
Test Quotes

There are 497 quotes

"You want to prove you're not selfish? Here's the perfect test. There's something fun that you wanna do, and then there's something less fun that people are doing for the common good."
"This world is some sort of a test, but Allah created this world to help us make it back to paradise."
"I hope you're ready to put your money where your mouth is, Temu, because I'm about to put your promise to the test."
"Maybe it's not meant to be solved that way. Maybe it's a test."
"Keeping God's word is the supreme test of the disciple's love for God."
"God allows the enemy to attack you, but it's just a test."
"The very fabric of our democratic republic is about to be tested."
"Life is a test, and if we don't pass, we don't get the ultimate reward - paradise."
"Every test is temporary, but return to Allah is permanent."
"Your commitment is being tested, keep doing what you're doing."
"The strong defenses of Babylon would be finally tested against the incoming Arab tide."
"Life is a test at the end of this test you go to your master to account for what you did."
"Friendships really don't get tested until something goes down."
"It really tested our relationship, it made me feel like we had this really strong bond."
"Sometimes the gods would disguise themselves to test men's hospitality."
"Read out loud for five minutes on the morning of the test."
"If you are new to all of this, I highly recommend sending a small amount as a test until you're comfortable sending larger amounts."
"Every testimony begins with a test, and every question begins with a quest."
"Our winner for this test is H.264 custom."
"This life is nothing but a test, and shortly everyone will pass it."
"Let's go ahead and do a 0 to 20 acceleration."
"The only person who wouldn't want to take the test is somebody who is worried it might work."
"When someone is sent by God, you'll see the test before the test."
"Is there some kind of test, doc? Possibly a blood serum test."
"This will be the test of your life."
"This life is but a test. It's short."
"OMG guys so part of this project in Cebu requires us to take a swap test."
"The newest and most exciting thing that I found when researching for this video is that Pearson VUE is now allowing you to take this test from home if that's your preference."
"Reliability refers to the repeatability of a test or study."
"This is the ultimate test. This is really good."
"What a gut check this is for Anthony Joshua, now we find out if he's got the stuff that real champions are made of."
"Well this is a real test of Joshua's legitimacy now as a champion."
"You'll be glad to know that the test shows nothing wrong with your appendix."
"This is the test you've been waiting for."
"It's like giving each test its own sandbox to play in right so keep your test independent and repeatable."
"This is gonna be like a real test."
"Every single Calamity in your life."
"We take that pretty serious because when we train a test, we warm up here and go there only for the test."
"Allah gave you this test to see how you will behave. Allah these days, He gives victory to your enemy sometimes and you sometimes. Allah wants to show in the test, whether you can be patient with this difficulty."
"I'm gonna test you. Love to the family. We're out."
"We're about 30 minutes into this test and I would say I'm at a comfortable temperature now."
"There's no greater test of loyalty than what you've been through."
"A test for you... do not lower your standards."
"Allah created good and evil to test you."
"The professor laughed and said there's no way and went on to say that he's given every one of his classes in the past four years the same chance to find the video and waive the final exam."
"Here we go folks, pretty cool test and a pretty great way to tell definitively."
"It was a test. Are you going to fall into despair or be discerning?"
"It's not a prison, it's a test. It all started when we were kids."
"So whether you're an apprentice or an expert you can do this test."
"When God asks you for something, it is not because he needs it. He will only ask you for something to test whether you think you own it."
"You failed that test, you believe."
"Jeep test number one is off to a little bit of a scary start."
"The best test is a fasting insulin."
"This life is a place of a test in two ways."
"Perhaps this is a test. Perhaps we're being tested."
"There's a difference between a ripple and a tidal wave. Fame is a test."
"It's a test of many things: of our convictions and our priorities, our faith and our faithfulness, our patience and our resilience."
"Anakin Skywalker would find himself tested."
"Put it to the test. What stands in the way becomes the way."
"Listen, if he passes his test, he's proved he's one of those fighters that can skip levels. And that's the thing, the matchmaking, Tom Dallas, get this right and you're a genius."
"Let me get this test going so I can sleep tonight."
"There's nothing to watch... Then, one day... The test was so difficult I think I answered 10 questions incorrectly."
"This test is rather simple and casual by our standards. You may even work together if need be."
"I remember saying quite a bit of hundreds and I said, 'Richard, there's money in your bathroom. You must've left it there.' And he goes, 'Leave it. You passed the test.'"
"The true girlfriend test is asking your girlfriend about Operation Overlord or any of the major engagements of World War II and seeing if they maintain interest."
"This is a real test of my vision cuz I am not close to this thing. It's very dark. The letters are tiny and it's all the way up there. So if this ain't a vision test, I don't know what is."
"We decided to put it to the test."
"From these people of the past that Allah tested, look at the example of Ibrahim alaihissalam."
"It's the ultimate litmus test of what you truly believe."
"Time now for the real test, big scary wet one."
"Almighty God has created life and death to test which of you is good indeed."
