
Media Trends Quotes

There are 118 quotes

"People are losing their trust and leaving Legacy Media resources in their droves."
"There is an obsession with Redemption stories in recent years."
"I think I know where the puck is going to be, and there's something happening right now in media that's opening up this moment of tremendous timing."
"CNN's ratings are down 90%. Grassroots word of mouth is the most powerful thing."
"We're seeing just a constant decline in viewership. I mean CNN apparently after Trump left, they'd lost 90 percent of their audience."
"Basically overnight TikTokers have taken a lot of that mainstream recognition that YouTubers were starting to get."
"Video isn't just the future. It's the present."
"Viewership for this year's NBA finals were down 51 percent from 2019."
"Conflict tourism is a burning new genre of online content that I am really interested in."
"The whole clickbait apparatus is dying, people are sick of it, BuzzFeed's gone."
"Are you ready for the rise? The rise will be televised."
"A bunch of reboots of iconic movies and shows from the 80s, 90s, and 2000s are being canceled left and right."
"Nobody is pulling in more views on YouTube than authentic YouTube creators and social media stars as we've traditionally known them the past few years."
"True crime content has slowly become more and more popular over the years."
"I think streams right now are really popular."
"One of the reasons that we did this as an audio original is that audio is really booming."
"Since Madoka Magica's success, a lot of series being produced have been more or less a jaunty exercise in misery and suffering for their female characters."
"Netflix does this over and over and over again they love a villain is actually the hero story."
"While you might consider our recent surge in highly excellent animation for adults to be one of the few blessings of the past decade, it's actually not so simple."
"There's still an audience for this... these kind of dead categories of movies are coming back to life."
"Streaming is the future, but we need to assess what works and doesn't work."
"New channels are on the rise... while CNN is on the decline."
"The glossy perfected album every two years and slick music videos concept is kind of on the way out."
"Linear TV is a huge revenue source... declining and that's fueling the growth of all of the Internet services."
"Superhero fatigue is real because Hollywood lost interest and stopped trying."
"I couldn't be more uncomfortably bullish on OTT and social over network and traditional."
"Frey, a notionally black protagonist, who joins a growing Trend in media of putting black people in Worlds where race is inconsequential."
"I think we're on the other side of it, everything that channels like ours have been pushing back against the last couple of years, I think it's over. I think it's done."
"I think this is where the future of fan media is going, I think it's going to the past. I think we're going to see a return to blogs that were fan powered."
"I feel like we're in that perfect time for Disney to make a comeback."
"The rise of the anti-beauty guru... I don't think it's a coincidence those were at the same time."
"TV is dead. What's the worst thing that can happen? You get permanent haters like armies of them, no no you don't. This is good for toast."
"Final question from us um is before we talk about lighter things uh is Star Wars having a bit of a honeymoon at the moment?"
"The Legacy Media is dying very quickly in favor of the Independent Media, and we're going to look at those numbers today because it is startling."
"The mainstream media is dying and they are the last to know."
"Regardless of the reason, there is quite an obsession when it comes to True Crime content."
"Jake Tapper has lost about 75 percent of his audience since Trump left office."
"The culture is increasingly providing complex female characters... it's like a win for feminism."
"Let's make 4k a no-drama mainstream standard."
"I always loved film, and I do love film, but the advent of top-quality TV series has been brilliant over the last decade."
"Movies don't do that well anymore but you know in longer form mediums like novels and TV shows that's actually done very well."
"People are going to gravitate towards independent journalists more now."
"The age of sequels and never-ending stories has already begun."
"The era of independent content creators is the new era."
"We see the rise of subscription media... independent media can work with a dedicated audience."
"I think we're going to see some kind of rebalancing between mainstream narratives and independent media."
"It's an incredible time for TV writing because it doesn't matter when a show comes out."
"The only addendum I would like to point out is that while short videos are more prevalent, so are longer ones."
"True crime as a genre has absolutely blown up in the past few years."
"According to an article from Billboard around 1995, MTV started to air 36.5 percent less music videos with their company president noting that the novelty of just showing music videos had worn off."
"These types of channels are just exploding right now."
"The world of standalone is becoming something that people want more and more."
"Cable news is a dinosaur, it's dying and only very very old people are watching it."
"I'm very happy for Percy Jackson, it's trending number one, I'm curious to see if how it performs as a show considering that it's clearly going to skew very young."
"Oh god I hope they do better than the other including her debut video which are trying to rape the 80s for including her debut in the video."
"This has always been inevitable, it was just a question of who was going to do it first and when."
"The time is right because audiences have received some very sophisticated genre entertainment. I think now audiences are primed to embrace something like this."
"Crossovers: the age of combining franchises."
"When's the last time you saw a prominent stand-up comedian that didn't name their special like canceled?"
"Traditional media is like a kind of sinking ship that will survive but not to where it was before, and YouTube is chugging along like an incredible ship."
"Red Dwarf is the only sci-fi that hasn't gone woke."
"But most importantly, the tech news is starting to gain momentum—more stories, more news, and more importance of Doom are creeping their way onto our feeds."
"Movies trailers no longer debut in front of other movies; they debut online."
"The review space is moving more towards people and personalities."
"Netflix subscriber count of the US and Canada dropped by 1.3 million over the last three months."
"Enchanted doesn't desperately try to seem hip and trendy."
"Every network is doing a version of that, trying to figure out what is the streaming option."
"YouTube is not dying. What's dying is the idea of the YouTuber as a celebrity."
"Netflix has that top 10 trending in every country thing."
"Fox News is where CNN was four years ago, and they are going to continue to turn on Trump."
"Conservative media is dominating and becoming more mainstream."
"People want less of that and they want the juicy stuff."
"What's hot these days? What's clickbait that's hot these days?"
"TV today is really for women even the Super Bowl is kind of for women right now there's always the female sensibilities that are always taken into consideration before we create anything."
"Out of the dirt is also Rising a few different roses, and I think this currently trending number four on the YouTube homepage conversation with Stephen A Smith on Shannon Sharp is one of those Roses."
"The future of reality TV might be focusing on shows that are based on some sort of competition."
"In the rush to capitalize on the demand for more Power Rangers created by Power Rangers, a whole spectrum of similar shows emerged—some good ones, some bad."
"YouTube rewards sameness, we get a certain number of views on the channel."
"The rise of rage bait content hyper polarizing media frac content that fractures this country started around 2008-2009."
"The Internet is becoming more popular than TV."
"If this was made or remade today they'd probably make it look like something from HP Lovecraft which is getting a bit overdone at this point."
"Network TV is dying, and this will hurry it up."
"The movie will remain a curiosity that drifts from streaming or streamer."
"Nowadays Fanboy and Chum Chum is rarely, if ever, mentioned online."
"TV is losing the battle for our living rooms."
"People's attention spans are only going to keep getting worse and worse and with that, short form content is only going to keep getting bigger and bigger."
"As this secular trend's playing out in media, you can see the winners and the losers."
"Subversion of expectations has become a common trend in today's media."
"Media is increasingly being dominated by left-wing personalities, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel."
"The sales in all newspapers has dropped between 2002 and 2012, maybe because of things going online."
"Have you noticed how the content that we watch is getting shorter and shorter?"
"One of the biggest trends over the last few years is short-form content."
"Music videos still a huge thing, they get more views than ever because of YouTube."
"There's just so much more demand for streamer content."
"This could be a new trend, people finally, you know, stepping in front of the reporter, more exposure, absolutely."
"Free ad-supported streaming services are one of the few areas seeing rapid growth in the world of cord cutting in 2023."
"YouTube is eating television's lunch."