
Intellectual Development Quotes

There are 112 quotes

"I think that everyone does that until they're at a doctoral level frankly in philosophy, synthesis, and creating new ideas is kind of a high level thing."
"Consciousness is exactly one of those topics which is in the process of coming into the mainstream of science."
"The single most important change that we've seen has been kind of the rise of computation, both as a practical technological kind of thing and as an intellectual kind of thing and a way of thinking about the world."
"To read is not a virtue, but to read well is an art."
"The rise of thought is the greatest thing we have."
"Each man is circumscribed by his own thoughts but he can gradually extend their circle; he can enlarge and elevate his mental sphere."
"If you learn a new skill, if you use abstract thinking to solve a new problem, you know progress on an intellectual level."
"The struggle to get away from this terrifying, foolish, ignorant first try...we have made a start."
"We will be genetically modified as soon as possible to become natural sociologists and then eventually intellectual."
"It's more about personal drive than natural intellect."
"Enlightenment was man's emergence from self-incurred immaturity."
"The enlightenment was man's emergence from immaturity."
"It is a general encouragement that I would love for each and every single one of my subscribers to be very smart, healthy, individually and intellectually fulfilled."
"Correct ideas emerge from struggle with incorrect ideas."
"Criticism forces examination and refinement of theories."
"You gotta start thinking more critically about this."
"Critical thinking is a higher form of information synthesis."
"Applying critical thinking is so important... getting people to think critically."
"Perspectives and different opinions help you grow."
"Socrates cafe is a fantastic opportunity... It allows students or campers to share their knowledge and ask questions."
"People take time; they need to explore these ideas for themselves."
"If you can learn the art of thinking, nothing will be impossible for you to accomplish."
"Thinking skeptically, thinking critically is a skill that you train."
"Reading itself is often replaced by watching television, which requires minimal effort and offers less opportunities for improving knowledge."
"We'd like to focus on the ability to take this idea of knowledge and being able to reason based on knowledge."
"Topics like this deserve development and a sense of nuance."
"Good skills Cassie, you'll make a theorist out of you."
"Simple principles can lead to generative thought."
"Develop the ability and the habit of critical thought."
"This book is a manual, a training manual to help you produce intelligent people who can argue, debate, and navigate complexity."
"Developing critical thinkers is one of the greatest contributions we can offer."
"We can once again become that ummah that is known for its critical thinking."
"There has been no end of intellectual progress on eternal truths regarding the nature of human beings."
"Human speech, however, can convey ideas, higher concepts, morality, stories, and traditions."
"This is what would go on to make us the species that we are today."
"Knowledge compounds, it's a very interesting concept."
"The basis of all technological thought... comes from the ability to be and think freely."
"The training and the education of the attention would be an education par Excellence." - William James
"What makes you rich and successful is building your brain."
"The personal computer, originally designed to raise the intellect of humanity, has been transformed into smart devices designed to raise the intellect of artificial intelligence instead."
"I can't believe how in-depth and detailed and how deep the thought process was because I feel like I wasn't able to think like that until I was well into my 20s."
"That’s the very foundation of the broadly discussed critical thinking."
"Look at the intellectual strength and power that comes from focusing on that which one truly loves."
"Ideas in equal ideas out... the more quality ideas you put into your mind... the more value you'll be able to offer the world."
"He bridged the gap between cavemen struggling to be alive and intellectual beings who could go on to create amazing things such as technology."
"Wisdom is about being able to think, act, and speak with clear and profound insights."
"Reading books is weightlifting for the brain."
"We need to build out our intellectual infrastructure."
"Those who learn to think for themselves are the ones who are truly free."
"The clarity that you need is the clarity of concepts as opposed to just clarity in your mind."
"Freud for his part would come to admit both in private letters and in public lectures the affinities of his newfound positions on the death drive with the philosophy the pessimistic philosophy of Arthur Schopenhauer."
"I have more answers than I used to have, but there's a lot of questions that keep popping up."
"Discerning the quality of what you read is a superpower."
"What happens when you hit this inflection point area at the top now the ball is heavier but eventually the heaviness and the weight of the snowball... It's the simplest thing in the world."
