
Independent Media Quotes

There are 71 quotes

"Joe Rogan's just done the biggest deal in Independent Media history."
"Give us the news that's good enough for me. That's why I follow a lot of independent YouTubers now and independent journalists because I can't trust a lot of what's on the corporate media anymore."
"The reality is though, the strength of independent media proves this is that if you offer somebody things that they are interested in hearing, if you are willing to tell the truth to people even if they don't always agree with you, if you're willing to kind find different ways of looking at things that the major mainstream media outlets don't permit, you will find an audience, really often a large audience."
"What we want is an empowered population well-informed by independent media and able to vote for independent political candidates who are dedicated to bringing an end to this hypocrisy and corruption."
"Making your own YouTube videos or internet videos is really the way to go. They can attempt to take it out of context and they can unethically sometimes kind of."
"We question everything, we are not run by billionaires, and we tend to cover the stories the mainstream media largely ignores."
"Support Independent Media and help me get to a siren-free, larger housing situation."
"Questions being asked right now could determine the shape of independent alternative anti-establishment and corporate media in general moving forward."
"That's why we need independent voices who actually speak to the concerns of the people to shape a counter-narrative."
"Go out and find an independent YouTuber who is broadcasting themselves and no one else."
"Independent voices cutting through all of the mainstream media garbage."
"Thank you guys for supporting independent media thank you so much for donating."
"Now is the time for independent news, now is the time for real journalism, now is the time to actually speak truth. The truth shall set you free."
"We're subscriber funded, we're building something new."
"You enable us to do what we do without fear or favor."
"America is at a Crossroads and it's our belief that independent voices are more essential than ever."
"We are funded solely by our partners and by our viewers. Unlike CNN, unlike Fox News, unlike the rest of these multi-nationalist corporations."
"You gotta make sure that you are supporting independent broadcasters... it's worth it."
"Support independent media that's brave enough to speak about... let it wake you up."
"The Legacy Media is dying very quickly in favor of the Independent Media, and we're going to look at those numbers today because it is startling."
"We're seeing things on a smaller scale. The Daily Wire is doing wonderful things. But at the same time, we can't do it alone. It's got to be a movement."
"Being your own authentic self is beautiful, is amazing, and I hope I inspire you guys to do that. It hasn't been easy being independent media during a time of mass censorship, but it sure as hell has been rewarding and fun."
"At bottom, we wanted to live our values. We talk all the time about how much we believe in the new media ecosystem, how much we believe in independent media free of any sort of corporate influence."
"Thank you for supporting Independent Media appreciate all of you."
"You're going to be helping Independent News, you're going to be preparing yourself."
"Supporting independent journalism, covering the stories you probably won't see in the mainstream media."
"The reason to be an independent media is to give the finger to the corporate duopoly."
"It ended up being on some like minor indie media outlets. Other outlets saw those outlets and it just kind of like exploded."
"Please, if you can go to realreporters.ca, and if you're able to kindly make a donation so that we can continue to bring you the other side of the story."
"Show love and support for independent media."
"The power of independent voices has grown to the point where we can directly confront and challenge entrenched institutions."
"There's just so much drive and fire inside of me, and I just feel like I can put that towards many different things."
"Listen as you all know, I'm a purveyor of on-the-ground independent content, straight from my brain out of my mouth, okay? I don't even lie, don't even think about the things I say. It's phenomenal."
"Oh, you betcha. I'm gonna have a ridiculous amount of power, and the best part is, it's gonna be able to support other independent journalists."
"This is a blessing for independent Studios right now."
"The development of this independent media is so important and critical."
"If you're serious about independent news media, commit to it, show up, and talk about your passion every day."
"Don't let anybody tell you that the establishment media is any better than independent media."
"That's the reminder, that you can be the media. You can be the media. Our motto is 'Be the media.' And you don't have to deal, you don't have to be part of the corporate media to be the media."
"We need to treat everybody with dignity and respect and it is just so vital right now more than ever that we do that."
"We're not funded by billionaires or millionaires we have no outside investors."
"There's lots of great exclusive content on our patreon website and most importantly though it helps grow this Independent Media platform."
"Midas Touch just released its brand new collection of Road member t-shirts and pins to let the country know what's at stake this upcoming midterm election."
"Thanks to your support and check us out at patreon.com Midas Touch p-a-t-r-eon.com minus touch."
"You're literally helping to build a separate independent platform brick by brick."
"I think the future of media is going to be these independent voices."
"Support this channel for independent thought and discussion of the most important issues we face."
"Now, if you like the work that we do, you think that independent space journalism is something that's worth supporting..."
"Independent honest voices like what you're doing in geeks and gamers."
"I'm loving these independent journalists that I'm finding on YouTube... they get to the heart of the story."
"They muddy the water and create doubt, but independent media generates hope."
"We now live in a world where technology has enabled people with independent voices."
"Support independent media and watch the whole show we do every day at TYT Network."
"The corrupt keep corrupting and the system is decaying rapidly because of it and independent media is the only institution still calling it out."
"I'm gonna try and tell my story without the help of MTV, you know editing and all that, and fill you in on the whole story behind my pregnancy with Lyle and my relationship with Josh and everything like that."
"To be honest, some of the better reporting I've seen has been independent."
"You are supporting Independent Media and us."
"I absolutely love what you're doing here and I think Independent Media and voices is the way it's not the future it's the now and it's incredible."
"Thank you, thank you, thank you for supporting independent content on the internet."
"Remnant radio is an entirely crowdfunded program."
"We have inspired a lot of great people and independent journalists that are doing great work."
"Support independent entertainment because the real world entertainment sucks."
"This is an independent media network brought to you by you and your support."
"You can actually do something; you can actually feel good about this by pledging your support for independent information."
"Most importantly, if you are able to, you really should be supporting Independent Media like Breakthrough News."