
Narrative Complexity Quotes

There are 255 quotes

"The show is like, 'Turns out, queer people can have more than one thing going on at the same time!'"
"Martin's characterization of him is so nuanced and complex, which leads to one of the best and most realized redemptive arcs of any character in any medium."
"The character development of this one individual is both tragic and beautiful."
"It wasn’t going boldly visiting strange new worlds; its stories were long-running and often dark and complex."
"The narrative is extremely vast and contains branching consequences based on your choices that span from the opening couple of hours of the game all the way through to the very very ending."
"Characters need to be flawed in order to grow, and I don't think that growth has to be linear either."
"Last of Us Two's narrative stretches itself thin across two separate casts of characters."
"Layers of interpretation: curses, mysteries, and family dynamics."
"The overall plot is great. A World on the brink, magic, personal stories, local problems or great things."
"Hopelessness, despair, impending doom, and death have all been interwoven into the many storylines."
"I love the story of the god of stories because it actually mixes in with a meta narrative without actually being meta."
"I can't really fathom, Matty, how all the little lines, little golden threads, going back to Campaign One and even to the home game that have run all the way, all the way up to here and everything we do."
"There's multiple endings in this, which is absolutely mind-blowing."
"Too many characters will feel like dead weight."
"The game rolls out as this monstrosity of choices."
"Once you open that door, that becomes the door that you have to now deal with in every story." - BRANDON SANDERSON
"Friends Don't Come Easy in the world of Red Dead Redemption 2."
"We now know that quite a few alternate timelines have been created."
"The genius of The Da Vinci Code is how brilliantly it weaves together history legend and fantasy into an intriguing new tapestry."
"I'll always appreciate the attempts to make the Assassin-Templar conflict as gray as possible."
"What we have is not a battle between forces of pure good and pure evil but between a proponent of authoritarianism and an agent of anarchy."
"Writing morally ambiguous characters is difficult but rewarding."
"What happens when a story becomes so self-referential that it ceases to have a self to reference?"
"It actually was one of the most complex narratives."
"Really great layered nuanced storytelling with fine details."
"There are enough little oddities that make me feel like there are more missing pieces than normal."
"Our history isn't so simple as victims and villains, as which is the kind of narrative that the media just loves to perpetuate."
"Dive into the multifaceted nature of the Book of Enoch—a narrative that has been both hailed as a source of inspiration and lamented for its heartrending twists."
"Every single character is somehow connected to each other with everyone having some kind of backstory with them."
"This story is a lot of things right? It's sad. It's very sad. There's parts of it that are very sad. There's parts of it that are just ludicrous. There's a lot of interesting characters, a lot of mystery."
"The show will never be about simple good guys and bad guys; if there is a bad guy, it's the entity, and if there is a good guy, it's the people trying to preserve the human spirit."
"The writers have taken a character who'd become very stale very quickly and over the course of seasons 2, 3, and 4 they've given him a new lease on life with a lot of narrative complexity."
"It's the most challenging one that Alex Garland has."
"Cortana's plot is the overarching plot of the entire saga but it still needs to tell a story within each game... it's a rare case of the side story being more involved in the main plot."
"The sheer intelligence and layers of depth within their writing is still unparalleled to me."
"Remember that I was here too, this is actually a really good question to bring up because the Reverie timeline is a little bit confusing."
"I mean, what I'm saying is I could probably be convinced there's more to this story, fair enough."
"Every decision the player makes is gonna open up 40 more pages of material."
"Considering the timeline weirdness of 'Marathon Infinity,' the story does support a strange alternate future where a faceless cyborg killing machine has to relive in a remixed universe. It's a head trip."
"Danganronpa is a convoluted tale, one that exposes our darkest capabilities in the struggle for survival, but also reveals the magic of the human conscience, and what we’re capable of in the name of civility."
"Resident Evil 6 features multiple story lines and all the story lines are also co-op enabled."
"Every scene, every detail, every line of dialogue is part of a grander mystery."
"Brace ourselves for the messy, the chaotic, but the much more interesting and narratively fulfilling multiverse to come."
"The truth-teller... the story is so passionate and so complicated."
"Normally characters are either redeemed or defeated. Shadow Weaver exists in an in-between."
"Sanji may not be given the most time for fights and hype moments, but my god is he an amazing character with an even better backstory."
"The plot of Your Name is a little convoluted."
"I always look for games with a really good story, something that is unique, maybe has a few twists and turns."
"It's not black and white. The show is very morally gray."
"This game spans so many years and so many characters and has so many dark themes."
"Jedi Fallen Order brings together all of these genres to make a difficult explorative narrative that deals with trauma and being alone."
