be one of the biggest things I think is overlooked in today's day and age in terms of clarity and just making sure your intent is known."
"Communication is extremely important, coming back the other way."
"This is a partnership... keeping your advisor informed about your life expectations."
"It makes me feel important, it makes me feel like I've been seen and heard."
"A lot of issues are only issues because of a lack of conversation."
"Being able to verbalize and communicate is a game changer."
"They want to communicate and communicate and communicate."
"Context is so much more important than words."
"It's important to have honest conversations."
"If you do not become a practitioner of how to communicate on the social networks of today, you are 100% irrelevant."
"I just wanted to talk to her, like remember how I tell you there was just a sense in me, like a feeling in me where I was like I need to chat to her."
"We need to keep the communication going, break all these barriers."
"Communication is everything, if you can't communicate, you can't date."
"Discussion is very important and understanding each other is a fantastic way to progress."
"Metaphor is the most important concept in the history of communication and human."
"If you ever need help with anything in your life, try not to internalize it too much. Try to reach out to someone, talk to them about it."
"Touch is a language that we can use to communicate and create experiences with our partner and evoke feelings from them. It's a powerful language."
"Maintaining proper communication is crucial to dispel misinformation and misunderstandings."
"Communication is the bridge to reconciliation."
"Sacred union of the divine masculine and the divine feminine."
"If you feel really insecure, you still need to communicate."
"Recognizing that you need to express yourself is crucial."
"You can't be afraid of a difficult conversation."
"I am a huge believer in putting things on paper to show people... it makes a big difference."
"Communication is key, it's time for healing."
"If you don't have a good presentation, you will lose people."
"Communication is coming in, meaningful and substantial."
"Everything gets better when you can have hard conversations."
"Everyone's allowed to interpret things the way they interpret, and in my defense I definitely should have worded things a lot more carefully."
"A phone call, a friend, a handwritten note, a Zoom call really can make the difference."
"Personal side to each other... develops deeper bonds... just how you talk... go such a long way."
"Nobody said happy hey hey Nyla can you keep it down here I'm on an important phone call."
"The only currency that matters. Because without it, you can't say your thing."
"My job is to make sure that I'm doing the best possible job of overcommunication clarity. I take a tremendous amount of pride in that."
"Open dialogue and open conversation usually fixes that because the truth always prevails in an environment where you can speak to each other."
"Healthy conversations and wise counsel are essential."
"Suddenly words became this all powerful thing that was to be treated with the utmost seriousness."
"Absolutely devastating... there's something more... dressing well is just another form of communication."
"The failure rate of communication is not the height of concern for most of the American people."
"It's never about quantity in trading, it's about quality."
"Communications and good judgment is the most important weapons we have."
"As long as you explain to people why, they're completely okay."
"Maybe you guys need to figure out if the relationship is more important than just saying that you're married."
"Relationships are built on good communication."
"We've reached a crucial stage in our conversation."