"Now in our own mixed driving test, we netted 240 to 260 miles, which is certainly impressive."
"The first test of a true farmer's car is you have to be able to drive it away. So the whole test will be done where in wellies, right?"
"I remember laughing, going, 'Wow, I feel like I studied for this. My whole life has been preparing me for this test.'"
"You pass. I guess you figured out the meaning behind this test, right?"
"Congratulations, you have passed the test. From now on, you have the right to carry the AA Clan logo on your back. Wear it with pride." - Fugaku
"Every time I'm not feeling it, I go back to that six months as a brand new Christian. I know what this is about. This is just a test of the emergency broadcasting system to make sure that my love is not rooted in feeling. It's rooted in God."
"Humanity's ultimate test against the unknown time to see what their species was really made of."
"The prerequisite to that test: God wants to know, can you love each other?"
"She recalls walking home from school and looking at her English test results on her phone."
"It's nothing crazy though but anyways let me now do a quick little paddle shifter test."
"You have passed a test that you didn't know you were experiencing, you have passed with flying colors."
"After a test like today, I think we all deserve some pie."
"Everything in life is a test, and the Quran is there as a test as well."
"Every soul shall taste death, and we will try you with evil and with good by way of a test."
"The Prince and the emperor found themselves in the Imperial Garden," ready to test the ring's strength.
"Your suffering could be your test for the Hereafter."
"Maybe there are more unbelievers than we know. Maybe that's why they're being taken. This is a test, and with your goodness, it is certain that you will pass it."
"The real test lies in facing the unexpected, the psychological Shadows that lurk in memory."
"I was filled with love from the top of my head through my whole self, and I love her so powerful that I need Jesus Christ, that you are I am a test."
"I'll give you three tests. If you ace them, I'll give you three wishes."
"'Dude, now you know. Now the line's been drawn.' Not necessarily a line's been drawn, but now you have this knowledge, yeah? We'll see what you do. We'll see what you do with it. It was a test, dude, it was a test."
"It's gonna be a really good test of that heat shield."
"Goodness knew he and Kate had certainly put the almighty to the test."
"Life is a test; you're never going to see God."
"91% of the people that take that test [to become citizens] pass it."
"Perazzo is actually a temptation before a breakthrough, a test before a breakthrough."
"To become one of the wolfen during the test of morai is to roam the wilderness forevermore."
"Adversity is the real test of character."
"Let's do touch calibration. Upper left, lower right, touch test."
"This is what supposedly the woman did to him. Muhammad asked her, 'Why did you do that? She said, 'If you're a false prophet, the poison will kill you.'"
"The correct answer to situational judgment test question number one is C."
"You wouldn't see somebody's character put to the test like that in just a conversation at a restaurant."
"Highway 35 was a test that's why the accelerons built it to see if we were ready for this."
"Part of the test of us being on Earth is to be able to be compassionate towards one another."
"Every single Muslim must and has to go through the test of the Quran at least once in life."
"If we make this test cheaper and more widely accessible, we can broaden the net particularly for underrepresented folks who could benefit from advanced risk stratification."
"The only test of truth is that it's the view that wins in a free and open encounter."
"I have got to admit this past year has been one heck of a test to that."
"Allah is only testing your commitment and at that moment you lose your commitment until you didn't understand the message of the Calamity you did not understand it Ibrahim should be a great model to all of us."
"Under this court's well-established jurisprudence, the court looks to the three prong test articulated in Lemon Vs Kurtzman to assess the constitutionality of a given government action."
"It's a test of how few mistakes you can make over the course of this race."
"I do feel very confident about the way the test went."
"Remember, it is a test. It is not supposed to be easy."
"What if he was testing to see if he could if he could transport stuff to his dad or Voldemort as a test or one of the Death Eaters true and it worked"
"Your Warfare in June was a test of your dedication to God amidst transition and temptation to give up."
"The citizenship test is usually a written test, but it could be an interview."
"Abraham is called by God, wanders around for his whole life, and is tested by God but passes the test."
"This will kind of be for me sort of a test."
"I'm gonna be taking this quiz it's 10 questions."
"You will generally fail the driving test if you beckon pedestrians to cross, for example, if you're at a zebra crossing."
"I got one more for you. This might be a little test for you."
"If those hard times really do test who you truly are, your integrity, then dude, American Christians really failed this test, dude."
"At first everyone's like yeah but then after a while they're like oh dude you have a rotten corpse in your test like that's really gross bury him."
"The test is not just something hard to do. The test is knowing you can do it."
"It should be a test that you can drive without the radio on."
"Let's see if there's any weakness. Pretend like you have two bottles of soda and just pour them out."
"This battle was a test for the Believers."
"Your mother needs to be in front of a firing squad, she's evil, pure evil. But you as a son have no right to do anything of this. It's your test, an exam from Allah."
"This is the ultimate test. Every test after this will not be as strong as this. If you can't pass this, everything else you do will be tainted by the hurt."