"A narrative can take all kinds of crazy twists and turns."
"I love feeling conflicted about stories and characters."
"And I don't think Tarantino gives us an answer, but he brings up a really interesting set of questions about our relationship to chance and the miraculous."
"Game of Thrones is about intrigue, Game of Thrones is about tough choices, no-win scenarios."
"The cinema is playful and disturbing and just a raucously good time for narrative dance."
"Final Fantasy 7 Remake is a borderline surreal experience, a mindfuck if you will."
"An emotional, complex, and anonymous voyage told as an interactive parable..."
"A majority of the story is spent dabbling over the particulars of an alpha timeline."
"The story in this one twists and turns into a ton of different directions and it really feels like when it answers one question a thousand more are asked."
"Throughout multiple characters POVs which may not make sense at the time of reading them but upon your secondary of the book suddenly all these seemingly random and meaningless actions take on a completely new context."
"Every character here, even from just freaking minor ones, feels like they have so much depth to them."
"Danny is the Cleopatra part of it what makes Daenerys a great character to discuss and explore is the layer of complexity she adds to pre-existing narratives that are all make up who she is."
"The real story, the actual factual evidence-based story, does not fit in a box."
"This arc filled with schemes, mysteries, and backstabbing all around, offers an unpredictability that is one of its greatest strengths."
"Every single character... has their own distinct personality, history, and dozens and dozens of lines of dialogue."
"This I believe is the secret to Arcane's depth, the great overlap technique creates a unique narrative with room for like 10,000 connections."
"It’s actually really surprising how the themes pretty consistently get a little more dire, and they certainly get a lot more interesting."
"Wano has the most build-up of any One Piece arc ever in history."
"Faith and worship...that is where some of the new Gods can come to be as well as some of the ancient gods still have various different artifacts or shrines that were dedicated to them that have not entirely been destroyed."
"I appreciate the complexity of the Eternal Flame."
"Once again the Duffer brothers over delivered with four different storylines."
"Abby from The Last of Us Part II is one of the most, if not the, layered characters we've ever seen in video games."
"This is what we've always Loki wanted we wanted our movies to connect we wanted the shows to connect to the movies and be this one overall not too convoluted of a story and it is."
"I made a note because I just had to see it: seven minutes into the film, there are 10 vitally important questions that have been raised."
"This story has many twists and turns, like a good novel."
"This is a story where there are no heroes or villains, just goals, ambitions, and the will to achieve them."
"The amount of lines that were recorded to cover the game's many nuances."
"Red Dead Redemption 2 is as narratively complex and memorable an experience as fans of the studio have come to expect."
"Kevin's the best-written character in the show, with layers and dynamics."
"The main difference in writing for a video game is variables."
"The world's gotten more complex in terms of narrative... our focus is on the way the narratives are being spun."
"The factions themselves are genuinely morally ambiguous, there's not really a clear-cut case of who is in the right per se."
"40k is not one thing to one person, it is a highly detailed narrative spanning multiple empires from world-ending galactic campaigns to lowly individual soldier stories."
"Extreme misery, loss, grief, trauma, all combined with the corrupting nature and temptation of the Darkhold."
"Within this storm of political might, a tapestry of narratives weaves, inviting everyone to ponder the implications of a figure whose rise seems inevitable."
"That's about as much curvature as you're gonna get from a time travel story."
"Alan Wake 2 is a dense enough text... that invites the sort of interrogation that very few video games invite."
"What Remains of Edith Finch isn't the type of story you'd expect to have a villain, and yet to me it has one of the most insidious, yet sympathetic characters I've seen in recent memory."
"The single story creates stereotypes, and the problem with stereotypes is not that they are untrue, but that they are incomplete."
"Every time I reread it, I still pick up on things that I might have missed before, like the amount of foreshadowing, there is a lot, just jam-packed in it."
"Jacob does not have the best relationship with his parents, that's for sure, but it's even messier in this one."
"Doctor Strange's character arc and foresight add complexity to the finale."
"Babylon 5 was a science fiction series from the 1990s that managed to show us a sprawling epic story on a fairly tight budget."
"It's such an odd series to pin down a core identity for whether it be story or gameplay."
"Hidden behind a mask of seeming mediocrity, conceals their true strength, mirroring a complex narrative transcending mere fiction."
"The unfolding narrative wove together disparate threads of humanity, fear, conviction, and the persistent call of responsibility."
"Even the coldest villains are sometimes wives and mothers, women who loved and lost and hoped for something grander in their lives."
"Woodman saved Evelyn's life, kind of, by defying the orders of the Tiger Claws. Sure, he also abused her afterward and pawned her off on fingers, but he did technically save her life."