"There has to be a level where you go from absorbing knowledge to creating knowledge."
"Reading improves your own vocabulary, your own intellect, and it keeps your mind sharp."
"I'm trying to create a better Collective Consciousness that can think more clearly and reach more accurate conclusions."
"Read a lot, know much more, consider all of their views, and figure out why they're wrong or if they're right and adopt those views." - Advice on political confidence
"You are at least a new school of thought that has tremendous promise for ultimately addressing this problem."
"When we praise kids for being smart... it doesn't... create that kind of frustration, that overwhelmed sense of like, 'why I don't want to try anyway.'"
"Curiosity is a muscle that atrophies if you don't flex it early."
"It's crazy how much growth you're gonna experience, it's crazy how much you're gonna learn, it's crazy how much this tiny brain of ours can take."
"People with creative hobbies are Far and Away the most intellectually well-rounded."
"Understanding and sharing of ideas will improve your knowledge."
"When I first thought of the earth as a self-regulating system it was in 1965 over 40 years ago and it slowly evolved in my mind over the next couple of years."
"This has the tremendous advantage of creating new connections between different parts of the brain, making you smarter and quicker to react to pretty much anything."
"It makes you much smarter, it makes you have better arguments."
"Instead of accepting and manipulating the common sense of the current society... we must develop the good sense of the masses of people."
"Strategic black man gotta be strategic. Teach that to your sons. Get them to learn math. Get them to play chess. Do things that are strategic. That's what makes them smart."
"Critical thinking is what allows Humanity to survive, thrive, and grow."
"The brain is actually a laboratory... it builds those concepts and ideas... to come up with a new understanding or an enlarged box."
"Love is a product of our higher level of reasoning and intellect. It is through our own guidance and training as parents that a human child develops sympathy, compassion, empathy, and consideration."
"As our understanding of the world gets better, we have to change what we believe to be true."
"Embracing a balance between intuition and logic is critical for intellectual development and achieving deeper satisfaction in life."
"What we really are getting at is the development of the human mind."
"Knowledge is power, so that would kind of be the progression in my mind."
"Furthering my study of history at a degree level in an environment with like-minded individuals will be a mind-expanding experience."
"As our knowledge improves, we explore less and less."
"The optimal way of preparing an athlete now starts to resemble more and more the optimal way of preparing an intellectual."
"You want your guys to be reading books because you want them to develop and be thinking in a different way."
"The study of theology and religion has influenced the intellectual progress and development of humanity for thousands of years."
"Intellectual and spiritual maturity go hand in hand, and one generates the other."
"As humanity develops, there is an awakening in the intellectual mind."
"The invention of writing was the invention of reason, the invention of rational thinking."
"The invention of powerful representations and the invention of powerful media to host powerful representations has been one of the big drivers of the intellectual progress of humanity."
"Education is you think, use your mind."
"Science and reason are the result of a philosophical system."
"The capacity for critical analysis of everything."
"Reading... being able to actually read and remember things and process things is a huge step forward for me."
"Deep reading is our species' bridge to Insight and novel thought."
"Help us to grow spiritually, to grow intellectually."
"We have to have an educated and intelligent citizenry, which I regret to say we don't necessarily have at the present time."
"This faculty is no longer found in human beings because they have developed a higher intellectual quality."
"You will be intellectually above your peers around you."
"The encouragement should be really to emphasize the reading because it's going to develop the habits for intellectual virtues to develop."
"The key point is that for 2400 years we've done very little about thinking."
"Be a good reader, be a good thinker, the next one I would say is be a good writer."
"The age of Enlightenment... all encompassing a sweeping movement known as the Enlightenment movement."
"Jane's work and developments in anthropology suggest that she would greatly benefit from the opportunities for intellectual development provided by a sustained period of graduate study."
"Education serves the role of creating an interesting human being and advancing your intellect."
"Once you train your intellect, once you develop the intellect, you are a master, no longer a servant to the world."
"I keep developing my intellectual background, and that then on top of the curiosity that I have, I think has fitted me to do the things that I've done."