"I'm going to see if it makes a difference, might just end up mugging myself off trying to big up the fact to hook them on and then I'll go and have success doing them normally but that's what the test is for."
"Sophie, shape-shifter, that's what I was going to say. Clearly the right answer. He's copying off your test on the desk over here. Like, what?"
"It's the one that really tested us and left a deep imprint on us."
"Your privilege is a test too, never think you're not being tested."
"The theatrics of it, the way y'all made the changes, that's the test of Champions, you know what I'm saying?"
"This was the ultimate test and the passing of the test was not only for the father but even for the child."
"The last time God tested you, were you faithful?"
"Carol, this is me and Jacob, and you passed our test."
"The test of something being true is it answers to experience maximally well."
"Isn't it crazy how this test is about to determine how our lives go for the rest of our existence?"
"It was probably the biggest test of my life."
"The supreme test of a philosophy is somebody's deathbed."
"Studying the test and learning about which questions they ask and how they ask is very valuable to your score."
"This life is a very temporary life, it's very temporary but it's a test and a trial."
"I never said I wanted it. It was a test, a test to see if I wanted it."
"It was all just part of the test."
"Shaytan does not want you to get married."
"If getting married fulfills half of your Dean, then Allah will surely test you."
"Now I'm just done showering, and I took a pregnancy test, and it came out positive."
"Remember, everything Allah gives comes with a test."
"This was a test for which I apologize."
"Even illness is a test from Allah, a chance for us to reflect and turn back to Him."
"The fact is this is a test from Allah."
"Most people fear the math section the most."
"You can call it test, punishment, I call it God's love for us an opportunity for grace."
"Life is not all about passing the test, it's all about how you're going to drive after you pass your test."
"God gave you a test six different times and you failed all six of them."
"Have the basics covered. Eat, drink, rest, and sleep well. Arrive early on test day. Constantly immerse yourself in English in the days leading up to the test."
"Arc five so far seems to be one massive test of Subaru's growth which so far he is passing with flying colors."
"One test that made me cry as a teenager was the New Zealand Full License Driving test."
"That’s right and that’s certainly in the early days of self-realization - a pure consciousness at night is an acid test."
"What if when you enter the tower instead of starting on floor one and climbing for who knows how long instead you start on the top floor floor one and you climb down and the entire Tower is one giant test to see who's strong enough or worthy enough to leave."
"What? That was all a test? Only a true princess would be sensitive enough to know the pee was there. You passed."
"A test of grit, gear, and fortitude for UC Irvine."
"The faith God gave you is the genuine article; it's going to pass the test every single time."
"We took our test today, and our whole class passed!"
"Now it's time for our biggest test yet against the 8 and 2 Cowboys on Thanksgiving."
"Answer choices are designed to confuse and trick test takers."
"Your loyalty will be tested, and we always explain that it will be rewarding, but your loyalty will be tested. That's the only way you'll know who's loyal."
"Silence is really not silent, silence is a test."
"This is not only a reward from the previous round but also a test to judge your spiritual strength."
"This is your final test. If you push through this resistant period, you're going to be able to walk into a new world."
"Success: another opportunity to test themselves."
"Welcome to the ID gauntlet, world's toughest towing test."
"Most of them are just gonna be a [__] test."
"Moment of truth: let's see if this thing slides in here."
"Give credit to Allah and know that all of this is a test."
"We have created life and death as a test, so we could teach you or can test you who of you are the best in deeds."
"I'm pretty impressed. That was a super easy test."
"This interview is not a test. You've been tested to death. If you've already passed all your tests with flying colors, you wouldn't be here."
"This is a major amp hog, so this is really going to be a test for them. Uh, wow."
"God will test your appetites for control."
"Sometimes it can be a test to see what you will do. If you're not taking care of the relationship the way that you should be, sometimes she'll break up with you just to test you."
"The true test of a short rib is how tender it is."
"Test me and see if I won't pour you out such a blessing."
"She couldn't tell me why then. She couldn't tell me why today. And that was probably the greatest test of forgiveness."
"If you're going to take the course, all it does is boost your GPA a little bit, but there's no reason not to take the test."
"Abraham trusted God even in the face of a seemingly impossible test."
"Oh well, that pretty much concludes test number one. It wasn't a complete failure, but then again, to be brutally honest, it wasn't exactly the success that I was hoping for either."
"Humanity faced its biggest test in the age of strife."
"You're about to take your test, you are going to pass your test."
"I passed my test on the first try."
"All right, let's see if they sink or float."
"Oh, look at all these other things... let's see if this will sink or float... woohoo, it floats!"
"You're going to want to save this information as well as print it out because going forward next test you take you're going to have to use it as well as when you are doing the vanity call sign change."
"Obviously he's got, you know, just the way he looks and his physicality on his side, but man, it is a real test."
"The proof of the pudding is in the eating, so let's see if the restore has actually worked."
"God Almighty has created us to be tested, this life is not the end."