"Characters doing bad things doesn't make them a badly written character."
"I never really disliked it that much. There was the completion of Casino Royale while also building up to something much bigger which I admit is an odd choice for a standalone movie but it works for me."
"So it's basically actual titanfall 2 vibes the description here dual protagonists X cultists Nara an ace pilot with a haunted pass and forsaken a sentient AI Starfighter and Aras closest ally which has a mysterious backstory of his own to unravel."
"The shifting dynamics and power balances in the Dune universe are always fascinating."
"Write yourself into a corner, meaning like put yourself in a place in the narrative where you're like I have no idea how to get out of here and then that's a great creative place to be because then you have to figure out how to get out of there."
"Despite it being tempted to write something awful as just pure evil, a human connection is required to understand."
"The wordy dialogues make sense in the main missions because the little details add up to give you the bigger picture of what's happening in the plot."
"Characters should be allowed to be problematic. That's part of what makes them interesting."
"I am just so impressed with how much Oda puts into his story."
"Our characters are both awful but for different reasons."
"Negotiating the twisted old god architecture of the black empire and braving the maddening whispers of the old gods."
"Draco himself seems to have had the most confusing year of anyone."
"There's so much in this movie to even remember."
"I think that Kaido coming back and making things a lot more difficult would still be really, really good storytelling depending on how it's done."
"It's memorable because it presents a fascinating tale of the foundation going simply too far, largely as a result of the influence from the global occult coalition, an organization focused on terminating anomalous items."
"Rick is the bad guy of somebody else's story."
"Time travel narratives can fall apart if you start giving out too much information."
"Xander's inexplicable tolerance for Perry gets even more confusing when we consider what he says to Charlotte in their C support."
"I'm tired," he says. "I have been trying so very hard to do the right thing but for all his efforts he had only fulfilled the prophecy of this cycle he and the dr. Monty had forged the endless loop."
"The game constantly switches between different mechanics and perspectives, forming a bigger picture."
"A deeply flawed but redeemable character who could maybe change if shown the way."
"You just really don't see this kind of masterful complexity in most other series."
"The story in the game is also really elaborate."
"It creates conflicting emotions when your readership starts sympathy with the villains, and while some stories explore this relationship, One Piece typically does not."
"Faust is perhaps the one time the director successfully married the clarity of his visual style to a complex narrative."
"Vegapunk, unintentionally responsible for much, may regretfully cry as he faces the consequences of his actions. Bonnie's circumstances are his fault."
"The election arc achieves this wonderful sense of reintegration in almost every aspect of its storytelling."
"There were all sorts of red herrings and things that could be misinterpreted in characters and events that it really kept me guessing all throughout."
"It's actually the same team that made duck season 2 years ago you know the VR duck hunt parody with more dead 80s kids than your typical fun Afghan and more hidden game lore than well your typical fun Afghan."
"This is a story about missing people except it's really a story about Bigfoot except it's really a story about feral people." - Aiden Mattis
"Crafting a quite interesting and increasingly complicated story that twists things into many unexpected directions."
"An insane final Act to a story that seemed pretty simple."
"Great characters in other words aren't unrelatable as some people say they're simply people caught in very tough situations where there usually aren't very ideal answers."
"Lots of twists and turns, so we're going to talk about a little bit."
"For as much as I've been able to tie bits and pieces of our particular story together, knowing anything about the situation with absolute certainty is very, very difficult."
"This story is awesome. Seeing the fallout of Arkham City after Joker's death is really interesting and swapping between time periods to piece together what happened is so much fun."
"Phobia's story deals with alternate timelines or universes... it's handled remarkably well here."
"It's extremely genuine and doesn't just paint Mr. Krabs as the good guy and Plankton as the bad guy."
"It's an adventurous romp full of interesting choices comedy drama and unique gameplay mechanics."
"The story has so many twists and turns there were moments where I literally couldn't believe what I kind of made happen just with my decisions."
"I know some of it may have been confusing... there's still a lot to uncover."
"Steel Ball Run presents a world painted in varying shades of gray, with no clear good or evil."
"The story was good, it was a little bit all over the place but I don't think that's a bad thing because they really kind of tied it up at the end nicely."
"It's been full of motion, full of tears, full of shattered characters left and right, but here we are right now."
"The story is completely fleshed out and varied as anything else in the game, including the MSQ. It's engaging, has twists and turns."
"She has strong writing and layers to her character."
"What moves us emotionally is specificity and complexity."
"It's a modern American crime masterpiece in my opinion and not only is it just a good crime movie there's a really interesting plot that develops with some twists and turns that this type of movie isn't usually filled with."
"If grandiose battles with multiple story threads doesn't sound fun, I don't know what to tell you dude."
"Giving that sort of texture to the story, instead of presenting this as an uncomplicated story of human-shaped cardboard cutouts."
"As much as the direct explanations kind of ruin everything we're watching in sitcom land, there's still a surprisingly consistent sense of mystery at play."
"Rogue One is epic, harrowing, and unpredictable stuff."
"I absolutely love how Joker was portrayed in this game."
"The books do connect to one another... they all correlate to one another."
"I really really enjoyed this one and I'm sure once I wrap my mind around some of the plot lines, I will love it even more."
"God of War Ragnarok is one of the best and most complex story-driven games in the AAA space of the past few years."
"The story works really, really well and there's so many intricate and complicated storylines that all mesh really, really well together."
"It's true, but she tells us that your best friend Nominee is trapped in the castle, pushing Sora to keep going further in, compounding the memory loss and tricking him into believing that she was his friend all along."
"Batman Returns intertwines all of this into its narrative and whether the movie works for you or you find it too cynical as a result I don't think you can deny how fascinating and ambitious it is."
"It is more than just one tragedy, but many wrapped up together in an almost unbelievable way."
"Deuteragonists represent a more realistic, more grounded, and possibly darker approach to the same situation."
"Giving me something to think about I think is more interesting than having a game that's black and white in a lot of cases."
"The psychological complexity of these characters amazes me!"
"And yeah, that's probably part of what happened, but the story isn't quite that simple."
"Characters having negative even hindrance inducing traits are what makes them interesting."
"Terry is now Batman, the Batman he knew is not the Batman he's fighting today."
"It's everything The Witcher is all about: twists and turns you don't expect, dark narratives, and stories that refuse to just be sunshine and rainbows."
"Game of Thrones is about revenge, betrayal, double-crossing, and intrigue."
"Ready or Not does not explicitly say hey these are the good guys and here's why... it's about people taking up the mantle to do what no one else would want to do."
"Rather than having a protagonist and one opponent, your story is built around a protagonist and three opponents that challenge your hero in different ways."
"It's zigzags its way back and forth all over the place because it's juggling the conflicting goals of our Witcher himself."
"The Witcher 3's world is as complex as its central narrative."
"It reinforces another layer to O's complexity."
"There's so much going on with them in this movie that i had to pause and rewind several times just so i could collect my thoughts on the matter."
"The story of the Seattle Mariners is extraordinarily weird and it takes a very long time to tell, so let's not waste any time."
"I don't think anyone expected that level of complex maturity to come from the game's simple Boy Meets Girl Story."
"The hardest part about this is the narratives, the human aspect."
"The turn of the screw is one of those books that will leave you with this face... what is happening and what is going on."
"Xbox players, good luck catching up on the story... It's gonna be a trip."
"Depth in the characters, depth in the character arcs, depth in the plot..."
"So many new characters being introduced, so many twists in the story, alliances changing, cities being destroyed, it's truly become so much more than it was at the start."
"Civilization has always been one of the best games for generative story for procedural narrative."
"Everything is considered canon but not everything is true."
"what an incredible journey and story and character set up and ridiculous scenario played out."
"With plots as complex as this, we could be forgiven for getting lost at times."
"The season was also very time travel heavy which was obvious given the presence of Nora but it was far more intelligent and interestingly handled."
"It presented these really interesting threads that it's drawing on from great films of the past."
"There's two sides to every story. And then there's the truth."
"Sabaody Archipelago... the ultimate roller coaster of plot twists."
"From a storytelling perspective, it’s one of the most ambitious long-form projects."
"I just love how a story like that always has to have layers."
"Part of the beauty of it is that there is no hero and no villain..."
"Write a scene where the bad guy goes through a multi-layered mini arc stuffed with heart-pounding reveals and reversals."
"This perspective-driven storytelling is the focus of Sonic Adventure's story, showing players that there's not just one side to a coin, that different people can see the same event pretty differently."
"Martha and Jonas... are the center of the family tree knot that is Winden."
"It's not that she doesn't care, Tommy. It's that she cares so much."
"It's kind of funny that a show as cynical as The Wire would trust its audience to follow the thread, pick up on all the nuance, and submit to the journey."
"I like films that trust the audience."
"Hulk slaps this movie is far more narratively rich and thought-provoking than anything that's come out of the genre in the last 10 years."
"It's like two titans literally clash, and then he added another one, which I don't know. I just wonder if titans do have an effect on the mind too, you know? It just makes you think like Reiner and all these people."
"Having your characters struggle with something is good and shouldn't just be seen as something for them to get better at."